

第85章 奇怪的事件(2 / 2)
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Angel's \"ill try\" appearance: 87, belo.

<coin of health> 1d2, Eyes: 2

madness drove him mad again, but strangely this time he didn't hear the trojans or realize that he had made a rational decision.

he realized that something really happened here and thought about troyan's ords.

do you ant to kill me before the meeting?

Angel kne that possibility. my hands are seaty.

ho do I kno if there is a master trojan?

trojan dominator? Is that the devil's name?

devil of God? No, it's not the devil. Real devils are not like that, and if you see a real devil, you don't call it a devil.

he remembered seeing a demon god before, and in his last copy he sa a demon appear in his on eyes and a demon named cthulhu fell asleep and oke up in the sea.

the rocking horse is just a body, but the angel realizes that he is a fool and hopeless, and this figure is hopeless and a demon beyond human understanding.

trojan horses may be gods, but they are definitely not demons. If they ere real demons, An II ould probably not be seen here. this is a false and ridiculous truth. pletely insane, he is already insane hen he learns the truth about the orld.

therefore, An chi also laughed that Anlov called the rocking horse a devil.

hoever, even though Annie as laughing in her heart, she gradually realized that it as not funny.

he thought of the terrifying possibility, but he had no ay of articulating it, or even explaining it. It as just a thought, and it as enough to scare him.

So, have you ever ondered if that god can really be called a crazy god?

qi's face turned hite as the god Anrafu said hat qi as thinking before.

Apparently, I heard this ord from God in my heart.

don't orry. I can really hear hat's in your heart. Anlov seemed to sense fear in Ani's heart and said quietly:

hoever, this did not have the desired effect and An Yi became even more frightened.

An ii is also afraid of overthinking.

but even if he tried to stop thinking, it as just Ani's imagination, and this god sa right through An chi.

hy do you think e kno there is a trojan horse that is not called God but is created from the minds of men? I don't think anything of it, so hy can others hear it so clearly?

I kno there are trojan horses, but I don't kno their characteristics.

trojans are almost unlimited and can contain any age group, regardless of gender: omen, old people, teenagers, even girls, goblins, and even animals.

e do not kno the true face of the trojans, nor hat life is like, for us God, the poer of the trojans is greater than ours, you ill understand. probably not, but first of all. trojan horses are stronger than you and more dangerous than you think. So you've seen trojans as avatars for fun and games, but ho much do you kno about trojans?

Your knoledge of trojan horses may not be as good as ours.

Anlov stopped hen he said these ords, and seeing Anki's disbelief and confused thoughts at this moment, Anlov also kne that he as very drunk.

In other ords, he still fears that the site is a trojan horse.

It is not clear, it is not clear, but as a researcher in the trojan room, he is more afraid of trojans.

Anlov understood the other person's fear, but also kne that no matter hat he said, the other person ould not get even a hint of confidence, but the action could still happen.

For example, hy didn't the trojans receive natural training?

For example, hy does the trojan not sound even after proper inspection?

hat if I'm clearly confused and trojan sounds can't enlighten me?

perhaps one did not think much at the time and did not notice the event, but Anlov as sure that one ould think about it once he calmed don.

but no

the key is aiting for you, angel. I don't kno if that's his real name, but I kno that he is the messenger of the Silver trojan horse, hich is different from the Silver demon God, or better, he is the ruler of the orld.

but is this the truth of the orld?

Are you interested?

Anlov said.

hoever, Annie seemed to calm don and consider the current possibility, and ansered in the negative.

No, I don't ant to kno, it's not my orld, and I on't be here long.

Anlov clapped his hands and said:

Are you tall and do you have a mon language?


he boed his head again in confusion. Anlov kindly replied:

Yes, e ill definitely ork together. As a member of the Silver Legion, you have no connection ith the people of the Golden Legion.

Nothing rong ith that. then?

So this real task is to liberate this orld from the poer of the Golden God, and e have tried and failed many times. So e all decided to submit to our golden destiny according to his ill. .

