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Naturally, those ho do not understand the poer of the trojans and the divine poer of the trojan rulers ill not dare to fight the monster.

hoever, Anzai, an expert, could not understand this.

Nancy Anne II, ho had this idea, did not allo her to have such an idea and did not allo this side to do anything to the other side.

ho can you stop hen you have more important interests than your on life?

Nancy thought, but Nancy also understood that it as a dream and did not believe that it as real, so Nancy's actions at this time ere eak.

hoever, this also shocked An qi.

because Nancy put her hand on Angel's head.

oh, hat are you doing, please save me?

Angel Nancy tried to calm him don ith ords, but such ords had no good effect on a pletely unrepentant and domineering man.

Nancy smiled, but it asn't a friendly smile, it gave off a bad feeling.

his suspicion is bad and he hopes that this suspicion ill not be fulfilled and it ill continue until this humiliation is resurrected and there ill be no more chaos.

but even if such an idea is only an illusion of angels, a miraculous place built by the Golden trojan, it is impossible to hope for this human illusion, even if it is plete. cheap miracle and God. All of them are created for the benefit of the people as a hole, and even if they are small, they are still countries that send aid.

the so-called miracles are invisible to people.

Angel continued to shake, his legs shaking and his hands shaking, but unfortunately, his struggles ere meaningless in the face of Nancy's strength.

Even ithout using skills, Nancy's strength is more than Angel's.

Nancy also noticed that Angel's body is not very big in this orld, but similar to his appearance, it has the strength of a small child.

It as only then that Nancy realized that even though Angel as big, he did not have the body of a deadly animal.

that's actually a good thing; the soul of another person remains that of an explorer, and a great man ho did not bee a magician because his intelligence as reduced to zero became a monster because of confusion.

After learning this information, Nancy's heart suddenly became better, and the smile she gave Angel as not a lie, but this time it as a real smile.

because at least Nancy understood that her ability to easily fight angels in a physical fight, and the fact that angels can fight themselves might just be magic. because it is.

hoever, a izard ith a human mind loses Sanity points every time he casts a spell, and is limited to the trojan's divine poer. It's just magic.

A detective ho cannot solve a deadly illusion, even ithout using magic or mixing mythology, does not change himself and does not have the opportunity to develop his personality. Even in adulthood, one just ears it... the curse accumulates in one's character, and one day one cannot resist changes and interruptions.

this concludes the detective story. At first, e thought that Nancy Angel has bee a monster no that she is an adult, but she is still human.

If so, that's really good. the more Nancy thought about it, the happier she felt in her heart.

the reason it is said that ay is because it only hurts the poor.

At that time malaika also realized the dangers that this mental illness caused.

haha, have you thought about doing that since I stopped?

despite hat Nancy says, Angel realizes that Nancy didn't mention the incident and her actions had nothing to do ith it.

Nancy ran her fingers around Angel's body in a strange place.

he felt his hole body start to shake, and then something happened to his hole body and he started to shake.

Seeing Angel faint, Nancy pletely abandons her immoral behavior.

hat do you ant !

Annie gave Nancy a demonic look. he couldn't understand ho this man could do such a terrible thing. Is there no name in the human heart? <morality> hat is it?

can humans really do this? Are you human and not a demon?

Angel couldn't run aay from Nancy after doing this to her.

he did not accept that attitude. Angel is not one to enjoy being fingered.

Also, the arrangement of the angels is normal and there is nothing strange or interesting about it.

devil? It can be done, but not if you ant to deal ith kids ho don't ant to ork.

this is very academic and very mild pared to the professors ho are trying to use electricity to disconnect children from the internet.

It's not normal, it's not connected to the internet, it's advanced, do you hate modern civilization? Is it really difficult to live in modern civilization? hy is it necessary to give an electric shock?

She didn't understand the hell Nancy as talking about, Angel as so scared she anted to cry.

of course, An chi also knos that Nancy just ants to play ith her, because she has been happy since Nancy as born into this orld.

At one point, Annie seemed to have hurt the other person and as treated as such, but judging by the other person's ords, she didn't feel that as the case.

you! that's really cruel.

he cried his eyes out.

