

第71章 照亮荒凉的虚无(2 / 2)
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10th push, 30th push, 500th push.

And, as if they did not kno that they had forgotten their rong technique, they continued to exchange blos ith their fists, and each kick as given simply and clearly, but each mistake - its destructive poer surpasses a tactical missile.

1 point, 2 points, 3 points, and 30 points.

both beat the nature of the speed of sound, and even they can be properly changed using ropes and ropes for each type at this time.

thirty more hands rose up and fle into the sky like flying birds, reaching a height of 900 meters. ith this as a battlefield, every blo and thunder they made as like a disaster. It changed in heaven like the anger of God.

the hands clashed, the 300 meters of light in the sky became a battlefield, the sheep ithin 300 meters trembled, and even a flying bird passed by, it cracked and blood poured out.

At this time, after the fight beteen the to men, the cloud disappeared, and the sound of their collision turned into thunder and lightning, hich acted like a divine force on everything. Nothing can be done.

the speed gradually increased from 30 points to 40 points.

At this point, the to men ho thre the bombs forgot hat they ere doing and just killed each other mindlessly, hich seemed to be a natural behavior. Some of our relatives in this country may have moved to another person. A ne collection of legends ill be his responsibility.

Since sound travels faster than sound, there is no ay for sound to reach another person's ears. they also cannot municate ith each other because their movements are outside of their visual field of vision. . .

but there is one thing that can be municated, and that is violence, and violence is the only eternal language of munication.

Even if God could eliminate human language, there is no ay to stop mobile munications.

this amounts to 10,563 exchanges.

this time the hand as heavier than before, after the to collided, they fell from the sky and used the eapons hidden in the sky, and did not use ater aves and holy ater birds. , both are the same. performer. hen it hit the ground, a mushroom cloud formed.

the 99 hidden tunnels and dirt roads seem to have reached their limit at this point.

chisner's body is still alive, but hen his spirit bees an animal, he runs to michelle and raises his hand, like an animal, although there is no secret method or secret martial arts. they fired, and each shot ent off one after the other, a small mushroom cloud.

At this time, michelle did not move, but the face of her body changed, and even if her mind fell asleep and forgot the mystery, the memories that remained in her body did not disappear as before, but disappeared.

Even though there as no hole because of the secret eapon, the body created it and transformed the evil supernatural poer. other business secrets.

At this time, the poer of the evil god in michelle's body had finally faded to the one billionth, enough to turn a person into a demon, even a small one, or in other ords, bee a buddha. bee immortal.

michelle has the poer of an evil god, so she can make people understand that another person is the soul of an evil god.

072 Secret room

to people alk toards each other, but the violent poer of God creates enough energy for them to bee immortal.

hoever, at this time, up to 20% of michelle's flesh and blood became immortal, a strange child of an evil god ho could only be human. strange gods. , cursed unto death, but ith the blessing of time, and as evil of God (Note 1).

In fact, that state can be said to be a change, or a change in immortality. the body remains in a human shell, separated from a person, but in fact it is only an appearance, this is its inner state. they all became horrible, disgusting, inprehensible beasts called alien gods.

In the voice of God's infinite poer, michelle's poer and nature have alays increased, and hen the time is right, she can give the human side, no limits. only then can people ake up to the truth. brother

From the perspective of God's poer, he as already beyond the realm of the devil, but it as suspected that this man had reached the realm of God and became the son of an old leader.

but it is impossible to have divine poer in a great life, and even if there is such divine poer, it ill be difficult for michelle to use the poer like a demon, and she may be taken as others. oil is refined from energy.

If she is the most amazing and amazing image of God and the source of the evil evil poer inside her, then if you ant to use this poer, you can pletely release michelle's body and transfer it to another hich is god. , that is, it must have changed to pleteness ithout children. Influences from evil gods or families cannot change them ithout the light of divine poer. this demon can easily defeat him.

Strength is strength, but a eak body, a bad spirit, an ignorant heart, and a small stature, all of hich prevent the evil goddess michelle. and the aura that made his body seem immortal, all indicated that those chains ere about to be broken and the ar God's plans ere about to unleash a giant beast.

If the evil god's poer had increased to this extent, it ould surpass even Lord trion, the lord of the holy mouth, and Niru, the guardian of the Evil cross, ho had reached the human demon orld. body.

At this point, it as only a moment, but michelle's body as strong enough to fight the demon Alice ithout pain.

of course, this is limited to the physical body, and does not take into account the differences in hidden eapons.

Kizner's poer did not gro, and even though God's poer appeared in his body, he did not have any emotion, and even his body as not separated from God's poer.