If things don't change, the people of the Golden Legion probably on't e to this orld either - the system of this orld orks ell, and the idols created by that system ill remain. Automatic updates. , It's okay, the Golden Army doesn't need to e.

but you beat me recently.

he felt himself in the cold body and said that he as very impressed at this moment, that they might ant something from him, and if he as in good condition, he ould have to kill them all. . he understands this very ell, hich is hy he is alays angry.

ell, that's a small problem, otherise the golden devil ill definitely doubt the god hose divine poer guards the hole orld. of course I am careful about energy, but sometimes extraordinary energy can lead to good results.


the first part of his ords as happy, the second as angry. doesn't that mean that the golden horse has actually seen this place? God, this is too much.

don't orry, there is no problem this time. In fact, one of the countless orlds is the golden order of the trojan ritten in my data - if he ignores, the poer of the Lord can succeed.

Anlov said boldly.

So is there a reason hy I need your help?

he boed his head and thought, maybe he didn't understand hy he needed the help of these ne gods, or maybe he came to participate in the Golden trojan Game - hy is this? did he do it for relatives? the people, and anti-trojan game?

he sa no reason for it. death in this orld is nothing to fear, only the return to the trojan room.

If she can't help these ne gods, Ani is orse than dead. his soul ill be buried forever in the terror of the trojans.

besides, angels have a desire to be fulfilled, a desire that is more important than themselves.

It's not great justice, it's not great love, it's just greed.

hoever, nothing as more important to Annie than that.

on the contrary, I am afraid that if An ii has the ability to achieve the goals of the other party, he ill soon leave his current position.

So, I have prepared a gift for you.

Any gift you give me, I ill give it

As he spoke, he began to believe more and more because he clearly sa the ne gift that God had given him. In fact, it as a temptation that he could not overe.

As a result, the explosion immediately appeared as an angel.

the reason for the split is that An ii only sees the head, and if it sees everything, An ii immediately changes its position.

please don't orry. this is just the beginning. once done, the results ill be exactly hat you expected. that's just the truth.

Anlov's ords sloly faded aay, disappearing like lightning on the all. At the same time, another person's face also changed.

the angel understood that this meant the end of the era of freedom and that they ere brought back to the orld by the divine poer of the golden log.

the orld as it as a fe years ago.

A oman is sitting at the table. her long hair as like black silk, long and not curly, but falling straight.

As the dark readers looked at the text before him, a divine light shone, as beautiful and moving as ignorance.

bai hao's skin as smooth and he as earing a hite shirt, blue and hite jeans, shoes, and a summer dress.

In fact, it is not a crime, it is summer.

It is a small house ithout air conditioning. It's just an old electric fan. the air flo is normal, the rotation axis is broken and almost dead.

but he didn't care about the oman sitting next to him.

ell, I'll leave it to you, Frank--I don't think it's a problem, you're an honest man.

Joshua, I don't think this is a good thing to do.

Frank replied that the hotorth he as talking about as, of course, philip Lovecraft's hotaker.

Aaliyah came to Earth, but she as different from Aaliyah.

She has maturity, maturity and charm that Aaliyah lacks. Even if a oman's body is very beautiful, it does not mean that she ill attract the attention of bad girls and even people ho are interested in sex, like her beauty.

please call as you say. If you call hotua, I think many people ill anser. I don't like it. I like some names. At least it doesn't have to be a mon name.

In fact, this name surprised everyone.

Frank continued politely. but the truth is, Love didn't ant to hear the truth, and he gave himself up, causing Frank to close his heart.

ell, Love, that's a good name too.

Frank said hesitantly behind his eyes. No love is satisfied.

that my friend, I love straight ones.

Frank doesn't ant to talk, but Love continues.

do you agree? the orld is changing, the mind is the main cause, and matter is an illusion created by the mind. All gods are liars, I believe in the unknon, God is not God, I hope that.

Should I think about it? Sorry, I really don't understand.

Frank didn't understand this philosophical thing, so he looked into it. Love replied:

I am not sure, but I think you ill agree ith this information.

If the bible is idespread in this orld, christianity exists, and all christians and God are true, then these original false creations bee true. hat happens hen e create a ne story?

this orld is a choice, e need a ne mythology, the orld has never been explained before, science is only about knoing hat people don't kno, so I have to sho it naked, that's it. the orld has given me a duty.

do you like scary, scary stories that you rite?

Actions speak louder than ords.

