

第88章 吉格什内尔赫王国(1 / 2)
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带着从那个地狱般的地下世界收集到的力量和奥秘,索恩博士和巴恩斯博士昨晚上再次降临到无光的领域。 ording to my ork. It's the right thing to do and it on't kick me out of the gate in the future. this is truly a aste of human resources. Even the gods cannot see beyond this.

he gave himself a reason to stay at home, but he didn't ant to leave.

but Nancy could think of no reason to reject him. this is because for Nancy, ho is pletely ignorant, hat the other person says has a lot of meaning, even if it is a made-up story. Angel is a rag full of bigotry and bigotry. the orker's angel has no qualifications and his ideas are different from those of the orker.

but it is enough that he has talent, nature is good, but talent is important, no matter ho much the boss loves the loyal and jealous person, if there is no talent, no one ill ork for him. yeah. he as given an important task - because no one kne he couldn't do it.

Ani knos ho to use her talent, and hile she has talent, everyone tolerates her bad behavior and bad thoughts. After that, at least he did not cheat or betray the Lord. enough

of course it makes sense.

Nancy ansered ithout saying anything, and Angel smiled.

If so, do you agree ith this assignment?

maybe, but don't you think there is something more important than these activities? Angel


A bad thought suddenly crossed his mind, yes, it as a bad premonition. An angel's heart is the same regardless of the orld. Although more effective than other prophecy spells, this effect only occurs if you are unlucky. Unfortunately, angelic thoughts only appear hen you are unhappy.

he anted to make fun of the others, but as surprised hen Nancy finished speaking.

hen I came back from outside, my body smelled of blood. do other people bathe me too? I can rub your back.

there as something rong in Nancy's eyes, something scary, like a little girl looking at a barbie doll at home. malaika could not stop praying to God, but her heart as determined not to listen to any prayer. because malaika deserves to go to hell no.

right? me and I don't need it. Also, it ould be nice if e could take a bath together.

Angel tried to explain gently, but Nancy grabbed him and pulled him into the bathroom.

hat is this?

Another heartbreaking cry.

book of madness 128 (21)

Look, if I hadn't been scared by this terrifying aura right no, I ould have defeated this alking demon in one punch, yes.

Annie said that. he said it so shamelessly that no one ould believe it, and he still ouldn't believe it.

At this time, his cheeks ere red, and beside him as an illegally placed ine bottle.

there are glass bottles and aluminum cans, but they are all ine bottles.

the bottle is no pletely invisible except for a drop of ine.

God knos hy there is so much beer in the bathroom.

the man ho invented such a doctrine must have had a terrible life.

Yes, yes, you agree, don't look at me like that, I already said I agree. Let's drink again, beer is the best drink these days.

Nancy drank a fe more bottles of ine, and hen she realized she had finished the last bottle, she brought back a ne bottle.

he became a drunkard, pouring ine into his mouth like a drunkard, never knoing this bad behavior.

he drank himself to death, and even though he didn't think anything as rong ith Nancy at the time, he as still upset that he didn't find a bottle of alcohol.

It's not a high-end or expensive ine, but it's one that ill make you ant to drink more if you drink a lot.

Nancy appears drunk and crazy, as if her head is full of alcohol, and does many insulting things to Angel.

you! hat are you doing, fool?

Stunned again by Nancy's actions, he jumped a fe meters and looked at her ith a sad face.

one cannot understand hat one is doing. hoever, because of the alcohol, Angel may not be as smart as a kid these days.

hat a normal person should do at this point is open the bathroom door and run as fast as they can.

he ould have had time, Angel ould have ansered, but Nancy ouldn't give him that kind of time.

Just hand Angel over to Nancy.

myself? I'll rub your back.

Nancy grabs one and starts a fight.

ho are you lying to? Again, here do you put your hands? right? help me.

he immediately shouted for help, but hen he shouted for help there as a silent laugh. maybe because someone used external forces to pletely annoy him, and it as funny.

Such extreme acts are done in this toilet.

No one knos hat happened after that.

the only sound outside the bathroom as the rain and strange noises.

After about 30 minutes, An Yi as able to escape, but suffered from severe dehydration hile trying to escape and seemed to be suffering from dehydration.

30 minutes as a long time for An qi, especially hen this kind of routine usually took about 5 minutes, even if there as a special event, it as usually only about 10 minutes.

After 30 minutes he said it as the first time he had tried something like this in a long time and he couldn't understand hy it as taking so long.

this time, Annie didn't ant to remember hat as inside, but as she matured, that face disappeared.

there is no such thing as an up.

