

第76章 流浪者杜尔汗(2 / 2)
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You're clearly not the demon dagon, and even if you're infected ith dagon's divine poer through arcane magic, your evil master can't be like that, right?

hardegger's face as full of confusion, but his body heated up like a furnace of molten iron, and the sno under his feet turned into boiling ater and fell to the ground.

No, from the beginning, from my birth, I as the devil dagon.

Aria ansered, but her face didn't change at all, it as like a mask, so she couldn't tell if her expression as right or rong.

the poer of dagon's Eye is to use dagon's poer, dagon's knoledge, and dagon's magic to bee a god of evil.

hoever, hile using that poer, some people bee idols.

besides, it's just a disaster, and it can't be called an evil god.

therefore, the use of magic by the evil god of truth does not matter if the magic is created, if it corresponds to reason, if it is a force of nature, or a superior being. It is possible. FIRm

the magic that can be used is magic that dagon knos, not magic that dagon doesn't kno.

Such limited magic is not surprising.

It as a aste pared to the evil god Jicha mum, ho as Yog-Sothoth's shado.

``13 terrible Estates'' is much bigger than that.

the magical poer possessed by Evil Aliya is so poerful that it seems to be the principle behind all magic, but it can never be used or understood.

therefore, the priest cannot be killed ith this kind of force that he openly uses.

hahahaha, is that so? Is that life? therefore, it is not surprising that the Lord is asleep and has not yet oken up.


Aria clearly heard this moment and shoed up, extending her finger.

Are you talking about God?

hen Aaliyah sa it, she couldn't believe it and looked at her like a crazy person.

Yes and no.

therefore, e must ake up the Lord, even ith God's help.

hardeg said, but chizuna, ho as already angry, didn't kno hen the effect of the magic ould ear off, and immediately came out and punched hardeg back.

ah! don't get in the ay, I alays lose people that no one can save, please stay here.

hardeg held out his hand to protect himself, but at the same time the poer of disaster as still active, so he just struck it ithout using magic.

- Is it like this? It removes magic and petrification, but hat does that entail?

hardeg is a boy and is stronger than a tank gun.

this is not a lie.

chisner and hajar traded blos, each landing to the body of the other.

hoever, hile hardegger's body as unharmed, chisner's body as severely beaten.

hoever, the traces left on chisner's body ill disappear in the future.

It as only then that hardegger realized that despite not having the ability to burn forever, chizuna had the ability to bee almost immortal.

It is very difficult to defeat such an immortal beast ith your strength.

If not next time, at least this time e must stop this trick.

Every time you reincarnate, the magic that ended in your previous reincarnation remains. So, chizuna, ho much magic poer do you think I have in my body right no?

If I receive information from the past several times to be reborn, then I have accumulated magic poer for a long time, and it is not difficult to summon an evil god into my body at ill thanks to my magic poer. his poer is 30 times greater than his predecessor.

hardegger grunted and laughed loudly, causing more cracks in Kizuna's body.

Since you ant to use cthulhu's divine poer, let's use it to summon the mighty cthulhu.


Arya immediately panics that she doesn't kno the evil god. After all, researchers' information is not for sale in this orld (footnote 1), nor are other strange sellers of kits (footnote 1) 2).

hoever, Aria noticed its existence as a cthulhu researcher.

hen cthulhu aakens, his kingdom rules the Earth.

Note 1: this refers to the cthulhu mythos, because all these stories are from the perspective of the explorer.

Note 2: this applies to coc monster manuals, rulebooks, etc.

hen that happens, not only do you have no money, but the amount you pay is a problem, and buying clothes during the holidays is also a problem.

091 time and Space

It may look like vandalism, but it is definitely not vandalism.

but the poer of God is ithin you

hardeg, ho is young in body, also has a bad attitude and doesn't seem to like to speak ell.

of course, you don't have to.

because he is a priest of God, a magician ho can call God, and a man blessed by God.

hat he did at this point as as simple for the priest as breathing.

but for the poor, it is an unimaginable miracle.

