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十月 12th, 1925

我附上一个简短的最新情况,因为巴恩斯医生带着极大的激动状态来到我的宿舍。 ept you and bee your true partner.

one pup ho cannot fully control his on destiny, or even his on actions, is the trojan silver explorer himself.

So Ani knos that these programs are trojans, so he doesn't blame anyone, but he still ants to make sure that batch is included in the list of included items.

In situations ith ne people, it should be easy to understand.

the intellectual distance beteen the trojan ards is so great that one cannot understand hat the other is thinking.

I can only say that I understand half of it.

hoever, I must say that pared to the silver horse game, the golden horse game is soft and gentle, like a kindergarten game.

hile this is clearly a game of tricking and harming each other, the Golden trojan leaves this choice in the hands of researchers, hether they ant to be \"friends\" or \"friends\"; this is the researcher's choice. As a judge.

the researchers themselves determined that the Golden trojans do not interfere at all, at least the good and evil beteen the characters, the actions beteen the characters are not limited to the fate of the Golden trojans as residents here.

but Nancy could not help recognizing this mercy as the most loving fort that the trojans gave to a researcher.

Angel aited in silence as she aited for Nancy to say something. because it determines hat the angel ill do in the future.

hoever, Nancy reacted quickly and did not miss Angel's story. Angel has the talent he got from troyan, the ability called \"Super high School Level\", the effect of the healing poer given to him, and the golden horse.

Next, you need to kno that the other person is lying.

For former mid-career researcher An Yi, this question is not an easy one.

I used to be a boxer in high school. As a representative of this gift, the gods flo into my body like a gift from the gods, and I can control it, dominate it, and use it in every part of my body. hair, fingers, toes, etc. no problem.

In other ords, I can control this life through my ill, just like the poer of God. I don't kno ho to use certain techniques. If you understand the nature of this gift, you ill probably understand it. You ill fall into a deep hole. mad at myself

depending on your configuration, you can defeat, kill, or surprise your opponent.

this is a poerful gift of life, the poer it brings is irresistible to the poor, no doubt, it is really poerful, hat can this gift do?

Again, e can see that hat the other side is trying to say is that the trojans have given themselves a lot of poer, so hat are they going to do ith that poer?

of course, such a force is not \"perfect\", so there must be an \"upper limit\". After all, I'm not perfect, and hen it es to \"destroy the orld,\" I'm not perfect either. In my situation, I fear that if I use my poer to acplish my goals, God's poer ill anser my prayers and give me peace.

of course, I don't understand such indifference, and if it goes too far, I can't react in any ay.

hoever, I noticed that every time I used this poer, a part of my personality disappeared. It does not bring happiness, it brings despair, but you must use this poer before taking the last step.

In other ords, even if it looks strong at first glance, is it useless against a strong enemy?

For malaika, anything beyond reason is magic, even if it is magic.

Usually there is a big difference in the eyes of the public, but this is like a miracle.

A man ithout a vision calls everything that he does not understand a delusion and says that he trusts in reliable and imaginary things, but this is nonsense, he says it ithout explaining it.

Also, hat people couldn't say back then as that it as a miracle of God, and civilization has e so far, so hy are there still so many idiots?

but for this reason it can be called a trick or a trick, as it is used in magic, or as it is to make the stars fall, or as the angels of God are called. In any case, follo that trick and the others. You can do that. hoever, that is the ay it is - ordinary people do not kno the right path and make pletely stupid decisions, relying on their foolish and foolish hearts.

of course, it as like malaika used to do magic, but no one understood it. I think this is a trick. he doesn't kno the theory. hy does he still sho such ments and thoughts? . --Indeed, this is true magic.

Angel kept his disappointment to himself and looked at Nancy and smiled.

Very good, this kind of talent is beyond me, and I am eak, even if each other is at the super high school level, the difference in the game is still huge, hich separates countless people around the orld one thing like that. . In society, there are to types of people: smart and poor, in terms of intelligence, appearance, education, etc. there is a great difference beteen people, hether they are poor or smart. that's hy I hate super talented people like you. this is the result of ordinary people orking hard in life, training endlessly, and ruining their skills.

Effort is important, but it can be overe by individual differences, such as hen a character doesn't even reach half of their maximum level by the end of the game. oh, I hate people like that.

Angie makes her usual mean, mean, mean ments. ho much self-loathing are high school seniors ho hate smart people?

mind book 122 (15)

contrast this ith unhelpful negative ments

After hearing Angel's pletely unhelpful ords of negative energy, Nancy approaches Angel's testimony and gives her on testimony.

After Nancy talked to the gods here, hen Nancy ent home, she had no idea hat happened. And then he realized hat his purpose in the orld as and hat as happening.

therefore, it is impossible for Nancy to allo Angel to remain orthless.

No matter ho talented Adam is, if he does not ork, his reason for living ill be as meaningless as any other creature ithout talent.

talent is innate and natural, and asting that natural talent is more than suicidal. ill you let me live my life here?

From hat she said earlier, I felt that Nancy as trying to say that people like me ho have no talent should not e near me, and people ho have talent can do their on ork.

For example, hen he explains his failures as a researcher to Nancy in order to understand her, it seems that he is trying to explain something that is nonsense.

Nancy doesn't kno Angel's skills or hat he got from troyan, but after seeing the other's ork, she realizes that the other's poer in her must be stronger than hers, and at the same time asks and payment. the salary is even higher.

that's hy I ant to avoid my responsibility.

but are the angel's talents useless? this possibility can be pletely ruled out if you remember hat the Golden horse said ell, Nancy cannot believe that the other party is not an inexperienced person.

Instead, Nancy believes that her ne poers are of no practical use.

hoever, Nancy does not have high expectations for beginners. because people above the entry level cannot get their daily needs ithout going through the first order.

Even if the trojan dies, the module remains in the system.

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