

第77章 阿巴登(1 / 2)
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他的故事将不为人知,因为没有人可以证实或否认所发生的事件。 epts this and ants to put her fate back in God's hands.

hoever, you don't need a strong heart to do this; if you have a heart, you ill kno it.

the development of the situation cannot be peaceful.

the dark aura surrounding him and the disfort emanating from this vast dungeon as the best evidence.

It shos that this place is not a good place at all, but a crazy ruler is friendly, he definitely told Aliya—

doubtful, very doubtful.

the magic book prepared to hide the magic is called ``Kitayat, the ater God''.

It is a book of magic that uses various techniques and brutal techniques that are forbidden to the poor.

this is the first time this producer has released a magical book like this, so it's different.

this type of hardness appears to indicate ho much heat the material can ithstand before it ears out.

don't think too much about it, it's probably not hat anyone ants to kno.

manufacturing techniques and materials are not as simple as you might think.

None of these are important, even their possession as a factor, such as human souls, poerful evil, or valuable animal things.

Since the quality of these materials is not important, they are the only containers that can be used to carry these supplies.

It's like avoiding disaster.

the forbidden magic in this book is related to God's ill, because the magic is done hile the above magic is activated.

this is here the presence of the evil god Rulehi es into play.

Although he is the only incarnation of an evil god, he is still a god and has the poer to destroy the orld.

As for the origin of this magical book, Aria herself did not kno hen it appeared in her eyes, because it as an inprehensible idea that made her think.

but the truth is, he doesn't kno ho it happened.

that is, all the cruel arts, sacrifices, etc.

If there is such a business, there is no need to sell fake books.

hoever, this only orks in the end, here it gives the caster more magical poer than a necromantic practice.

In that plan, Aria seems to enjoy the sho.

there he not only shoed confidence, but also acted like a helpless child, alloing hardegger to lead the ay.

Also, Aria is a pletely ignorant person pared to her previous life.

I really don't understand because they never explained it to me, but I as told that if I don't find myself a rong person, I ill understand, and in fact, you ill understand too. he doesn't really need it, here he doesn't care if you die.

I don't ant to understand this hole picture, I don't understand, I need to kno a little -

If you're really hat I'm looking for, you'll understand.

hardegger speaks like a slang.

It doesn't make sense and it's not an interesting list.

Aaliyah as confused but hat as said as very clear.

do you understand

hardeg looked at Aria like a snake.

Aria couldn't really understand hat hardeg as saying, and she didn't kno hat hardeg as saying either.

that being said, hardegger found the rong person, and it asn't the person he as looking for.

And no it's time for the final test.

but the question is, hen as his last attempt made? And hat trials does he face?

Aria kept thinking, but she couldn't think of anything but something like trying.

I don't understand it, but I can't expose my ignorance.

Aria confirmed that her ork still resonated clearly in Kadeg's eyes.

If you're really hat I'm looking for, there's no need to act like that.

hardeg pointed at Aria ith a cold voice and snake eyes.

but something changed after halftime.

hoever, given the circumstances, such a response is normal.

- condition? hat did he say?

Aliya had doubts in her heart, but she did not tell them, but let them say it in her on ords.

because he knos that the other person cannot anser the question because he had a problem in the previous exam, and he ants to kill the other person.

It is enough to understand it.

So Aria silently accepted hat the other did.

the next morning, Aria said the same thing.

then tell me everything you kno.

Aria thought hard and realized that the other person as a messenger.

the test he spoke as similar to the questions asked by others, and hen the test as over his true nature as revealed.

Alya sa him, if only for a moment.

So Aria made that request ith confidence.

At the same time he smiled charmingly, his eyes as gentle as ever, but he did nothing.

Aria did not understand hat hardegger said.

Yes, he couldn't understand hat hardeg as saying.

this is because it is only a test sentence, and hat the other person ants to kno is their reaction at that time.

Aria confirmed that the look is the same as the original, so there's nothing rong ith it.

but understanding doesn't last long.

If the reporter is a bit stupid, you can use it as a question-and-anser machine.

hoever, for a moment, hardegger did not make that expression.

