

第82章 德尔弗斯(1 / 2)
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再次踏入曾经坍塌威胁的地方。ive them, not even God.

Amy then reveals her doubts about ho a fake bookstore can be tricked by a magical book. the dead patient miraculously recovered after drinking ater from the canal.

Amy anted to say something, but it as really God's punishment. but as he uttered these ords, the adversary sang to himself aloud, and there as no doubt that these terrible and onderful spells ould fall upon him.

that's hy Amy didn't say any insulting ords, firstly because she didn't need to, and secondly because she asn't human and didn't use a magic book.

to him, upgrading magic books as not as good as upgrading magic eapons.

Although it is a book of magic, it is not a book of magic, but can e use the ord magic to describe something that is against reason? I think that is also an unknon quantity.

Aria said ith a smile.

but since it is something external, I don't think it is included in the poer of miracles, no matter ho rare, onderful, or extraordinary.

So hat is the other half of your goal?

According to Aliya, this is confirmed because if he steps here, the goal ill be achieved, but if this is the case, there is no reason for this to happen.

Aria had to go to the other side as soon as she entered, right?

At this time, the overlap of the entrances and exits beteen the seats has not changed, and this is the most convenient time.

but no it's not easy, if you're not careful, Aria ill get trapped in this space and disappear everyhere.

In the middle of the universe, a orld larger than visible space.

ithout Amy's special talent, she ould not have had the courage to enter the orld.

of course, Aaliyah too, if you need to find a safe orld beteen universes from nohere, or if you need to find a ay to get to the orld here Amy is, there are magical clues to help you can find your ay here. in. A miracle among miracles.

this is also hy Alia took the train to calais. Unless the person finds a node that uses magic to travel to the place, Aria can travel ithout leaving her home. , this is achieved by calling

Aria ansered not knoing if she as embarrassed or not.

of course - can you give me something that ill save your life, better something that involves me? otherise there is no point.

the boy asked his parents for money, so he made this place his home.

Amy looked at Aria ho said seriously, this kind of change is hat the other person alays hates.

but this time he asked, the big difference made Amy happy.

the transformation as so perfect it as hard to believe.

Note: According to \"to the Stars, to Arkham\", before the terror of dunich, it as under the control of miskatonic University, founded by an alliance beteen Agoth and the Great ones. After many remarkable events.

106 big

Amy knos hat Aaliyah needs, and Amy knos hat Aaliyah needs.

All of Aria's requests to Amy are just memories and mean nothing.

but it is definitely a precious life for some, more precious than a magical grimoire.

Amy's eyes are on Aaliyah and her poer is so strong that people ant to bo under her.

Amy has a strong ill, so from a mon human perspective, she might be something of a strong attraction.

Aria also kne that the other party did not use magic, but such strength and poer as small pared to magic itself, and as based on human strength and determination.

Aria immediately felt the release of poer from the other side, and her mind felt like she as looking at a terrible beast.

but that is not a guess; it could be because Alya's ill is stronger than before, or it could be because of the poer Amy uses.

Aria couldn't stand in front of Amy anymore.

his hole body trembled and trembled, his eyes ere blank and confused.

Amy sa Aaliyah's determination and decided to take this life from her.

hoever, I'm not sure hat Aria needs is the same as I think.

or the other person does not understand the value of things.

So, he seems to be reminding, advising, saying something unexpected.

can you trust me to give you something of real value?

Aria understood hat Amy said. he really kne he had a chance to in this time, it didn't seem to matter to him, he just kne hy.

It seemed so simple that Alya had heard Amy understand and tried to say it for years.

Amy's eyebros seemed to be ing together.

do I need something like this in my case?

I'm looking for you because I thought I didn't have you.

Alya's voice started cheering as if she didn't hear the ords.

but he kne he hadn't said it out loud.

Aria, aiting for Amy's opinion, needs to kno hat Amy thinks because she doesn't ant to be smart, she ants to be active.

Amy thought for a moment before speaking.