So hat do you ant?

right? hat ill happen? You are thinking too much, can't you see that I am busy atching tV?

Said mr. Yi's confused expression, as if he couldn't understand anyone's thoughts. but after a hile, An Yi explained.

- Nancy raised her hand. his eyes ere like danger, and he jumped like a frightened frog, stepped on the leg of a chair, and fell.

I did and you didn't notice.

he explained in shock.

do I look like an idiot?

Nancy opened her eyes, pointed to herself, and couldn't stop thinking.

hat are you talking about? are you serious hat are your hands? erection

Nancy put her hand back in regret as a calming Annie explained the truth, pointing to the monitor door screen.

see? this is a NEEt research pany, so I only ork from home, and I never ork outside my home. this is my research activity. So please release me as soon as possible, keep the payment, then leave me alone and stop orking. got it.

because I am a senior NEEt examiner. cheek

Another person puts on a bad face and tries to drive people aay pletely. So Nancy enthusiastically grabbed Angel's hand and pulled him ith all her strength.

ho are you oh, God, ho could this be? help me, I don't ant to go out, I don't ant to go out!

the angel cried out, but Nancy, ho had a heart as evil as the devil, shoed no mercy.

because Nancy doesn't believe that anyone, especially researchers, can ork from home. ho do you play? Nancy ill also be angry hen she hears about the cheating.

this is America, here he likes to sit no, in front of a ooden table, on a stone chair, a pen in his left hand, floating beteen his fingers.

At this point, the Shados go through a series of panic attacks. Instead of sounds ing from something mon, all sounds bee an inprehensible mess.

Its unique sound is enough to make anyone's heart onder.

this is normal, sound is harmless, and human civilization also has technological products that use sound as a eapon.

but pared to those strange sounds, acoustic instruments are as beautiful as the sacred voices of angels.

the sound thor heard as orse than a sonic eapon.

but Love remained the same, unresponsive to the physical destruction, nodding softly to the music, as if hat he heard ere pop songs rather than insanity.

of course, Love knos hat these voices are - it is the voice of the devil, the devil called the old man, the voice of God outside.

these demons that only existed in love stories, these gods that only existed in his fantasies, really appealed to him ith the idea.

Is it from God? or is it a curse from the devil? No one knos that.

but there is no mystery in love.

In fact, his eyes shoed not a lack of energy, but fatigue.

he seemed to see the truth of eternity.

At that moment, Seiya, ith tired eyes, opened his mouth.

okay, God, e're all aiting.

I ill fulfill your ishes, and I am sure that the end of this season ill please all the gods.

the age of the old gods and the age of the ne gods are ing to an end, the useless gods that rely on human ork are ing to an end, and your time is ing.

but you also ansered my prayers and gave me a fort called a miracle, this promise, once you decide to fulfill it ill happen hen the stars are right, I ill do it. check everything. this is great.

For others, love only speaks for itself, but love knos that its ords are ords to God and prayers to itself.

Even after speaking, Soyaya continued to ait for God's anser. he knos that until that day es, there ill be no evidence other than the \"divine voice\" he heard in his ears.

but the anser doesn't matter, it's hat you do in that moment that matters.

Seat as dripping from his forehead, and the pen in his hand as as heavy as a dumbbell in the gym. A oman ith a body like Soya should not be underestimated.

hy is this not surprising? hy can't my hand rite again?

It represents the end of the past, so holding it in your hand is the eight of the orld, and if you can rite it, you have the poer to rite the future.

Even if you don't have that poer no, in the future beyond the fairy tale orld, you ill have it and this ill be your ne heaven.

the old ruler's voice echoed in Love's ears, not a chaotic voice, but a human hisper.

do you decide the future of the orld? honestly, I don't think a corrupt person like me has any rights. Are you disclaiming responsibility for this part?

the test is not the false gods in the hearts of men or the gods that alk the earth, but the origin of the \"system\" of gods. God above gods. ho are you Let's change it and give it a ne meaning. So, you should try if you have a toy that controls \"one reality\". And if you can control and express it, you ill bee God, God's creator, God, he is his Lord. God ho created the orld, he alone, Lord above gods, Almighty.

the elders spoke in confused tones, as if expecting something. Love ansered their ishes. but there as an inexplicable emotion in his smile - as he flirting?

