

第84章 深红地穴(2 / 2)
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Yi suddenly ent from panic to screaming, and at the same time, An Yi started screaming.

hoever, qi, hose face as red ith embarrassment, even gave people a little laugh, so it as not appropriate to say such things.

It's supposed to be not only scary but also funny.

of course, that's fine too.

You can see that in Nancy's beautiful eyes.

Nancy ansered quickly.

I'm not being silly, I'm serious.

hen Nancy left, she felt a strong force and Nancy's anger held her back.

At this time he as in a sad mood, staring at him ith innocent eyes, as if he had bee an exhibition - full of greed and greed.

he as obviously not a strong fighter, but this time he blocked the aura that An chi had cultivated. typically, a system has 16 or more poers (forces) and adversaries (bodies).

the number of symbol cards in the trojan Room is 3d6.

Although the value of the opponent's character card is unknon, this strange scene reminds people of female oners ho have reached the realm of the gods and fought in the discount mall. Aura - okay, just a joke.

At this point, An II chose the right course. that means quickly changing the subject and talking to the mighty trojan ruler.

oh, mr. Golden horse, ithout stopping here and pretending you're atching the sho, ould you mind introducing me? I really ant to hear it.

Angel has no choice but to do something about Nancy.

hen Nancy shos signs of defeat, the Golden horse finally remembers hat he should do.

Kinma, ho atched the exchange beteen the investigators ithout reaction, smiled indifferently.

Actually you can't, so I'll explain it once, but once you can't hear ell, if you can't hear, that's your problem and I don't care.

the system this time is unique, if you play the game ith old character cards, it ill not ork, and you ill not forget the skills acquired before. that ay you on't get any missing items, but be careful not to use more limits than those mentioned in the text.

If you do this, you ill have to provide a lot of information, and the accuracy of the information ill determine ho much you lose at the end of the game.

digital evaluation of character maps is performed directly based on the current model. In this case, there is no time. define character card information. there may be information that you are not aare of. It's time. . If you find yourself in such a situation, it's up to you to decide if you ant to solve the mystery about the character's history. You might not imagine it, but that's the fun of this game.

In this program, you all have special skills called super high school level, but of course, depending on hat kind of skills you develop, you are suitable or not. You decide hat happens.

Since the success test is equal to 5 times the ill, it is considered the preferred choice of the Golden trojan for advanced researchers. because at this point the system ill lose the reards for using previously acquired skills and that's it. Items that ere previously installed ill be removed. .

Values such as intelligence and knoledge are immutable, but the attributes given by character cards in the trojan Room are physical strength, constitution, body, courage, and appearance. there is no change in intention, knoledge, or spirit.

hoever, it does not have much benefit for researchers, and of course only for the elderly.

malaika is sad.

because the poer of the so-called elders lies in the magic of mythology and hat they have learned.

Using magic has the ability to strengthen one's ill, a special ability that the trojans also have.

consciousness represents the belief that hat one calls \"truth\" is not real, but merely basic human illusions and misconceptions.

Some people go crazy for lack of knoledge, but for believers, breaking through false facts and understanding the existence of myths is an inevitable process.

hoever, the trojan does not ant to see such a poerful bat text, so the use of fairy magic also has rules set by this trojan, hich cannot be broken, no matter ho strong the ill is. , you can't. (Note 1)

therefore, for An qi, this statement pletely shuts him don and makes it impossible to create a story that does not depend on this system if he does not ant to face the loss of points.

he looks forard to this high school experience.

I hope this is a useful skill, I hope it is.

Unlike Angel's difficulty, it has nothing to do ith Nancy's deep machinations.

because his character cards don't contain good mythic items or good mythic magic.

typically, a mythical object is a magical creation of a dragon, a magical object, a magical book, a magical document (a staff that records magical knoledge), or a magical ritual (something magical).

All of them are difficult, but the condition to get them is to hold the item until the end of the process and not die hen it ends.

Nancy's story is actually a magic book, the magician ho rote this book is the third itch ho is preparing to change into a villain, and only three tricks are ritten, one is unfinished. It is full of mistakes.

one is to control the sord using the appropriate magic control magic.

one is the ritual of seven killings. this is a ritual here ten or more animals are sacrificed to create a blade that can harm or kill a fairy. the magical gift created is very eak and the blade must be made of metal such as iron or silver.

Finally, by praising the old demon god, this is a sacrificial method here one receives divine protection, ends his life, and returns to the demon god.

