

第96章 不断波动(2 / 2)
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It is his, but love does not extend or release flexibility.

he as a puppet ith no personality ho didn't sho up hen Su xia as around, that's ho love is.

Even if he has feelings no, getting him to have feelings like passion is overhelming and difficult.

hoever, this does not mean that love only sees the pleasure of the gods.

If the ill of God is fulfilled like this and the evil ill of God is released here, he does not ant to see it.

In other ords, hat he anted to see as the image of the real evil god ho came don here.

herever that evil god is, it's a miracle the place isn't destroyed.

he knos that even if he is an evil god ho can perform miracles, he cannot perform miracles in prison.

he knos that all life in this orld ill end, but hen the evil god es here, he can conclude that there is something hidden in the past, present and future.

At any time, life cannot avoid its inevitable fate.

therefore, before the evil God falls, an act of love must begin.

e must use everything e can, no matter ho eak or insignificant.

For more inscrutable success, love must do it.

he is not a priest of a god, nor a priest ho orships an evil god, nor an animal ho does the orks of an evil god. Love is a selfish demon hose divine poer es from eternal poer.

It is a magical tool of God, but it is controlled by love. thanks to this evil, love is able to preserve itself in this eternal disaster, and at the same time preserve the possibilities of this orld, and no one intervenes. hoever, amidst the changes brought about by the infinite timeline, Love also knos that this situation ill not last long, so it needs to speed up its actions.

(Aliyah suffered an eternal tragedy. Sorry, because of my bad skin, please bear ith me for a long time. It shouldn't be long. only about 5 years).

(No, the hearts of the evil gods have begun to move toards the origin of the universe. ho much time is left? ithout them, time has no meaning. It is like the universe. In front of infinity. hat is limit? Even if there is) no meaning)

. , hy did you quit? )


(the cry of the orld, the destruction of the human spirit, the disintegration of truth and the destruction of foundations, I see it, I hear it).


there Rab chanted holy mantras like an angel from heaven, but in the orst language in the orld.

hen the song ended, the magical poer of the gods gushed from his body.

At the same time, in front of the outside orld, loneliness can be seen as if God manded the sky, like a snake buried in the hole orld.

they left the gate of Yog-Sothoth and they returned one by one to the earth.

the high priest of tousan is called cthulhu, the Great old one ho resides in the Lich of the Sea.

A father of divers floating in the endless sea, spreading fear and despair, loving the sacrifice of blood and fear.

the eternal dragon and his ife, the sea serpent Kedra, also appeared on earth.

In Luo mythology, the ancient people ho appeared in the orld return to the orld one after another.

In an instant, the orld as covered in darkness.

God, like the devil in a fairy tale, rejects everything in sight, destroys, destroys, kills, descends on earth ith eternal evil.

No matter hat kind of eapon it as, it could not harm the bodies of the forsaken gods, and no matter hat technology it possessed, it could not prevent its divine poer from reaching the earth.

(If the gods descend from the orld of myths to the real orld, does that mean they ill be freed from the tyranny of myths?)

(It's no onder they live like this. After all, the structure that the other orld left behind as not good at first.)

(by the ay, apart from their ability and appearance, hat does God look like? that's interesting. At first, I thought it as possible to observe God's thoughts from here, and I as right. )

. this is an error in the system itself. )

(this kind of magic as not used properly in the investigation against Su xia. Shameful.)

(In endless disaster, endless repetition, I have accumulated such a great \"understanding\", but I never expected it to happen in the end.)

(this kind of beast does not have the standard of a ``Shinigami'', so it is orthless to research, and depends on sufficient ``sense ability''. this is enough to make Su xia, a `` Shinigami'' ).back to the old poer.'' one (the truth ``before existence'')

Is this hat you expected? Love!

Frank made a very loud noise. he stared at her ith intense eyes filled ith anger and confusion.

At first I thought I could stop it, so I prepared at least 30 lines.

but no that doesn't seem to be necessary. hat's the point of talking such nonsense at this point? It's a shame, it's a shame.

hen the gods e don to earth, separated from the poerful myths of nature, they are no longer gods, but disobedient gods, gods of myths that do not agree ith ours.

