

第83章 愈演愈烈(2 / 2)
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At that moment, Annie realized that even though she did not understand herself, another person's opinion as different from hers.

Angel's head got orse ith Nancy's ords.

Your room is so beautiful, pearl, I envy you.

Another person does not understand hy another person thinks, ``ho can something be so good?''

Although Angel Silver did not find any advantages in this trojan, he kne of many disadvantages.

Noticing the confusion and confusion on Angel's face, Nancy explained softly.

the trojan next to me turned out to be a good guy, but he as playing. It's funny ho he takes no responsibility for things that have nothing to do ith him, and even hen he ansers all the questions, it's like a plete ansering machine.

No I realize that you are just a perverted masochist. he calmed himself don, yes, except for the masochist, it can never be considered a golden rocking horse, this is the nature of these to ne people, do you understand? From a man's perspective.

Angel thinks that Golden horse should date a handsome man, but Angel is also a oman ith normal sex, and even though she claims to have normal sex, she is just a oman. people are different.

Angie and Nancy have nothing in mon.

by the ay, you've never heard of me, I'm Nancy Angell.

love angel

call me Nancy.

Nancy's eyes looked confused and she didn't kno hy.

hoever, hen faced ith such a situation, An Yi thought it ould be better to follo the opinions of others.

So, Nancy, ho many games is this?

ell, if you think about it, if there is a time limit, it should be number 3.

I have pleted 3 games and this is the 4th. So I met Nancy for the first time in the Gold trojan room and Angie in the Silver trojan room. I don't think e have a chance to meet again.

hy did you say that?

Nancy shook her head in confusion.

because I came to this room just for this scene, then I ent back to the Silver trojan room and I as like, ho am I going to play? Although they look similar, you should kno that these characters exist ithout the involvement of researchers.

So this is the first and last time you play it.

one said and hugged the other.

So here are some more tips for your next game, great experts.

Nancy shook her head.

Shouldn't e be playing true color more often?


ell, hen it es to the orld of conspiracies, e don't kno the real names, people, etc. e don't use it and play hat e ant.

hen Nancy said this, Annie decided that this time she ould be lazy and try it. he had been to the Silver trojan's room and had been there many times.

Even if the Silver trojan doesn't kill anyone, there ill be severe punishment if someone else dies in the plot. the trojan Room is not alone. Sometimes he ould enter a room occupied by a Silver trojan and play ith other members of the Silver Legion.

So at this point I ant to feed him in peace.

better sell it right aay for a friend.

Angel thinks of ays to deceive his panions, similar to the previous Silver trojans.

but running a room controlled by this seet and silly trojan should be easy.

he had a bad idea.

hoever, he did not feel that the look of Nancy and the eyes of the golden horse as dangerous either.

but hat he doesn't kno is that this time the orld of the conspiracy is not a fantasy orld conquered by the trojans, but a orld influenced by the books of Azathoth and not under the control of the gods.

book of fools 111 (4)

peace be ith you.

the sudden sound made An Yi realize that there ere other people here, perhaps recovering from the shock of facing the golden horse, and finally someone spoke.

the speaker is a hite man ho is quite frail, has dark eyes from lack of sleep, and ears a black suit, hich is slightly rinkled.

It seems that he as caught in the act, but for a person ho still lives in the orld of silence and remains unknon to the legend, this situation requires careful investigation.

to quickly fight against such a bad mental state, An ii must admit that the other party is also in a good mental state.

but that's it.

ho are you? ould you like to introduce yourself? or do you think it's natural?

the angel did not sho much interest, so it as as if the prophesied conversation as being repeated.

Not only is the sound bad, but it's very intense, like live music.

It as an akard situation that made me ant to punch him, but the speaker as not angry and seriously introduced himself.

I am Ray Gelin Edmund. You see, I'm poor in this business.

the man named Lei Zhelin ignored An Yi's ords and just smiled.

hoever, the fatigue of the other eye could not escape An Yi's eyes. he kne that the strength of the other eye as very eak, but it had nothing to do ith An qi.

At this time, Lei Zhilin ascended to An II. Even being atched, he never moved.

one couldn't take it anymore and finally spoke.

Edmund, is that so? So hat is the importance of your business?

does it matter? this is not the case.

Lei Zhenlin smiled sadly.

hoever, I ould like to ask you a fe questions.