You still think I don't care, so hy do you think I keep it like that?

As a izard, do you expect me to hide everything I don't need?

Also, is there anything similar? this is the family member you've alays anted.

Amy began to sho doubts, but there as no mistake.

Aria also understood the other person's question, so she ansered politely and accurately ithout lying.

because hat I need is not a magical gift or a living animal. but you, Amy, I hope you stay here, because you're the kind of person ho doesn't even ant to be around these sad souls.

ho can you ignore him like that? It's not orth your time, but you can keep it in your magic arsenal.

Aria as convinced that her mate needed her, and it as a memory Amy ould never forget.

he made it clear and Amy didn't protest.

because Amy kne hat the other said as true, and she still had the magical eapon.

but that's not the point, not hy Amy gave the other party the loan, much less hy she gave the other party the loan.

Amy didn't ant to imagine Aria, hat she as interested in, or hy she anted the other side.

If Amy didn't kno hy, she ouldn't give it to him. Amy ill not give it to party members for free, even if the party is a member of her clan.

Amy as still looking into Alya's eyes. the divine light he brings ill reveal hat he knos.

Amy is a moderate person, but it's good that she doesn't get angry at the actions of other people in the tribe.

I don't mean a good person ho helps others unconditionally;

So Amy needs to kno hy. hatever the reason, if he feels he deserves recognition for his ork, he has no problem giving it priority.

but even if it's only 100 bucks, no one ill get it.

but Aaliyah's next ords surprised Amy.

So all I ant is you, Amy, you.

hearing these ords made Amy feel as if nothing as rong.

It seemed like an unexpected anser, and Amy's mind as confused by hat the other person had said.


Amy finally shouted, her eyes filled ith suspicion.

he cannot understand the meaning of other people's ords.

does the other party have a reason? Amy didn't think so.

but otherise it seems inprehensible.

Amy couldn't believe the nonsense he as saying. Is it a code ord? or is it another sign?

one question after another came to Amy's mind, but not every question had an anser for her.

Amy finally ansered one more question.

he anted to kno hat the man as thinking.

For the first time, Amy realized that she had no idea hat others ere thinking.

Amy couldn't understand hat the girl, Aria, as thinking right no.

Amy as a little nervous about the question.

he has no desire for violence, but the change of time naturally eakens his poer.

Aria as afraid of the poer of the magic that as created at that time.

Aria felt like she sa the strongest man in the orld.

Aria, ho had never seen a demon before, couldn't understand hat she as most afraid of.

but he believes that he is no different from his predecessor.

Aria thought the man as angry and reacted quickly.

Amy, please calm don and listen to me.

Aria tried to persuade her opponent, but her fast movements made it impossible to convince him ith ords.

I'm not angry.

Amy exclaimed hen she sa the other person's behavior.

but, as if by accident, the ceiling behind Aria collapsed.

A sound hit the ground, and Aria felt dust and ind, and the impact hit her side.

It caused rinkles on her soft and delicate skin.

he felt fear, his hole body felt like it as going to explode.

Amy laughs it off and laughs for nothing.

After half a second, Amy stopped laughing.

At this time, Aria ho as in front of Amy, as drenched in seat, but her seat as cold.

I'm not that angry, but xiao Ai, if you don't speak straight, I'll be even more angry.

Amy said softly. to his unutterable ords as added a vision of eternal mercy and passion.

Aria agrees ith Amy in part.

but think about it, if hat Amy said as true, hat happened?

It's a arning, it's your body's anger.

(You're already mad!)

hen Aria noticed this, her fur stood up.

I made it very clear.

Aria pretended to be calm and said in a calm voice.

Amy continued, her eyes filled ith pity as she approached Aria.

Amy's moving eyes alays give people good feelings, they are accepted by them and even enjoy the sympathy of others.

Aria is not alone in this feeling.

So he can't stop thinking, remembering, and remembering hat he did rong that offended the man.

but Aria didn't kno here to place the blame.

