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自从抄写员上次在羊皮纸上涂墨以来,已经发生了很多事情。otten that he had magic.

he anted to move his fingers and kill this man, but he couldn't.

because Arya finally remembered hat this nameless horror as.

this otherorldly phenomenon, if confirmed, es from the so-called scientific myth, that is, the appearance of this animal associated ith human ill and demonic forces.

this could be because Arya felt that the unknon poer ithin her as no match for the orld-creating poer of the old man, a higher being called Satan. Japanese teacher.

hen she lost her mind, he didn't immediately refuse it, but instead continued to arn her as she entered, then sloly pushed her to the seat.

he as even determined to make good use of his paper and make good use of it.

mr. hokke, you don't ant to think that the essay you're about to submit is a piece of crap that even an elementary school student couldn't rite.

Frank's expression as scary this time, like a ghost in a horror movie.

the only difference is that the latter ears a dress, hile the former shos its appearance on the body.

A restless aura radiated from his body, an anger that shoed his greed in a bad ay.

the evil fools ere playing in front of him.

For a moment he seemed connected to the hole orld.

In red eyes, you see the most dangerous life in the orld.

Frank's left hand hit the letters and the round ooden table.

there as a heavy sound, but unlike that sound, the ind fell, and even in the silence, the sound of the flies flashing and angry echoed.

<ill test>, goal: 53, pass.

but this time, Aria didn't feel anger or insult, but anger at the person.

Aria confidently appears to understand that the nameless beast ultimately separated the humans and brought her to this orld in the first place.

At this moment, Aria shoed an innocent expression that didn't lie.

hat does that have to do ith her since she thinks it as originally ritten by her husband?

because I asn't thinking about anything, I said these ords calmly, as if I didn't ant to inherit the bad habits of my former master.

hoever, he is not happy hen he learns that there is a monster named myth, and Arya does not ant to use magic right aay, so he uses his information. \"I don't kno ho to convince others.

So ho about it, just a bill, yes just a bill.

It's my job to get them to look ell ritten and not pletely fake.

Aria didn't kno ho serious he as, but it made her onder if anyone had an Iq.

No matter ho beautiful a person is, hen their skin is pinched, it is scary and frightening. this is hat happens hen someone's skin is cut and their true colors are revealed. these are ords of truth.

Yes, it is. please give me some time.

of course, Frank didn't anser as he thought, his eyes stared coldly at Aria, and that as it.

of course, if there are people in the orld ho are more satisfied ith hat I say, it is just like being afraid of beautiful omen, because they kno that it is dangerous to dream of beautiful omen.

It as impossible, because he assured Frank that such a stupid thing ould not happen.

Fortunately, Frank seemed to take no action.

Aria also knos that her persuasion on't solve the problem, and she ants to punch people in the head like pigs, but she doesn't kno ho. please do not do this literature. At the same time, I don't understand.

In fact, aside from magic books, the only books he likes to read are ics.

riting such an immature literary figure as better than anything Frank had seen at the time.

hen Aria rites a cute letter, it's definitely a ork of art.

A mischievous eye seems to describe him ell.

Aria believes that there is no good ay to fight ith great strength against someone ho has no breasts or figure.

After a hile, after Aria finished talking nonsense, Frank made a move.

he took a letter knife from the table and Aria immediately felt fear.

If you can't submit a good essay today, you don't ant to kno hat the oute ill be.

As Frank ould like it that ay.

but this time he seems like a different person. Aria fearlessly ent to Frank's side and touched the ater ith her finger, and her finger as cut and bleeding.

but he didn't care and Frank returned the knife.

said Aria reassuringly.

please don't orry. I guarantee you that you ill find some riting today that pleases God.

It's a big, heart-renching fear.

hen Frank looked at Aria's eyes, it as as if a red flame as sent to the eyes, causing people to suffer from insane pain, and to look at him, the evil personality Frank's broken and broken.

Suddenly e ent crazy.

there is no reason for Aaliyah to say such a thing, and no reason for her to give any assurance in the name of God.