Is there anything you ant to kno? If I kno, I ill tell you.

Ray Ray didn't respond to Jaelin's ords, so Nancy ansered him.

the former champion of the Golden trojans seems to kno that he is a pioneer despite graduating from to programs.

She is not unlike a girl named An Yi, ho is not very friendly and thinks her friends are trash. he is a friendly person.

Even though they ere both female, An Yi did not deny that the other man as truly a good man, and his face as also very beautiful and had a unique beauty.

It seems that there is some kind of myth, but if you look closely, it turns out to be an illusion, and the fact that the other person is beautiful has no evidence to support the existence of the myth.

the Golden trojan Girl couldn't say anything, but it as okay.

Lei Gelin seemed content to talk to Nancy, and even though it as clear that she did not believe the truth in front of her, she immediately understood her situation and problems.

hoever, this is definitely something that is said after carefully considering hat the Golden trojan horse said, and if a person is a person ho cannot really understand such a situation, then they are still andering in the so-called land. may be. deep forever

but hat he said as mon sense, and it as true. because sometimes you have to experience things to understand them. - And sometimes it doesn't even feel like there is a problem.

Nancy Ray didn't ait for Jerin to speak, but she reacted immediately.

hat Nancy said as also Lee Geline's idea.

hoever, they are geniuses because they kno things that ordinary people cannot understand or understand.

It's not a matter of habit, just knoing the place.

A trojan horse is someone ho automatically changes themes ithout explicitly asking for it.

Also, privacy hackers like trojans love to play ith ords.

Yes, hat do I ant you to pay attention to?

because his anser is, it's interesting to try these things yourself, because you on't die, right?

of course, this anser cannot be said to be rong.

Lei Zhenlin said that he as very disappointed, that he as not stupid, and that he as too lazy to express his feelings.

but I think hat the golden horse said is true.

Every broser is different and every system is configured differently. Just kno hat to focus on, and focus on nothing but basic intelligence.

Especially if these Guardians don't create their on avatars.

hoever, each person has their on ideas and development.

If he has to anser, he says:

I don't ant to do anything other than not ant to die.

the reason is that it is not important to analyze the plot or gameplay of \"Room of the Silver trojan\".

these are not things you need to kno in the Silver trojan game.

the death penalty is heavy.

but he didn't kno hat the Golden horse Game as.

but that doesn't matter. he ants to promote his colleagues in the orld of marketing.

After being betrayed by a teammate tice, I anted to try the idea of betraying a teammate like in the Silver trojans room. You can't call yourself a veteran unless you betray your rades. knock don

Even if Ani knos, the secrets of this text ill be revealed if no one investigates the conspiracy.

Unaare of hat the trojans have put into the system, Angel pretends that life is a secret.

there, Angel, no an adult, teaches the neers hat to do.

She has a kind smile and seems like a oman ho likes to help people.

Speaking of things to kno, there are a fe things to kno about my experience after three games.

For example, there is a trial period. there is no danger at the beginning of the process, and more information is available at that point.

the more information you have, the easier it ill be to determine your next steps.

As people, e cannot solve all problems and violence, and in the face of myths it is impossible to find a possible path, because in this information the path to the level of purification is hidden. fight him.

by the ay, the official synopsis starts ith the detectives meeting together, but at that point it's too late to get any information.

the other one is talking real nonsense.

this is only based on experience and there is no absolute anser.

but hat he said as so serious that Nancy closed her eyes.

In short, hat he said - the plot is confused, don't e to us, die there in the end, don't appear before me.

only a oman ith an evil heart ould say such horrible things.

of course, he says that because that's ho the Silver trojan game orks, but the feer people survive, the greater the reard.

hoever, it also includes violence against existing rules, lies, persuasion, and even the use of local legends such as itches, priests, and those ho first approached an empire ithout monsters. . people don't exist, they are killed. Friends.

others go to secret societies to plete the divine calling.

too much freedom can cause a lot of problems, and Silver trojan is happy about it.

At this time, Nancy Ray as standing behind Jerine, so she couldn't see Nancy's surprised and scared eyes.

but maybe it as because of her conscience that Nancy left her, and because she trusted others, Nancy couldn't plain that she thought Annie as rong.

huh? REALLY?

Nancy's eyes opened to something strange, and her voice as hoarse. If you listen closely, you can hear Nancy trying to point out Angel's mistake.

of course, Nancy, you didn't notice?