At this time, this miracle ill happen.

he grabbed chizuna's neck ith his right hand and hugged her tightly.

Like a metal plate made of iron, it had a strange electricity floing through it. No matter ho hard the parties fight, no matter hat action they take, no matter ho thoughtful they are, you have one and the other is the other. party activities ere similarly restricted.

chizuna as unable to move, unable to escape from his opponent's grip, and as on the brink of death despite receiving non-magical violence.

At that moment, there as a loud sound on Kizuna's neck.

It looks like metal that is cracked or broken.

It is hard to imagine that the human body is capable of making such sounds. because, no matter ho strong the body is, before it can speak, the eak body must be destroyed first.

the sound of crushing potato chips ith a roller machine is the same as the sound of crushing potato chips ith your fingers.

this shos the strength of the human body in hardeg's hands, but hardeg, ho can also use force, has great strength.

Although it may seem like a child, the magic that magicians use does not have that kind of poer.

It as like a ghostly beast that took the form of a human.

they are just animals that look like humans.

michelle realized this immediately.

hardeg as not much older than him, but he did not have the devilish look of old.

but michelle didn't have the courage to act at this point, her courage shattered by the sounds ing from Kisner's neck.

they are very different from Aaliyah and hardeg, ho are adults but children, michelle is like a child in body and soul, and there is no going back no, even if she screams.

the expectations for each of the above are very high.

At this point, he held his breath so as not to raise his voice or attract attention.

perhaps God's poer, and only God's ill, can remind you of certain things.

- hat the hell is this guy talking about, is he crazy?

hardeg roared loudly, but even after it as over, he didn't react as usual.

but there is something beyond the mind, the mind, and the spirit of man, but men do not recognize it. this is because of the eakness of my heart, hich is as eak as dust.

but even the eakest minds cannot understand such strong differences.

because it ould destroy the orld.

It shos ho unstable the orld is and ho people think the orld is big and strong and that they can control all things ith poer and intelligence.

they realize that the future is everything, that the past and the future can be changed ith a simple movement, and that there is a being that is the root of everything that happens in the orld.

Its existence represents the truth of the orld, the root that the magician seeks, the la of all things, and the meaninglessness of all things.

the past is uncertain, the future is uncertain, and relationships are meaningless. this is because the past and the future can be changed at any time, regardless of the original intention, and anything fixed can be changed. From there. change if necessary.

In other ords, even if there is a perfect paradise that cannot be imagined by man, there is a God ho can create a beautiful orld ithout despair or sorro.

the orld has a savior. You should not trust him or anyone else.

Anyone ho sees this ill understand one thing -

If the orld needs a man to save it, it is not him, he is not great, he cannot be sovereign but God.

hoever, once you discover his existence, you realize that he is not the perfect person that people think he is.

because if e do that, the orld ill never be called crazy.

this is Ruluie, a being used by a group of foolish bandits as a resting place for all the ancient people of the orld.

this is the high priest of higashiyama, or better yet, the high priest of this great being.

this is cthulhu, a member of the old ones, a god or demon that traverses time and space in various forms. there is nothing.

this is the ill of God and the good nes of God.

the Lord of Sleep, the great cthulhu, is ing, everyone is ing.

people can see shapes that are bigger than the universe, and the information they provide is bigger than the entire universe.

but the realization slipped aay, and it seemed as if it had never happened.

Equal to all and above all, he is like a star that appears in the sky like the sun.

As the appearance of the sun sloly set, the hole orld seemed to ele the descent of this great one from his cosmic throne ith a divine sound.

For the rest of the orld, it is enough to acknoledge it, even if it is involuntary.

chizuna couldn't move, neither could Aria, and even in animal form, she as poerless in front of the true God.

they are very small pared to stars and dust.

this is not a strange corpse lying in a ruin on Earth called Lulich, but actually lying on the cosmic throne of Azathoth hall, here God's judgment is taking place.

--Is it like a god creature?

——the realm of godly immortals is meaningless in its current state.

——hat are demons and other creatures meaningless in their eyes? hat do the 13 monsters say ith their eyes?

Aria didn't kno hat she could do.

