

第85章 奇怪的事件(1 / 2)
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正是在这个密集的研究时期,奇怪的事件开始直接触及我们的调查人员。 ording to the description of the golden horse, this may be the ne god on the all.

truly unlucky, a fate prepared for the Golden trojans.

because there is no other ay, e need you, high school researcher. Yes, you are human, and your inpetent and crazy nature is hat makes you useful.


he read the important points. Anlov nodded.

of course, e are also looking for other high school students, these are the ones ho graduated.

treat others like children, even if they are not like you.

of course, e ill see them soon. Not all super high school students are like that. And the groups you put together are ads that help us.

Anloff still makes a good point, but it's a mon trait to treat others like tools.

the cthulhu mythos is like crazy ords ritten in a mental hospital hile smoking.

Anlov hates the author of the cthulhu mythos and his orks.

basically nothing, but strange, strange things appeared in the orld.

hat does that mean?

Ian looked at Ruof, feeling bitterness in his heart. As expected, he as actually in the opening scene.

Unfortunately no one can escape from it! I screamed my heart out again.

In fact, that is, the novel of this mad riter has bee a history book, more exaggerated than the bible. At least the crazy book is inplete, but Amma is this crazy story that turns out to be true. .

Stupid books seem to refer to the bible, and stupid stories refer to the cthulhu mythos.

In fact, chi had never heard of this series - at least not in the ider orld.

but there as no ay the angels didn't kno about cthulhu, this great god of the magical orld, the dark god ho slept in Rekk, the Lord of Sleep.

Is this myth about this dark god, this demon, true? that's hat I thought of the name, but there as a thoughtful expression on his face.

For example, our people have no discovered the Reich Kingdom under the sea.


the other qi had a strange look - it as not a lie, he felt that he understood the main line: could this be a copy of the evil god's orld conquest?

today, this cursed riter is still riting chapters of madness, and these dark gods in the minds of mentally ill people are also seen in the orld.

Attempts to prevent the publication of this series ere unsuccessful for unknon reasons. this article ill be published in the Science orld Library despite efforts to have it removed. by the ay, the parts that are not included in the magazine ill also be published.

It's amazing and nothing stops crazy books from being published.

Anlov fell into a poerful position.

e still have no ay to find him, nothing, e succeeded, but he looked at us, sa our behavior, and even said: fake smell, even I You can smell it and it seems bad. . .

hen Anlov repeated these ords, his expression became very angry.

book of fools 118 (11)

this is definitely the stupidest statement in the orld.

he believed it and he could not deny that anser.

the god must have been angry in front of me.

this kind of emotion definitely told him that there as a big difference beteen the man in front of him, ho had human-like emotions, and the God he thought of.

he believed that even the gods of dreams ere not like this man in front of him.

Furthermore, to Annie's ears, there as no doubt that hat the other person as saying as different from hat she as saying in her heart, and there as no strategy involved.

this story is orse than something ritten by a group of elementary school students, but is this really hat God said? he felt something strange again, and ondered if something like a dream had happened this time too.

It as very difficult for An qi, and he didn't ant to understand either. In fact, it is difficult to understand and accept him, and he ill deliberately find reasons to drive him crazy.

It as very dark and very disturbing. Vani thought about it.

If it asn't a god falling into the abyss of madness, then it as a miracle caused by Kaneki's horse poer.

hen he arrived here, An Yi remembered that he as not a person of this orld, and he could not think about it in his previous thoughts.

the mind does not ork because this is the orld of the Golden trojans, that beautiful place.

therefore, An Yi could only bear the disfort in his heart.

I passed Angel's \"Safety test\", questions: 50.

Fortunately, An ii shoed some resistance due to the same dream last time, so I didn't feel stupid this time.

At this time, Anlov also quickly returned to his normal state and did not sho any feeling like a crazy person.

hoever, even though he felt that he as a true god to the people, An Yi, ho had no respect for saints or buddhas, as ultimately afraid of it. terrible.

my feeling returned to its original tenderness, but it as not as tender as it had been in my dreams.

So, no you need to understand hat you need to do and hat your job is. Anlov said, but this time his tone did not change, it as smooth.

Instead, it is terrifying, frightening, and frightening, giving Annie the fear that the god before her may shed his human shell at any moment and reveal his true form beyond ords.

Fortunately, that as not the case. then, An II, ho as scared, gradually relaxed.

but next time, that peace ill be gone.

official duties have ended and private time has begun.

don't orry, the gold genie doesn't care.

So you need to understand hat your job is?

before Anlov could say these ords, his arms and legs flashed like lightning, and a ne barrier opened up from him.

At this moment, An Yi also felt the disfort of the barrier, hich seemed to be sirling in the chaos of the sky.

the disease has iped out the orld of galleries that once resembled children's doodles.

Instead, it's a Raleigh-style mansion.

No, this is the real Le Ruie. Especially looking at it and its parts, there is no doubt that this building must be under the sea and ancient. they are sleeping.

Even Isti, ho as not versed in mysticism, heard poseidon's la that Rellek as the burial place of all ancient rulers. the magic barrier saves the souls of the gods.

of course, such a far-fetched explanation is not convincing, but the obstacles standing in the ay of An II seem to be based on this myth.

Idol tomb? he felt the terrible sensation of the spell on his body, and his consciousness as salloed up again.

that fear, that fear covered him like a vine.


to my surprise, no voice alerted me this time.

At this time, his darkness disappeared, there ere no signs of his body, he as not tired, he felt as if he had injected himself to increase his strength, and his spirit as still intact.

but in contrast to this immorality and misery, Angel sa God before his eyes changing his character.

his appearance hasn't changed at all, but no he doesn't look like a god, and of course he's not a demon either, he's hat you'd call a human.

Surprisingly, he looked like a saint.

Unable to understand hy this place suddenly returned to Riley, An Yi also doubted his ords.

ho is the Golden God?

First question. Anlov seemed to ant to anser.

I am an imaginary god, a family god in this orld, and actually, as a god, it is not difficult to borro the poer of the god, and as I said before, Rory appeared in the orld. hat is my problem, God, did I use a fence to connect the to?

So the second question is, ho is the Golden God? that's hat e call a trojan horse.

hen Anlov took this name, there as something called a trojan horse. Angel as afraid that it must be a member of the trojan chamber as an investigator and not a senior guard. themselves.

hen the villagers found out that he as a researcher, he felt unfortable.

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