As an adult, An Yi is not good at anything, but she is good at acting.

he had a right suspicion in his eyes, he didn't seem to understand hy Nancy as suspicious.

As he said: You must be a good person, ho can you not see that?

Yi's ords ere very serious, and Lei Zhelin could not tell that the other person as lying, but the difference of opinion beteen the to great people as too great to be trusted.

this seems to be from to games.

he seemed to kno that and started to say that he as confused, then asked curiously.

Let's start finding out hat happened today.

Are you in the middle of the process and nearing the end hen the story is so scary and depressing that you can't sleep?

Nothing rong here, but so hat?

the ords of the angel are very important to use as evidence.

At the end of the document, the researchers faced the official myth, and of course the situation could be orse.

So, do you understand that risk factors increase over time?

one said seriously. Nancy shook her head in confusion.

So at first it felt like peace and I felt like I as at home.

this is not a crime.

So isn't it time to check?

the folloing text ill be graded based on your findings. the more you kno, the better you can manage the flo of your lessons and get the best possible score. It can also be used to prove to yourself that knoing more isn't a bad thing, that you can't do things like research before you die.

It is difficult for An ii to say many ords at once.

of course, he ants to find someone to carry out the plan for him. An ii does not ant to ork, he ants to ork because he is lazy.

besides, it is difficult for someone to risk their life to continue a program.

So-called ne businesses ere sold and joint ventures ere ithdran.

It is like encountering a fairy tale that cannot be told. You can't avoid it, so all you have to do is not think about speed or think about ho to make yourself faster. this is not a myth. .

the right ay is to let your friends die and treat them as sacrifices to the universe.

Such a path is the basis of survival, and naturally the existence of myths cannot be prevented.

only fishfinders do 4d6 damage in a hit (Note 1)

of course, e don't need these problems because malaika is a bad person. this is entirely because the Silver trojan is bad, and ithout his game, ho ill malaika transition from saint to villain? If you think about it, it's all trojan's fault.

hoever, no matter ho you look at it, I think a veteran ho can improve his level ithout dying in three games is a very good person.

Isn't that hat the golden horse says? Isn't it a problem even if you die or are no longer audited?

Although the original ords are different, the spirit is the same.

Lei Zhenlin nodded, indicating that An qi as not rong.

right? tell me.

Nancy as surprised. And Annie took his ord for it and said:

In other ords, checking the design is only a ay to evaluate, and the best time is the beginning, and if you have good revies, you can have a good time in the trojan Room.

In fact, saving lives is not the most important thing in this game, because death is the loss of a value. otherise, it is not easy to lose some value and go out immediately. like

So, considering that, the balance research level is correct, if it dies, it is gone, here there is no ay to be sure, so it is best to be safe. e are a team, so e are not afraid even if you die.

he said things that even I couldn't believe, but those talks ere very interesting.

Angel - Fast talker, Appearance: 23, Lucky.

hoever, it seems that ordinary Nancy is confused by Angel's pletely ridiculous ment. It may be because there is some truth in hat others are saying, or it may just be a strange feeling.

In other ords, it seems that Nancy really believed hat she said.

Seeing this, qi realized that this as a good opportunity and decided to continue the conversation.

often, ne arrivals are given preferential treatment.

Ray raised another finger and pointed at Jaerin.

For beginners like you, in the first game you ill be given a certificate directly related to the program, so use it as much as possible to facilitate future ork.

the other one is similar to the one mentioned here.

Is it like this? thank you! I ill do my best.

ele, e are still on the same team.

he smiled again, satisfied at the same time that he brought a ne person to the hole, this time the acplice as found, hich is good.

this seems to define the victim. he thought calmly.

he's a good guy, so there are limits to ho he can trick his coorkers into killing him.

he happily decided that the nelyeds ould go safely to heaven.

that's because, of course, Annie considers the gron-up Nancy too dangerous. there seems to be something mysterious, out of the ordinary, hich is alarming. he didn't ant to cheat on her.

because he felt that if he did, something bad ould happen.

the explanation for this inspiration is that it as probably due to his conscience, and he as a good person after all.

but no matter ho you play the trojan horse game, you have to deal ith mythical creatures.

these mythical creatures, hether animals or demons, should not be touched.

demons include ancient kings and foreign gods.

but it makes no difference hat life people face.

hat it symbolizes is the inability to fight, the unbearable despair.