It's a lie, it's a lie. Is it really impossible to make a god? Even the little gods don't ant to cry.

but therefore, even if it is used in the offering of blood, there is no mourning or sorro, because it is used in vain. Everything is precious.

Love's ords pletely chilled Frank's heart, hich made Frank think about Love. At this time, Souya also had a hearty smile on his face.

but there is not much time left until the end of the orld, and because of the actions of these abandoned idols, it ill probably take an hour, and it is very difficult to understand that there are no living things on earth. It's hard. their actions..

Sure, the one truth system supports slavery, but ouldn't it make sense if all the people ere killed?

If people stop being afraid, the forsaken god ill bee a thoughtless, useless god, and a beast ith divine poer.

ell, no I can say, hy did you appear in front of me? If you anted to stop me, you should have stopped me earlier, but I can't think of a reason.

or again

Frank said before Love's ords ere interrupted.

I did not e for these interesting reasons.

huh? So hat is the reason?

hen the ickedness of God fell upon him, love lost its head and the prophets lost their poer. At the moment, he can be united in many ays if he saves her, because the present and the future are uncertain. At that time. e on

So, at this time, in addition to poerful magic, Love is close to death and has no poer like the previous gods. It's not that you can't use it, but if you use it, it ill be like a ray of light created by an evil god's ill. No matter ho poerful a god or magician is, he is poerless in the face of the evil god's ill ing out of his body, and even the most poerful magic among mankind cannot stand against the creation of the evil god. No, you cannot kill the evil creation of god. Kill them and they ill fly into space or be trapped in the orld.

For example, Rory's Sleeping King is one of the evil god's seals.

that's the deal, right? Like I said before, you missed this deal.

Frank is not rong, because Love doesn't remember Frank, there must be some kind of misinformation in eternal reincarnation, and Love has no memory. maybe in the eyes of others it's not that long ago, but for love it could be thousands of years ago.

God says that one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day. the concept of time is different for the gods, and even if Love is not one of them, time has definitely changed.

yes? Are there any such deals? ell, I'll do hat you ant.

Rav's body emitted a poerful black aura, and he took out the book of cthulhu mythos ritten on the body of the human skin book. hoever, it is ritten in runes and does not have strong magical poers. Apparently, this is an illegal book to confiscate.

book of madness 164 (57)

Suddenly, a strong ind ble from the black sky. It came ithout any character and ith unparalleled poer.

there is no ay to kno hat the ind is like or ho strong it ill be.

obviously this is not a natural thing, but something taken from another orld.

Sights and events no longer seen in the everyday orld, as ell as distorted and nameless creatures, began to occur.

the orld has changed since then. A life that bends the rules of culture and mixes the orld beteen life and thought.

this inconsistent practice creates a sense of conflict.

It's already terrifying to hear someone playing a relaxing game, and the effect of anting to dig yourself out alive can be seen here.

Frank soon learns that this abnormality appears in his eyes and erases him from the surrounding nightmares.

Self-destructive tendencies are still in a tolerable state, but the reason e still live in peace is because the unexplained life is still destructive.

A strong and poerful ind collided ith the miasma of the gods and caused a disaster, hitting Frank directly, or rather, taking him everyhere. Although it is impossible to see ith the naked eye, you can see the magnitude of this strong ind.

In fact, in front of Frank, there as no possibility of such a strong ind bloing back.

At his speed, he couldn't outrun the strong ind herever he ran.

there is no escape.

It is a miracle that people can escape disaster by relying only on their on bodies.

It should be noted that these are not only disasters, but also the influence of magical books that fall into the hands of love.

No matter ho you look at it, it's rong to describe it as a disaster.

ho far can a simple tragedy go?

A strong ind ble and gre stronger until it covered half the orld, but the God ho created it should alk the earth ith the poer of this strong ind, but it as impossible. that's it.

