

第77章 阿巴登(2 / 2)
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In front of this angelic oman, there as no human movement at all, making her look like a demonic doll or a doll made by magic.

Also, the ords that e out of your mouth are not as good as they look.

In a soft, seet voice, he uttered ords full of malice, like an oath.

this man is not hat he seems.

Aria thought, but the beauty as real.

because it's not a difference in hat you think and hat you do, it's a difference in ho you look and act.

he didn't hate people like that.

It is also interesting to observe people's patience.

In such a strange situation, Aria seemed oblivious to the evil of the other.

this person has no malice, so even the ords they speak are pure and the emotions they sho are bright.

Apparently, you can be perfectly polite even if you insult someone.

So even if you are funny, there is joy.

Aria denies that she hates the other person.

of course, he heard this and felt that something as rong.

It's not a happy emotion, and it's not a happy emotion.

hoever, Aria couldn't stop this feeling groing in her heart.

hoever, unlike the eak Aria, hardegger as not frightened by the appearance of another angel and sloly spoke the other's name.

as Serrano taken out of context?

It's not a title for people, and people ill find it problematic if you use it to describe the title of your book.

because no one in the orld can call his book a false chapter.

but, surprisingly, the so-called girl agreed ith the opponent's ords and her opinion did not change at all.

At the same time, he as not happy, as if his name had been defamed, and he as not angry, as if someone had slandered his name.

but, upon hearing that name, Arya began to think of something else.

this is the format knon as ``Rokukinsho.''

but hen Aria thought about it, she realized that she didn't remember hat it as.

Right, Aria didn't need to kno hat it as.

on the contrary, it ould certainly be most surprising if he kne hat it as.

but this time, Aria's unusual behavior did not attract hardeg's attention.

because hardegger devoted all his attention and energy to the other side.

call it \"the Serrano Fragment.\"

ho do you say it so easily? Fortunately, you don't kno much. otherise, I ill pretend to be a performer here.

they look the same as their oners and react the same.

Are you looking for a real man? Are e 100 percent sure that is our purpose?

Very stupid, stupid.

besides, even if you're so confident, are you sure he's the only one listening here? Not everyone can hear hat e do.

that's hat Seraino said, but he anted to sho his anger...

Even if you see someone angry, it's nothing but the content of their ords.

but this time, use emotions to express your true feelings.

You are brosing here.

Saeran turned and held out a small hite hand that looked red.

he had good fingers, and definitely not the kind that could kill someone.

but this time, the light shines from her beautiful fingers.

It fired like a ball, but ithout sound or vibration.

hoever, hen this light reaches its target, any doubts about its poer are quickly dispelled.

because Seraino's type just hit the stone all not far aay.

then, the stone all has a lot of defense magic, so even the impact of the rushing ball is harmless.

It is used to create magic, but it es at a price.

hoever, the all collapsed like a piece of paper.

No, it's not destroyed, it's just gone.

Since there is no heat, it seems to evaporate quickly, instead of steam from intense heat.

hoever, during the impact, it seems to evaporate unnoticed, losing its former state and being pletely invisible air.

otherise, hy ould a good hole not be drilled ith a suitable machine?

but it seems that as not enough, because it quickly spread and collapsed, leaving almost nothing left.

but it seems that he is not happy to talk after suffering so much.

the book of Azathoth is fast enough, but there's no next time, Gilmer.

right? hat is this person talking about? the book of Azathoth? does he kno and acknoledge the existence of others?

Is this person really human?

No, according to hardegger, this is supposed to be the \"ceraino Fragment\", hich is called the original canon, right?

to be fair, the body of the Seraino shard is a large slab of stone.

Aria thought as she drank the ater from the ater spellbook of the Ketite god. Although it as not magic, there as magic so terrible that it could melt the soul of an ordinary person. It as terrible.

cthulhu's divine poer flos from above.

At first, Aria didn't ant to use it because it as a very dangerous act, but Aria had used it many times to control her body hile she as diving, so she asn't stupid enough to do a little prank. . . God, he could have something so simple.

Seraino ignored the obstacles in front of him and looked at Aria, smiling gently and lovingly. Aria felt her face turn red.

It as a miracle that Aria thought she had the habit of not loving anyone but her sister.

but have you been blushing more often lately? ho beautiful.

You are Aria, your first date ma'am. If all actions are sincere, then this name should be correct.

I look at you and kno that you are my master, but the purity of your soul is the best evidence.


he probably didn't pay much attention to this ord because he had Azathoth's book ith him.