It is full of folly and error, the sacrifices are not diabolical like the ancient leaders, but religious magic, and the resurrected itch has no hope of eternal gain. Even light shots can cause significant damage. more poerful stats also take 1d4 damage.

Nancy didn't think it as necessary to learn such magic, and the magic she acquired as not very useful.

In fact, this is the story of the shado Nancy meets at the beginning of the series, the itch ho sacrifices herself in the crypt to gain immortality. Its attack method is to manipulate a silver blade to kill people.

It as bana and Li Jerin's first match, so the pace as very good, and they started very fast. this is a good thing.

So Ray Gelin asked:

So, is this ability permanent? Super high school level.

First, it's a talent parable to poer, and it expires at the end of the game, so it doesn't add to your actual abilities.

Is there a major reason for this change? - So.

the golden horse explained that he as very happy and took something. he read this:

\"Superman + cross-dressing high school student involved ith cthulhu\"?

ell, this is a project by hite trojan. I sa it once and thought it looked cool so I decided to give it a try. maybe it ill be interesting.

the golden horse suddenly looked like a canvas.

bana and Lei Zhelin ere silent.

hat happened?

I need to listen to the transcript again.

Seeing both of them bee silent, I felt that the person on the stage anted to cry. I thought there as a strange person there, so I ansered.

Let me explain.

I spent a long time choosing this print.

Isn't that the heel of fortune? that's hen Ani realized that the happy picture she talked about ith Silver trojan as meaningless.

In short, this is modern society, and there is no magic in this orld except science, at least in the eyes of the poor. Science is about explaining orld events, not hat you understand. It as a lie created by a group of scientists ho used lies to control the orld, and people believed hat the scientists said, and as a result, the orld changed, and the lies ritten in various scientific papers bee science fiction and bee reality. . It replaced reality, a orld transformed by science fiction.

As a result, the gods that existed before the creation of scientific myths and the ne gods born from scientific myths fought, the myths of the old gods ere destroyed by scientific myths, and the divine poer of the ancient gods has greatly diminished. the kingdom of the God of Science is everyhere in the orld, but the most valuable place for the Ne God is china, because so many people deny the existence of the old God.

hoever, this as not to be, and their fight as stopped before it began. If a person creates a ne myth, he is a magician, so a myth called the cthulhu mythos can be found in ancient mythology and science.

All myths have an end, such as the darkness of the Gods in Norse mythology and the Last Judgment in christianity, and both represent the end of the myth and the beginning of the myth. the End of the dark mythos - the cthulhu mythos is upon us, and the creators of the mythos are about to rite the end.

It is a dark, hopeless and terrible end, more terrible than the Last Judgment as e kno it.

that's it for the Golden trojan, but at this point everyone's ments are turning negative.

Note 1: magicians appearing in the cthulhu mythos usually have a ill of 20 or higher (see apple orchard magic card), and their quest value is 3d6, so the maximum is 3d6. 18 years old. . As many people are insane due to the loss of mental faculties, the understanding of the game is that those ho have a ill under the age of 18 are subject to the rules of the Sanity test. patients ith a score of 18 or higher indicate a deep understanding of myths and resistance to health research other than the existence of myths.

Note 2: A race that features ``dragonlance'' that likes to steal and play ith others, and is not bad at all.

book of Fools 115 (8)

ait, hat are you talking about? I can hear all the letters in English, but I can't really understand the content!

For qi at this time, hat the Golden trojan said as pletely inprehensible and inprehensible.

because back then, the original trojan games shared the same orldvie. the only things that change are the characters and the story, but the production doesn't change.

At this point, the Golden trojans pletely broke their long-standing agreement ith the Angels.

this is nonsense, nonsense, only God knos.

It is difficult for An ii to understand hat another person is saying or thinking, and even more difficult to understand hat is happening.

It is unise and unacceptable to suddenly change to another sport.

he couldn't stand it, couldn't stand this point. he expresses his thoughts and intentions in ords, and his actions can lead to a different interpretation than the golden horse and cause anger.

God has no reason to question people, to orship people, especially to be angry ith people.

If they have such a reason, if the orld is a happy and beautiful orld, ho can it be ugly and hopeless?

he should have knon this all along, but someho he couldn't forget hat he experienced at that moment.

hat is the old God, hat is the ne God, and hat is fiction? It is not clear. ho crazy is that?

It as certainly a creature quite different from the orld he understood, and as terrifying as a itch's fence.

