

第89章 乌尔塔尔(1 / 2)
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和他一起去的还有八名船员,他们都是经验丰富的钻研者和向导,穿过王国的曲折路。 rmation in the orld appears in the silhouette of its eyes.

there is something unimaginable about the beauty of the angel's eyes, hose roots are tisted and e out in a strange silhouette.

but he didn't understand.

It's as if the angel's eyes can see <everything>.

the reason he is a ``super high school level detective'' is to use his skills to find out hat he ants to kno.

In this orld he cannot see or recognize.

So his ideas as a researcher are rong, he doesn't have the ability to think everything, he knos everything he ants to kno, and then he falls.

I am amazed at the poer of this kind of ``charm'' that people have.

the angel's eyes ere staring at the same place, ondering here to go.

he ould soon pay the price for that pride.

Angel <hygiene Inspection>, Appearance: 87, lo

Angel <pain> 1d100, appearance: 13

ah! !

he cried as if he had seen something very painful.

At that moment, I felt as if I had seen a monstrous beast, a living creature hiding ithin infinite information.

ell, this endless amount of information is really about this animal.

or maybe it's just another animal eapon.

It is at the end of all space and time, and is connected to the origin of the universe.

hat is this animal itself? the angel did not understand that.

Even if it is a misunderstanding, it is very eak.

A mix like this can happen because it's all about monsters.

the past, the future, everything that has happened, everything that has not happened, everything in the present, everything is inside the monster.

the dead are still alive in the past, they are still alive among the undead, they are here in this animal body, those ho are no, those ho are not, all, all life is inside this body. the monster's body has several parts.

this terrible life, this mysterious and eternal animal is not something that people can understand, hat they see is just a process, and it ill take 10 billion years to try to see it properly. there is no need to mention the other reasons.

hoever, at the same time as this call, these forbidden principles that have existed for ten thousand years immediately came to Ani's mind.

A spirit struck him on the head, as if he had jumped from the universe to earth and returned to the void.

before returning from this orld. he found another familiar, special person.

In different parts of the animal's body, Angel sa the numbers past and present.

this beast also has a creature similar to \"cthulhu\" inside its body.

his soul fell to the ground as if on fire, and his body as burned.

but hen she fell to the ground, Nancy took Annie's hand and asked in a loving voice:

Angel, hat are you thinking? hy is it so scary?

hoever, his anser as very confusing.

I am a giant beast hiding in this orld, no, the orld hides the body of a giant, sleeping, but no aake.

Nancy did not hear anything that Annie said, but she picked up the book ith the ords in it, copied it, took a black pen, and rote it quickly, although she did not understand it. hoever, hen Nancy returned to normal, Angel's reaction as questionable.

Nancy is just a boxer, so ansering questions is not part of her skills. but he also asked An qi hat he could do. therefore, the highest value of hope college is listening to God's ill ith people.

In other ords, he had the ability to receive ansers directly from heaven, but despite having such a poerful talent, he as like a eak child hose body trembled and his head boed.

cold seat permeated Angel's body, and his voice echoed. Nancy realized that the other person as really crying this time. because after half a minute, Nancy reached and looked up to her mouth, and she sa the face of someone ho as still crying... crying, covering her nose. I as embarrassed to look at him hile I as getting ater.

Losing 13 of his senses then causes Angel to go temporarily insane. Nancy began to cry in Nancy's arms, then fell asleep.

angel, angel

Nancy called An Yi tice, but An qi never ansered, no, there as still a voice. because after An Yi fell asleep, I heard a loud breathing sound, probably because his nose as stuffy. disturbance because of the station.

of course he slept ith Angel, maybe he ants to stop being crazy.

hoever, Angel oke up again hen Nancy brought him don. this time, Nancy realized that she might have made a mistake because Angel fell asleep just 10 seconds ago.

can I have a doctor's note, please? pepper?

those ere the first ords Annie said hen she oke up.

Nancy didn't kno hat to say.

mind book 133 (26)

For some reason, at this point he as very hot, as if someone had hit him ith an iron rod.

this terrible blo clouded his thoughts and filled his thoughts ith violence.

the human body seems to be very difficult to control.

It's like my body on't move, or rather it's rebelling but at least he on't notice.

Everything seems normal.

he kne something as rong ith his body, something unimaginable.

hat is this strange change? Although Yi himself did not kno it, An Yi kne that it as true and relentless and merciless toards him.

despite clearly being in control of his on body, An ii felt like he as controlling some kind of inparable animal, ith only bones and muscles that could move freely.

Someho it felt like he had a skeleton, but turned into a pletely different animal.

breathing is normal and heat from the air freely enters the lungs.

the nervousness of the beating of my heart, the chaos of the blood floing through my body, and my nervousness remained still.

(hat is the real problem?)

Annie carefully felt the changes in her body and felt that something as rong here and there, but Annie never understood it and did not think anything of it.

the confusion beteen emotions and reasoning made Ani angry and unable to calm don ithout thinking about anything.

he even destroyed his on body.

hoever, he himself kne that such a state as caused by a short period of unconsciousness, so he quickly suppressed the urge.

Anyone ho scores more than 5 points in an hour in the trojan Room ill go insane for a hile.

the manifestation of this crazy country is the trojan horse of freedom.

Again, he felt no change in his mind, but that change shoed in his body.

of course, this is the best punishment for losing consciousness.

Angel took a deep breath and spoke to Nancy in a lo voice.

can I have a doctor's note, please? pepper? in the fridge

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