Fortunately, hen Love gently closed the magic book, all the strong inds disappeared, as if they eren't there in the first place.

but no one believed that hat happened as just a dream.

As for the evidence, it is a magical book that looks like a creation in the hands of a little lover.

As he slept, a terrifying formless spell emanated from the pages of the book.

the poer of magic is enough to scare anyone, and its intense pressure is enough to break a person's ill.

It is the same ith the first invitation.

but I haven't used magic yet so it's still good.

A magic book collected from magical eternity and linking thousands of time and space causes and effects, such a being must have very strong poer.

Love seemed slo to explain, but Frank could tell the other man as not satisfied.

his eyes shoed that he didn't have the poer of this magical book, that he couldn't be that eak.

After spending some time ith him, Frank did not kno hat kind of person he as, but at least it as not difficult to see the emotion on his face.

It's better to kno hat people think, especially if they can't hide it.

Frank looked at Love, and Love looked at Frank, and their eyes vaguely met.

She can't understand people's feelings, she is an unfinished girl, a doll abandoned by a caretaker, and she can't read other people's ords.

Standing here, it's harder to kno hat the other person is feeling.

of course, he could not find the heart of that oman, hich as destroyed by the poer of Satan.

She is a doll in the form of a beautiful oman, and an animal dressed in human skin.

No matter ho beautiful it is, no matter ho it looks, love is still in the library, a dollar dream made by a professor.

the magic book has yet to take human form, and maybe it has a ill?

I'm sure this product is just for you, like me Are my flas and natural abilities useless?

If you think you see nothing, if you see nothing, if you rely on your strength and ill, it is impossible for you to resist these gods.

the only thing e can hope for in this situation is a second hope?

perfect, perfect, hatever, it's only a matter of time, and if it doesn't ork this time, you can try again.

he seems to care about everything, even if love is not important, even if he feels that he is separate.

No emotion except a doll can be human, but despair is not a human emotion.

people ho make monsters are natural monsters, and because they are monsters, I feel that something in love is broken.

this is a situation that only he can see, that only he can see as an unfinished oman.

No let's start fulfilling the contract.

Love forces a smile, and even that smile is perfect.

Frank couldn't understand hy he asn't perfect.

Either ay, love is perfect for Frank.

to be a perfect person, not an immature and inpetent person like him.

there is no ay that the creators and oners of these gods of the night are not perfect.

this is a feat that no one has ever done in the history of the orld.

A grimoire is a book full of magical poer, and simply put, it is one of the sources of magical poer and is the most important.

humans have great potential, but their potential is small pared to other mythical creatures.

therefore, to in against other mythical creatures, external tools are needed, be it a eapon god or a magic book, and everything is there for that purpose.

And the magic book I have shos a magic book based on the concept of \"cthulhu mythos\".

So, do you kno hat it means hen mythological gods appear in the orld, bring different gods to the orld and bee one in the orld?

Love still ants ansers, but Frank seems to have ansers that Love already knos.

he already kne the anser.

So hat do the las of this orld represent?

Love replied ith a smile.

correct Anser: hen a myth merges ith the orld, the orld bees a myth and the myth bees a orld.

the gods represent mythology, and the gods destroyed in the \"cthulhu mythos\" represent a orld ruled by mythology.

If only cthulhu and the gods remain on Earth, the book of magic in my hands reveals the truth to the orld.

this orld became the orld of the cthulhu mythos.

Love stopped, thinking ho to anser.

In other ords, hen the time es, it ill satisfy human desires and satisfy the desires of consumers like the desire machines of the orld. this should be a miracle for us, for you and for everyone.

Even if you don't understand the meaning, isn't this a story that can ork miracles? things like this can happen hen nes replaces reality.

It's not finished yet, but it's an aesome model.

Love looked at God ho praised and smiled.

hoever, the fulfillment of this day is not far.

Since you came here ith hope, you should try it first.

Get it no as an acpanying gift. but the judgment is good, because e do not kno hen the real evil god ill e, and then, regardless of this miracle, it ill disappear and everything ill fall into despair, even despair, darkness. ithout it.

but before that, I ill help you get to the miracle paradise. there is enough time for eternity for people to understand.