Amy came closer, and Aaliyah's thoughts intensified.

blinking, Aria seemed to understand something.

on't you say it again?

Aria realized the contradiction in her ords and came out ith cold seat in her eyes.

Aria looked at Amy. one of his eyes as still beautiful, not the kind of eyes only an angel ould have, but one full of desire.

Aria looked at him as if his body as sloing don.

Aria also thought that she didn't ant to do anything that ould insult the eyes.

Aria kne something as rong ith him, but she couldn't do anything to fight the feelings.

She can make men ork to make her happy.

Aria suddenly changed her mind about Amy.

the first fear disappeared, and no Aria felt that the other person as clean, and even an innocent child as as dirty as dirt pared to others.

I am a patient person, but I think xiao Ai should rite faster.

Aria's face lit up ith sapphire pupils.

I ant you to be my partner, if so, ele. Friends should help each other, so I hope you can be my friend and help me fight this bad life.

Amy, can you help me?

Is this your reason?

Amy nodded in confusion, but the children shoed no agreement or disapproval.

the uncertainty scared Aria.

Aria atched the children's every move closely, as if trying to understand hat they ere thinking.

hoever, maybe it as too much, and Amy's beautiful face turned slightly to the side, but it didn't matter.

his expression seemed to change due to embarrassment.

Amy as silent at that moment.

Aria could not speak in this state of silence and fear.

Is it not possible?

Aria looked at her opponent ith abandoned eyes.

Amy as silent, the situation as still dire.

Aria felt her heart beating faster because every movement on the other side reacted to Aria's heart.

okay, okay, a little romance.

Amy finally ansered.

Is this hat you ant?

hen Amy releases him, he is immediately filled ith miasma, causing strange changes that shock them.

Even ithout the use of magic, ho unpleasant this existence ould be.

It is not the ill of man, it is poerful and terrifying even pared to the great race of Ys.

Although it is divided, it is strong, and people do not fight each other.

ithout Aaliyah's magical eapon, Aaliyah exudes hopelessness and despair just by looking at him.

hoever, according to Amy's limitations, it cannot produce any destructive poer.

the spreading miasma contains a deadly poison.

but Amy kne she ouldn't kill anyone.

hoever, Aria did not kno this and remained motionless, as if she ere a sculpture.

don't orry, it's okay, you on't be hurt.

Amy promised.

hoever, he knos that even if it does not harm the body, his ill can cause great damage to the human spirit.

Even if you can't move, sitting like that is a big disaster.

Even so-called nuclear aste is a safe haven in parison.

And ho terrible ould it be for Amy to defeat herself as a demon? Aria didn't ant to think about it, didn't ant to understand it.

hoever, Alya salloed hard and finally overcame her fear of ill.

maybe it as because of Amy's confidence.

Aria finally said that.


but do you kno it exists, I think everyone ho knos is dead, ho told me it exists?

Amy asked him. his voice as just curious, not a question. he doesn't use magic.

Like a casual conversation beteen friends.

but even though the conversation as very simple, Aria didn't have the courage to take it for granted.

Aria decided to anser honestly.

It's my first time seeing you, so I don't kno hat it is, let alone hat it is.

I kno it's a scary, ne, crazy life.

Amy said laughing out loud.

devil of God? hahaha, you're overthinking, you're nothing pared to the devil.

You kno that Satan is poerful, that he has no boundaries, that he is immortal, that he is everyhere, and that he knos everything.

but you have never seen the devil's presence or heard his ill.

hen I feel love for you,

Amy seems to ant to break up ithout hesitation.

do not look at me, forever you ill sink in this great purpose and forever lose yourself in this excess.

hoever, the most important thing to alk on this earth is to see the body of an evil god, a person infected by an evil god, hich is 100% a bite of God. but stronger than that.

the presence you itness and the mystery surrounding it is less scary because you think it is the ill of the devil.

As you have heard, his name is babcock.

Amy spoke the names of the ill as if chanting a mantra.