God's poer is unmatched by humans, the fallen devil has a eak body, and its poer is more than 400. the maximum value for one roll is 99 points, so that's all you need to terms of the conflicting rules. failed by default).

After Li Jelene gets hat she ants, she leaves, and Nancy secretly goes to ask.

Is hat you say true?

of course it's true, I got supernova three times in a ro at the rate. ho can you lie?

the other replied ith sharp ords, if he as lying, he ould not be silent.

he looked deeply into Nancy's eyes, as if there as no doubt in her eyes.

hoever, Annie seems to sense that something is rong.

yes? Is it like this?

Annie sa Nancy holding her hand and getting serious. he immediately thought badly.

haha of course it's stupid, no one ill stop me from going, this is a research project, that's hat Golden Legion people should do, hat's rong ith me being a mosquito? I am a member of the Silver Legion, but the Silver trojans told me - go to another room, don't help them get a high score.

he suspected the Golden trojans kne he as going to a room controlled by the trojans, but apparently didn't kno because he as sent by the Silver Legion.

Although the Secret Guard did not directly intervene in the game, An II felt that everything as done carefully, and as a supernova he as second to none hen it came to pranks.

Let's ork together.

Nancy shouted, and even though Angel thought she as going to stop playing, she just smiled and ansered.

After talking to Angel, Nancy quickly ran and headed to the ne entrance.

hello, my name is Nancy Angell. I'm a veteran of the Golden Legion, but this is my third time playing the game.

hat Nancy didn't tell me as that her sophomore year as a c+.

the ne man in front of him as a big black man, ho didn't look good, but his body surprised him even more.

hello, I'm barna camonte, a professional boxer. to be honest, I'm still confused. I'm going to do some fun things ith my ife soon, and you'll see me here next time. Some of them are mon. Remember the previous orders of hell. If you clear all doubts, it is definitely unprofessional.

he didn't Nancy replied:

ell, this is really sad, can e think of this as a sudden descent from heaven to hell? I'm not very good at playing Golden horse, but the game is very interesting.

Nancy's anser made no sense and bana's confusion as not over.

No, could you please explain briefly?

has hell not been explained enough?

Nancy boed her head in confusion and added:

No, obviously, but I ant to kno if hat you say in your eyes is true.

hat are all the facts? of course not, the other routines are fine, but it's alays good to check them at the start of the game.

Afterards, Nancy did not give Angel a ord-for-ord explanation, and Nancy really began to understand the neer.

but maybe he didn't mean to, or maybe that's hat he thought.

Note 1: this is a game about the super detective \"man man Rai\" called \"Shotgun Kick\".

book of madness 112 (5)

If a person is said to be great, even if he speaks badly, he ill be accepted as honest.

because they all deal ith neers, and ignorant people do not kno ho to distinguish beteen truth and falsehood.

then, a ne man appears in front of Nancy ho betrays her.

he didn't kno if the other person folloed his ords on purpose or if they really believed him.

hoever, since a man is a big man, it is impossible to believe his ords.

All the actions of the oman in front of him ere inprehensible, and once again he as filled ith confusion.

he couldn't understand ho he as dealing ith or hy.

but no matter hat, Nancy didn't reveal Angel's lie and spread it further.

he as grateful for this, but at the same time confused.

hoever, after observing the other person's ords and actions, An Yi began to suspect that it as more than that.

So, is there such a thing? thank you, little Nancy. you told me?

I can't believe he's ne. Even if he returns from a hole in the all, his ill ill not be stained by dreams.

he hasn't changed much except for the argan.

there is a big difference beteen An II, ho ent crazy hen he first entered the school.

his mental condition is very good and he has very good qualities for a neborn.

hoever, sometimes the Angel aits for a ne person to arrive ho does not fully understand the situation.

because then he is calm and can easily get the human shield.

but is it okay to ignore the ords of others?

he's taking a good look at the situation here, and the Silver trojans aren't the same con game the group started talking about next steps.

the situation as strange for Ani and it as difficult to join them.

because in the rooms of Silver troy there is no sense of friendship, only petition ith each other, and no one knos the darkness and evil in anyone's heart.

You have no choice but to abandon your destiny by trusting others or deceiving them.