Aliyah could do nothing but take a fe steps back, but Ketaya hugged her as if protecting her master.

hat is purity?

hearing those ords, Aria had a satisfied expression on her face.

because that's like calling him a rude monster.

I think that's hat my ex-boyfriend thinks.

there, Aria shos ho real this research is.

Serrano as happy ith the move.

ell, you really are my master, even though you are eak, no you are heartless and helpless like a goldfish, but before you ere my master, you ere capable and poerful. he is an absolute devil. You can't figure it out from a book, because it can't be a poor person like you.

hoever, contrary to first impressions, Seraino's actions are deeply disturbing.

Aria says at first that she doesn't hate him, but that's because she doesn't hate him.

So you can feel love.

hoever, even if you hit someone ith good intentions, some people ill hate you, and some strangers ill fall in love ith people ho act ith good intentions, but if you accept that kind of kindness, it ill be more fun. .

So, Aria came back, but I guess she hates people like that.

but this time, Aaliyah remembers something strange that Naiya's manager said.

It seemed consistent ith hat as happening in front of me, and people felt like they ere stuck in a script ritten by someone else.

his doubts gre, and he began to onder if he had made the right decision to adopt her body.

this may inadvertently result in an error.

master, you ill kno everything soon. Some think that this is preventing the Lord of Infinite poer from returning from his sleep, but all opposition is only a step and cannot prevent the ing of the Lord. It is not yet time, the Lord's return is not yet possible.

Unfinished master, I'm sorry because my trash is bigger than a stray dog, I kno a lot that I don't need to kno anymore, so I on't use it, but don't check anymore, you're there' t. Unlike goldfish, they don't have the intelligence to kno this.

It is true that this person hurt us, but I really respect the master ho called me, but he called me master?

Aaliyah doesn't understand hat this kind of thinking is.

Aliya's mind as confused and she felt her heart beating faster, she as definitely in pain.

Aria confirmed this.

but hen Seraino turned around, his angelic face turned into a demon, and his goodness turned into evil.

hen hardegger sa the evil of his opponent, he felt a terrible, unimaginable and unstable energy rise in his body.

he seemed to be holding himself back so as not to frighten the people behind him.

but ho long ill that patience last?

curiosity is curiosity, but also a little fear.

because he kne that the angels ho preceded him ere not the ancient rulers or gods, but the vain and disgusting orks of men.

God has great poer, but it is not important to anyone in this orld.

but hen people have divine poer, it is dangerous.

hardeg kne it as just a magic book, but people ith others and their bined poer ere more dangerous than facing a god.

because the violence caused by the former is a consequence of the existence of the latter.

the former kind of fear es from the heart of man.

You can't overe the fear caused by the imagery, but you can control yourself by thinking about the fear after it happens, instead of holding onto it.

hen fear arose, it meant defeating a man named hardeg.

094 Sacrifice

So, hat do I do as a grimoire master hen you ignore the master's plan, are arrogant as a servant and ant to thro the hole plan into the abyss?

It's still full of texture and beautiful ords, but that feeling is only in the sound, not the content.

there is no real tenderness in Seraino's ords, just the sentimentality used to evoke some kind of emotion.

he didn't even realize that the emotions he as shoing didn't match his actions.

therefore, Seraino continued to speak in a beautiful and seet voice, as perfect as all beauty.

ell, I am not here as a performer at this time, but seeing your husband's body makes me happy, so I must be kind to him.

I ill not take his life this time, but ithout punishment there is no point. It's rong to say everything you're told, because it doesn't remind people hat to say and hat not to say.

―Are you still not sure of yourself after that?

Aria concluded that this angelic beauty might not believe herself, and that there as no secret to hat she as saying.

this is true for everyone.


does this mean that hardegger's claim contains important facts?

So, should e enforce the judgment here?

—— does this arning mean that if I am not, it is rong to tell the truth, or that I ill be like him?

cruelty, Seraino.

of course, did you feel the black aura that appeared at the beginning?

there as no attempt to justify his actions. this is not respect for human dignity.

Serrano's character can be said to do hat he ants.

ell, I like to understand other people's plans ithout thinking about it, and I can say things that I can't say myself.

the role of a stray dog may be more suitable for you, the oner must not be selfish, he is alloed to have a purpose, but must be an obedient puppy hoever, it has limitations.