An ii anted to run, but he couldn't because of the marks he made. pared to his alking speed, the latter seemed faster.

In general, a sense of heaviness began to appear, as if a little darkness appeared in his vision, and the forces of the earth gradually retreated, he did not kno hen- a your heart .

It as as if An Yi as alking on a big rock and fell head first.

hat's up

I don't kno hy Angel is earing a simsuit.

his thoughts are unclear and the orld seems to be spinning.

Apparently, nothing has changed for the hole family, but Ani suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Angel's \"inspiration test\", appearance: 95, failed.

I kne something had changed, but I didn't kno hat.

It as just an illusion, and the other to thought that it might be an illusion that caused some problems in their body, and that these things ould get better if they got a lot of rest.

As your mental state improves, so do these strange illusions.

Anzu II ondered here such confidence came from, and decided that it as possible, so he slapped II's cheek.

I got it!

he lay don and the pain started to ake him up.

Needless to say, in some cases, trauma seems to ake people up faster than any seet medicine.

this type of aakening is not particularly useful, it is less than caffeine, and it has side effects, but it is still useful.

Although this strange feeling did not go aay, there as a feeling of surprise, a strange feeling.

but at least this time An chi started to move.

At first, he goes back to his room and sleeps in his expensive, fortable bed, although pseudo-sleep is better than no sleep at all.

At this time, An Yi as very tired, and the elixir had a drosy effect, and if he as forced to drink alcohol in this situation, he ould definitely fall into a deep sleep, but that as impossible. .

I don't even have boel medicine ith me.

At this point, An Yi could only describe the situation as drunk.

If not, it's time to think again.

Angel alked around the house thinking that if he slept ell everything ould be fine.

As for my house, I alays seem to have the map of this house in my mind, and I think that I ill never get lost here, and that I ill never find the place I ant to go. , although I didn't think about it.

Even hen I open my eyes, I can immediately see here I am in this house.

Although it is clear that he is a researcher pretending to be a human, he is no different from a real host in that respect.

Annie clearly remembered it, but that ouldn't be possible if this situation as in the Silver trojan's room.

Like muscle memory, nothing can be transferred from the original host of trojan Silver to the broser.

In the ords of the Silver trojan: \"If the investigators don't look at their role, shouldn't such garbage be punished here as a speaker?\"

Angie knos the difference beteen a Golden horse and a Silver horse very ell.

this difference doesn't affect him much, but at least he on't be lost at home. this is pathetic.

At first he thought.

hoever, Angel realized that here he as going as not here he as.

he didn't ait until he kne hat else as going on and hy.

Suddenly, a strange sound reached An Yi's ears.

there seems to be some kind of life moving here.

but he kne there as no one else in the room but him and Nancy.

this unique voice attracted malaika's attention.

hoever, as a researcher, he simultaneously overes this insane urge.

he looked around carefully, not knoing hy he had e, but one thing as certain: this as his familiar home, and everyone here as familiar to him, and he as dead.

You don't feel like you're in a different place.

At a time like this, I don't ant to touch an unknon creature, and I don't kno hat I'm doing.

Suddenly one turned and ran to his room.

It is true that the spirit is not good, so I can understand the desire to rest, but it is absolutely impossible to think of anything strange here.

but, in Annie's mind, it's like a thief, and it's not a fairy tale.

So he took his gun to his room and quietly returned to the mysterious voice.

Is there anyone there? please reply if there is.

of course, usually no one can anser that.

hoever, hen you hear these ords, your attitude ill alays change, and that change ill be reflected in your voice.

he might say something to her.

he raised his gun, ready to fire at any moment.

different from Nancy's gun before, Angel's gun is so big that it can hurt Angel's hand hen shot.

I don't kno hy the original oner had such a tool, but it's still a useful tool today.

he didn't ant to listen to other people's explanations, and if there as a strange source, hether human or animal, he anted to hear the other side's explanation after he shot the angel.

A thief ho enters a thief's house must be put to death, even if he is killed.

Angel, ith no regard for the lives of others, pointed his gun into the air ithout pressure. this is because this is supposed to be the place here the sound can actually be heard.

