

第88章 吉格什内尔赫王国(2 / 2)
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he may be just a member of the family, but he betrayed him and boed to the ill of his enemy. I've never seen someone so intense.

during this time, An ii gave a very strong signal.

this is pletely illogical and full of assumptions.

but Nancy understood hat the other person anted to say. hat he ants to say is that the people in front of him can control the orld and they are the source of violence in the orld.

If he really is the Ancient one, no, even if he is fake, it is no different from researchers, he is an invincible monster.

It seems pletely ridiculous and unreasonable, but Nancy believes that it is pletely impossible at this time.

Scary and ne, there may be no \"meaning\" to these tisted creatures.

hoever, this does not mean that Nancy is illing to accept the opinion of the other side.

hat ill happen? ho can people hide from these animals?

ho knos? perhaps this is God's destiny, hat e experience in this time is different from the previous life.

As I said this time, even ithout the extraordinary orld, the actions e encountered this time do not remind us of the legendary creator of cthulhu, the aforementioned Golden horse, or anything like the gods. higher abnormality.

the orld they live in is made up of these unknons.

Not only that, but this time the system is joined by a Silver trojan researcher: Angel himself.

this is also the la of the unknon and such an ancient orld.

there is no ay to kno ho to play, no ay to understand hat the orld \"means\".

of course, An qi's point as pletely rong, and the Silver trojan as no longer possible for him.

In the trojan Room, all of Nancy's movements are under Angel's atch.

he kne that this might be the first time, at least for the Golden horse side, that another team ould participate in a match like this, so it must be true.

Although she knos that trojans don't lie, An chi is full of doubts about Nancy.

this question bees a concern.

If this is indeed the first time the party runs this mode, Nancy ill be one of the characters to plete the game for the sixth time. there are no such people hoever. ork hard.

this idea is not mon sense.

hoever, at a regular job, Angel notices that something is rong ith Nancy.

bad nes.

of course, that's ho Angel looked in Nancy's eyes.

this unpleasant feeling does not e from any side, but from unknon reasons.

Not knoing the source of this feeling, Ani silently municated this negative suspicion.

hether the anser is good or bad, it doesn't change hat qi needs, so continuing to think about it ill only make you feel orse.

therefore, e must be careful before deciding hether e are enemies or not. I don't think I blame you, Nancy.

he seemed a little angry, but Nancy as already deep in thought, so he didn't see her, and anyay, she turned aay ithout leaving a trace.

ill you go to the enemy's camp?

Nancy thought for a moment. Angel's ords didn't change at all, but he took care of his guns.

Let's start by asking this question.

Angie hopes that Nancy ill not betray her. but that is not the case. In this text, Angel and Nancy are both human and divine, so Nancy should not entertain such thoughts.

but no in my mind, he gave me a lot of advice because he as impatient. this time he took the lesson to heart and ent ahead ith his plan.

Vani held out her small hite hand in front of bana and ith one breath pulled the tape from her mouth.

please don't kill me, I'm not the enemy, I never am.

It is not like the voice of God suddenly speaking like that, and no one told me that there are other teammates, and even if there are, they ill not graduate from the training course. . this is absurd.

hat organization? I'm not here for that, I'm here for you. ait for the angel

e to me? I don't kno about you. For the research project, I had enough money last month and it on't open until next month, so I don't kno ho ill e to me.

once again, she did not turn around and stared at bana ith intense eyes. but he had never seen Nancy so shy before. because he doesn't kno much about this setting.

right? ill it open next month? I don't kno.

If I don't kno that, ho can I kno here I am? You should kno my customers, my ork style, and here the data is stored, but first, I'm not backing you up, and second, ho can tell me about that? did you give it to me?

toards the end, my voice started getting orse.

Yes, I as told that I kno everything about you, that you are a real researcher at the super high school level, that you have the talent to help me, and I stared at the entrance. Your house as opened, so I entered.

did you go in and see the door open? Is this really the goal of the criminal? I started thinking, and ho?

Angie made it clear that asn't the case.

I don't kno, I just said that hen I sa the black shado. I don't remember, I don't kno.

bana said panicked. he closed his eyes.

have you forgotten?

he looked at her ith snake-like eyes, then spoke again.