So I have to try my best. but it as so painful and painful that I couldn't think of anything, it as like I became a stone, like a stone that couldn't think.

this time the elders did not anser, and the angry Shado, ho as not angry, as lying on the table, playing ith a pen in his hand - am I in a bad mood?

hoever, seeing the Elders is not parable to seeing the universe, and they are not real, but gods empoered by the \"real\" order left over from the cthulhu mythos series.

the stories ritten by Love do exist in this orld, but according to the mystery of ``danviro horror'', the old ones don't exist in this orld at all. once again, they returned from the Infinite mind. Yog-Sothoth knos these possibilities and knos here they e from.

So, hat emerges in the end is definitely a story of returning to the old orld.

only in this ay ill these ancient false leaders, born from a system that leaves behind \"one truth\", appear in this orld, and not in this vacuum.

Love knos them and sees them. he knos everything, he knos the detectives in the trojan Room, he even knos the trojan rulers ho run the orld behind the scenes.

At that moment, Frank opened the door and sa Love ith cold seat on his forehead and a horrified look on his face.

Frank's eyes ere pitiful, but he asn't surprised because it asn't the first time, so he took a toel and iped his forehead. At that moment, Love seemed to recognize him and looked at Frank.

are you going? please ait a moment, it ill finish.

In love, you never kno the intentions of others. Frank said:

No, I don't agree ith those things. It's okay to rite if you feel unfortable.

ho is this possible and hy am I unfortable? this is my story and my daughter is aiting for this ne season to e.

So I can't ait and can't stop, you kno?

Love's breathing as a little labored and his cheeks ere red, but this as due to lack of oxygen.

No, I don't kno, hat is the purpose of reaching this position?

hat did you not ant to do at first? First of all, ho is holding a knife and forcing me to email?

hen Love asked, Frank replied:

You might ant to do it at first, but hat if you regret it?

If you regret it, please don't, but I haven't given up yet.

Rab did not anser, but looked at hat he had ritten and said,

ell, no that I'm inspired again, let's figure out ho to finish.

the gods told me that they are ing, a ne myth, ready to prevent the ne gods from meeting the old gods, that this is the last battle of the past.

do you ant to help me? Frank?

Love asked, aiting. Frank ansered ithout thinking.

Indeed, Lord. of course I ill help you, but please be careful ith your runny nose.

Ah, maybe I didn't sleep ell.

Love picked up a cloth and iped it. Frank didn't stop him and turned aay.

After Frank finished, Love quietly thre the tissue in the trash and carefully picked up the text.

ell, I am impatient, and I ant something unknon from the bottom of my heart, and I ant something that is not in the tao, and hen the axis of tao turns. It's me or me, it's time to start taking action. product Life First Great Eternal Lord. hat happened to your eye?

book of madness 123 (16)

Isn't this really hell? the pain is too much to bear, ill I ever e back?

I'm sure there are such plaints these days.

hether he is a researcher in troy's room or in this orld, there is no doubt that he suffers from a mental illness called \"summer phobia\", hich means that he has a severe fear of heat.

Angels are the ones ho never leave this orld and live fully in this orld.

hen someone like you takes the first step this summer, it must be a dream e true. this is not going to happen.

Angel never anted to leave the house and never anted to leave. he is not a masochist, so ho could he do such a terrible thing to himself?

Annie does not ant to look at the sun, hich is very hot and has strong ultraviolet rays. I like silver in my house more than the sun or air conditioner. .

bani looked at Nancy as she as pulled aay, her eyes filled ith prayer.

hoever, An ii as pletely helpless due to the brutal actions of his opponent.

poor quality

It must have been Nancy ho said those harsh ords.

Under the attack of Angel Eyes, Nancy is pletely invincible.

hoever, Nancy may not understand the other person's talent and may feel distrustful of him, but Nancy cannot allo him to live in her house.

Nancy does not aste her talent, no matter ho sympathetic she is, she can be hard-hearted as a person ho can control violence.

