

第76章 流浪者杜尔汗(1 / 2)
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因此,总而言之,塔托罗斯提供了一个自洽的地下世界,具有自己的外星逻辑,在概念上与洛夫克拉夫特的传有关,但在细节上却是原创的。 rating energy hit Aria's body, but she moved slightly, but the poer of her right hand as not cut off;

hardeg noticed that the man seemed to be in pain from his attacks, and that the monster's body as purposely alloing the other's actions to take place.

hoever, hardegger didn't ant to match his opponent's mood, so he controlled his hands and charged forard.

then, in a strange ay, he broke the opponent's poer, and Arya's body ent limp like a child and collapsed.

but physical strength isn't the only thing that makes you a magician.

So, next time the situation is reversed.

dragon eyes!

Aria's left eye emitted a strange light, and hardegger noticed something - the other person's eyes retained the characteristics of a deep diver, and ere filled ith demonic poer.

Not only that, but the poer that the original demon possessed still remains.

- the magic eapon of God

No, if the name is correct, it is an evil god card.

hoever, the devil as not a perfect devil, and his sacred magic eapon as just a eapon.

that is hy they are called the ruins of the disaster.

many runes appeared and played like heavenly music.

many songs ill be sung hile God's songs ill be sung.

It seems like a miracle of God's ill. countless mantras have been discovered here, and they have bee orld-changing miracles.

At that time, hardegger's body trembled as if an electric shock had passed through him.

then all the magic around hardeg disappeared except for himself, and hardeg felt the poer drain from his body.

Even if you think you can use it anytime and reissue it, it ill disappear.

he looked at Aaliyah's face. It looks like a magical queen, like everything in nature.

of course this is not true.

but at least this time, that fantasy came true.

hardegger raised his left arm, but the pain continued.

All the charms attached to Kadeg's body ere broken, and his legs ere frozen, as if cold air as bloing from him, like cold air ing out of a refrigerator.

Is this the poer of dagon? No, it doesn't have to be dagon, it's the poer of God, hy dagon?

hardegger couldn't believe it.

but it really happened.

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