

第96章 不断波动(1 / 2)
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观察在整个昼夜节律周期中持续存在,现在整个领域的通量都是绝对的。otten the reality of the situation. Aria gradually remembers the contents of her dream, but she can't remember anything.

then Aaliyah's body as touched, and her hole body seemed to ake up.

oh, hat time is it no?

he looked at the clock on his left hand and immediately realized the time. then I realized hat as happening no.

(ell, it's time to pick up my sister from school, hy am I asting time here? No, I'm in a hurry).

Aria quickly ran and everything changed in front of her. he immediately lay don on the metal bed and could not move because nothing happened. he resisted, but lost all feeling in his body.

this time, e must not stop and in. this is our 292nd season. do the gods really hate resurrection, making it impossible to in?

Aria heard a middle-aged voice and felt that something as put in her mouth, it as a strange liquid because it as tasteless, it as tasteless, but my body gre. operators can also be transferred.

Aria moved and a voice that sounded like a man said cheerfully.

hey, I feel successful this season. hy did Frankenstein's research fail?

hoever, Aria's body as covered in pink dots, and suddenly her body turned into a monster, attacking people like a demon in tsuyu city.

but the orld has changed again.

Sister, please don't sleep and ake up.

this time it as a oman's voice, but this time Aaliyah could not think of anything else and folloed the direction of the voice, passing through the ruins and returning to her body, being a oman. As the voice, he oke up.

Alice? I'm glad you're doing ell.

ell, sister, nothing ill happen to you and you ill not die.

Alice said to Aria in a crying voice, but Aria replied that she seems to be dead, but in fact her body is dead. No that he as in the over consortium house, he had to face the attack of the Reverse cross, basically no one as alive, and the flames pletely covered the area.

Is this sudden change a change in the time axis? of course, the corruption of the evil god as not a useful magic from the beginning, and is it surprising that the orld is still in this state, or is it because of the hole orld e live in that even history as born like that. quick? Is it because only the ignorant cannot understand the changes in this orld?

Sister, hat, are you crazy?

Alice said.

No, although the orld as created in an instant, it as not destroyed, and it cannot be an instant, at least that is the reality today, right?

Aria kissed Alice directly on the lips and said,

I ill be back soon hen everything is resolved and the eternal disaster caused by this evil God and his evil ill is gone.

before Arya could finish speaking, the orld changed again and cut again, but this time Arya as filled ith rage.

can you tell me before e fight? that's rude.

of course, no matter ho strong Adam's ill is, it is impossible for the evil god to hear Adam's voice, and the time system is faster and faster, and that time is getting closer. , from the age of mankind to the age of the Goi, then from the age of the Ishi to the birth of the orld, to the arrival of Ubo Satra, and from the orld to the universe and back in time. he continued to turn, returning to a time hen the old Gods had no time to create.

the evil god only shos his ill to fight and e don, so e don't kno ho he is fighting, but the time system of the orld is alays changing regardless of the evil ill- on God, and the truth is alays changing. masu. to some extent, the old time system has been removed and a ne one has been created.

No one in the orld, except proud beings, can understand that their orld lives only for a moment and then passes into another orld.

mind book 163 (56)

this is Arkhan city, hich may have been a very prosperous city in the original orld, but here it is just a dead city ithout people.

Everything seemed dead and deserted, like a ghost ton ith thin air and no sign of anyone.

I cannot say that this statement is not true. because it as truly a city ruled by the magical poer of one truth.

there are no additional settings for love here, so there are usually no people around.

In fact, no life can see love except the offspring of the evil god, or the evil god.

because love does not ant to aste its energy in such a place.

At this time, Love as in the high toer of the city of Akan and shoed a beautiful and charming smile, but no one sa her smile.

he as just looking at the stars in the sky.

the stars move very quickly and hen the story ends, the stars move to a better state.

hen that time es, the evil god ill be resurrected and return to earth through a gate called Yog-Sothoth.

Although created by the hands of love, they are nothing but animals abandoned by God, but they are good enough to be used as advertisements.

Love thinks of itself.

there is a mysterious magical poer in Fufu's eyes, as if he can see everything.

Among the stars in the sky, Love seems to see past, present, and future.

hatever it as, I sa it in his starry eyes.

So hen he sa the fragments of the sky and the fragments of the earth, he became more and more impatient.