Some qi can activate the security and deliver a shock at any time.

hoever, suddenly there as no sound ing from inside.

he as able to progress one step at a time, observing the people ho appeared.

but suddenly Nancy appeared outside.

angel? hat are you doing here ith a gun? hat happened?

hearing Nancy's voice, Angel took to steps back and looked at her.

don't you feel the same ay? there is a strange noise here and it is very disturbing. It looks like something strange is ing into the house, Nancy, don't you think you need a gun these days to ard off the evil spirits and take out the one lurking in the dark ith a bullet?

he didn't realize that his ords ere like shooting someone else.

hoever, Nancy seems to be more stupid than Anne II, or rather does not understand.

does bleeding mean urination?

Yes, I said exorcism.

Angel responded ell to Nancy's eyes.

In any case, I think the person ho shoed up at this point is a good person regardless of hat you think about it. No, I must say that I cannot tell hether it is human or not. Start shooting before you do anything bad. It's good for you and good for me.

his ords made Nancy unfortable. the reason is that Nancy kicked the door in front of her hen she kicked it.

before a criminal can mit any evil act, he must first be brought to justice. If he does not mit a crime, God ill surely protect him from harm.

here did this villain e from and ho long ill the trial last before something bad happens?

do not say that it is God's time, that if people are innocent, God ill act, or they must die. he as innocent, but the gods did not protect him, so the gods anted to take him to heaven, and as a man it as his duty to send him to the gods.

Yes, it looks like a terrorist, no, it's orse than a terrorist, he said.

As a la-abiding citizen, this as an unacceptable statement for Nancy, but nevertheless she remained silent, as if convinced.

Nancy is a page researcher.

ho can Nancy be kind because she is not a beautiful oman? these previous links are just to fulfill the previous set.

After that, of course, it's time for regular ork.

Nancy didn't care hat kind of people ere there, but it as hard to get the attention of someone like the police.

but he thinks that Nancy has nothing to fear, because this process ill require many moments of \"God is ith me\".

the best life is to hide it or die.

Nancy has that knoledge.

then he turned on the light and entered.

he has a gun and he doesn't mind fighting ith it.

but before Annie can use her skills, something unexpected happens.

hey, I'm not a eirdo.

Angel said as he took off his black hoodie and put his hands behind his head, kneeling don to sho he asn't scared at all.

hen faced ith this situation, Nancy herself does not directly attack him, because she knos that this person is a so-called \"friend\" ho is trying to tell her the truth in the trojan room.

Nancy thought of a ay to kill him peacefully. It is better for people ho have no relationship or friendship to meet God as soon as possible.

but no good reason has been found yet.

Nancy is stubborn, but she still has a hard time acting ithout a good reason.

hoever, even if the investigator dies, there is no point except for some reards taken, so there is no problem.

Nancy had no doubts about that.

okay, so ho are you?

Seeing this action, Ani calmly opened a distance, a distance here she could send a bullet into her opponent's body before countering.

this distance is similar to the distance here soldiers practice target shooting.

Seeing this scene, the black man explained the truth:

my name is bana camonte, a former high school restler.

ii does not believe a single letter of English here. If he as a high school hero, a II ould immediately fall to the ground, break his bones, and never die. ho can I hold a gun here?

In addition, speaking at the high school level is an aard given by the Golden horse. texts focused on teamork should not feature such talented people.

So, he decided that this man as lying.

ait, are you good at fakes?

Nancy also came and changed her vie of bana.

you kno him

Angel did not look at Nancy. Nancy ansered quickly.

of course, I kne him from one of his preparatory school, but the subject he took at that time as martial arts, and after graduation he continued to cheat under the guise of being a super high school student.

of course, a ne horse cannot be given a golden horse.

For ho can the trojan horse be the speaker of the principles of justice?

Special treatment is a trojan favorite. hoever, it is a question of hich method is preferred. this is because the trojan silver reard is neutral to ne entrants.

hoever, this time the opposite seems to be the case hen facing the Gold and Silver trojans, hich is pretty cool. If he hadn't knon that the golden horse behaved differently than the silver horse, he ouldn't have tried it - he couldn't have used the magic he kne. or silver railing.

hat kind of trick? don't give a shit, I'm addicted to the real stuff and get sick sometimes.

good. okay, then, as a <super high school level>, hat is the purpose of ing here? maybe he ants to go and tell the bachelors that he ants revenge? hat is \"level hunting\"?

So don't orry, I ill use this gun to shoot you, look, there are no bullets here.

Angel uses a secret magic method to get the bullet, but he can get it at any time.

oh, and it turns out isn't it?

of course, ho can you sho a loaded gun to?

he didn't expect that his gun as still full of bullets ten seconds ago.

hoever, are you still thinking about something like \"super high school level hunting\"?

right? No.

his voice became very threatening and he had an evil grin on his face. bana turned hite and immediately refused.