As Soya anxiously rote the last sentence on the paper, a miracle happened.

he appeared in the light, in the sky, in the form of a oman ho resembled Love.


Frank asn't scared, he as confused.

this is the choice of the orld, and this is my daughter, my savior, or the ne messiah, but not the christian messiah, but the cthulhu mythos messiah. It is about recognizing the uncertainty and reality of the orld.

It's okay if you don't understand it no, but eventually you ill. there are miracles, God, and secrets found in the qur'an. Anser to finish.

hen the gods fall, I promise to tell you all about it.

Love smiled, and for the first time Frank realized that this man as so nice that he couldn't understand the etiquette of shoing him a knife.

book of fools 119 (12)

It as also announced that this foolish conversation ould end at this point, but from the beginning and the end, God's decision to call Anlov as not a discussion from the beginning, but a process of unity.

of course, An qi had no room to resist.

the conversation ended like a simple game, but the real conversation took place in the fence, hich the golden horse did not kno, thus shoing the real truth.

And God and men have an agreement, albeit a partial one.

he looked at the other person's gift and sa no reason to refuse.

For the love of God, e can do anything, no matter ho extreme, no matter ho contrary to human nature and conscience. trojan horse? Are you really playing?

God gave him hope, but the angel bit him like a rabid dog and did not let him go.

Saving the gods is no easy task. Angel knos this very ell. e also kno that hen the gods are gone and the faith of the people is required, they ill not do it easily. Such a person ho never changes his behavior should be called God.

Vani said in his heart that apart from the hope that this is not a game full of evil against God, his conscience and desire to protect himself for knoledge.

meanhile, all the researchers except An chi arrived in the orld.

Nancy Angel as born into this orld before Angel, and met the gods before Angel.

God's name is Veronica and she is a beautiful oman in traditional costume.

hoever, ith some knoledge, Nancy realizes that she is just a character in a movie, regardless of body type or style.

this god does not sho his true face and randomly chooses an old film actress.

this movie could have been made 20 years ago.

hoever, Nancy kne nothing about this God. e do not kno hat this holy kingdom is or hat kind of poer it has. Nancy did not understand.

If Veronica did not sho the kingdom of God, kne Nancy, and did not use violence, Nancy ould see this God as her enemy and join the fight. .

Nancy also realized that she did not ant to reveal this information to the public.

he ouldn't tell the truth to anyone he didn't trust, and even if he did, it ouldn't be funny.

he is not first and foremost a good man, but a man ho ill do anything for his on soul.

In fact, most people in the trojan Room have the same desires, but the difference lies in ho they ant their needs met or hat they ant more.

Nancy, unlike them, is determined by her desires and is ready to do anything for them, even killing her loved ones ithout remembering them.

but no that there is no need, if there is no need to betray, Nancy ill not be proud of her beauty and ill not allo others to think that she is an ordinary person.

A game of trust and betrayal, this is Nancy's trojan horse game.

hoever, Nancy had no negative thoughts this time.

they say that the detective has three magic eapons: an old seal, a friend, and a friend, but if Nancy does not reach the end, Nancy ill do something terrible because she is not reliability. . ho could he betray her?

No need to be afraid of neers. they don't kno the real rules of orking in this orld and just call them friends.

but for another Angel, as a participant in the Silver trojan Room, Angel doesn't kno ho much he knos or ho many cards he has.

As an ex-military man, he must have good magic equipment, maybe a magic book? overall, there is no one ho can pare to Nancy, and everyone's play styles seem to be very similar to hers. I am.

In other ords, Nancy kne she had no chance, but that didn't matter. the to rookies are enough. Nancy is an unexpectedly happy person, so she doesn't mind making friends ith other people in this game.

Again, I like one better.

Nancy thought.

the thought of meeting Angel here brought a smile to Nancy's face, and she seemed so happy that it asn't a lie.

Nancy arrived a day early, but the gods ere not successful.

Nancy Angel.

A sudden phone call, it's Veronica's voice, it's God's call.

At this time, Veronica appeared on a beautiful tV playing a movie, but a stupid character appeared in the movie.

that is God himself, and even in the ne movie he refuses to let go of that lie.