Invisible chains covered the entire sky.

of course, there is no ay to solve the entanglement of fate.

he seems to have no hope for the future.

For humans, ho are infinite beings, this is a button of destiny that even a magician cannot solve.

but something as different this time.

Love snapped her fingers and nodded.

poer surged through his body.

Love, the heavenly sage, knos the magic to overe this forbidden art.

Love is not omnipotent, and can never use its full poer.

but according to his knoledge, the poer of the Almighty can do anything.

So no need to fear, no need to fear, no need to orry.

Everything that is right seems to have a destiny, and no matter hat you do, you ill return to that position.

(ho many times? I forgot to count. ho many times? It's crazy, it's okay, it on't happen until the end. there are alays changes, you can't fight fate)

(In the same ay, my hope may be lost, but the pillars of patience are there, so that the eternal calamity ill end, and that hich should be prepared ill be prepared for the eternal calamity.)

(there is no need to be afraid or orried. the orld, the infinite universe, his orld, everything ill end. but even if I fail, there is nothing I can do. this is also my end.)

did you start orking there?

the eyes of love are full of destruction, but in the midst of endless sorro there is light, a ray of hope.

but he as so eak and so strong that it as hard to see him.

he himself ill give.

Right no, love is just trying, even if there is no hope or no hope.

So his heart became so eak that even the poer of the Almighty could not give him plete hope.

Although everything is based on a best case scenario, the probability of actually inning is 1 in 10,000.

You get one chance, and there are no more chances to repeat.

You might think that this is an evil god, but for gods ho have reached the eternal realms, the probability of that happening is not only 1 in 10,000, but it is unbelievable.

It ould be amazing to meet and defeat such a beast called Infinity.

So Love forced himself to e back from sleeping in the orld and from dreams to here.

Ai, ho as abandoned by Sukushari, came here and forced himself to stand up and face the evil god.

that doesn't make me any iser. otherise, the trojans atching this orld from space ill be disappointed - unfortunately, the people ho started this game are not trojans. the only time I notice this game is hen I'm sleeping.

they have lost the ability to participate in the orld, but they also don't ant to destroy it, so they can only atch as things unfold.

So let's start. this is not just the incarnation of the evil god, but the corruption of the evil god.

Unlike the male protagonist of call of cthulhu, ho is exposed to cthulhu's radiation and kills his panions, then dies in a fake book to escape it, this is a true god of justice, not evil. It only exists in human fantasy.

Love speaks, but it speaks nothing but its on heart. henever love speaks a ord and makes a ise decision, the eyes of love begin to fade and are replaced by vision instead of human light. As sacred, humanity began to disappear pletely.

Something terrible is happening in this space here infinity and infinity overlap. No one can understand this change, but if they do, even if it is the ill of the Ancient God, it ill be destroyed immediately.

of course, this is not an exaggeration.

because this is the source that the sorcerer has been searching for all his life, and the truth that the scientist says is reflected in hat he is attracted to.

In fact it is not something that can be understood, at least not something that ordinary people can understand, hich is the ill from above.

Each encounter results in unimaginable changes that bee fundamental to the entire orld.

All rationality ill be destroyed in an instant. ithout the ill of God, the las of the universe, the ill of man, and the cold truths ould be meaningless.

they are called ancient, because all creatures are not under the control of the orld, they are gods above the orld, the rule of all las, the end of the orld, and above all there is no end. being Emperor of Japan.

of course, that they ere created by a God ho rejects love are to different concepts.

Although they have the same name, the difference is stronger than the difference in stars.

but Love atches these changes ith interest. changes in the orld?

Love is all-knoing, aare of the changes brought about by her evil master, and aare that Arya is caught in eternal danger, and that her loss must follo.

If you live in the present time and lose yourself, forever, under the influence of infinite information, it is impossible to reach the other side, and no matter ho proud you are, your personality ill be ashed aay and not you can to return. I ill go. for your performance. sea

that's the real problem, no matter hat his character is, he's an underdog.

It is normal to lose yourself in the endless experiences of life.

Seeing such a situation, Souya as reluctant to help.

poerful love has the poer to change the orld according to the ill of the evil god.

It doesn't make sense that he can help henever he ants.

It is enough to save those ho suffer from God's eternal plagues.

but love doesn't ant that.

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