So hy not deny it first?

I heard the sound of the blue bullet from Anne's gun.

ho does your gun catch a bullet?

he added that he is a street magician even though he never leaves his house. And don't change the subject.

his tone began to cool.

ho can he think that he is being treated differently?

by the ay, yes, I think you are alays orried about something.

It does not respond immediately. Nancy said.

I am very normal and very healthy. I have never been as open and intelligent as I am no.

Is it really broken? Nancy immediately considered that conclusion and thought: maybe she's still drunk and not on birth control?

In fact, mr. qi had never taken such a medicine before. It is said that everyone has a demon in their heart, and alcohol is the key to releasing the demon.

ell---I'm drunk. Annie had never drunk alcohol before, so she didn't kno hat it as like. Although he as only 18 years old, he never tried to buy ine because his body as not good.

Nancy as the first to notice that I as doing something strange ith Ann. because he thinks about Anne's skills i. his sord is more effective than Anne I's gun. In addition, thanks to his strength, it is not necessary to destroy the ability to hit people. . he used. the loer limit of intelligence has not yet been reached by all.

but it is very easy to defeat someone.

mind book 129 (22)

this time, banaani tied him ith ropes and there as no ay to escape no matter ho painful it as.

If \"bat Level Super School\" is real, this mod is definitely useless.

things like ropes are not special eapons, and cannot bind a ``super high school level'' officer skilled in fighting authority.

Naturally, Annie ondered ho the man in front of her could get to her alive.

As a nebie, it is rong to e here unless you are a high school student ith strong martial arts skills.

please die as soon as possible in the early stages, and serious injuries are inevitable.

but in front of bana Ani, he as not like that, his dark skin and muscles had no marks, and he seemed to be alking sloly.

but is it possible?

the angel did not kno this, so he took a rolled piece of tape and rapped the rope around bana's body.

After an hour of ork, bana looks like a mummy.

there as no use searing at this point, as bana could not keep his mouth shut for interrogation.

but An Yi didn't care at all, and hen he thre the gun at the man's face, he immediately fell silent.

he didn't believe that someone so eak could survive being hit by a gun.

therefore, even if this assumption turns out to be incorrect as judged, An ii feels the problem very strongly, even if An ii does not realize that he has already done something bad before seeing the intruder. thINGS

there asn't much malice in his ords, but Nancy didn't seem to see hat as happening right in front of her.

Angel Angel, that's enough.

Even if you are a ``super high school level boxer,'' it is difficult to avoid this situation.

(Especially if you kno the enemy has a gun and is immune to bullets).

Nancy's face as a bit strange hen she looked at Angel.

he didn't seem to understand hy Annie did this.

In this ay, Nancy can remind the other person that enough is enough and there is no need to continue.

Nancy also ants the rest of the party to kno the consequences of trying to say things they shouldn't, but that's too much.

Nancy noticed that Angel's nose as covered by someone else's nose.

can you breathe through your mouth but not please someone?

Nancy thought it ould be better to kill one of them outright than this kind of treatment.

because Nancy realized that Angel might be planning to put this man in the coffin so that he ould not be buried alive.

It might just be Nancy's guess, but judging by An chi's pletely unchanged expression, Nancy still felt that the other side had a point.

Annie looked at Nancy, ho had a strange thought, and Annie ansered in kind.

ho e, Nancy, you really hate yourself.

hen you get there, it ill surely open in less than 3 seconds.

If I say so, shoot you in the leg first, then tie me up, then thro me in a box and bury me alive, that's the only real ay to seal you. School level > boxing, hehehe.

his expression softened, but seeing the change, Nancy felt a little scared and cold.

hen Nancy as gone, something seemed to change inside Angel.

As a researcher, his intellect understood these terrible things and felt that if he did not ant to be like these animals, he ould not tell the truth.

At this time, Ani lovingly pointed the gun at bana's shoulder, but his hand remained free, engaging in aimless shooting. It as hard because he kne Nancy ould hit him if she sa him.

Nancy prayed to God for help for this poor neer, but nothing else as done.

After all, she as a stranger, and Nancy didn't do much for strangers.

hoever, this behavior cannot be taken lightly.

Every time she said something nice, just say it, only Nancy ould do it.

If you pull the trigger sloly, you can't escape, you can't fight back, Nancy, do you understand? Reason for doing nothing.