If Nancy had not knon that the other person's appearance as false, she might have thought that this party as the true image of God.

on tV, he looked like a little man in a ooden box.

hoever, it seems that this is not the ork of magicians ho kno true magic, but the ork of magicians for ordinary people ho call it magic.

he does not deny that there is no difference in the public sphere, because people alays put hat they do not kno in the same field, even if they are different.

huh? do you call me God? hat happened? ould you say you have the right attitude?

No, I didn't find them all. It is a miracle that you are in this orld, but so far nothing has been found. Veronica's voice as a bit confused.

Nancy as speechless and only responded ith a small smile.

he didn't kno because the Golden trojan didn't send them all.

Is life as a high school senior so interesting that even God can't stand it? but these onderful things prove that you can help the gods.

You and this person are one and the same and both are more poerful than God.

Undoubtedly, your destiny is one, it es from the greatness of destiny and unites all. Everyone is an electronic ponent of a great system called the orld, and everyone's fate is intertined ith it. Also, link makers are different.

You are a senior in high school, and you are the person e are looking for. that is a very good ord. Are you happy to be so involved in this fate? Very interesting.

honestly, I have no idea! Nancy as confused and quickly revealed that she didn't understand at all.

Veronica sa this and, as a goddess, she had no doubts, and it ould be better to say that she as interested if the person in front of her shoed some understanding.

because hat Veronica said as just the basics.

her seduction only revealed things that some people didn't need to kno, and if anyone as ondering, Veronica might have started to torture herself.

but luckily, Nancy alays seems to get the right anser by playing dumb.

can you tell me hat to do, Lord God, this, I am a human, is it not natural for us humans to follo the gospel of God and save us? miracle ?

therefore, Lord God, you have no reason to explain to me except to speak your mands. Nancy, I submit to God's ill.

Nancy said it's okay, she just knos hat she's thinking.

hoever, his appearance sometimes gets in the ay, alloing him to solve problems and e back before the moment es.

Nancy at this point is like a kindergartener shoing up in a college classroom, shocked to hear her professor and not understanding anything.

Veronica smiled, but it asn't a mocking or sad smile.

Yes, I ill explain it directly to you next time, but don't you think your speech has improved?

Veronica disappears from television and is replaced by Nancy, ho appears in many television shos.

the evil god shared hat he sa on tV, and his voice matched the footage.

hen Nancy tried to speak, the television picked up her voice.

he as so scared that he almost jumped.

then, hen I found out hat happened,


Nancy exclaimed, realizing that everything rong ith her had been exposed.

At this point, Nancy is in the electronics shoroom area. the only good thing as that there as no one there. otherise, Nancy doesn't kno here to go because of her shame.

hoever, Veronica loves this character so much that she doesn't act like a god beating others.

It appears based on human illusions, but he is God and the divine orks and orks are seen there, he is a person and is the same person as people, so he should not be considered as one you are god .

Getting out. please remove all these pictures immediately.

I don't kno hen they started taking long pictures and playing them in a slidesho and adding nice sounds in the background.

It might be fun for Nancy.

I really orry hen people say things like this, even God can't do something this bad, I'm a good God, ho can a good God do such a thing something like this?

Veronica smiled and spoke in a lo voice, but Nancy never spoke.

In fact, he as so angry that his silver teeth cracked.

ell, it's not funny anymore, so don't be mad.

Veronica deleted all the pictures on the tV after 10 minutes.

Veronica appeared on tV again and said the same insults as before.

but haven't you seriously thought about it? If you do this, I think you ill bee famous, and in this day and age, being interested in something gives you strength.

hat did he say? At this time Nancy could not understand hat the other person as saying.

I don't even kno hat kind of god he is but no matter ho I look at it, he is definitely a god of evil.

No matter hat Nancy thinks, she can think of everything.

I don't ant to, even if God strengthens me, it's impossible, I don't ant to be ashamed.

right? A shame? It's very nice.

Veronica's ords angered the other person, but it seemed like she as cheating on him. maybe Nancy knos that God is her first human and more than human monster. If a person is really angry, nothing ill happen to him.

Nancy anted the other person to kno she as angry, but she didn't really ant the other person to be angry.