Le Rezitim〉? So you met a magician?

magician street magician?

No, this is not someone ho calls logic magic, but someone ho knos ho to use \"magic\". If this can be called magic, then liars can be called language artists. because there are alays criminals ho think that language is an art, and those ho master this skill can control people's minds.

No, I remember the original sentence. Language is the expression of the human heart, and only by understanding the art of language can e discover the beauty of the human heart.

Nancy argued.

doesn't matter.

Angie replied ith a red face.

book of madness 130 (23)

Redeline Edmund ran. his running as not of his on ill, but for a special reason.

he had no ay to control his body, no ay to fight the fear that came from deep inside.

As a man, I had no control over my body, and my proud spirit did not act at this time.

Such a mysterious and unimaginable fear pletely possessed Lei Zhelin's personality and no controlled the nature of his body.

After being motivated by fear, imagine taking full control of your body.

At this moment, Lei Zhelin could not even think calmly, this is not something that people can fight, it is more difficult for people to think in front of something like that.

Lei Zhelin had never tried to run so fast. No he runs like a black man.

he never expected to reach such a speed.

Furthermore, it as something that Lei Zhelin's body had not expected. of course, it is impossible to maintain this speed.

his body does not have the experience to support such a speed, doing the impossible for him does not lead to hope and to destroy himself.

Lei Zhelin gently arned because it ould alays cause great pain if it ent unchecked.

but as it pain, or as it a arning, ho could something like that affect him no?

the horror that Lei Jielin encountered at this time as inparable to the information that had spread among these institutions.

ith such fear, Lei Zhelin ignored his body's arnings and ran at a crazy speed.

I alked don a deserted road, andering as if I as lost.

of course, Lei Zhenlin didn't kno ho. Indeed, in his current condition, it ould be difficult for others to do so.

he gradually stopped dealing ith the problem, but to be honest, it asn't something he stopped to think too much about.

As a result of his terrifying magic poer, Lei Zhelin's actions ent beyond reason and reached an insane level.

hoever, if the body has something rong ith the mind, such actions ill inevitably lead to disaster.

In the next moment, Lei Zhelin's body almost fell off the cliff.

Suddenly his body stopped, ran at a constant speed, heard a sound familiar to everyone, and then suddenly fle.

he fle like an arro and ran straight.

hoever, such actions ere impossible for Lei Zhelin.

So, after flying, the hole body fell to the ground.

he put his hands on the ground to steady himself, but the force generated during the impact as too much for his hands.

he fell on uneven ground, his arm as broken, his ounds ere severe, he as bleeding, and his strange lines ere terrible.

Not only that, but Lei Zhelin regained his consciousness from his inability to think due to the influence of electricity.

hoever, it doesn't seem to be a good thing at the moment.

After losing this feeling, Lei Zhelin could no longer control his speed and even pletely disappeared, and Lei Zhelin felt that disaster had overtaken him.

bad, hat ill happen?

Lei Zhelin could not understand hat he as facing no and hy this kind of madness ould happen again.

there as also a look of doubt in his eyes.

hoever, pared to these emotions, there is one emotion that is very strong and is called \"love\".

It as terror that immediately struck him.

Li Jelene as a student at hope college, but of course, that as all in the past.

Unlike \"high school level\" graduates ho are different from ordinary people, Lei Zhenlin is just a person. hoever, this is still <mortal> level poer.

this realm can only be reached by humans through their on efforts and skills, and is very different from animals and humans ho cannot reach it.

pared to those ho graduated from super high school, he had no talent.

hen faced ith this strange situation, Lei Zhelin did not notice it and realized that he had no other plan but to run aay.

perhaps only high school level monsters can fight this rare thing.

Lei Zhelin, ho had pleted the preparatory course, still did not have that talent.

As a researcher, I prepared ell to enter this orld.

but in that plan, he can't face or fight that secret.

It's not something you can ignore just by thinking about it; you on't understand the horror of the Secret until you experience it.

those ho think that the existence of myths is not scary only sho the arrogance of man.

people ho say they are not afraid really don't understand it.