A question appeared in hardeg's eyes.

Very eak, but orth noting.

there, Aria sa a vision in the eyes of a man.

therefore, the former may be true, false, or a bination thereof, since the former may be a ne test.

Aria didn't kno exactly hat happened.

- Finally, is strength and success still important?

Aria thought for a moment, then aited for someone else to speak.

of course, it's no secret.

For example, this eternal plague is not due to human abilities, but a mysterious force hidden here and activated by input.

that is, the ability to change time and space is unprecedented, and it is a change that can be made at ill, even by those ho believe that this ability exists.

this poer is God's poer, and God's eyes are alays here.

hardeg finished speaking and looked at Aaliyah's emotion.

movements beteen fingers, eyes, and field of vision, speech, and body movements are all visible in hardegger's eyes.

It's overhelming to the eye because there are so many details to pay attention to.

Aria as used to situations like this.

So it as obvious hat he ould do in terms of reaction to this scene.


Is this a natural behavior that is desirable on one side?

Aria didn't kno that.

So Aria thought that someone as telling a lie.

yes? ould you believe it? things

Aria looked back as if she as saying something she didn't understand.

- he? the gods are supposed to have no sex, and it is doubtful hether they can be called living.

—— do you use them to represent the immortal gods?

that's for sure, there's no doubt about it.

hoever, hen Aria used it to anser a question, knoingly or unknoingly, she as trapped.

because that's a reasonable anser.

therefore, Alia could have used the hole paragraph as the main point to express her doubts.

hoever, the ise hager seems to kno this, but at the same time does not reveal the mistakes.

because, of course, the past and the future are part of God's revelation. the demon trion echoes beyond time and space, the demon stronger than the cross, Nero's tyranny, its birth and its aftermath. Everyone is aiting for the Lord.

I don't kno if anyone has seen this, but hardegger published a book that he supposedly tried.

I don't kno here he got it.

but it is a beautiful book, not an old book, but a handritten manuscript.

And it's still ritten in Japanese.

- hat did you do ith this book?

Aria doesn't kno, but this photo looks like the to of them on paper.

A man ho as somehat familiar, and...

A girl ith a silver appearance.

hen the girl as young, her emerald eyes seemed to give her otherorldly magic.

aist length hair also brings beauty to omen.

Although it as just a picture, this three-dimensional concept came to my mind.

but Aria didn't remember, so she changed her expression.

hardeg lost his doubts hen he heard hat the other person said, and it seemed that the other person as right.

the title of the book is \"the Great Sage of demon Slayer\"

master demon Slayer?

Aria asked hardeg.

this is just a story.

but this orld is a mystery because God sa everything and rote everything. this is a place called Sakuraan (note).

Note: the Real orld of Lovecraft


Aria hispered her name and looked at hardeg.

So everything you learned from this book?

It looked like a joke, but hardegger didn't mean it and ansered seriously.

All I can say is that it is true, but there is one thing I can say.

because you gave me this book hen I as a freshman in college.

In other ords, do you intend to send me a book?

hen hardeg stopped, a seet voice rang in their ears.

hmm, is it easy to get a nickname? ho crazy!

If I am talented and strong, hy am I eak and not fit to be a servant?

Aria recognized the voice found in the book of Enoch.

then he suddenly turned around, took out his magic book and slammed it don.

hoever, the magical field of the book of Enoch pletely blocked this magic.

In the next period, countless cracks appeared in the book of Enoch, and many cracks appeared.

As this terrible crack spreads throughout the book.

Light, light entered through the gap.

It is not pure hite light or light, but it is the same light as everything in this orld.

Incredibly beautiful light that seems to have endless colors.

It is hard to imagine that such light can be found in such a magical book.

this is in plete contrast to the dark nature of the grimoire.

but there as a sound like a drum.

It's like a heartbeat.

It looks like a monster there.

he explained it the next time.

She as a beautiful, beautiful oman ith long honey-colored hair that fell to her aist and left a veil.

She as earing a thin hite dress, but unlike her figure, the to big balls on her chest did not sho her age.

her skin is hite and silky, and her hole body looks like a doll made of sno.

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