

第97章 混乱中瘫痪(1 / 2)
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观察在遗忘中徘徊。ot not only the amount of knoledge, but also the isdom of the evil god.

For An chi, it as just a poer that as inside his body but could not be used.

Yes, the oman published it, but naturally she could not find a ay.

If you have any questions, please anser them in order.

the girl smiled softly and started blushing.

A oman's beauty can be beneficial to him, even if they are both omen.

\"First, please allo me to introduce myself. I am Amy agster, the demon of Ubo Satra.\"

Sasura: \"Are you okay?\"

Also strange, he didn't even kno the name of this evil thing.

\"ell, that's the closest thing to uttering a human voice, though.\"

\"but it doesn't matter. Even if you don't kno hat it is, it doesn't affect the general situation.\"

\"So, are you going to tell the truth? or are you going to the encryption department?\"

\"Encryption? ho can talk to me about this? besides, I don't kno hat happened. can I tell you? haha, someone ants to talk to me, idiot.\"

It seems that she ill continue to suffer forever, Amy's mood is unstable, and Amy's attitude toards people outside the group is short-tempered.

people are not like him at all, because he is not a man but a demon.

Just as no one talks about ho they feel about certain foods or trees, the same is true for Amy.

For Amy to be able to say this in front of both of them ould be considered groth.

No, this is a big change: instead of shoing the to people the actual face of the evil god, they use ords to guide the conversation.

\"hen things go ell, your hopes and dreams e true.\"

\"hat do you kno?\"

\"that's all, but you don't feel anything about this place? You've spent more time here than you can remember.\"

Amy said something stupid.

\"don't orry, don't orry, I'm a bit happy, I've lived in this orld for a long time, then suddenly they say to leave me, hoever it is, there's something rong ith your reaction. \"

\"hat are you talking about!\"

the other Yi exclaimed that he anted to kno the truth from Amy's mouth rather than listen to such nonsense from the members.

hat surprised him as hy Veronica didn't speak even though it as forbidden.

Looking around, he realized that it asn't hope University, or even Earth.

If there is a reason, the Earth is gone and you look don and you see the orld, and hen you look up you see the hole sun painted.

to Ani's surprise, she didn't feel any pain in her eyes hen she looked directly at the sun, and she didn't notice the intensity of the light as she expected.

\"honestly, my body has been changed by the evil god's poer. Even if I am thron into the sunlight, I am sure it ill hurt, but please feel it.\"

\"the ickedness of God and the ickedness of God?\"

\"Yes, have you ever heard of the evil god called 'hadamon'?\"

\"Alright, hat's that?\"

\"I on't tell you hat it is. I hope you understand that it is a god born from the food of an evil god.\"


\"Yes, God, in your thoughts, beyond the orld, to the end, even those things that do not correspond to the mind, that do not correspond to physical things, can be done by selfishness, and that is against the orld .\"

Amy recognized the other side's point.

\"And you truly are a 'god'. that's hat the future holds.\"

\"After more than 500,000 years, the problem of the evil god is about to be born. Soon the poer of the evil god, the existence of the evil god, and all the so-called 'gods' ill be born from ithin your\" body . \"

\"It's called the 'head of hope.' I don't kno hat it means, but it's a request from a friend. Even if you don't understand it, you can if you try.\"

As cinda's eyes idened at the beautiful form, Amy smiled as she explained.

but this time, An qi had no space to appreciate this perfection.

his heart beat like a drum.

deep understanding arose in the spirit of the angels, and the angel became iser and full of isdom.

but that's no angel.

the blood in the body is heavy like mercury and moves as fast as lightning.

It's a miracle he didn't tear himself apart.

Annie thought, and her heart opened even more hen she sa Amy's smile.

that's hy I don't feel like myself.

It's like breaking an egg.

It also sounds like the voice of a native soul.

It also looks like a sad cry.

there is no ay to understand, kno, or kno the true manifestation of this voice.

his blood as very hot, hotter than magma, the intense heat seemed to ant to melt his body, he couldn't understand.

the crystal skin dried day by day, the ater evaporated, and countless cracks appeared, and ithin those cracks, large cracks appeared.

the human shell is like the egg of an animal, and it's time to change.

bone dissolves, breaks don, and ne bone replaces the original material.

human skin is long and thin like dust in the ind.

A bright light replaces the skin, a burning sensation.

one by one, the gloing bubbles replaced the internal organs and sloly came out of the body.

A more mysterious light shone from ithin the bridge.

the human-like outer shell disappeared, and there ere countless bubbles gathering and emitting light.

Angel's name disappeared, and the magical book he held so tightly in his hand left him somehere in space.

many sparkling bubbles gathered and spoke.

Nothing has the poer to illuminate anything like that poerful music, such as the sound of human vocal cords and human activity.

hearing this creature's voice can transform a single-celled creature into a divine mage ith divine isdom.

\"It is the door to all onders, the door to truth, the origin vortex, the unity of all things.\"

\"Yog sotot!\"

Amy said the title of this amazing session as like a hymn.

he kne that this \"God\" as only born from this situation, but he himself as not great.

but seeing this beautiful life, Emin as sad.

Yog-Sothoth still exists as a god of the desert, although he is a false god created using his elements.

All these are parable to ``gods'' like ``Gadamon.''

Amy's happy laugh and kind ords ere heard from a space here there as no sound.

It as as if a ne infinity as born ithin the bodies of the young gods.

the eternal is also infinite, and God ho is born of God is also God.