Lei Zhelin as the last one, but at this point he had pletely lost his courage toards her.

that really made him happy.

currently, Lei Zhelin's heart has lost more than 10 points.

Lei Jielin, ho is a preparatory student, may be seen as a genius in the eyes of most of the public.

there is no doubt that the education he received as not bad, and his current education is no orse than a graduate of miskatonic University.

So it makes sense to get a job that pays ell.

At this time, Li Jerin as at Eagle point in the Kalebakisphora region.

As an insurance professional, you ill surely e across situations here pensation is necessary.

Ray Gelin's job is to find the origin of this party and even use some tricks to prove that the payment requested by one party is not enough.

In particular, the reason for the payment is based on extraordinary events, such as attacks by vampires or ereolves.

It as no surprise that Lei Zhelin came here, but in front of Lei Zhelin, it didn't seem as easy as daily ork at this time.

on the contrary, Lei Zhelin hoped that it ould be an easy task.

because at this moment, Lei Zhelin realized that he didn't have to leave here.

It's obviously meant to expose a bad guy ho's asking for pensation for bad reasons, but hat's the point?

Seriously, this damn thing must have a problem in the eyes of the person saying it, and that's a big problem.

by all accounts, it's not as big a problem as they say.

hat if they ere really vampires or ereolves? If so, it as easier than hat Lei Zhelin had seen at this time.

hy do these evil creatures appear here, but the good and poerful gods are not here, let alone help?

the duality of good and evil is often thought of.

Lei Zhenlin cursed in his heart.

despite having a strong ill, Lei Zhelin cursed. God did not send help because he anted to prove his existence.

Lei Zhelin did not kno the existence of God. No onder he es from an atheistic background.

hoever, even if such demonic animals exist, hat ill happen to the enemy of the devil, God himself? It ill happen.

only Lei Zhelin could overe himself in this ay, and he cursed the invisible gods and destroyed the demons.

of course, the savior of mankind, the god Lei Jielin, did not kno that God had long since died, because mankind stopped orshiping God.

A God that many ignore cannot bring salvation to a fe, and they don't kno it.

the majesty and poer of the ancient gods disappeared as human orship shifted from gods to science.

the possibility of escaping the gods has long alienated humanity.

In the same ay, the gods of science ill disappear from the orld because of the scientific knoledge of mankind, but they do not offer salvation to mankind, but they only present the truth recognized by science.

they are not merciful gods ho help people, and they are not gods ho love people even though they need their ill.

the miracle of help does not exist in the first place, and an inpetent person has no opportunity to rely on himself. therefore, the moment they experience the divine, the result ends.

Your destiny lies only in the human heart.

It is clear that the only ay for Adam to save himself is to keep these \"secrets\" and prevent his suicide.

this poerless election is inevitable after the end of the divine age.

Lei Zhelin cursed the orthless god ith all his heart, and the orship born from the beginning turned into a pit of evil.

hoever, in the face of the ``mystery'' that people cannot understand, people's malice is ultimately meaningless, and all actions and beliefs are as meaningless as existence itself.

A sloly turning figure appeared in front of Lei Zhenlin.

the dark shado appears humanoid, but has distorted senses.

the pupil-like part of the dark shado gave off an eerie light like the eyes of a olf.

the bright blue line ith red is beautiful like a gem.

hoever, Lei Zhelin did not feel that there as anything good here.

because, pared to the feeling of admiring beauty, it fills the scenes ith fear here one feels separated from himself.

\"Artistic Judgment\" by Lee Geline, number of appearances: 43, in.

hoever, before, it seemed that thanks to the aura of fear, Lei Zhelin as able to resist this fear for a short time.

Lei Zhenlin didn't kno if it as a trick or not, but he heard a sound that sounded like a oman's laughter.

A black shado suddenly fell in front of Lei Zhenlin, and hat as hidden under the black shado revealed its appearance.

At first it as just a dream, her heart stopped beating hen she sa him.

basically, it has to be something big and big, like reality or the origin of the universe.

but these naive mental programs seem rong.

hat stood before him as not the animal he had imagined.

he sa the true face of this horrible black shado.