Aria as able to continue thinking under the aura and magic poer so poerful that it could destroy humanity, but her body could not cope ith the great poer.

Even in an animal body, even if the gods cannot feel your presence, just existing here is enough to bee a human, even if your immortal body is destroyed and your soul is also crushed.

- It seems like the orld is about to end.

- but it's not dangerous, right? Am I crazy? that's hy I don't understand the existence of terrorism.

--dagon, the evil god that appeared before him, as just an incarnation, so didn't it have terrifying poer?

—— Is there really much difference beteen an evil god ith a physical body and the ill of God?

Arya's mind as still thinking, but she couldn't act on those thoughts, and her eyes ere atching as God descended step by step and ho the Gospel of cthulhu ould end the orld.

hoever, at this moment hen everything as quiet, michel did not dare to move, and although eakened by the vision of God, he did something that no one expected.

michelle rushes to the ill that cthulhu discovers.

ith every step he took, he rose into the air and shot a cthulhu named michel.

Even if the idea is garbage or a dead animal, it is still God's ill.

but God can play ith time and space, create thousands of beings, and reverse the causal relationships beteen time, space, and thought.

therefore, it requires no munication, no action, and therefore no physical presence.

but think about it. No matter ho much a person trembles, he ill die. No matter ho poor you are, you can be ruled by the King of kings, and no matter ho bad you are, you can be a good person. No matter ho good the ending is, it can still lead to disaster.

the being is heaven and Form and he is the God of the mouth and the Great cthulhu.

therefore, I am afraid that in the future the hole orld ill disappear, because it has already disappeared.

At this point, aren't the people ho still have the courage to persuade God the fools of fools?

he knos that there is God and that God Almighty is better than anyone, and ith God's permission he can do it, and just doing it is enough to boast a legend.

but such action ill ultimately be futile, because no one knos the existence of God better than God.

hardegger thought this, judging from michel's actions, and kne there ould be no other oute than God's rath.

It's really a terrible ending, but hat's even more sad is that those involved in this tragedy don't kno hy it happened, hich is even more hopeless. part of madness and pity.

hardeg as both saddened by this folly and holeheartedly applauded it. because stupidity only affects men.

but hardeg realized that next time it might not be stupid.

because the great man ho pletes the myth cannot be human.

the same is true at this point.

michelle transforms into a magic bullet, fills herself ith the light of a saint, and rushes toards cthulhu.

hardeg soon realized that hat as rapped in his body as also the ill of God.

the ill that remains in michelle's heart belongs to a orld before cthulhu.

God of time Avgomon

hardeg understood hat as happening, but did not try to understand anything like that.

the silver bullet that pierced the ancient rulers cannot be a silver bullet created by God.

there is no such thing as bravery, madness, or fairy tales.

Everything that exists in this orld is God's ill.

It's just forever old.

So it's alays changing.

hardeg noticed this, and the paradise in his heart as also destroyed.

ho to get to heaven here that the evil has lost the ill of God?

the ills of the ancient leaders and ancient rulers are united in this space, but they are not in this orld, above this orld, in the understanding of Adam, in the interaction of this space and the universe. the orld he couldn't tell.

No matter ho violent, tragic, or magical the ar beteen them is, it has nothing to do ith humanity.

hen the ind of fate is bined ith thought and imagination, the stability of past, present, and future possibilities bees a joke.

Like hager did this time, it as just a joke.

Realizing this, hardeg's eyes turned red, the sin of anger seeped into his soul, he lost all thoughts about his role as a priest, and he burned like fire.

but are you still angry that your mind goes back to your childhood, even if you don't understand the real reason for these endless tragedies?

michelle, ho had turned into a magic bullet that penetrated the gods, stepped forard as if nothing had happened, extended her hand, and pierced the treasure.

ho are you

Aria asked ith her head don, not knoing hat as going on and doubting hat as happening no even though she didn't remember the God not ing for a long time.

It's because I sa something unusual in his heart.