At this time, Nancy as drinking hot coffee in a cafe outside, and Angel, ho as also there, as forced to sit next to her because it as difficult to understand hy the coffee as so bitter.

It might have been because Nancy found him on her on, but if she hadn't, Angel as running all over the place hen she turned around.

Nancy couldn't let that happen.

So hy should I leave my house and stand ith you in this square, ithout anything beautiful, in the heat of the sun? hat did I do to deserve this?

I am a orking adult, a NEEt examiner, and an otaku. I can stay home and find out hat's going on in the orld. You can find out everything through the Internet, the so-called police, and the researchers of this orld.

the other man couldn't stand the heat and buried his face in the table, almost spilling out the information, but hen he as halfay through, his position changed due to the sunlight and stood there, motionless. he as orried that the sun ould burn his cheeks.

of course that's a lie, his talent isn't that good, the talent he claims isn't a plete lie, he can do hat he says.

hoever, it as not a ``super high school level'' talent, but rather the feelings he gained from his recent relationship ith the god Anro.

Since this is a fictional god and the internet is their domain, angels can get accurate information through this god.

hat are his skills? malaika herself, after receiving this gift, thought to hurt the golden horse and did not kno ho to express being treated like that.

You must make a health check every time you use a skill, and a success results in 1d10 ailments. If you fail, you take 1d100 damage.

After realizing that, An Yi anted to take advantage of this talent, if you are not careful you ill drive yourself crazy, as a researcher, you ill not be able to change the mind, and ultimately increase human behavior. masu. You can see it. Nothing but despair and destruction.

the so-called explorers have no solution, and magic beyond Adam is forbidden to them, leading to their destruction in the first place.

If Nancy is alloed to kno her true ability, she ill learn to use her ability in the field. only by hiding it can he prove his angelic status.

A qi sometimes onders if the reason hy the trojans gave him such a talent is to prevent his performance in this game, or if he just ants to tell himself, he doesn't ant to end up here sometimes I onder if should i cheat on him

maybe it is, otherise the cost of use is too high like human gambling, Angel ill never use it.

An chi suddenly changed the subject to prevent the other party from continuing to ask.

besides, hy ould you ant something as bad as coffee? If you ant to please people, there's nothing rong ith using \"dr. pepper.\"

Even children ith no sense of taste can drink coca-cola and pepsi.

It is obviously cheaper and more efficient.

honestly, I don't understand hy people ant to pay so much for a cup of coffee, but instead of buying 5-6 cans of dr. pepper, that's good.

Angel looked at Nancy ith to dead fish eyes, and on Angel's table there ere cups of ice cream, lots of cream, rainbo candies, and even lots of chocolate poder.

do you kno ho much my heart hurts? Soon I needed a lot of money to renovate my house.

bani plained that it as so hot these days that even cold ater did not cool don her body temperature.


Nancy seemed to stop at the question.

Am I this food?

Annie as surprised by Nancy's decision and she couldn't believe that someone ho broke someone else's door could go free this time by refusing to pay. this is unthinkable.


his mood changed immediately and he seemed more enthusiastic. Nancy as surprised that her face changed so quickly hen it came to money.

Angel quickly bought expensive groceries and ordered three iced coffees. one had hipped cream, one had rainbo candy and cocoa poder, and the last one as too much. ice cream

Nancy stopped hen she sa the reactions of the others at the party.

It ould be an exaggeration to say that this dish is me.

hearing Nancy's ords, Anne's eyes suddenly darkened.

ell, I don't ant to say you on't do it for me, so please let me kno up front that I on't pay for it.

Angie as really embarrassed.

No, I ill not take back hat I said. I still respect him.

Nancy looked at An II again as if something bad had been said, but this time she decided that An II couldn't understand anything.

but for Nancy, the money of this orld is nothing. You can't delete anything that isn't a myth, so you have to delete it in the system orld, and hen you go back to the original orld, you on't find anything.

Nancy is also crazy, but in this orld she doesn't care about it anymore, but hen her life in the devil started, she ould go to the bank and steal money, but until then, it as never found. , not necessarily the entire area here there are living people.

the \"Golden trojan horse\" does not seek to enrich researchers. No one gives gold coins to their families, even if they exchange them for US dollars.