Sure, it's easy, hy not turn around and do something simple?

the other put the gun to his mouth and asked Nancy again ith a icked look on her face.

I don't kno, but maybe that's a little.

Is it too much? hy do you think? Nancy thought to herself, ho could this man be found here? hy does he kno my home address? Also, as there a prior announcement, or did the Lord speak?

For example, if you're going, I don't kno hen, but at least I kno you're going.

but if this person is different and came ith good intentions, hy didn't he just let us kno and sneak in here?

the man covered his mouth, angered by the approach of the gun earlier and bana's body froze as he screamed in fear.

Nancy should have said something at this point, but at this point Nancy told the truth.


there as no ay to speak no, and husband's voice had no chance to make such sounds, so he hoped that Nancy ould see his current situation and speak to him kindly.

but it as obvious that this time he as not shy, because Angel and Nancy ignored bana's presence for a hile.

the noise he made ent unnoticed, probably a loud noise, and they did not kno hy his voice as never heard.

Such an act is absolute outrage, and in bana's mind, they are both ridiculous.

hoever, due to the gun strapped to his forehead, he found himself unable to move his thoughts.

Ignoring bana's objections, Angel continued to talk to Nancy.

think carefully. maybe it's because of God's guidance that e remain friends. e are together because of the poer of God. but God does not claim to be his friend. God is alays ith us, so if that is not true, listen to his voice.

but no

ait a minute, I mean, God doesn't sho up hen e're in danger, even then.

Nancy said quickly.

Nancy, in this case there is no reason for God's creation and e are also not believers, so God's help for everyone cannot be extended to everyone. because here God is not their poer or everything. - A good person.

therefore, as orshipers of God, e need guidance from our fello man. For example, thanks to the divine guidance you kno my house, my gods also speak about your existence.

therefore, there are no friends mentioned in the divine revelation, but they are not. hy does my absent friend kno here my house is?

If this person is not a colleague, if he as not invited, if he himself ent to someone's house, I don't think it should be like that, unless there is a bad intention, clarification.

Angel asked again and Nancy didn't say anything, so Nancy asked again.

hy is this? that's it, Angie. If you've thought about it, you probably have some ideas of your on.

Like that.

pearl clapped her hands.

If you think about it, they attacked the other side ithout God's inspiration, so even if hat happened to the dead bodies as not taken ith God's help, it could be interpreted that God interrupted their thoughts. So are e. Is it true?

don't you think there is something mysterious and scary about everything?

that's hat you ant to say.

So hat e have seen so far is surely a reminder from God that the attack on me as no accident.

because I ant to run aay.

Nancy is right. No doubt they encountered animals because of the alking angel. otherise, the animals must be in a safe environment.

his face as red ith embarrassment.

No. please listen to my explanation.

ell, ho can I explain this?

Annie as about to explain, but she couldn't seem to.

huh? Let's talk about the guy first, changing the subject is not Nancy's style.

ho is to blame? Nancy thought for a moment, then looked at the beautiful faces of the others and decided to listen patiently.

Annie clearly anted to change the subject, but Nancy still didn't care.

Is it normal or crazy there? Nancy did not kno if she should say anything or if the other person ould return to the situation.

therefore, it is not good to hold back and suffer from it.


Some people have a dry cough.

here am I going?

You talk about your memories from your idols.

Nancy listened to him patiently, but her memory as bad.

hearing Nancy's anser, Angel sloly remembered her ords.

then he continued hat he as saying.

Yes, here it is. think about it, e have been living in this orld for a long time, but have e found anything related to the gods? If so, the anser is never. So the question is, hy did I feel that ay the first day I met God? does this have anything to do ith the situation that God manded us to examine?

of course, the anser is more obvious because God uses his on methods to give us light, guidance and direction.

the theme of the cthulhu mythos conference is the restoration of hat as ritten in the cthulhu mythos, and in that regard this series of books is more reliable than the bible, at least I have not seen God or christ. I sa them.

the monsters that came here, the mysterious Rerek, and the mysterious Innsmouth, are all manifestations of the real orld.

I don't ant to see it, but I can't deny that these mysterious things exist.

Recently e encountered another mythical phenomenon.

but this time, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared, and the gods did not sho that it as a panion. From a rational point of vie, hat is it?

Even though it as a question that Angel didn't have a chance to anser, Nancy couldn't anser it.

In fact, this person had no intention of asking any questions, and asked himself to anser them.

the simplest and most direct is that it is a sign sent by God through the system of fate, that is, a person associated ith a fictitious event. Enemy or friend?

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