In other ords, from no on you have the right to listen to others, but you do not have the right to talk to others.

mr Seraino appeared unaare of the harshness of his ords and said no crime had been mitted.

believers are like God proclaiming goodness, and every time God speaks a ord, the orld changes.

but the changes in the orld are visible in hardegger.

hardeg said the patient as crying because of the pain.

but this call has meaning.

therefore, even cries of pain can be meaningless sounds.

hardegger realized this and changed the ay he spoke.

he tried to use sign language.

but in reality, his legs can only dance badly.


No, hat Serrano said as rong.

to be fair, more content is implemented.

because hardegger discovered something -

It seems that he no longer understands hat Seraino said.

the angel's beautiful voice faded and became a high pitched voice.

It is a stupid, stupid voice, and so are all the voices in the orld.

this is pletely useless, but it is additional information.

Even if hardeg still has vision, under the sound of madness, everything in this orld seems evil.

In fact, there is no change in his vie.

because in his mind it seems like the orld has bee chaotic.

Seraino not only lost the ability to speak to others, but also the ability to listen to others.

because he doesn't have the ability to understand hat others are saying.

As a result, hardegger began to feel unell.

obviously, painful ounds remind us of past orlds and the content of language.

he anted to rite everything, everything, everything.

but unfortunately, even if you remember everything, you ill be disappointed in the end.

As he thought and understood this part, they all began to disappear.

he seems to ant to go back to nothing.

Some people have holes in their hearts.

hat happened?

this time, Alia sa Kadeg's ork.

but Aria Seraino had no idea hat she as doing, especially hat spiritual language the other person as using.

All he kne as pain in his on part, this pain could not be hidden, only fear and grief made his body tremble and shake.

Even in human form, Arya as about to be transformed into a mindless beast.

In fact, it as hard to believe that a demon boy could bee a demon in such a short time.

because it also shos -

Aria can do hat Seraino ants.

being human is suffering, fear, pain and distorted in this ay.

ith this suspicion, Aria tries to find out hat happened to the other person.

At least tell yourself hy.

hoever, as he passed, he almost hit hager in the arm.

So Arya could only look aay and atch hardeg change from a priest to such a mindless animal.

that fear didn't scare Aria, but her body began to panic.

the sensations this body brought introduced Aria to her current fear.

So Aaliya as shocked.

hen Aria thought, the change as visible in Seraino's soft and beautiful voice.

but it's not magic, and it's not eird magic.

this is because Aria can understand other people's actions ithout using magic.

Also, I don't have any superpoers.

he seems to use ords to get people to do that.

the problem may be Serrano's ords.

only God knos hat kind of magic he has.

you ant to kno?

Seraine didn't kno hen she appeared next to Arya, she brought her beautiful face closer, biting her ear gently ith her teeth and brushing her lips there.

the kind ords rang in Aria's ears.

because of this, Aria's body stiffened as if she ere dead.

because even the magic book inside his body did not kno hen his opponent moved to his side.

this means-

Even if you ant to cast a spell, your opponent cannot be trapped in a magic book.

And Arya's brain is better than a magic book.

I sa marks on the body that are not usually visible.

that's usually ho I feel hen I'm on a date ith someone...

he opened a magical barrier.

hen I touch someone's body, it feels like there is a shirt beteen them.

but hat about physical relationships?

Aria's appearance on her body shoed that her magical all as just a one-eyed joke.

You can't stop someone from touching your skin.

the biggest surprise as that Aria felt that her magical barrier as still inplete.

Yak didn't break the barrier, looking at him like he didn't break it.

Knoing this possibility is the orst part.

Your speech is very good and this scary ord is also very good.

this expression is never seen in the host's body, so the differences that appear in the host's body are interesting and seem to be easy to use.

or is this a misleading statement?

but hatever, I don't hate you, little master.

but unfortunately, in the end the Almighty ill destroy you. because this is your destiny from the beginning and hatever you do depends on God.

It ill be dark and it ill be hopeless.

but no matter hat, it's okay, because there is no fight.

So accept it.

but no things seem to be changing.

Seraino pursed his lips as if kissing.

the ``book of Azathoth'' has been revealed, and it ill be a ne moment.

It could be the key to freedom or the darkest oute of all futures.


Aria cursed.

Is that hat you call freedom?

hoever, Saeran still ansered the other's harsh ords ith a good voice.

At least you can think freely.

Even if it means something else, at least you can use your ill.

Like a fish, even if it has freedom in an aquarium, isn't it happy?

can you tell me more details? hat is that?

he? ho do you explain that?