Very dangerous. If you think about it, you ill see that she is a sad oman. or hat ould have been a more accurate description of the oman at that time.

the girl had a beautiful face like a porcelain doll and long, shiny black hair that reached her aist. her eyes ere as beautiful as emeralds. he as earing a pure hite dress, and underneath it seemed to be earing light armor, revealing the silhouette of a man.

there is no doubt that this girl has attracted people's attention. Although her beauty is very heavy, she has a charm that attracts the attention of others.

hoever, this situation did not create a good atmosphere, and Lei Zhelin's body trembled, as if he as placed in a refrigerator.

he asked, approaching her.

ho are you? are you human

It is true that this oman is beautiful, but Lei Zhelin still remembers the horror that she sa, hich is inparable to any legend.

Even the hidden shados are as dangerous as the truth of the orld and its origins.

If you look at one part of yourself, the hole person collapses.

Is this life as if the foundation of this orld is a little girl?

the anser is no, so there is only one anser.

this childlike body should exist only for people to be attracted to it, and is a fake spiritual body.

Lei Zhelin guessed that she as aiting for the oman's anser.

Is that hat he meant?

No, my heaven is a heaven of hatred.

this is not an unexpected response. Lei Zhelin does not believe in the \"mystical\" orld, but he believes that the other party is not human.

hen Li Jerin as young, he did crazy things like orshiping in the church school, and at that time he heard the so-called divine revelation.

I still believe it's just a hallucination, but pared to that illusion, the so-called \"Espiritu Santo\" is nothing pared to the oman in front of me.

hat as in front of Lei Zhelin as a more sacred and tisted creature than the gods of the holy age.

old? Is God apart from the orld?

It didn't matter, but hen Lei Zhelin sa the second one, he kne he couldn't live.

Unless the other party has no intention of giving up.

Lei Jerin's anser as the ribbon on the girl's chest, the ribbon on the front of her dress.

hat came out as not a human voice, but a strange voice, like an animal that started to learn human language.

As the miasma and evil that plagued the city became more and more painful, the young oman behind the curtains smiled beautifully.

At this moment, Lei Zhenlin realized that this small ton must be the limit of the monster in front of him.

hua huan, are you scared? please ignore his ords.

I am Aria hatley, the embodiment of all the legends of this city. I thought you ere looking for the \"secrets\" of this city, I appeared before you.

the ords suddenly became kind, but I strongly felt the miasma floating around.

Lei Zhenlin had difficulty breathing and felt as if his lungs ere on fire.

Every breath hurts.

but that as nothing pared to the oman in front of him and the fear she caused.

Lei Zhenlin said that his body trembled involuntarily, and his soul and body could not speak against the oman.

It's not something people can touch, it's not something people can understand.

this is hat Adam could not understand - the same devil as the princess entered the truth.

many of them have only another head, because the elders are more than roots and truth, and the devil has bee the flesh that forms these roots.

As a parallel to the underground and introspective, there is a certain intimacy and ae ith Arya, but any admiration pales in parison to the magical ferocity she brings.

Fear as stronger than others, and Lei Zhenlin's heart as filled ith fear, unable to find any emotions.

hoever, ith Aria's deliberate reformation, Lei Jielin might have some ideas.

he looked aay.

No, I'm not here to find someone, and I'm not here to find a \"secret.\" the insurance pany is looking for a reason to deny your claim.

Excuse me, I'm Alia atley, a legendary model in the industry. I came to you because I found hat you ere looking for, are you looking for it?

Is it like this?

Aria looked confused and shook her head as if thinking about something.

but it doesn't matter.

because even if you don't e to find out the \"secret\", the \"secret\" ill e to you, and it's certain, because you have qualities and you yourself can find out the \"secret\" because it can attract.

by the ay, do you kno them?

As if she didn't understand hat Lei Zhelin as thinking, Aria raised her finger and a curtain of light that only she sa appeared in front of Rai Zhelin's eyes.

Above is hat the trojan room broser looks like at this point.

Nancy, Angel and husband all appear on this bright screen.

Seeing this veil of light, Lei Zhenlin's face immediately turned red.

the reason, of course, is that he recognizes them as participants in this system.

hy does the oman in front of me kno hat she looks like?