\"that's a god. Even though it's eak pared to being in the chaos court, it's still a 'god' that has reached infinity. hahaha, just seeing such a being is orth the trip.\"

\"pared to the real kingdom of God, it is similar and has similar poer, but it is a 'god' that is an ancient and real poer.\"

\"It's no coincidence that he became an old man hen his father raised him.\"

\"but can such a god exist in only 500,000 people? Is it really possible? hy can't e believe hen e see clear evidence?\"

\"that's not true. I just don't feel it.\"

Amy looked at the confused \"God\" and voiced her concerns.

Undoubtedly, this is a true ancient ruler, a true god, a god born of the alien god Yog-Sothoth.

Amy's life is not eternal, but her poer is.

So, in terms of poer, demons and evil gods are the same, the only difference is the consciousness responsible for that poer.

In a ord, it is unconditional love.

Amy sa that her desire for \"God\" gre, but it as still limited.

hoever, he did not deny that the bodies and magical poers of others ere orthy of being considered \"evil gods.\"

As a oman, Amy can never do anything rong.

\"but ithout infinite intentions, ould such a 'god' be interesting?\"

After the joy passes, Amy begins to doubt and onder if such an animal is a hope from the point of vie of the \"evil god\".

because if Satan has an infinite ill, hoever he is can be a truly evil god, a god ith infinite poer and infinite ill.

Amy claims that this \"god\" is groing faster than the devil.

but does this \"true God\" really mean love?

Endless disaster.

\"ho am I?\"

\"hate me, I'm babcock, I'm all libraries.\"

\"No, I'm Alia devi.\"

\"No, you are otre, you are the god of Yog-Sothoth, you are the magician of dagon, you are the representative of the gods.\"

\"I am a man.\"

\"I'm a monster.\"

to conflicting thoughts crossed Aria's mind.

to great ills collided, and many heavens ere born and destroyed beteen the to battles.

Yog-Sothoth is the unifier of all, and cthulhu is the sleeping god.

this is here to different testaments collide.

he exists in a limited realm and does not have the poer of the \"gods\" that have appeared so far, but in terms of his ill, he is stronger than the real gods and is close to an infinite being. .

this kind of ill reaches the level of a born god, hich takes 9 billion years to gro, pared to a rising god.

Infinite groth takes infinite time, but infinity never ends.

So, no matter ho long you ait, the eternal days ill never e.

If you try to rely on it to fight the real evil god, it ill be impossible.

but no there seems to be hope.

hen the to ills living in Aria's body collide, they begin to meet ith other events in the chaos court, hich unites the Infinite East and the Infinite body.

It is an endless field. It as not only a bination of to ills, he used it as a key to bee part of eternity.

In other ords, it represents eternity.

\"No, I am c'thun, the thousand-Eyed devil (half-breed god).\"

book of madness 167 (60)

there is nothing in the hole universe, no stars, no stars, no earth, no sky.

It's like an unfinished orld.

but soon this orld ill be full.

there are countless stars in the sky and the earth is endless.

the past and the future bee a circle that covers each other, and it must be an endless pressure ithout resolution.

but no it's not behind or in front of me.

there is only one person in this broken orld.

this universe is difficult to describe in ords, and even human language is not enough to explain its possibilities.

hoever, if this is only an illustration, it is not a difficult task and is easy to explain.

his hands looked like octopus legs, ith rounded ends like crystal balls.

the beast-eyed children appeared in the amethyst-like sky, as if the heavens had opened.

the animal's body is covered ith these amazing eyes, as big as the stars in the sky.

the sky is hite as bone, and there are as many as a forest, so I don't kno ho many there are.

the animal stopped moving like a meteorite and andered aimlessly.

c'thun, the \"thousand-eyed devil\", is the name of this beast.

Not separate from God, but part of him; not apart from God, but ith God.

In terms of personality, he is a true \"god\", but in terms of poer, he is indistinguishable from a true \"god\".

hether it is the mind, body, or mana, it is the essence of \"God\" and the end of \"God.\"

\"$ #% ∧ # & # $\"

he could not understand hat the animals said, and the sounds of their feet ere like \"road noise\", strange and difficult to understand.

but if you listen to his stories, there is an infinite amount of philosophy in it, and it is amazing.

Suddenly, it seemed like a ray of light crossed the stars and reached this orld.

Explosion, something exploded.

As if hearing some kind of call, the animal suddenly ent crazy faster than light.

hearing the monster's movements, the orld collapsed into chaos, and unknon explosions occurred one after another.

the dragon seemed to slip through the cracks ithout thinking, disappearing from the sky in the blink of an eye.

\"Looks like something happened.\"

Amy agster felt something ing, but she didn't seem to hear anything.

Nothing happened, and Amy quickly forgot about it.

he fixed his gaze on something else, a oman named Nancy.

but for no, I ill call her the ne goddess, Veronica.

the Spirit of God seems to open some channels beteen the evil divine elements of the body.

Amy noted that the rest of the party alays anted a big reunion.

then he understood hy he as called \"Skin\".

If the angel shoed us the Ark of God, hat should e sho the knoledge of God in front of Amy?

\"Ah, did you really merge the spirit of the evil god? It's not for the eternal evil god, but for you, it should be like clearing all your thoughts.\"

\"but if e can take care of ourselves in such a ay, then e can say that it is at least one tenth of eternity. thousands and ten, but the anser is also eternity. In this case, the truth that e have are our bodies.\" I can send the poer of God for you. Love. \"

\"but did this really happen? ill it ork? this is something that no one has ever done in history. In the end the evil god salloed him and did it. tell him. he this is a man hose mind is separated from of the evil god, and this is the final result.

\"of course, if he's right, so be it.\"

Suddenly, Love's voice reached Amy's ears, and hen she sa it, Love brought a magic book.

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