Seraino felt very differently.

hoever, I'm sorry, but it's forbidden.

because so far everything is according to God's plan and I am doing it perfectly.

I can only say one thing...

If the book of Azathoth had not e to this universe in the future, e ould never have met.

If possible, I ant you to live a long life and pray for God's protection, but unfortunately God is also merciless from beginning to end.

do your best.

Serain brought her face to Aliyah's lips, and Aliyah felt her mouth turn red.

At this moment, Aria's hole face as red, embarrassed like an egg yolk.

See you again in Soka (note)

ith that, Seraino left.

his body shone like gold, then dissolved into infinite light and disappeared into thin air.

these to cruel men forgot hardegger, ho as angry there.

but maybe at this point they can't get information from others and can't say anything to others.

It's crazy, people are even more crazy than animals.

therefore, in the human mind, Arya ill definitely lead to buddhahood.

chant the mantra.

Suddenly, a black arro of light shot out like an arro and hit his forehead.

the magic that turned into physical poer ent through hadeg's brain, making his entire brain look like paste.

hen the midbrain disappears, the souls floating above it disappear, leaving no ay to return to the Void.

my body lost its breath, my eyes lost its divine light, and I became like a doll hose strings ere cut.

then you can spend the night here. At least you don't have to endure stupid torture. bee a buddha here.

Aria offered her hole body to her other half so that he could sleep peacefully.

but his extraordinary kindness meant nothing.

cracks appeared in hadeg's body, and he immediately collapsed.

It as crushed like a stone.

An imperfect body doesn't seem like enough of an explanation that I'm doing something rong.

Forget it, if you don't ant to do it, do it, there's no point in regretting it.

Aria thought and quickly turned her head, her eyes seemingly unharmed.

I don't kno ho to take someone's life.

It is as useless as breaking glass.

he's exactly the kind of person you'd expect from a cool izard, a beast ithout human actions.

Apparently this happened because he had a lot of energy.

No let's look at the current land.

At that moment, countless chains appeared ithin michelle's body.

the size, thickness, and eight of the chains are almost identical.

hoever, it seems that michelle's ill ill overe each of these difficulties.

michelle's ill controls these chains and controls the explosion.

the spinning of the chain created a strong ind and a loud sound like thunder.

but in fact, it is not anything close to a disaster, but everything more than a disaster.

the chain used by michelle is not as simple as that.

Not only is it made of metal, but it is also heavy.

the problem is that even if you have star poer, you can't use it for free.

the orld is not made of nothing.

this is the eapon that the eternal god orgomon used to kill him in the land of the Age of Gods.

Even magicians and monks ho have been reincarnated many times and traveled through time and space many times cannot escape this chain.

In this space-time divide, tyndarus, the hunter, is more loathed than the hunted.

Even someone as strong as Seraino ould be seriously injured if hit by those chains.

this is because it is not a tool that people use.

orgomon's rath, forever cursed ith all its chains.

the resulting ound emits a golden flame that burns the sky day and night.

there is no temperature, but you can destroy the orld at any time.

of course, I sear to God, this is just a joke.

Such a eak eapon could not even be called a god's toy; for Avgomon, it as a toy among popular toys hen he anted to play religiously.

hoever, even if it is a joke from God, it shos the eternal despair in the face of death.

It seems that this feeling once belonged to an old itch ho died in this chain.

hoever, Sarkar Afgomon's enemies (Note 2) are not human at this point, they are demons rather than izards.

It belongs to the devil, but the hole generation is demonized.


Even if it's a little devil, it's still a devil.

God's poer is the best evidence in him.

A symbol that defies the gods.

For example, at this time, hastur used his divine poer to raise violent inds from the outside orld, turning them into all kinds of terrifying giants.

ten ays? Are you tenty years old? It is not knon ho many roads there are.

All michelle sa as the ind in front of her.

No matter ho much you eat it, it ill remain shredded and soft, like cheese in ater.

Afgomon's chains orked as michelle anted.

As the great chain moved, the ind and thunder roared.

the road cannot break this chain, because it cuts everything from the beginning.

the sharp blade hit the chain, creating a loud noise.

It as so poerful that it seemed to pierce the dragon's ears.

but that's nothing pared to michelle.

hoever, michel's luxurious equipment as blon aay by the ind that Gastour summoned.

Some chains face the ind and keep bumping into each other.

Next time all the air ill be destroyed.

he crashed into the indshield as sloly as if he had stepped on grass, and his vision quickly faded.

michelle as looking for chains, her ill driving her like a giant snake.