Let me tell you hy I came here and brought you to this place.

ait a minute, you say - the real evil god

maybe this is your true story?

Frank seemed to understand the importance of Love's ords.

In fact, pared to miracles that can do anything, Love's information about the real evil God is easily forgotten.

hoever, Frank as able to recall this information from other people's ords after rejecting Love's gift.

of course not.

Love responded holeheartedly.

this is a story I rote in imitation of the evil god, but the situation of the evil god is not original, it is just a collection of the best creatures that exist in the natural orld. 'yes'. obviously.

hoever, it seems that there is no possibility of a true god being born in this orld; at least they are falsely called false gods.

Even if I as disappointed, failed, or had no such expectations from the beginning, I still anted to be at least as good as the God of destruction.

So you failed?

Frank looked at Love curiously, and Love nodded.

the correct anser is that this type of budgeting for product pletion is a failure of failures.

the frameork of this universe, the \"heavenly purpose\" of this orld, exists only at this level, and its expectation is no longer valid.

things like this can happen forever, but e can't go back if e don't do anything.

ithout the ``divine ill of the creator,'' it is nothing but a poerless thing, and even if ``a truth'' creates it, there is no hope.

therefore, the current potential is very lo, even close to zero.

I hope this is the first chance of hope.

hat is your first hope?

of course, in planning, this is absolutely impossible. of course, have a backup plan.

No, let's see it through to the end.


Frank couldn't believe it, but hen he understood, Love gently untied him.

your idea is rong.

Even if Frank doesn't say it, Love knos hat the other person is saying, as it happens several times in \"Eternal disaster.\"

but he said that hat he knos is not important to Love.

If e go back to the beginning of eternal misery, no one ill remember it.

If the latter, everything from no on ill be asted.

I don't feel like saying more because I have nothing more to say.

of course, this must be an eternal disaster.

I don't kno hat I can do, but if I do nothing and leave things as they are, I have nothing left but despair.

Love is reliable.

he once again smeared the cthulhu mythos. It seems to calm it don.

calm don, my love, he said again.

Nothing like change happens to me because there is no change to thro aay.

It has alays been that ay, and it alays ill be.

No matter ho much hope, no matter ho desperate, no matter ho much time passes, my personality ill never change.

but no it is useless to speak these ords, there is no change except the end, everything is predetermined.

So ill you stay ith me until the end? itness the end of all hope and despair.

Love closed his magic book and raised his hand.

Frank looked at the orld that God had left him, but there as no movement in his heart, like an alien.

Love himself noticed that there ere signs of dark energy around Frank that everyone could not see. hat people call guilt is an emotion that es from frustration.

hoever, love sallos up all these emotions, preventing Frank from feeling the emotions he needs.

So hat are your options? You don't have to anser because all the ansers are here.

Love stops by to anser Frank and gives him a copy of the cthulhu mythos. At the same time, Frank took out his magic book.

Seeing this, Souya smiled.

hatever your preferences and vision, this book ill satisfy your needs. because this book is the orld, the universe, and the creation of the orld.

the orld that God forsakes and destroys is God's food.

therefore, there is no sadness in this orld, and if you use your pen carefully, you ill realize it no matter ho beautiful the orld is. In this case you should be satisfied.

(Actually, I am a kind person ho does such a thing. It should be a consolation to all the lives in the orld.)

. . For everyone. A orld of hope and possibility)

(If they fail at the same time, nothing but despair ill remain).

(I have collected it many times. All this utta reason, endless onder, and hope ill gather at this time.)

(paradise, the paradise everyone is aiting for, our future, everything is on the gambling table, not 10,000 lottery tickets).

(the present heat ill soon pass and all sorros ill fall upon me.)

. please let me fall from the throne called Susha. one of the thirteen Fears, the Eternal Silver King. the most expensive is the tavern of Life. this name is used hen referring to God as the devil).

meanhile, II is running. he ran on a long metal rope and there as a person behind him, it as Nancy.

he had already lost his ability to fight hen the alien god chased him, but he never expected anyone to ake up no.