In fact, he does not believe in God and has no respect for God or buddha.

he and daishihiro are young people ho consider themselves religious only hen they ask for food.

hoever, it didn't seem like he as begging at this point, and Aria couldn't understand hy he said that or hy he had confidence.

So, did you see my previous post?

No, again, didn't you say you ere thinking about skeletons? hat else do these scripts need? Also, I'm not interested in reading the same posts. plagiarism from previous entries is not alloed.

oh, ait, you don't ant to see it? Isn't this a remarkable article?

of course, you ant to make a profit from the start.

Frank gave Aria an evil grin, hich startled her and she quickly turned aay.

It seems that the confidence and courage ere not there from the beginning, and the opponent is losing his strength no.

It's natural to think this, and the effort that es from self-doubt may already be paying off. You can't ask for more.

After all, I am an open mage, so hy should I be afraid? Sloly, Arya realized it as an effect.

As Arya begins to contemplate this strange figure, she can't help but ant to ork on her on magic.

but no he doesn't believe that the person in front of him is really atching or that he is just a person.

From the beginning, there as an atmosphere of unspeakable evil.

Apparently, hen Aaliyah made a strange move, he then turned into a beast and attacked her.

this bad idea is still practiced today.

Aria believed that this prophecy as only temporary. Nothing is okay.

but the important thing is that you need to plete the level no.

I onder if something like that ill happen.

Alya said softly, overing the fear in her heart.

Is this a good idea?

Yes, this is ho e test the ne series. It's a scary story, but it could be a story that brings these to together. Isn't it interesting?

I have an idea, and I also have a good name for this idea.

~ name

Aria as very happy.

It's called the cthulhu mythos, hat do you think?

Story? Story?

No, this is not an ordinary fairy tale, but a terrifying story about superhuman gods and various mythical creatures that are more frightening than fairy tales. this is not just a dark legend. It's a horror novel---I think it ill be popular 100 years from no. It's like ancient Greek mythology.

Aria smiled, satisfied ith her idea.

At the same time, this unimaginable evil reappeared in Frank, ho unconsciously invaded Aria's eyes, and hen she did not kno, a black apparition came out of her body.

book of Fools 110 (3)

this is an unknon room hose name no one knos.

this room does not exist on Earth, nor does it exist in a orld here no particular space or physical equilibrium exists.

Angel hite makes a surprise appearance here.

malaika's behavior here is also remarkable, as she does not enter the bedroom door, but is atched every step of the ay.

Shoes, socks, ankles, calves, knees, hips and loer body appear first, and only here last.

At the beginning of this ide vie, vieed from above, you can see the gradual distortion of flesh, bones, and internal organs.

Not only does it look horrible, but this misalignment causes indescribable and indescribable pain.

the pain of childbirth, hich is nothing pared to it, is enough to drive an ordinary person into a state of insanity.

but he as used to this kind of pain, and during the transfer he did not ince or raise his eyebros in pain.

but actually, it's the fourth time I've experienced this kind of pain, and I'm not used to this pain for a long time.

Even though he as panting like he just got out of the pool, his eyes ere still full of energy.

ith her aist length black hair tied in a ponytail, she looks like an oriental doll.

her black eyes ere like obsidian, and her sno-hite skin looked like a atch doll made of sno.

Surprisingly, it seems to be eaker this time than last time, are you used to it? or again

ell, the pain is gone. Silver as responsible for taking you into space, but I as responsible for those ho transferred me from there. the same goes for municating your true thoughts.

At first, I just ansered the conversation.

Undeterred by the other voices, he continued.

has anyone arrived?

the little angel said this hen he first came, so I on't even hide the pain for you, I can, I'm sorry, I don't have to e early.

the one ho ansered the angel as a beautiful and beautiful oman ho gave him an interesting ish. he is the most beautiful person Angel has ever seen, but Angel's sexuality is very ordinary and not like direct love.

hoever, recruitment is also limited.

he spoke to Angel in a seet voice. beauty beyond human beauty. this perfect feeling I heard on the moon called Angel Naiya.

hoever, they are also said to be incarnations of gods ho roam the human orld, so it is not surprising that they have such feelings.

the man in front of me felt it too.

he is like the God of love.

the angels kno that this is not a kingdom that people can reach.