In other ords, the glint of doubt in his eyes as not fake or fake, it as a real situation.

hat did you say please never do this.

michelle didn't seem to kno hat as going on.

this man ants to offer his body to God, so if he is killed, the sacrifice ill be lost.

mon sense suggests that Aria is satisfied ith her current situation.

but michelle's eyes lit up, as if to sho that it as not easy.

You kno, the purpose here is to appeal to God's elders. No, they never e back? the sacrifice as Lu Ying, but if he as to be killed first, shouldn't the god ho lost Lu Ying e later?

Since God ill not e, it is better to kill the priests before God es.

michelle doesn't seem to be lying, but there is no truth in hat she is saying.

All his examples and explanations are rong.

For the gods came, but the people did not kno their existence.

the ar of the gods has begun, and hen the battlefield reaches its midpoint, the game opens into an infinite space, but no one opens it.

human actions are meaningless and the final oute depends on God's ill. No one knos that.

of course, everything is in God's mind, but fools alays think that God is in charge of their affairs.

michelle's eyes told hagar exactly that, and she seemed to be telling the other person as ell.

you are really stupid.

michelle aved her hand to ipe aay the blood, but it asn't blood and she fell to the floor.

So, as a Yello Seal priest, have you ever thought of calling on other gods?

michelle met hadeg's angry and crazy eyes and spoke ithout hesitation.

At this point, michelle lost her evil ill and supernatural poers.

Apparently these divine poers ere the bait to send him here, and hardegger quickly fell for it.

but michelle's actions raise other questions.

the cruel Arya does not care about her friends dying at the hands of her enemies, but she realizes another problem.

ho are you?

Aria backed aay in hat could only be described as running aay in panic.

michelle has such a beautiful smile and is so beautiful that you ant to hug her.

Aria realized for the first time that xiao heiyu liked to treat others like puppets.

yes? of course, I'm michelle, michelle buenite. there is no need to doubt it.

but do you agree? there are people in this orld ho can see the tao, and the tao is the most onderful force in the orld. It is all-pervasive, all-pervasive, enpassing the entire universe and all that e call reality. those ho understand the tao can see the past and the future clearly.

hat are you talking about?

because I see the future and the past. A man named chisner has done many such things in the past.

he killed you too.

he is an immortal demon, reincarnated every time he dies, and the priests there gather such poer in his poer.

In other ords, a man named chizner caused everything, and since hardegger dropped out of miskatonic University, he could read spellbooks but lacked skill, and as unable to summon an evil god in the first place. Understanding the magic of knoledge.

Even no he relies on faith for distraction and enlightenment, but his poer is still eak and he is not a strong opponent.

because of this man he died before being reborn, and finally hardeg as able to call the evil god, and Richta revived the god and called the god theranos. .

In the beginning none of us had to die, in the beginning this place as just an ordinary place, in the beginning the Yello brotherhood as a group of ordinary people.

If he dies, if chisner really dies, his poer in this time and space ill be gone, and at this point hadeg's divine poer ill also be gone, because human poer, all poer, ill e. A moment.

hardeg no plans to use chisna as a vessel for cthulhu, turning him into an unstoppable beast. In that case, he ill have that poer forever.

michelle casually explains that hardegger must have forced her to talk, but michelle is as smart as a ghost, and hardegger's attack fails, proving that even ithout Ripple, michelle is still poerful. ho is a arrior.

of course, that can't be denied because michelle can see the past and the future and she sa hadeg before she got her poers.

As for the credibility of michelle's statements, they are half-truths and half-lies.

but doesn't everything e back to you hen you die?

Aria felt a little fort from the other person, hile chizuna and hardeg said the same thing in her heart.

No, his poer could no longer surpass God's poer, so a magic circle as activated and an evil god as summoned. If chizuna is really dead, then he is dead.

michelle kindly smiled and explained the real reason, hich as all a lie, of course.

because the God of ar in his heart does this, the God of ar system does not lose poer even if the opponent dies, and the God of ar system reuses the poer of the opponent. hen the evil god disappears, so does the poer.

the evil god has no divine ill or poer, but the god of ar system is the god of ar system.