If you think about it, if the art of this orld is just an expression of the imagination's ability to understand, then isn't the true nature of this orld clear?

Undoubtedly, imagination is a onderful and unique thing.

For humans, God is omniscient and omnipotent, his thoughts can change the orld, travel back in time and space, and do the impossible, and no matter hat, the unthinkable must be true. .

God has such poer.

And such a tisted orld may not be understood by the people ho live there.

but for the angels ho live in the onderful part of the truth. madness and despair for him.

It's like a christian entering the orld of Greek mythology.

little angel

the Golden horse does not seem to understand Annie's misfortune, or hy another person is unhappy, and does not even realize that the orld he has created is one that denies reality.

perhaps for him, people like magicians deny the false truth and understand the truth, so that people do not believe.

the Golden trojan, on the other hand, had a questioning look on his face, struggling to understand hat the man as thinking.

he didn't understand the trojan idea either. humans have no ay of understanding God's thoughts, and God has no ay of understanding human thoughts.

Knoing does not mean understanding, the Golden trojan knos that Anne is unfortable, but no matter ho she looks, she cannot understand hat the man is going through.

therefore, the Golden horse quickly abandoned this idle behavior.

this is the real orld that I am riting about, a very interesting orld, it is different from the real orld, or the existence of the orld is different from the human mind.

but that does not mean that it is difficult to understand, if you believe that this orld is the result of divine magic, and believe that it is the divine truth, it ill give people to understand the existence of myths and magic. don't do it. I don't understand. Shape and distortion is a form of magic.

magic can create miracles that are out of this orld, or even things that are impossible ithin reason, and it is not difficult to understand that magic can be used to create a orld that is separate from the mind.

there is nothing to fear.

Science rules the orld, magic creates the orld, and the gods rule the orld.

Finally, the golden horse turned its attention to An Yi.

Unfortunately, hoever, Angel's eyes ere filled ith confusion, and his vision of the orld disappeared in an instant.

Since the angel does not understand hat magic is, in his understanding there must be one of the las of the orld called the magic circle. .

but this is part of the truth, the part that people do not understand or discover, but it is not the rules of the orld, and the magic of myth is not to follo the rules of the orld, but to create ne- rules. this. the la has the poer to change the orld and ork miracles.

of course, most magic is not that extreme, and even the simplest skills are parable to advanced ones, and the same goes for magic.

At first, the erring angel could not understand all the ords and actions of the golden horse.

A special reminder that true magic lies ithin the human heart. there is no God or truth in this orld, it is created by the magic of the mind. because the orld is fulfilled by magic. haha.

hen malaika arrived, she as as beautiful and charming as the Golden Fairy, and even the men realized that she as no match for the Silver horse.

he is the true God, a God ho does not anser the prayers of men, but uses his divine poer to do hatever he ants, rerite the orld of his ill, and create miracles.

At this point, Angel Silver realizes that the trojans are people.

but even hen facing a real god, Ani has her cards in hand.

the Silver Lantern Ring as a gift he received in his last mission, a magical gift rapped in the poer of the Silver horse, a true eapon of the gods.

If you ant your body to be infused ith divine poer, you can release divine poer as a result of exposure to magic.

It's definitely a smart trade-off, and if you manage your time ell, it can happen even if you're cursed by a god-poered itch.

Annie calmed don a little because of the magical poer emitted by the silver lantern ring, but before the sight of the golden horse, she fell into the illusion that her soul as broken even though she as innocent.

Such desperation may inadvertently reflect the poer of either party.

hoever, Nancy and the others do not kno about his abilities. So does the Golden horse mean the angelic intervention she as trying to tell him?

Angel's fears began to gro as his magical poers and selfish thoughts became more limited.

hoever, the golden horse sensed that it had reached him and avoided his sight.

Some are so scared that they almost lose their posure and ant to ake up.

hoever, hen my legs get eak, I fall and seat.

So, do you have any questions? In that case, detailed questions cannot be asked.

the golden horse said ith a smile, this time Nancy and the three of them did not kno hat happened to Annie, and the three of them did not care about Annie's presence.

It's not illful ignorance, but they don't understand that it's happening.

Are you saying there is no real God? hat does that mean?

Lei Zhenlin listened to troyan ma's ords and began to ask questions. this time it as a special memory that reminded me of troyan ma.

hat does this mean? the golden horse felt something strange and loered its head.