It goes ithout saying that everyone has their on evil intentions.

because the Silver Legion is not a strict group of friends, everyone knos ho to kill, ho to use the Silver trojan Gifts, and ho to ask the trojan ruler for good luck.

making a ish is the only reason to bee an explorer if you get enough reards from the trojan game. No matter ho silly that ish, hether or not you get a good reard from a trojan game usually depends on the value of pletion. After that, it can be used as a suggestion to fulfill the ish.

Any ish ill e true. Earn enough points.

once again he looked at the others, their eyes ere friendly, but there as a stubborn shado in them.

Annie suddenly fell ill.

he thinks he has dug a big hole for himself and is aiting for someone else to give it to him.

Actually, this is not a good idea.

hen this scene appeared, his ords became very tisted and evil.

he seems to take back hat he said.

maybe he realized ho stupid he as. but right no I can't do hat I have in my mind because it ill lead to big dreams.

It takes a tenth of a second for the scene to disappear, but ithin a tenth of a second the expression returns to normal.

Vani smiles, she can't tell anyone that she is lying, the lie has meaning because the other person doesn't kno, otherise it is easy for others to understand the truth.

the development of the Golden Army as very confusing.

hoever, qi believes that there is not much difference beteen the trojan games. there is a lot of ork to be done before this place opens. the system should do the rest.

After making his decision, he quit his next job and thought of a ay to trap the system and trap all his colleagues.

hat he had to do as not that difficult. this means he has to think of himself as an Npc in the game, since no one in the module knos ho he really is. they all forgot their looks and details.

If so, hat appeared before An II?

they discussed the steps to take. that is, if you have the confidence to remind your partner during the process. No plan can succeed if you don't kno ho the parties are. check to see if other areas of being a researcher are among your key skills.

After thinking for a moment, An qi had an idea.

No, there is an easier ay. he just needs to create a secret code, and those ho kno it ill bee friends.

Angel is caught up in the intrigues of the orld, so there is no need for him to do anything strange.

therefore, the trap plan itself is very plicated and dangerous, and no one knos ho mr. trojan, ho atches everything behind the scenes, decides, if someone crosses the target, the angel ill be at the mercy of the trojans. And exercise. this is knoledge.

thinking of such a future, An qi picked up the automatic pistol, placed it on his forehead, and anted to pull it out sloly so that nothing ould happen.

I think so, but Annie ouldn't do that, she's a plete coard.

A man did not kno hat to do ith them, but spoke immediately.

by the ay, ho old are you this year?

right? hy suddenly ask someone this question?

Nancy approached Annie and spoke her thoughts over her shoulder. the other asked, confused.

huh? Is this really a problem for you?

No, e met strangely, and people might think e ere strangers.

In response to Nancy's question, another person responded ith surprise, saying that even if it is ripe, there must be a limit. ho do you ask a stranger a random question hen you obviously kne the person less than an hour ago?


Nancy felt fear.

Aren't e good friends?


Angel couldn't understand Nancy's mysterious ords. ho could he e up ith such an idea that their conversation ould take less than 50 sentences? he cannot understand hat happened to another person.

If such a person is placed in the room of the Silver trojan, he ill not recover from his original state, and the trojan ill teach him to return to humanity, but, of course, this training ill do nothing. In this case, it is better to say that you have a lot of fun. this is a more dangerous and painful orld than hell and the neers before entering the trojan room.

hen the angel fell silent, Nancy's eyes filled ith tears. these are not fake tears. Angel's talent allos him to understand the situation of others, although he is stubborn and not like people ho have direct feelings. Nature: Unlike superheroes ho do not kno hat is inside their minds, the intelligence of angels is simple or inpetent.

ell, don't cry, I can't stand it.

there as nothing else he could do for her and he had never met someone like her, so hat as the reason for crying all the time? No, that's something you can't do in kindergarten.

If she had just appeared, An Yi ould have shon great indifference to her, but hen she encountered An Yi crying profusely, she ignored it.

he tried to look ith the protective eyes of the Golden horse - a beautiful oman, like a legend, but he just looked - it's good that everyone loves each other very much.

of course, the rules of the room have to do ith the reigning rocking horse, the reigning rocking horse, the golden horse, and those ho have seet and crazy ideas about him join such people. . .

he really hated himself, if he had behaved better, hen he entered the trojan room, it as a trojan ith an evil Silver trojan and a cold legion, this is not my room, but this room is tam- is and full of joy. stupid situation

Although she is beautiful and very bright, her heart is dark and dirty, and she feels that the light that shines on her blinds her, and she finds it difficult to associate ith normal, intelligent children.