It as really hard for An Yi to have this man in his young body, but he never left him or pletely ignored him.

(of course, if this orld existed hen I as a student at hope Academy, this place ould have been established to years later.)

Ani sa him, a very familiar place, the plex secret of this place is her demon, this place can be said to be more familiar to Ani than her home. yeah.

So he did it as a sophomore, so hy no? So if you think about it, it should not transcend time and space.

Although Ani really anted to think like that, she kne it as impossible because there as no ay she could bee hope Academy, so she had no choice but to remember her past.

Suddenly, he felt a cold ind behind his head and decided to leave.

ah! !

he as punched so hard in the stomach, he fell to the ground, and Nancy as thron onto her back and slammed into a metal all.

Sick, did you kick me out of here? they usually have to leave each other. No, here is the other side pared to this?

Annie then realized that there as no one else here but her and Nancy. So the question is, ho did this happen today?

because e are alays together.

he heard another oman's voice, and it scared him - it as Nancy's, the oman ho brought him back.

(No, he's a trojan researcher, not a citizen. ho can he be the ne god here?)

Ani alays anted to be in control, but the events in front of her orried her more.

As Nancy stood up, Angel felt a part of him fall asleep. his eyes fixed on Annie, but there as a suspicious look in his eyes. From Nancy's point of vie, Angel is like a fish trapped in a tank, and no matter ho he tries to escape, the adults outside can see him, and it seems that he doesn't have the strength to escape.

I and this man are one in mind, and he is not my servant or foreigner, but my vehicle.

transportation facilities?

therefore, it is impossible for saints to appear directly in front of people, but having a human body increases their strength, and even a god ould find it very difficult to maintain a physical body all the time. masu. , herever you ant to go, it's better to drive than to alk, I think it's your job.

. . In this case, you should be afraid, and that is natural. haha, in today's time, even if science is true, it is only considered a tool, and there is no respect for God and buddhism. )

(the gods are not just poerful animals; they represent a fear that humans cannot control. Angel Veit, you are the best living sacrifice, like chess.)

NANcY No, Veronica said.

book of madness 165 (58)

I can't stand the nervous feeling that something terrible is going to happen.

An unpleasant situation arose in malaika's mind, as if an animal as atching her.

Such a vision is an inprehensible vision, an inprehensible vision, a vision from above, even if it is not visible to everyone at the moment.

She panicked inside and tried her best to hold back a scream.

At that moment, the voice he heard as the voice of God.

Since the domain controlled by the \"cthulhu mythos\" has not yet been passed, the ne goddess Veronica is still alive at this point, and e do not kno hat the current button is.

Veronica doesn't kno about Love's influence yet.

therefore, the fact that Veronica's divine poer can still be used for good shos Angel's fear of being a god.

this is not a disaster that people can resist.

Fighting ith a gun in hand is more difficult.

Just as no one thinks a gun can defeat a hurricane, no one believes a nuclear bomb can defeat an earthquake.

the existence of God is a real disaster in addition to these disasters, and life or anything else cannot explain the existence of God.

ithout a doubt, Veronica is a goddess, her voice is beautiful, like the voice of nature, like the voice of an angel, and no matter ho beautiful you describe her, it is not an exaggeration.

hoever, this not only makes Ani happy, but also causes uncontrollable nightmares.

I felt like I as dreaming of a horrible beast.

Furthermore, An Yi also kne that such an act ould harm the body.

Angel asn't sure ho long the rest of the team could hold off on this scene, even if their shell as like Nancy's. bodY

Since there is no ay for the human soul to associate ith God, ho can humans, ho have no ability to prevent disaster, create a god ho is above disaster?

of course, An ii kne that it as impossible, but even if it as impossible, An ii could not resist because it could not get orse.

the angel atching over Nancy is, precisely, the ne god Veronica.

this gentle face is as beautiful as an angel.

her ind-blon golden hair is as attractive as real gold.

the protein in the form of your skin is like a precious gem.