And the large amount of mana accumulated through reincarnation is often lost in the loss of poer.

the God of ar System shoed michelle the idea of truly solving the problem, but of course the most important thing for her as that hen an evil god came to poer, the God of ar System as ready to give give him rest. it's over. Ares reserves the right to cancel the system ithout charge even before the points earned have been spent.

michelle, he looked up at the sky again and appeared next to him, no one else.

michelle is no different from other people, just a person touched by God's ill.

So hardegger is a bit misunderstood, and he's the only person ho knos hat's going on in this space-time.

he also turns his attention to Aaliyah, but unlike chizu, Aaliyah's bad debts are hers, not his, so he doesn't think about killing her.

the poer of the evil god of chizuna is not the poer of cthulhu, but the poer of magic that continues to reincarnate even after death.

he is a true devil, but he cannot ield the poer of a true god.

but Aria is different, she's just a mage, not a demon, she has solid professional experience, and God's ay of fighting doesn't aste food.

hardeg's body shone ith the poer of the evil god.

ho are you, hy do you have a divine ill, and ho do you see through this endless cycle of reincarnation? Surely you are a child ho cannot understand the changes brought about by God's ill.

At this point, hadeg finally realized that his opponent as not someone ho could maintain his sanity despite changes in God's poer, but someone ho suffered under God's ill.

there is nothing else.

yes? as the magical poer inside Kizuna's body created by his master?

At this point, michelle turned her attention to Aaliyah. he heard from hadeg's mouth hat this man's boss as referring to.

michelle doesn't think Aaliyah equates to an evil god, but no matter ho you look at it, she's a beautiful oman.

Again, this is the authority of your Lord, but his leaders are not priests. or can you say that God did not accept you as a servant?

At this moment, Alia felt like michelle, there as no difference ith xiao heiyu.

No, no, that's it

hardeg shouted and stepped forard ith his right hand extended, but michelle received countless insults.

hoever, michelle avoids all this and michelle and hager bee close.

So michel moved ith his left hand and thre it at Khadgar.

A heavy hand fell on hardeg's body, as if he had been hit ith countless hammers, and a heavy sound could be heard inside his body, as if his hole body had been hit by a ater bag. the eight of his entire body.

Something is rong, something is rong.

Aria plained as hardeg didn't seem strong enough to fight back, but could michelle use her pink hands to destroy the opponent's magic field and damage it?

besides, he alays felt that michelle as hiding something.

hoever, he did not have time to think, as the magic reached its limit, the poer of the god dagon as lost in the aves, and the poer of the Eye of dagon could not gain true poer at this time. there is nothing else.

meanhile, hardeg continues to chant to the Spirit of ords, and many spells are cast upon him, most of hich michel rejects.

his body as hit by a small idol, but it as not a big deal, and his skin magically bound the enemy like a magical field.

this is not true. hy does this happen?

At this point, Aria as slapped on the back, but she looked back and seemed to immediately understand hy.

hen Aaliyah turned around, hardeg as smiling, so it must have been the normal body fighting michelle.

Let's go then.


Indeed, this is the true holy place here the Lord descended and here the true nature of the Lord resides.

the sleeping God has been aiting for a long time, and your soul is a vessel sealed by the Lord.

hat are you talking about

Aria tried to speak, but the silence as too loud for her to hear him.

I once confessed my love to you, but no it is not returned to you, Lord.

but no I kno that your soul as created by God himself, and in my heart it is closed in prison, aiting for my arrival and my lover to e and set me free. I understand that there is.

No, love, just hang in there, it'll be over and you can go back to the orld, the orld.

the results are shocking, and there are about 10 chapters left until this copy runs out.

092 Ideology

ould you believe it? or deny hat someone said?

In this sense, Arya had no idea. I don't kno hat ill happen.

but he doesn't seem orried, and his orry about his future doesn't sho on his face either because he understands it or because he doesn't have the strength to resist it and obey. maybe because I don't have it.

Aria asn't a strong mage from start to finish, but metal as the opposite.

he is not the kind of person ho can live ithout folloing his evil and evil desires.

that's hy I don't resist, and I don't ant to resist.

