

第84章 深红地穴(1 / 2)
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在恢复秩序的庄严循环之后,我们人民的命运仍然与北洞穴的谜团联系在一起。ot his purpose, and met a golden horse that looked like a oman.

maybe this page, Golden horse, ants to hit something instead of publishing the page directly.

maybe it's because the \"golden horse\" ants to see something interesting.

For some strange reason, the Golden horse did not change its position.

there he is sloly as if he is looking at a child.

I can't say that. hELLo

the girl looked at An ith a thoughtful expression hile iping her seat.

because I need you until the end. Again, I don't think Silver trojan ould remend you to me unless you have a specific need.

this is amazing. the maniac maniac Silver trojan actually provides a broser. I onder hy you are attracted to him, but are there any characters that you are attracted to?

the soothing ords of the Golden horse did not seem to have much effect. because he really kne that An qi came ith a strange purpose and that as the purpose of the Silver horse.

hoever, he didn't care about his opponent's goal, but he anted to kno hy he as chosen to fulfill that goal and hat qualities attracted the attention of the Silver trojans.

the other Yi understood the meaning of the golden horse and transmitted the correct information ith little concealment.

that is, he anted to see hat a healthy golden horse could do, and that desire took precedence over other considerations.

these clear ords forted An Yi, but he kne that the conflict as not resolved.

because e don't kno ho long the golden fairy named Golden trojan ill last.

In addition to this information, An Yi heard some ords that he found strange.

For example, is justice a fool?

Is this bad guy from Silver trojans fair? did you laugh? or are God's mercy and human mercy really to different things?

(hen e talk about sleep, e have to think about it in dreams. hahaha, ho true?)

Some do not understand ho this man mands the ord of justice.

If this evil man is righteous, is he evil ho does not recognize God's grace?

but ho can someone so beautiful and mature be so evil? he does not kno the meaning of shame and thinks there is no shame.

So, do you ant to kno more about this copy or do you think it's better to find out yourself?

Lately, the Golden horse has been reluctant to explain, but he seems to have given it another chance for parison.

but this is just to give you a sense of the text. perhaps, in the case of the Golden trojan, the content of the copy is the only place here the information is provided.

the golden fairy held her hands in front of her and placed them on her chest, looking sad.

hoever, to An qi's ears, even that sounded like an angel's song.

that as because qi could prove that his knoledge of the Golden horse as not as deep as a neborn child.

It is best not to have such high expectations.

Nancy hispered in Angel's ear. It as obvious that he could not understand the information that the golden horse as telling him, or maybe the golden horse's poers made it impossible for him to understand hat the girl as saying.

ell, he didn't expect this and immediately got scared.


they all jumped in fear.

this event is controversial.

pearl, that's great.

Nancy didn't mean to scoff at her ords, but Angel couldn't help but blush.

It's not out of love or shame, it's out of shame.

As a senior researcher ho had just finished the fourth game of the module, this situation made him nervous. this incident made An Yi very embarrassed.

these kids say I'm short or ugly.

this is a little sad.

conversely, if the speaker is a better person than you, you ill feel that someone is telling the truth.

hoever, it is clear that Nancy Angell is not a good person at heart. therefore, he is very shy and shy and does not ant to talk.

hat are you talking about! !

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