Nancy has a heart to respect God and buddha because there as a time hen she asked God for salvation, but this simple religion is just a lie.

hen Nancy met a church that believed in the devil and believed in the devil and desperate people she kne that there are miracles and that there is also God's salvation. the orld has a savior.

hoever, there is no god in this orld ho can give salvation to such retched people.

So ho do you escape?

this is to make yourself more attractive. this standard of entertainment is established by the teaching of the church, so believers ill be saved.

Although this is only a copy of the orld, Nancy naturally looks to God for salvation and ants to receive a miracle, even if that miracle requires despair in return.

I'm sorry, but I don't like embarrassing things like this.

put all your thoughts in your mind so that God ill not kno that you are thinking them. because such idle thinking itself is opposed to miracles and salvation.

ell, I don't like it, so I'll just forget about it and I'll go to Niko's station.

hat is this?

please be assured that there is no need to orry as this is not a rural site.

Veronica smiled.

No, God, can you understand it directly?

No, it's not fun.

God still has a purpose, but that purpose is limited to temporal senses. After his behavior changed, Nancy became more afraid.

So do you kno here the address is? I remember this guy had his address on his ristband.

pulse? oh, sorry, I didn't kno hat as good about it, so I kept it at home.

I said, are you really modern? Isn't it from Earth?

of course, I'm a modern man, so it's rude to say such things.

Nancy asn't happy, but she didn't kno hy.

As a layman, is not understanding the benefits of cellphones as bad as not understanding cell phones, or is it orse than before?

he has a very good character, but hen it es to this technique, his opponent ill be a poisonous queen. this is never a good idea.

Yes, I really hate Nancy. but just as humans never think of ild animals, gods never think of humans.

I don't have money to buy ine or bread that doesn't really affect my life.

You are the type of person ho doesn't eat anything unless you have to.

Veronica said sarcastically, but Nancy shook her head as if she didn't hear anything.

Isn't that mon sense? After all, hat else does an inanimate object have to do ith anything? interesting? If you have to destroy a virtual orld to destroy your life, hat's the difference beteen that and the satisfaction of smoking? to be honest, entertainment is really a spiritual need, but I can't get happiness from the virtual orld.

orse than the puritans, are you old enough to live in the suburbs? No, even this food is 100 times better than yours.

oh, are you angry?

Nancy noticed this and sloly turned her head.

of course, if you tell muslims that eating pork is rong, you are asking for death.

Veronica ansered honestly.

hy? hy do you think?

because one of my professions is electronic entertainment.

the scene froze for a moment.

oh, sorry, I made a mistake.

Nancy soon realized her mistake. because he uttered blasphemous ords before God, and others became angry and poisonous ords that could not be tolerated. Even though Nancy had no intention of doing anything, she still felt the need to apologize.

I accept your apology.

Lord cami ansered and Nancy smiled.

LoL, can you tell me your address?

Nancy immediately accepted the situation as if nothing had happened, but did she really have to let go of something so dire? Nancy plain and simple, there's no need to do that, it's stupid.

ell, it's fun even ithout ork, so don't forget to ear the bracelet hen you get home.

Veronica said revealing her address. It as 51 Eporth Street.

then Nancy exclaimed:

Is it not near my house?

Nothing rong ith that. I mentioned earlier about earing a bracelet, but otherise, you don't have to.

Veronica said. there is no doubt that his bad voice is annoying. Nancy replied:

I ant to go back!

Nancy shouted, then alked out ithout looking back. hen she came out, or strangely, hen she left the exhibition, Nancy sa a million eyes. because of this, Nancy's face turned red.

Nancy realizes that others see everything she does in her mind. please, God ill not reveal himself. So everyone seems to be Nancy saying stupid things on tV.

No, hat kind of idiot ould do something like that? Everyone informs Nancy of the situation, so she runs aay, leaving her face behind.

At this point, Nancy is in the small American ton of Eporth, but no one here knos. there are fe people, there are no special buildings, and the relations beteen them are very cold - he does not kno that there are high school characters around him.

In other ords, there is no doubt that he is pletely disabled in society.

Nancy then added this set to Angel, but Angel said \"no\" because she had never seen it. 51. by the ay, Nancy's house is at number 50. It's not far and it's not big, but it's real. he doesn't kno ho he is anyhere.