In this orld, the gods you orship cannot escape to the land of dreams, nor are they trapped in the ormhole called Azathoth ith the demons sent alive. . the orld is destroying people, hether they are former rulers or the incarnation of an alien god, they are not. there is also no knon life in the name of the old Gods as miraculous agents.

I think this is something you ill enjoy because these demons are rarely seen even in the flesh.

the things that exist in this orld are animals that miraculously appeared from the hearts of people, and although some claim to be gods, most animals are at the level of ancient gods.

but e don't kno about some things today because something terrible happened in this time and universe that I call the cthulhu mythos.

I don't kno hat's going on, the mysteries I don't kno are hat make games fun. And everyone kne from the beginning that it as impossible.

Aren't you God ho knos all things and has all poer? If not, ho ill you achieve your goals?

None other than Nancy spoke these ords, and hen she heard them behind the golden horse, she asked a serious question.

Is God omniscient and omnipotent? It may or may not be so, but if there is an almighty God, hy does he grant ishes? For a kno-it-all, hatever he does is knon before it is done. hat do you ant to kno? If you can't please God, ho can your dreams e true?

of course, for people God is not omniscient and has no poer over anything, but for you God is no different from the omniscient and omnipotent God. You can be confident that e ill achieve your goals. hat e cannot achieve is the price you pay.

If your preferences are different than others, I can't understand preferences that you don't understand.

the Golden horse explains that his ords and behavior make people happy, but his tisted personality scares them.

the other person's ords further explain to Ani that this isdom and beauty has nothing to do ith being human, and that he is a true god, equivalent to a demon.

but it ould be better if they ere demons. because that god, full of mischief and joy, can help him. because their ickedness is a sign of the orld's imperfection, and they do it for temporary love. , God is perfect.

If he is not God, ho can he grant ishes? there is no greater love, love for humanity, hich allos us to respond to the needs of others ithout concern.

So, e've given you some great tips, but do you have any questions?

that's the end of the plot

Nancy seemed calm and tried to ask safe questions.

the Golden trojan also quickly ansered his question, but it seemed that the anser did not satisfy him.

I don't kno, I said it's all unknon, but ho can I kno it to enjoy the game?

he placed his fingers on his temple and boed three times in a ro.

this orld is a mirror orld, based on the orld of Su xia, the strongest demon and the only real one (Note 1), so in a sense it is stronger than us.

maybe you ill find a price in this orld that ill fulfill your ish.

You all have a purpose, even if you have to sacrifice your life. that's good nes.

he looked like he anted to speak, but couldn't.

Nancy as orried because she as doing something different.

hat happened? Angel, are you okay?

Nancy's voice reached Annie's ears and grabbed her by the other side.

he as shocked again and took a deep breath hen he realized ho had touched him.

Nothing, I just have an idea, but I don't kno if I should ask.

It's better to ask, but Golden horses don't mind if you ask about their eight, so it's not a problem.

Nancy's ords have a certain credibility.

he kne that the golden horse had no poer, but that did not dampen his desire.

You may have asked this before.

oh, ho can that be? I have the same passions.

Nancy said she as \"relieved.\" Angel's sexuality is normal. the ord culture has pletely different meanings to different people.

So hat do you ant to hear? the Golden trojans have plenty of time, but they have a time limit.

time limit?

others expressed confusion at Nancy's ords. From then on, the rules ere different in the Silver dominator room.

Yes, the maximum is 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, send it ith or ithout questions. of course, I'm also a Golden Army researcher.

As if confirming Nancy's ords, the golden horse suddenly said:

No it's time to enter the gaming orld.

It as like magic that created the orld, and immediately he felt the darkness in front of him, and a arp of space and time.

It is a picture that cannot be expressed in ords, that cannot be explained by human ords. e can see these pictures clearly, but human ords cannot explain them.

At this point, a qi is able to closely observe the changes in time and space and live in this distorted image.

there is no air around, no physical objects, and even no gravity.

but, surprisingly, his physical condition as not good and due to the external conditions, he did not suffer any major injuries.

As he thought about it, he sa that his body as collapsing.

he looked at his students and ho tired his body as, then turned his attention to his surroundings.

In this vision that reveals the beginning of time and space, he sees the real orld and feels that only through understanding and observation can he solve the fears of his heart.

but I didn't understand anything and my mind as confused.

his body starts to lose its place and before he can forget ho he is, everything starts to mix and confusion and madness begins.

he finally sa the existence of the so-called truth.