Indeed, babcock's ords seem to have changed the orld.

Aria also felt the change.

here did it e from? Is it magic?

because he has a curse in his name, his name is a curse, anyone ho reads his name ill kno him, he is a monster ho ill give peace to people, all poor people kno him. If you are illing to accept God's ill, you ill receive peace from God.

Is it like the holy Spirit?

Aria understood. Amy replied:

holy Spirit? It is more than a demon. You and e both kno that heaven and hell are only human illusions. In other ords, he must kno ho Gaius is among the trinity.

Let's go to Zotos!

Amy mented casually. Aria understood.

the bination of special elements and mythical creatures that created us caused strange changes, hich resulted in us being a great ancient people.

Like a izard or something?

It's faster than that.

Amy expressed her anger.

It's embarrassing for Aria to sho her other side.

I don't ant to say that I don't like being called a itch or that I'm not human.

Regarding the telve devils, I feel sorry for the people ho made this sho because they are crazy about the philosophy of christianity, but I think they should be more specific in hat they are talking about.


Aria replied. Amy clapped her hands.

Yes, indeed, you have this transformation and you are like this babcock and you are like the same sex.

Amy's ords ere like a heavy hammer crushing Aria's ill.

Same sex

Yes, and babcock's poer is to guide the souls of others through electric beams and return them to their families. to us, they look like itches, even though e have nothing to do ith them. .

Amy said that she didn't ant to remember.

hoever, these are not major issues, so I am orried that someone ill plain if I continue to talk about them.


oh, don't orry about these little issues, you probably on't even notice they're there.

Amy nodded guiltily. by the ay, in his tradition, his main character is Umbar Satra.

In the Ebon collection, also knon as the book of Ebon, it is ritten as follos:

Umbar Satra is the beginning and the end. before Zagua, Yuk-Zothoth, or cthulhu emerged from space, the Amber tatras lived on the arm surface of the original Earth.

A giant headless, legless mass, gray and amorphous like an egg, it created the first body of ater and the most dangerous life form in the orld. Uber in Satras.

therefore, according to Amy's ill, she can see the essence of life, and the spirit she returns is the source of life for other people.

other than that, dose Jin equals dose Jin.

but are there many things associated ith the numbers 12 and 13?

Are they dead to you?

ant to guess?

Amy didn't react ell, as if she anted revenge on herself to prove it. Aria smiled.

Sure e need babcock, but don't blame me if something happens, besides, it's not a gift.

Amy said to Aria. Alia turned and agreed son, if you get something for free, it's a scam or garbage.

Just as you should be paid a fair amount for your ork, you should also be paid for everything else.

Amy raised her right hand and snapped her fingers, and the hite palm of her hand cracked and a drop of red blood floed out.

the creature that once displayed an indomitable and fearsome ill as absorbed into his blood and sealed ithin him ithout resistance.

It became a ring of blood that floated on the bicycle as if it had lost eight, and ith an unknon force it rushed in front of Aria, entering one body and passing through the other. . . hope is a straight path.

oh, haha, hat's that? It hurt and I screamed.

Aria fell to the ground ith a smile that nearly bit her. I had to take off my clothes. his fingers tightened around her body. I sa blood. the blood stains disappeared quickly.

the body is destroyed, the body is changed, everything inside the body is disrupted, you feel every change in the cell, the mythical creatures inside the body are also squeezed, bined, used as eapons, broken . e out of the body

I heard Aria's voice.

this holy voice in the highest heaven, this is the voice of God, this is the voice of the holy Spirit, this is babcock's holy voice.

he ill e, neither far nor near, neither here nor there, because he is you.

I see hat you see, so you must listen to my ords.

Amy looked at Aria.

maybe he didn't look at babcock because he already kne the oute.

A monster created by bining the elements of mythical creatures, no matter ho strong his ill is, he cannot stop Amy.

he kne that Aaliyah as a demon and had a celestial body, so he didn't think about failure.

therefore, babcock could not be published.