Aria looked at the body that as still rithing in pain, at the animal ith anger on its face, and at hardeg.

--Even if you are a monk, do you have trouble expressing your feelings? In that sense, he is a real professional magician, unlike me, a real magician.

- ho can you use real magic if you can't control the emotions that arise in your heart? If this person is not satisfied ith the use of magic, he loses his personality and bees a loser oR bees a magician ho sees magic as a tool to be used hen needed.

?those ho have difficulty ith magic, both in the beginning and in the end.

Aria remained silent as she atched the figure occupy her oppressor's body, but Kadeg as not actually in her body, but remained in her mind.

Just as a person passed out in a car generally cannot be a driver, self-discipline, hich the monks say is the overing of suffering, is the basis of magicians. It became impossible. but this is clearly an anomaly.

At first, Aria thought that this part as not normal, but as she thought, other parts of her look like a mage, and she is also a mage ho can borro the poer of the gods.

those ho are able to pletely escape from their senses are very skilled as magicians.

Even if there is magic close to the god, the gods have no problem ith it.

this feeling of disfort is the shackles of magic, and if you don't get rid of it, you ill stay in one place and not see the future.

on the other hand, if the ords of the supreme king do not reach the mouths of the monks, then as a magician they must have some kind of emotion, and on the other hand, they must be cruel and cruel. , and on the contrary, people are very strong.

the existence of this contradiction is the essence of magicians in this orld, and the difference is only the degree of distribution.

of course, Aria doesn't qualify as a mage and is in her third life.

this has nothing to do ith magical poer or knoledge of magic, but it bees a psychological problem because it limits the messenger's ability to use magic.

that's exactly ho it should be.

but no Aria felt that she could use any magic she kne, be it magic or magic, and as long as she had enough magic poer, she as free to use it.

Such a thought is strange and crazy, but Aria is not ashamed of life.

I felt like something as rong ith me, but I remembered.

It made no difference, but it alloed Aaliyah to look at hardeg for nothing.

Aaliyah's situation also makes sense to hardegger, ho also feels that hat is happening no is appropriate.

the anger and shame he had shon before seemed to be emotions that controlled his mind instead of being out of control.

If you think about it, magicians can sho more emotions than other people, and they can also be as cold as animals.

No one knos hat is true and hat is false.

hoever, Aria believed that at this point, she had done no harm to those ho stopped the ar on the battlefield.

Are you fooling your heart?

- hat do magicians do?

because of that random action, Aria as like a ne itch in his heart.

he had the same question on his face, but hardegger ignored it and had no intention of ansering his question.

In the church, hardeg, the personification of anger, continues to fight.

the battle beteen michel and hardegger.

the latter directs his steps to block the attacks of the former, and at the same time casts spells depending on the nature of the battle.

the poer of the magic and the time to use it are amazing, and it appears that he is a skilled magician ho is different from those ho use magic as a eapon.

but the old one orks fine.

It's like the hero in a fairy tale, no matter ho poerful the enemy is or has poer beyond human understanding, he sees hat the enemy is doing and acts against the enemy first.

michel hardeg pushed his hands forard on his shield.

It is an invisible shield of magical poer.

but as michelle thrusts again and again, she goes deaf and soon she enters ith great force.

punch after beak, every fist is huge.

Although there as a magical barrier beteen them, hardegger felt the strength of michel's hand.

this poer is like a gift from God.

maybe it as a dream, but hardeg alays felt like his poers eren't that strong hile fighting michel.

It's not that michelle has divine or demonic poers, but hager himself has no poers.

hardegger as amused by the idea, but got used to it next time.

ho is that possible, am I being bullied?

hen this idea occurred to him, he mitted suicide.

In the next moment, hadeg's body shone ith the incalculable poer of God.

michelle's punch damaged his body and almost knocked him don, but he still managed to fight.

hen the divine poer left hardeg's body, the believers singing in the church lost their voices.

In fact, they have nothing more to say.

because if I don't give magic to the snake, the soulless body can act like a living body.

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