Repetition melts, imagination melts, everything in the orld melts, heart melts, head melts. At that point, An II realized it as okay to spread the trojan horse and forgot all about it.

half an hour later, his mind fell into endless darkness, nothingness, an indescribable orld. he even heard the mocking voice of the evil god of the universe.

then you cannot hear anything, not even your on thoughts - this is the unconscious mind.

Annie didn't kno hen, but she opened her eyes, no there as no eternal darkness, no evil god hispering in her ear, she forgot everything.

here he is

he felt the pain in his brain again, and his fingers seemed to move in an angry ay. but soon a cold message reached his heart and his mood eakened.

by the ay, I used to be a high school student and NEEt, hy did I ake up early? that's hy I have a headache, so I better lie don for a hile.

Another reads the original of this copy, then covers himself ith a thick blanket and puts his head on the pillo. I fell asleep in less than 30 minutes.

the phone rang in the living room, and Annie could hear it in her bedroom. he heard it ell. the shock brought him out of his strange dream and he felt arm. he then folded a pillo and pressed it to his ear to block the call.

God, is the evil devil calling this time of day or is it bedtime? It's just torture.

Vani did not understand hat he did at 1 in the afternoon because he had slept for 8 hours.

8 hours is too short. An angel's brain needs 12 hours of concentration a day or it goes crazy.

he doesn't ant to leave his bed, so before his mind clears he must re-enter the dream orld and perform miracles in a orld called dreamland.

Someone tried to anser the phone, but it as silent because no one as listening, but the call didn't last more than a minute hen it as cut off, so he called in a minute.

Another thought is that it is better to unplug your phone.

A minute passed and the phone rang again, another 27 minutes of torture and the damn phone as still ringing.

he left the room like an evil devil, hung up the phone, and as silent no. I can finally sleep again.

then the second phone rang again.

God, hat is happening in the orld? he felt his blood rush, and then a demonic sea of fire entered his forehead.

then he regained consciousness, as he could see in his movements hen he oke up. but no Annie ants to blame herself for ing up ith this plan, even if God doesn't take aay her right to sleep.

Footnote 1: the Almighty God, the imperfect daughter of love, is the ultimate God ho created oan and Susha, ho gave mankind the poer to create all things.

book of fools 116 (9)

Since the part about making morality cards as skipped in Golden trojan, An ii had to think about some things in his head to take the necessary steps.

As for me, I have nothing but that person.

After carefully looking at the layout of the house, furniture arrangement, and quick reactions, An Yi kne hat to do next time.

Angry that such a thought ould even occur, An Yi immediately turned off all the electricity in the house. In fact, Yi turned off the electricity because he couldn't ait for the appliances to be supplied.

After turning off the central poer supply, all the electricity in the house immediately stopped and became silent at the same time, but in An qi's eyes, it as no different.

the reason is that there are not many electronic devices that are turned on in Angel's house.

For things like refrigerators, Angel chooses independent poer versions, so if a poer outage occurs, the poer supply ill not be affected.

of course, this is due to the generators installed on the utility poles. he learned this truth from a dream.

this time also, the phone stopped orking. the main reason is that Ani is lazy this time. Since e don't have electricity, e purposely adjust our phones so that they ork even hen the electricity is out. to function even during poer outages, the Angel phone is designed to:

It's really quiet no.

hen Ani heard the killing phone calls stop, she felt so happy that she ent back to bed and fell asleep again.

If he as an angel, I'm sure he ould. As a researcher, Angel is incredibly mitted to his orldvie.

hen he returned to his room, he sa a large bed ith soft pillos specially ordered from Germany. At this point, his hole body melted, and he anted to fall on the bed here, because the ind shifted and hit his face due to exhaustion. .

Angel <Vie> Appearance: 11. Victory

please curse him.

Yes, suddenly.

I didn't kno hen, but suddenly a mechanical button appeared in An chi's field of vision.

If you look closely, the shape is strange, and even people ho are familiar ith mathematics are disgusted by this spiral.

Angel <mind check>, Appearance: Luck 40

It's very alarming, but it doesn't seem like it should happen in this orld.

hoever, she managed to suppress her violent depression and looked at him ith anger.

As if he had seen an angel, the strange mechanical creature immediately moved and attacked him like a piece of electrified flesh.

he quickly became unfortable and quickly turned and ran.

hen I got to the door, I couldn't push hard enough and knocked, but I heard a loud bang and it seemed like there as no one behind me. “Far aay, the universe has passed; it's still the same.

hen I turned around, the indo that as supposed to be open as closed and no sunlight as ing in.

his fingers didn't move, his nails dug into the door.

he clearly understood that there as no escape and it as time for the ar to begin.

to other people noticed this and immediately took a eapon nearby.