If it fails, it means it's not Amy's sex.

Amy's empathy and passion goes beyond her tribe members.

Amy is suspicious of hat Aaliyah is doing.

he looked at her ith eyes full of pity. that deep blue gaze has a magical poer similar to the deep.

Amy noticed.

hat is the demonic poer that turns Aria into a demon?

——the true ruler of the past ho as too cold for everyone.

Even if you don't think about it, even if you are in a state of disintegration, even if your body is about to die for the devil.

his ill cannot be governed by a ill.

only himself and his mind can control him. In that case, anyone ho enters his mind directly bees blind and foolish. because that spirit as used to restrain the old master.

hoever, the next time Amy learns that other demons in Aaliyah's body have evil poers.

Is this the poer of cthulhu?

107 Running

contrary to hat Amy thought, Aria faced this big and dangerous love.

Not as free as Amy thought, Aria is crazy about babcock.

It is contrary to the las of the hole orld, and as the ne la is so great and stupid that it cannot be fully obeyed, and, although it is merciless, it cannot be fully read by human feelings. truth

hen faced ith this fact, there is no question that e cannot do ithout understanding and research.

Aria felt the heat emanate from her body, enough to melt gold into metal.

this type is found beteen the muscles and the brain.

his mind as confused and his body seemed to be transformed by this terrible and unimaginable force.

hoever, there is no sign of vision loss.

Aria kne it as just an illusion, an illusion created by babcock's great poer, hich reached across time and space.

the ill of man cannot overe the possibility of droning in this mess and being a part of babcock.

the only ill and part of the truth of eternal disaster is positive development and positive truth.

Aria finally understood hy Amy as suspicious.

but, surprisingly, Aria is able to think of a clear purpose even in the midst of chaos.

Aria stared into the darkness, confused to the point here she couldn't distinguish colors, couldn't see ell in the dark and as losing her mind.

the body gradually disappeared and Aaliyah's poer over her body gradually decreased.

In the end, nothing as heard and only the ise ere left andering in confusion.

I heard an unknon voice ing from nearby, and even if I listened carefully, I couldn't make out hat it as saying.

he fell into darkness because he anted to hear Aliya's voice.

the voice became clearer, but to my surprise the ords ere still unclear.

It as a cry like that of a ild animal, like a roar, like the voice of God.

the voice of God?

Aria asked, listening.

At this moment, a ne light appeared in this chaos.

the poer of the gods and the miasma exploded into chaos, and the otherorldly kamikaze also made hunting noises.

Aria's body collapsed to the ground, her skin pale and shoing signs of burning pain.

It seems to rotate randomly.

by chance, he stumbles upon a ruin, or perhaps a corpse, that holds the secret of immortality.

but he didn't notice it and screamed like a monster.

It is a sound that cannot be produced by human vocal cords.

because of Alya, the air around them as also hot, as if it suddenly changed from cold inter to hot summer.

hoever, he still stared at Amy silently.

Seeing such terrible signs and terrible behavior, Amy did not care about anything.

Amy had already heard of that ill, so it asn't Aria's or anyone else's ill.

It is not the ill of man.

this is the sign of a demonic god named cthulhu, but not himself, but the ill of the flesh that lives in the dragon of Lure.

Everything is eak pared to the devil ho has reached the kingdom of God, and even the devil ho appeared in the old testament is helpless.

hoever, only in the body of the evil god, its nature is like the devil, and although there is a difference in poer, it is not equal to the infinite distance.

the devil has no limits and even the strongest devil cannot resist it.

hoever, the evil god incarnate is sometimes pared to a more poerful demon.

Amy sees Aliya's suicide note.

At this point, Amy confirms that her opponent is a demon, but is defeated by some evil gods.

that's probably because he hasn't aakened to his true nature as a demon.

After thinking about it, Amy finally acted.

Amy reached out and a bit of magic entered her hand.

this magical poer and divine poer is there to activate his body's desire to sleep.

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