Although he kne from the beginning that the other person as not human, he as a little surprised hen he sa him.

this blonde beauty is not the embodiment of the Silver trojan, nor is she here.

right? ?Isn't that disrespectful to Silver? don't tell me you're the latest incarnation of the Silver trojan. No, this guy obviously anted to be seen as a stick, and he as born from his mother's body.

he got scared and hit himself, the sound of the punch got louder and left a red mark on his face.

Are you aake no?

the oman asked quietly, but told An Yi that the beating today as for restraint.

oh, hat am I doing?

the girl smiled hearing the pain and confusion in Annie's voice.

ell, you blame yourself because you don't kno if hat you sa is a dream or not, but in your pain you realize that it is not a dream or an illusion, but the real orld. .

the oman mysteriously said the above ords as if singing.

A question appeared on Annie's face hen she heard the girl's ords.

hoever, the girl dispelled Annie's doubts ith a happy smile that could not be called an almighty god.

he couldn't believe hat he as saying.

please allo me to introduce myself. I'm not a silver trojan, I'm a golden trojan.

the oman introduced herself first.

but isn't that hat Silver said? In fact, each room has different room rules because every time the researcher pletes three games, he must go to different trojan rooms to play the game. Learning ne things can be fun.

this is the fourth game.

of course, there are ne people at this time too, and it is not ritten by one person.

Regardless of An qi's thoughts, Jin ma began to explain in a soft and gentle voice, as if she anted people to treat her that ay.

hoever, Annie as impressed by the beauty of her partner.

hoever, malaika doesn't like those charms because they are good, instead, resisting those charms makes malaika sad.

because of this sadness, he also cried.

of course, this is not a silver trojan.

As old as troy as, he sure asn't pretty hen he spoke.

Vani as shocked as if she really anted to cry.

A oman's voice is as seductive as a siren's song and makes people reluctant to follo.

Although he once again felt that something as rong in his heart, the sound of each ord made him very happy.

ell, I'm not a silver trojan, but isn't it a little sad to talk to my partner in front of me?

Apparently, the Golden trojans kindly admonish the Silver trojans for being rude to the Silver trojans because one of them said something, intentionally or unintentionally.

hoever, it seems that Angel's reaction as also exaggerated.

If you can be a trojan horse in my room.

Impossible, if you think about Silver trojan, it is definitely very bad. I assure you, you ill be punished.

At this time, my body as shaking and my face as not good.

It as as if someone poured cold ater on him.

he seemed to remember something else.

No onder the last time I ent to the Silver trojan to change rooms, I felt electric, restless and restless.

It is better not to talk about dangerous topics.

hen Jinma heard this, he decided it as better not to talk about it.

but you really said it.

the girl as silent.

So do you ant to accept the gold standard?

No, don't do that.

qi immediately jumped up and moved his hands parallel to each other.

hen I said that, the oman laughed.

hahaha, forget this time. there is no time. otherise, you can't pretend you didn't see it.

you are a good person

After feeling the sympathy of the other person, he immediately mented.

good man? If you think so, then later.

huh? hat did you say

Annie couldn't hear hat the other person as saying, and although she could hear the person on the other end, she couldn't hear hat as going on inside.

hen the golden horse said this, his body did not tremble and felt like a dish of cold ater as placed on him in inter.

No, it doesn't matter, but no that I think about it, the ne guy is ing soon.

the oman changed the subject, but the situation happened as she said, and this time three people entered the room.

their appearance as no different from An qi's, not only did they have a arm expression, but they ere also gentle, not forced.

there as something pletely different about their faces, and it as not hypocrisy.

because of that, Annie's face became ugly.

Even if I didn't, no one ould be as sad as I as.

Seeing An qi's ords, Jin ma sloly explained.

Just like the Silver horse symbol can give you pain, my symbol can give the same feeling to others, but it doesn't hurt, but some people are better.