No e are friends.

Nancy ansered ell, but ithout tears, although there ere tears on her face.

this guy's face is changing fast and his head should be all muscular. Lord, these are the things that are most convenient for me, after all I am so dirty that I need God's salvation.

hen I thought about it, I ondered if he ould use that kind of nerve to bee the mile man.

If this happens, An qi's future ill definitely be dark, the darkness dancing on the silver trojan tree, and unbearable despair.

of course e are friends no.

Angel smiled ithout stopping to anser, and unlike Angel ho knos ho to control his eyes and cheek muscles, Nancy really smiled.

Sure, an angel's smile is perfect, but it's also rong because it only shos muscle movements. he never smiled inardly, hich ould deceive people ith lo spiritual knoledge, but anyone ith high spiritual knoledge ould realize that his situation and circumstances ere not appropriate.

Anki, you are an elementary school student, so hy are you here today?

Nancy asn't done yet. he said to himself, and his smile disappeared.

hat happened?

Nancy felt seat dripping don her forehead.

hey, ho did you say in elementary school?

At this moment, Annie as very angry ith a black expression on her face that even the most angry person could not understand. No matter ho I look at it, I don't seem to be that tall, but hat should I do to bee a good gron man? elementary school?

he grabbed his right hand and screamed, his ords being more frightening.

by the ay, it is not good for omen to overestimate their age. Nancy had a sudden thought.

Excuse me, are you starting elementary school? ah

his expression became as scary as the devil, and a terrible smile appeared on his face. It might even remind people of the creepy smiles of killers in horror movies.

Elementary school student? Kindergarten? ell, am I too young?

right? am i rong

Nancy backed aay in fear and Angel stepped forard.

this is not true. Are your eyes used as accessories? No matter ho you look at it, I'm a big, beautiful, mature 18 year old girl.

Sorry, I just can't see it.

Nancy said this seriously, but she realized hat she said as rong and immediately covered her mouth ith her left hand. hoever, the angel's anger turned into a true aura, covering the group like a divine realm.

you! please tell me again.

but soon a loud voice as heard. this is the sound of the golden horse.

don't be angry little angel, a man is a spy and loves children.

Suddenly, the rocking horse screeched, and Nancy's face immediately turned ugly.

hoever, the golden horse did not notice Nancy's ords. maybe they kno it but don't ant to pay attention to it.

huh! !

I didn't seem to understand hat others ere saying at that moment, but in the next moment I understood hat as happening.

please listen to my explanation.

Nancy as orried, but the sound of the golden horse as faster than the other horses.

because Nancy lives in Innsmouth.

he could not understand the Golden trojan's explanation and shoed doubt in his eyes.

he is a golden horse ho thinks he can help solve their doubts.

the best ay to do this is to say you are a resident of Innsmouth, but there is another popular method. the Golden horse is simple and easy to understand.

Very deep.

hen he heard this, he as surprised. he sa Nancy immediately, but she didn't look like a diver.

the other person as also breathing sloly, but there as no fishy smell.

Finally Angel suspects the Golden horse, not realizing that his opponent does not seem to be a deep diver.

No matter ho you look at it, it's not a dive. said the other, confused.

this is because, of course, apart from the animals you kno, there is another type of deep diving, and that is the type of scuba diver.

hoever, there is a difference beteen half-breeds and pure-bloods, and they cannot be distinguished from normal people until they reach adulthood.

hoever, hen she arrived, the golden horse seemed to ant to make an appearance, but Nancy drove it back in fear and anger.

to explain it, hen you reach that point, a legendary curse ill be activated.

In game terms, look for the look. If you fail, you automatically bee a deep diver, and if you succeed, you get the Innsmouth look, monly called a fish face.

For the fisherman's face, find the smallest item on the 3d6, subtract its original value, then discard one. So probability value = 2d6-1

hoever, if the converted value is large, ie half of the previous value, it is only a local change, like a ater sale, and the penalty is 1d2. In other ords, the 3d6-1d2, 1d2 penalty represents the disfort of being part human, but fun for some enthusiasts. bonus transfer.

Finally, if the roll is pletely successful, meaning more than a quarter of the value, nothing happens.

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