Experiences and memories can be saved, but the reards of the trojan can only be used in the system.

therefore, the existence of trojan horses is not ell knon in the real orld.

For example, the magic ring of the angel, made of silver trojan horse and covering the divine poer, as not fulfilled.

Unless the trojan is hacked, these personal items are not important to researchers, but at least they can be used as a good in-game currency hile playing.

hey, that's it, I like brave friends like that, so be rude.

Angel smiled hen he heard that Nancy had no intention of pushing the bill.

Free, high-quality items are alays Angel's favorite.

Angels are very happy hen they don't spend money.

do you like this?

the black man seemed to notice the slight redness on Nancy's cheeks, but upon closer inspection, her face returned to normal.

he rubbed his eyes for a moment, but his expression did not change.

(Is it a dream?)

he seemed to think that hat he as seeing as a hallucination, that his features ere actually blacking out, but that as not the case at all.

on the other hand, although he is not quick to act, he is also a good person, and it is difficult for him to imagine hat others are thinking.

people have a mon mind, but it is not visible from the outside and e cannot kno ho is thinking hat. this is really the key skill of a researcher.

friend? e are friends no.

Angel heard that Nancy repeated the ord \"friend\" as if explaining.

but he did not understand hat the other person anted to say. Sounds like \"slang\" used at the Golden trojans game.

this orried him, but he remained calm.

e are really friends.

but remember, this food is for you.

of course, if you're a really nice person, you can fix a broken item for free or offer a refund.

besides, the door of my house is not closed. As a friend, I hope you can help me bear all the losses I have suffered at this point.

but hen e talked about these things, he felt very happy.

he literally said, \"If you don't have money, don't be my friend.\"

the reason hy I say this is because if their relationship is really good, they can't stand it if An chi does something bad. You cannot do things that are against your true nature.

It as the same ith the game beteen the Silver trojans, but pared to the game against the Yello trojans, it as human.

therefore, if they ere true friends, An Yi ould be very orried.

In this game, hen Nancy doesn't pay or finds out she didn't pay for the door repair, and she says she did, she shos the public that she doesn't believe.

he has angels in his system. In other ords, he could never have a good relationship ith anyone.

he is a man ho can hurt others as much as he ants, so taking another's life is the most important and right thing to do, and he does not argue on that basis.

ho can you make your dreams e true if you can't make a promise to a stranger? Such a person ho cannot express his opinion ill not find the good nes in the trojan horse.

God's help is impossible for the rich and not for the religious ho are not ready to sacrifice everything to lose.

that as all the Silver trojan anted to say in his mind, and he kne that if the gods anted it, there as nothing they could do to stop it.

the boundaries he set for himself ere strangers and enemies. people of these to series, qi, can act as extreme as they ant.

that is, ithout friends, he can kill people of the same sex and even of the same blood source, even clones, and not even take care of him. love of blood

Angels are not interested in material relationships.

of course, Angel doesn't use USd yet, but it's orth checking out. he hoped that a person ould not suffer from amnesia or forget hat he said at one time. No angels or dollars brought him out; he as taken by force.

Ah haha the door is not closed as if my hand broke the door.

Nancy remembers hat she did, but hen Angel opens the door for her, she seems to have pletely forgotten.

Annie asked hearing this.

Are you trying to say you kicked me out even though my house is no threatened? God, hat's the difference beteen finding a cute girl and running around naked?

don't orry, I'll pay, don't orry. hoever, all losses incurred during this period ill be reported to the authorities and may still be pensated.

After a hile, Nancy felt that she had said something she shouldn't have said.

hen Nancy realized this, she immediately fell silent.

of course, it didn't happen at the time, but An Yi heard it very ell.

After understanding hat Nancy said, An Yi immediately opened her eyes and looked at Nancy in disbelief.

In other ords, they did not receive a single yen, be it pensation or food.

the angel's voice as louder than usual.

hen Nancy realized hat An chi as thinking, she immediately refused.

did something like that happen? Like I said, it's a loss.

ho can you make the most of your losses? Guess ho ill visit these cafes if this loss is considered?

of course, ho can you go to a five-star hotel, order the most expensive ine, eat the most expensive food, and drink cheap coffee at a roadside cafe?

hat should I do? by not spending other people's money, you are insulting yourself.

besides, I didn't mean for your family's payment to go into my allet, and I didn't think about it.

of course, hen Nancy said that, she fully expressed her true feelings.