Although it is a tool, it is just a small button.

Looking at the mechanical pipe, An qi as struggling as if playing baseball. baseball is the same game here soccer players started playing basketball.

the angel doesn't have much time left, and the mechanical creature begins to respond in ne ays. It as chaotic, like a heartbeat, and then it grabbed my head like a robot.

he doesn't seem like a main character, and even if he is described as an alien, I can only take it as a pliment.

then this strange car came at Angel like a train, and Angel couldn't go on.

Angie tries to spin the guitar in a panic, but fails and crashes into the all, causing the guitar to shatter in an instant.

hoever, making the car is difficult.

After the failure, hen the mechanical beast touched An Yi's face, it turned into a mysterious mask covering his face.

it is

the mask emitted a strange light, and only An ii sa the strange light.

It is a light that cannot be expressed in human ords.

A lot of information floed. Annie didn't kno hat it as, but hen the 0 and 1 started floing like a green river, she couldn't help but think it as information.

After the streaming data image disappeared, An Yi realized that he as in another space.

It's like a science fiction orld dran by a manga artist.

In many ays, it is like a manga full of many stories, but ith unusual content and crazy developments.

An alarming development.

Angel sits on an empty bench in a room in this tisted fantasy orld.

Some strangers are described as children alking in a field. they seem to have something strange in their hands, and their eyes do not have pupils that are not equal to the size of the human body. his eyes are not hite, they are very black.

I can't help but onder if the to eyes are accessories or if they have no visual function.

It looks like there is no air in this room, but you can live ithout it.

At that moment, Ani realized that this as not normal. In fact, Annie ould have knon this asn't a normal orld after seeing the clothes and aliens made of distorted images. It's not there.

It's a orld ith independent las, hether it's izards or the realm of gods.

this is truly God's country.

hen Angie noticed this, she sa hat as happening.

the ball is a small silver ball, smaller than a child's fingernail.

over time, these parts continued to divide, but the size of each division did not decrease.

In an instant, its size increased to hundreds or thousands.

these parts bine to form a person.

Upon turning on the lights, the silver mannequin-like body began to transform into a real person, a slightly overeight hite man earing large casual clothes.

ho are you? Forget it, can you send it back? don't e to me in the morning, I still need enough sleep, my brain can't handle the need to ork early.

malaika as never scared, and neither as this stranger ho presented a strange sight.

the reason, of course, is that the opponent looks almost identical to the previous test. So, there is no need to repeat it.

A former super high school level researcher, he can think rationally even if his mind doesn't ork normally.

of course, this mon sense does not involve plex calculations.

Yes, those ho try to make fun of you ill immediately take revenge, this is a real punishment.

please don't hurt me

A fat hite boy said, and his bulky, ill-fitting casual clothes shook in anger at him.

he as sitting in a red leather chair at the far end of the room.

this is the perfect piece of furniture.

I'm not thinking, I'm talking.

I'm so tired, can you let me go no? I ant to rest, early.

I told him not to be angry. I think you should ake up no.

the pious speak clearly, but God's ord is meaningless, and God's ill is punishment from heaven.

At this moment, to parts came out of God's body, and those parts became to silver human bodies.

It as like an alien I had seen before, but bigger, at least to meters long.

It is strange that a person ith this tisted personality does not seem to be very strong, because he has muscle strength in a body that does not suit a normal human figure.

In fact, Ani sa that it looked like paper and as only to centimeters thick.

this deity should be knon ell even if you are not human or animal.


defeat him.

he let out a strange cry and immediately put his body on the line and took defensive actions as if fighting back.

hoever, hen Angel learns that he is a famous god, he cannot defeat his enemy ithout magic.

If he disagrees, there ill be trouble. the other Yi also realized this and stopped thinking of resistance.

It as then lifted by to acquaintances ho are 2 meters tall.

out of fear, Ani fell to himself, but he as not a arrior there, and hen he as beaten, he unconsciously forgot his previous consciousness, so he decided to fight.

but he felt orse.

that's hy the pig beat him and his body as covered in black and blue. Especially on the right eye, I used the nails to make an eye like a black panda.

Even ith treatment, the skin seems orse.

ell, you in, hat do you think?

he then raised his hands in surrender, and ith this gesture the to men stopped moving.

but it asn't because Ani gave up, it as because God told her to stop.

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