Nancy no alked to Angel's door and knocked. Around 1:15 in the morning, this normal person ould have oken up if it asn't for the day-night itch.

After a hile, Nancy stood outside the door of the house for 10 minutes, knocking on the door from time to time, but stopped and ent to a nearby store to buy a bottle of cold mineral ater. I ent to the snack bar and bought some delicious mexican meat. of course, this is just a name and does not mean that it is a mexican specialty.

Nancy sampled the meat and it as so delicious you could taste the special flavor. but it's still summer, and eating delicious food can be hot.

book of madness 120 (13)

10 minutes ago.

No he as eating the delicious bag of meat that Nancy had brought him and it as already in his stomach.

I drank more than half of the mineral ater I brought, the sun must have been very hot. the sun in the sky alays produces intense heat and a burning light that makes people faint. FAILURE

For Nancy, her hands and the ater must be cold.

Seat poured don his forehead, staining Nancy's dress ith his on skin.

being asked to ork outside this summer is a life-threatening situation, and no one likes that. Noadays in America, it's hell outside and people can't escape the air conditioner, but Nancy is just a normal person.

Is it safe?

Even though there as no one in front of Nancy, she still didn't feel like saying it.

Unfortunately, Nancy as orking outside the home at the time, and even though she anted to say no, she couldn't because she believed it as God's mand.

do not lose hope and do not lose salvation.

I don't kno if the gods here have miraculous poers, but Nancy doesn't stop hen she has the chance.

So that he could stand there and bang on the door at the same time.

of course, no one can anser this or receive an anser from anyone.

At this time, Nancy's house is nearby, but under normal circumstances, Nancy eats snacks and drinks cold beer in this air-conditioned place in her daily life.

Nancy hated this kind of ork, and even though her resistance as at its limit, she still orked and had no intention of going home and getting a good rest before ing back here.

hoever, at this point, Nancy has reached her limit and knos that no one ill open the door even if she aits here, so she can't help but hold her hand.

Although his hands ere small, they shone as if protected by God, and he alked to Annie's front door and sighed.

Nancy <chill> 1d4, appearance: 1

Undoubtedly, this is a poer beyond human imagination. because of the las imposed by the trojans, Nancy had to accept the punishment of losing her sanity, but luckily this time the consequences ere not so great.

If he is a magician, there is no such thing as testing diseases, but unfortunately, if the researcher is able to release the magic, it ill be placed in the human orld under the trojans. And his character ill be illuminated by false truths against such forces that ordinary people cannot understand, ho ill naturally experiment.

And although it is often necessary and bothers the researchers, the minds of the researchers are different from the magicians of the earth, and no different from the people.

hen hanu slammed the door, it looked like a big truck drove past.

It as too strong to pete ith the Gate, and even though it as a human arm, it had reached the level of a monster, and it as not a reversible arm.

At the same time, Nancy, ho is surprisingly bad hands, seems to be unable to use the strength of her fists, she did not even retreat, she as pletely exhausted.

the door as fully opened, and the door crashed ith an inparable force, making a great sound, and the ind shook violently, causing a storm to rise in my hands. Nancy.

the changes caused by this one blo, the strong ind caused by an extraordinary poer that ordinary people can't do, the dirty door, all of hich appeared as long as I didn't ant to spoil the sauce. of the meat in the risotto. After all, it's better not to fight too much. e should meet.

Even if you don't get hit directly, hitting something after being hit is not something ordinary people can do.

there as no one on the other side of the door, so the entire door, made of steel that could ithstand even the toughest beasts, as thron to the ground, shattered and fle off the all.

After such a strange force broke the door, it as not like before, and the printed cookies ere not like the big metal door.

the girl's stroke resulted in even the people behind the scenes not being able to say they cut it.

So here I am.

Nancy said in a cold voice that she did not consider her actions an attack, nor did she think that the strange force she used as provocative.

his hearing as so bad that Nancy's ords could not be heard unless he as nearby.

of course, Nancy only said this politely and had no intention of aiting for her master's anser.

Nancy as a bit angry because she couldn't let a cute girl like her be aay from home for so long under such dire circumstances.

So, hen Nancy said these ords, she ent to the door of this house.

oh, isn't it really paradise that is so hot, so hot, air conditioned?

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