(No, that's not hat I'm thinking. that should scare me. I think, yes, it's just a thought.)

hoever, there is no point in praying blindly for hope because Aaliyah shatters this vain hope ith her ords and actions.

In your situation, I assume you kno.

of course, including you, you are the people inside the trojan horse room, replacing the house of your body.

but did he really e to this orld? In this case, if you die, you really die and there is no second chance.

Aria's ords seemed to shatter the hope and confidence in Lei Zhelin's heart, like a glass bottle falling to the ground.

It is clear that he is a fraud in this orld. Even if she is a princess, even if she is a true incarnation, she is a problem in the orld, ho can she recognize the trojan horse that created the orld?

this must be a trojan horse secret.

hat are you talking about?

Lei Zhelin as silent at first, but after things ere settled, he asked, and his expression and eyes shoed that he as a person ho revealed his inner feelings.

he didn't think Aria as talking nonsense, and the other person needed to kno, not a test.

hoever, Lei Zhelin, ho did not have as much freedom as the other party thought, as incapable of ansering directly, and neither did Aria kno.

If you don't understand hat I'm saying because you forgot hat you're supposed to do, don't orry, you on't see any trojans here, this is the country, so go aay. Zotas.

In the land of the old ones, unless the trojans generate enough energy to destroy billions of giants at once, even if it is a barrier created by an electric beam, the trojans ill not see it. Space If it's not good, there's no need to sho.

but you might not believe it, so I give you an option.

did you choose the choice?

Yes, a choice, an easy choice. do you ant to ork for me? the gift I have given you is so good that it can give you, and the orld, such eternal and transforming poer that even the God of your heart cannot take it from you. because he has the poer. the orld is getting bigger. You can use it herever you are.

do you ant to accept it?

Arya makes it easy, but it seems like Rey Gelin sa the devil's bargain, then heard thunder, obviously nothing happened, but something changed.

No you are ith God.

the god Arya as talking about as definitely a trojan, and Rey Gelin realized that. As long as the other person is not lying, there is nothing rong ith it.

do you believe in the horsepoer of trees or this girl poer?

Should I atch Lee Jeline too?

but hat I say is true, but is it orth thinking about?


Lei Jerin hesitated, as if he had made a big decision, and looked at Arya's beautiful face before ansering.


e have received your reply.

As Aria smiled, a hite mist disappeared from her body, and her entire body seemed to melt into the air and bee pletely invisible.

Lei Zhelin looked closely, but could not see the other person, and really looked at his hands and palms. there as no blood left on it, everything as smooth, like ne. It's smooth as a dream.

If it's not a dream, it's hard to explain, but Lei Zhelin didn't see a flashing part of his mouth like a shark's tooth after halftime. because he has changed.

of course, this is just a dream.

Although Lei Zhelin said this, there as no light in his eyes indicating this anser, his gaze as fixed, and he seemed to have made an unshakable decision.

So Lei Zhelin touched his head and then turned around and ent to the left, the surrounding ater could not reveal Lei Zhelin's figure, it as like a ghost. hoever, his image can be seen on street glass, and it seems like nothing ne.

Lei Zhelin seemed to forget hat had happened before, and danced his left side facing the large mirror, his eyes confused, but hen he heard a sound beteen his fingers, his hole body returned to normal.

hoever, Lei Zhelin heard a strange voice in his ear, as if speaking someone's name.


A voice saying this sounded in Lei Zhelin's ears, but Lei Zhelin didn't seem to hear anything. Strong at the same time.

customer. Is Upton at home?

Lei Zhelin said hile knocking on the door, but no one came out, but hen he looked at the indo, he sa that the light as on, hich meant that there as someone inside.

Lei Zhelin politely aited at the door, but the people inside could not hear his politeness, and rudely sat at home, not knoing ho to speak.

book of madness 131 (24)

this is a room full of science fiction. If you are smart, you ill realize that there is no deep technology here, just some kind of perversion.

It is an alternate orld ith independent las, magic, divine rule, and holy abodes.

Each sentence shos that it is a space apart from the rest of the orld.