It should taste better than hite poder.

hearing the girl's explanation, Annie's expression became orse.

this is because they kno that the other person feels pleasure, not just pain.

of course, everyone is a researcher, so hy is there such a big difference?

he did not understand and could not understand.

hoever, the Golden trojan briefly talked about it and stopped talking to An chi.

ele to the trojan Room. Starting today, you are a blackboard researcher.

Your task is simple, your life is not in danger, and you need to enjoy the game.

the game is very simple, you just play one character at a time and join the story in a b-story orld like a character in a b-movie. got it.

the golden horse said ith a smile.

he smiled kindly and acted strangely, but if he had not been hidden this time, people ould orship and love him like a god. .

Even if you die, it doesn't matter because your ine ill decrease.

the oman gestured, but all but one of the three ere confused.

his thoughts stopped in a strange and frightening ay, as if he didn't understand hat as happening.

but the girl did not suspect their suspicions and did not intend to solve them.

this is just the beginning, but one of the neers noticed.

heh, but those ho visit here should kno, otherise they ill be left in the hole.

Finally, ele back, little Nancy.

the Golden trojan finally turned his attention to someone, and it caught his eye.

Nancy is a oman ith long, curly golden hair that shines like a cron.

She is an amazingly beautiful girl about 17 or 18 years old, different from the neighbor girl named Ani.

<check the reason> problem: 73, Failed.

Symptoms of \"unconsciousness\": 2

For some reason, An Yi suddenly felt anxious.

but the Golden horse ignored him, as if seeing him for the first time.

the Golden trojans start today? I don't think it started today, so hy can't I predict it?

there as no need to do that, because time stopped anyay.

asked the golden horse.

After that, hen you return, you ill truly go back in time, and even after 100 years, the time and space you are in ill not change.

the lines are exactly the same this time.

he heard the ords of the Golden horse again, this time it seemed to be the same as the ords of the Silver horse.

After hearing Angel's ords, Nancy became curious and ent to him.

hat method?

Just a clear line, no difference, no matter hich room, clear line alays stable?

hat about the other rooms?

Nancy nodded questioningly.

Are there other rooms?

but this conversation on't change, is it important to you?

Nancy spoke quietly, as if she had no doubt that some of the rooms ere there, but kne nothing about the others.

ell, after that information, ele.

hello hello?

Nancy's eyes ere full of suspicion, because she had never heard anything like this.

he raised his little finger again and said in a bad mood:

Your life is over, the big silver trojan horse has given you a ne life, and your ne life must be made by the trojan horse. From no on, your old life is over, your ne life is a trojan horse, and your future is determined by your actions.

here's ho.

Average, not good.

he expressed a different understanding and said: but Nancy shook her head as if to disagree ith hat Angel said.

Is it nice?


hat does this indescribable beauty taste like?

Is it not pletely vulgar, tasteless, vulgar and obscene?

Angel as confused by Nancy's ords and did not understand hat Nancy as thinking.

I don't understand hy there are people in this orld ho believe that mid-career or bottom-tier mima is better. that's very interesting, isn't it?

Annie anted to see the soft golden horse speak ith a siren-like voice, but it as hard to imagine the sound the silver horse could make from its strings. female voice. this is acceptable.

ait, sound?

Angel seems to understand hy Nancy thinks that ay, but maybe Nancy doesn't kno hat trojan silver is.

Isn't it fun and cute? haha.

Nancy thought of something funny and laughed.

e talked about ho you are and hat your name is, but I don't kno your name.

hen Nancy said this, she seemed to realize that she didn't even kno Angel's name.

angel, angel this name is not very important, so you can forget about it.

malaika doesn't like him very much.

don't be like that, I'm sure e can get along.

I'm sorry, but I don't think I can be friends ith such a handsome man. others think so too.

but is it from another room?

Yes, I left the room here a man named trojan Silver lived, God, you don't kno ho he is. For horse-shaped people.

Isn't it amazing?

help, hy did Nancy Silver bee a trojans fan? I really don't understand.

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