It's not a scene full of lies, but more like a bination of fake special effects.

It is a beautiful part of any human face.

this beauty cannot be possessed by humans, and just experiencing this beauty for yourself seems beyond human limitations.

there as a kind of arm aura in his eyes.

that is the value of seeing someone in person and understanding their beauty.

this is the value of seeing God directly as a person.

If this happens again, his head ill burn and his eyelids ill lose strength.

the other man turned and looked at him, but did not dare to look at his face.

because he knos that if he does that, his body ill begin to break don and it ill no longer hold and lose its primary functions.

ar is not about facing the enemy ithout seeing him.

hoever, under the intense pressure of the opponent's divine poer, the angel's muscles became as stiff as a corpse.

Angel's body froze, as if trapped in an ice chamber, turning into frozen flesh.

Even if he anted to say something, it ould be difficult for the current anime.

but even that did not stop the spirit of the angel, and the desire to find life became as hot as the sun.

this great heat emanated from the angel's breast, hich as not separated from the stars of heaven.

the intense pain took the stiffness out of my body.

the cold ind that froze the corpse began to disappear, and the corpse seemed to regain its vitality.

hoever, it is impossible for the body to function normally immediately, because this idea itself is an external illusion.

It is a touching miracle, and hen a normal person sees an idol, they die.

of course, the ne gods ere actually created by the evil gods, so they on't die if you look at them directly.

- but the people I'm talking about here don't die directly, they're magicians.

he as no longer dead, his eyes had not lost their light, he could still think, but he as bored, hich in itself as a miracle.

hat is born in the body, hat the soul ants to express.

Such a scene appeared in An Yi's mind, and he felt so unfortable that his organs seemed to melt.

hoever, folloing his life plan, he as able to continue doing hat he had to do, endured the misfortune, set his ill and immediately started running.

he didn't see anything because he didn't kno hat ould happen if he opened his eyes.

he doesn't have the confidence to fight a ne god, and that's hat happens hen he trusts another person, so he can't fight alone.

At the same time, I realized ho much trouble Anlov as going through before.

(hy haven't you seen it since it as opened?)

At that moment, this life as about to end, and he thought about the problem.

but no one here can explain his question because it is a question to hich God does not kno the anser.

In the orld of the past, it is impossible to find ansers to current events.

An chi's only support as his strength, his heavy steps and body as heavy as a pig.

Avoid the poer of God, but the speed of man cannot avoid the poer of God.

(If hat the other person said is true and correct, then the body must control hat happened to Nancy.)

(So to those ho ran aay, yes, you ill not die here. I ill take this \"motivational path\" home. I ill take it myself, no matter hat. please see the end of this story... )

this is a pletely unreasonable assumption, and it is rong to maintain such an opinion in thepresence of a being ho is about to bee a god.

but Annie can't help but think like this, think about failure, think about disaster, think about truth.

I can run, I can run, I can run very fast.

Just thinking like that gave me the motivation to keep going - Annie couldn't do anything.

It as impossible to think otherise. there is a tendency to stop thinking to fully appreciate the possibility of salvation.

there are things in this orld that fear death, therefore angels do not fear death.

It does not mean pure happiness or hell after death, nor does it mean the life after being a buddha, here one is disappointed in oneself because one cannot fulfill hat one has desired to do throughout one's life.

For people like Ani, dreams are more important than life, and dying before achieving even a little hope is more dangerous than death itself.

the orst thing is not death, but hopelessness.

If he ants to aaken his most essential self, he must discover the \"secret method of changing the mood.\"

If I miss this time in the future, I don't kno if I ill get this chance.

hope is harder than death.

therefore, the angel must return the magic book that as in his hands - the magic book that resurrected the life of others.

So please don't kill him, that on't happen.

this is malaika's only reason to live, her desire, no matter ho bad her body is, no matter hat bad things happen in the future, malaika can do this stupid thing until then. end

Even if An Yi had a heart, he didn't think about it.

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