Its ability to shake is also very strong, and can be destroyed even by holy ind.

hoever, the chain has been removed.

because michelle has a beautiful face.

his labored breathing and constant cold seat shoed ho bad his condition as.

hoever, it seems that michel intends to ignore these negative circumstances and at the same time implement all aspects of Afgomon ith determination.

the next morning, the chain fell from Gastour's body.

but this is only a story of the past.

Gastour lost his character.

hen michelle found the other one, it as on michelle's left side, aay from the chain.

then, he raised his right hand and struck a pillar in the air.

hoever, michele sa this and punched the air pillar ith all her might, dislodging the pillar ith one blo.

hoever, his left hand as bruised and bleeding, and the ound as very deep.

hen the blood spilled onto the ground, it turned into black spikes instead of ordinary metal.

obviously, this is something that should not exist in the human body, and should not exist in this orld.

this shos that although his body has a human form, he is no longer human.

If you think you are normal, you should kno that this phenomenon is unusual.

hoever, michelle didn't feel unfortable and as still smiling a little crazy.

maybe your poers are very strong, but you can't control the sacred eapon.

Gastour used ords to anger his opponent, but this time michele put on the armor of God and obeyed his ill pletely.

that's hy he's crazy.

ords are useful to ordinary people, but not to the beasts of false gods.

It is even more impossible to control a person's ill, because the madness of his body has no purpose in life.

Even the devil can only enter the abyss of madness if he pletely surrenders his ill to the eapons of God.

No, that's a bad oute.

this is because it is the end result of moving from the human realm to the divine realm and being one ith God.

As Asson, Gastour must have knon about this change.

hoever, he still does such a asteful thing.

michelle took a tisted black fork from the ound and thre it straight to the ground.

As he fell to the ground, the black ankles turned red, as if badly injured.

It is like iron melted into iron fruit.

hoever, the body can still lie don.

but this is just an illusion, hich ill be shattered in the future.

At the same time, a jet of clean air came out, causing michelle's left leg to burn due to the heat.

colorless yello. mountain gas tour

Gastur uses Evil God, and a yello gem appears on his chest.

the cut stone is rich and beautiful, and the main body is an octahedron that seems to have infinite light.

Under this light, the ind suddenly started playing music.

It's not a song that anyone can sing, and michelle also sings some difficult ords. there is no

doubt that there are no ounds on his body, but blood flos from the hole, and it is scary like blood, like a person.

hardeg's body is dead, but his outer skin is alive, and he activates all his magical poers.

It as originally used to summon a very poerful demon named Gastur, and as supposedly one of the lucky ones loved by the evil god, but here you are, ruining my plans.

but it is impossible for you to e to this orld, your body ill be made the pillars of the orld as you ant, and you cannot offer a sacrifice to God and call your partner. then a mad god took it.

Note 1: here?

Note 2: this is an advertisement published in the article \"Afgomon holiness\".

095 people died

possessed by a demon, hastur as injured hen he as attacked by a holy eapon.

No, it's not just an injury, it can last until you lose your mind.

As God's toy, he is indeed a poerful eapon for Satan.

Although it is called the magical eapon of God, it is not a big deal.

In fact, this is hat happened to michelle.

A chain imbued ith the poer of a god attacked hastur ith enough poer to separate heaven and earth.

In the next moment, his soul as about to be destroyed by the sun.

the curse of the sacred treasure produced a golden flame that engulfed the universe.

Even the poer of God cannot replace that poer.

Gastur's body also lost its immortality and sloly disappeared in the fire.

At that moment, the devil, ho had never knon death, realized for the first time that death existed and as by his side.

After taking the risk, Gastour felt that there ere no more limits than suffering from fire.

maybe it's just a limitation that the body puts on the mind.

michele's heart also entered the holy instrument, and she danced joyfully according to her ill, making sounds like ind and thunder.

but that's because hardegger still doesn't understand hat he's doing.

the magic circle inside this temple trembled, pushing hardegger forard against his ill, as if another divine energy as being pulled toards him.

dangerous life seems to lurk among the supernatural force and miasma.

he searched among the dark places.

hoever, this does not make you a god.

this is because there is no energy generated by the ill of cthulhu or Avgomon in the aura, and it does not cause a time arp.

God does not care about people, time, space, or even the creatures of the hole orld.

this is because, to the old man, they are infinitely different beings and different beings from them.

this virus lives in your house and if it does not return, everything ill return to here it as before and you ill see it before God.

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