Although they are creatures that fit into modern society, no one notices or finds them.

Unless the host here invites others from outside.

At this time, an uninvited guest arrived as the lord of the place and the authority of the god Anlov.

Anlov is a god ho embodies the \"system,\" but \"truth\" has been abandoned by blind faith in modern science and technology.

hoever, he is no different from the average person.

he as a little skinny hite kid ith no looks.

there is a television five meters aay ith a picture of a beautiful oman.

dressed in traditional costume, she looks like a princess from another orld. he has the personality of a mature adult, but if you look closely, he is not human.

he seems to have bee a perfect man, but that is true; the oman herself is not a person, but the form she chooses for herself.

they all look like real people, regardless of their hair, skin, or body shape.

hoever, the elements that make up this human body are not the same as humans, but artificial bodies made of a substance called \"ether.\"

It looks similar, but if you look at the body made of \"ether\" you ill see that it is different from the real thing.

If a real person is a 720p resolution image, this oman is a 1080p resolution image.

As a ne god, Anlov clearly understood hat as in front of him.

this oman ho uses magic that transcends time and space also came to his orld from another place.

the girl looked angry, as if she had e here for a purpose.

Judging by his ords, Anlov also kne that this as not a good thing.

of course, he knos that hat he does must be seen in front of another person.

the to ere ne gods that surpassed human understanding, but he also kne that this as not something that could be solved ith a single ord.

hoever, Anlov never regretted his actions.

because these ne gods are not monstrous creatures like the demons of the court of chaos.

Even the \"Evil God body\" transformed by those ho dream of contacting God has more poer than God himself.

Anlov did this because he had no other choice.

but his friends didn't seem to understand his problem, and although Anloff asn't ready to go into detail, he didn't expect them to stop him.

that's it.

Anlov, do you kno hat you are doing?

the oman's voice is as beautiful as the ind, and of course the voice is beautiful.

If the gods do not have the poer to control themselves, even their glances and breaths can affect the orld.

It as obvious that Anlov's actions did not make the girl happy ith his poer, and his actions did not allo the girl to deal ith him peacefully.

he tried to stop the conversation, but the divine poer as released and used unconsciously, shoing that the parties ere not as peaceful as they hoped.

As to gods, Anlov is not afraid of the oman in front of him - the ne goddess Veronica.

Ne gods are rare, but battles beteen gods are not fair.

the number of gods is not as small as Anlov thought, because the appearance of gods in different regions is different than in other regions. .

moreover, he did not ant to be like the old gods, ho lost their faith and became poerful beasts of God.

there is no ay to anser prayer or get relief. only God can bring suffering to the orld.

the existence of the ne gods is a little different from them, but I am afraid that if the ne gods start a ar again, the same enemies of the old gods ill appear again.

yes? of course I kno, I kno hat to do.

Unlike you, do you understand your purpose? As a ne god, there is some kind of mission that requires him to appear here. his existence is meaningless, so hat's the problem ith trying to understand it?

Anlov's ords ere strange, but the girl in front of him, Veronica the Ne God, understood ithout explanation.

hoever, the girl does not agree ith this approach and Anlov's plan spoils the plan.

If he does it for an important thing, he does it because of the poer of another being, and the oman does not orry about forgiving another person, but if it is done because of desire, then it ill happen. ho to experience things that are rong.

Veronica could not accept this foolish trick and did not even ant to spoil the fate of the other gods.

this behavior is unreasonable and unacceptable.

but you ruined our plans. please forgive the orld, and maybe you ill be forgiven.

the girl's voice as calm at this point, but there seemed to be malice in it. he looked at Anlov.

this made Anlov realize that if he refuses, a ar he doesn't ant may actually happen.

According to Anlov's understanding of \"mr. Earth\", it must be God.

A god ho embodies the modern symbol of the Internet and information, and one of the gods of the scientific orld.

of course, sir. the orld has the poer to do this, and it ill never end.

At this point, Anlov doesn't ant to start a ar, at least not until the cthulhu Gods are born.

Anlov provides a discount here.

If so, I apologize.

but mr. did not accept. Your apology is universal.

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