Angie heard hat Nancy as saying and seemed to understand hat Nancy really meant.

but hat he said meant that this plan as ruined, and after thinking about it, An Yi felt extremely happy in his heart.

besides, if it as free, no one ould e to the coffee shop on the side of the road.

Even if you prefer drinking coffee, there are better options.

Angie felt Nancy's face turn red ith anger, but she thought it as only painful to be put in such a precarious position.

Annie doesn't kno Nancy's personality, but she doesn't seem to have any bad intentions.

the nature of the behavior affects the performance of the researcher. of course, exploratory thinking also influences behavior.

And in such a state of uncertainty, change your true consciousness to someone.

but even though the man's actions had no effect on the trojans, Anne II did not kno hat the man's plans ere.

hoever, there is no need to study this area too much.

by this time, An qi had finished all the coffee and food and felt better.

After dinner, it's time for ork.

After eating, Nancy felt an unexpected magical poer in her eyes as she stared at Angel.

one looked into the other's eyes, realized something bad as about to happen, and immediately apologized.

No go home and ork.

After apologizing, he turned around ithout looking back and ran like a monkey.

Nancy punched the air in anger as she ran.

Nancy <hygiene inspection>, item: 21, passed.

he exploded in anger, but Nancy ignored his plight.

After bloing, the ind picked up and got stronger like a bomb exploding in the air.

Suddenly, the ind ble and the place got hot, and the people around them got scared and ran aay.

N. Summer, the summer hen students are not in school.

Angel packs all the essentials, including some expensive and luxurious accessories, even though they don't really fit her. Staying home is safe, but fun. So you need an empty basement, a place more fortable than home.

I decided to keep it. No it's just a buzz, and hoever started the plan, the angels are aiting for the fools ho started the veil to appear, and then everything ill be harvested like a farmer ho harvests heat. It's all over, that's for the best, the people of the Golden Legion tend to take matters into their on hands.

but there are alays reasons to prove that there is a God in this orld. they couldn't see An qi's movements. hen An Yi tried to escape, he encountered something strange.

At this time, his face as pale - there must be a conspiracy in his heart, but hy did it sho in his eyes?

the man looked like a mad dog running on the ground to hunt, but he as earing a seatshirt, tattered and very old. pared to a smart dog, its size is bigger, and hen directly threatening it is not different from a big person, the hair is long and covers the face.

book of madness 124 (17)

At this time, he did not express the meaning of his ords in front of An Yi.

hoever, the unknon filth produced genitalia and slurs, indicating that it as created not by the human structure, but by the creation of the mind.

No matter ho much the civilization of a country has gron and developed, there is no doubt that it ill be different.

Yes, you kno that.

So hat happened no? hy on earth? or rather, hy did I suddenly face this animal?

I asn't sure if there as any sign of people around, but I sa them nearby.

Angel <hygiene inspection>, Appearance: 73, lo

Angel <pain> 1d3, appearance: 1

Annie's eyes idened in confusion, hich quickly turned to panic.

but still unable to scream, he sloly retreated and also stared at the monster ithout daring to make a sound, but An Yi didn't dare to attract anyone's attention.

An II pretended not to see anything, even though he kne it as the best time to do so, and ithout looking at anyone, he sloly turned his back and quickly alked aay.

hoever, the terror itnessed by this animal caused Ani to lose consciousness.

As he looked don, a beast appeared near him and bit him to death.

I don't kno hat the animal looks like, but it looks like a human being.

hoever, the strange magical poers emanating from his body clearly shoed that he as neither human nor human-like.

this humanoid animal did not notice the angel's approach and sloly lay don on the ground and ate the old man's body.

the reason hy he said this as because from this angle, An qi could not see the hole picture, and it as difficult to determine the gender and age of the dragon eater's body.

Although An Yi made this decision based on his overall appearance, this terrible movie appearance also caused An Yi to lose his courage of his on volition.

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