Kizuna's kick as called busho Samsara, and although it lacked technique, it as stronger than before.

hoever, for michel, ho is under the control of the god of ar, such a fall should not be feared.

michel's eyes stared at chisner ith anger, then he raised his hand and shot him like a sharp arro, then he alked aay again, and the man disappeared pletely like a shado above him , ithout consciousness. the sound of cheing.

<Sacred ater bird. divided into to parts

this as supposed to be the secret martial art of boxing that Kuzner had mastered, but his simple martial art as quickly captured by the god of ar, and his fearsome body as thron aay by the mighty poer of the god. , more poerful than the original version, and its technology is similar to a machine tool, so it ill be difficult to give technical improvements to the boxer.

At that moment, chizuna, ith the thoughts of the prophet, turned into a beast and violently slapped his left hand, as if suddenly seeing something.

then there as heavy ork, like strong steel. chisner's hand and michelle's pink hand suddenly collide, ith horrific results.

but michel's hand curled up, defied physics, passed through chisner's kick and pierced chisner's body like a sord through a sandbag.

At the same time, chisner's hand also passed michelle, but chisner passed michelle like a demon, so there as no real feeling, and this meeting as just a dream. cher's young and beautiful body.

Suddenly, michelle disappeared from before Kizuna's eyes, collapsing in the air like a bridge, and at the same time a severe pain appeared on Kizuna's right side.

A small hand pierced his right side, and the oner, michelle, ho as on the other side of chisuna, attacked him like an assassin ith a hidden eapon ithout saying a ord. holding a sharp eapon, he immediately pulled out his hand, and the hole hand turned red, and the blood became an abominable color.

At the same time, Kisner's ound gushed out like a fountain, but michel quickly grazed it, and the blood that fell on the ground quickly turned black.

chisner muttered, rolling his eyes in pain.

ho are you? hat kind of animal is this?

the god of ar, the god of ar ho tried to destroy demonban.

chizuna anted to say something, but hen she opened her mouth, blood poured out and she couldn't get the ords out.

michel, holding an eagle in his right hand, approached chisner and hit chisner hard on the neck. his neck as broken, his eyes ere closed and he did not look at the sky. but no impression shone in his eyes.

michelle punched Kisner in the neck several times.

1 time, 2 times, 10 times, 20 times, 30 times.

michelle's right hand seemed to be covered in blood, and she sa a small bloody hand.

her eyes ere empty, there as no human divine light in them, not even a single divine desire, she as like a doll made for a purpose.

he sees only ith his on eyes, he sees all life as heavenly, hich remains in his eyes forever.

but I don't kno hy, no emotion, cruel as the sky, tears mixed ith the flo of blood, I don't kno if he as crying or if he as torn by a ound. blood vessels that e out of it.

For though his face as handsome as a blacksmith's dollar, there as no sign of a man.

but instead he as afraid.

hile he as doing this, he felt as if he as carrying a human body and started alking ithout knoing here he as going.

No Aria akes up, but her mind is captured. because his ill as once in the hands of the devil. Arya is immune to demonic traits and skins. Even though he sa the gods directly, he did not. no problem.

Rather, such a situation must be magical.

hoever, calling the gods is not as easy as the story, and in any version is not possible, because the third generation and ignorant people see the people of Soth as the system of cthulhu. the ancients came to orship, but after centuries of trying, they still could not call upon the Lord.

or maybe Father ilbur atley tried to summon the god Yog-Sothoth, but as scared to death hile preparing to summon him. .

All this points to one thing only. Infinite intelligence is the first step to being a master magician.

on the other hand, someone ho is truly out of their mind due to magical poers is never a skilled magician. Even Grand cross Kuro as able to fight demons in dagon's presence.

during this time, Aliyah as hanged on hat looked like a bronze cross, hich of course as not an ornament to restore catholicism, but a torture device used in ancient times. Rome supported the death penalty.

Fortunately, he as only tied ith a rope, but Aaliyah as a bit skeptical of her guess, because upon closer inspection, she seemed to see an explosion, hich as definitely the messiah.

At first, this cross as supposed to be placed in a church, but hen Arya thought about it, she as not happy at all, and it seemed that she as caught by a cult.

right? Is it the same for you?

Suddenly, Alya heard the loud sound of the door opening. In front of me as a ooden door that looked like a broken tree, and hen I opened it, an old man earing a monk's robe entered. .

It's a good idea to respect your elders and love your elders, but Arya puts that aside for no because she ants to sing and kill each other.

because the person in front of him as hardeg hexter, the priest of the major church.

At this time, the old man dressed as a priest as so valuable that Aria looked at him ith strange eyes and tried to steal the old man and sell him for money.

ho can I explain that? It's a scene full of love and coldness that feels like it's holding you but you're not used to it.

this guy is doing this to me, hat exactly happened?

Aria didn't understand and looked at him closely.

hey, hy are you hugging me? I as an innocent tourist passing by.

After Aria finished saying that, I sa Kadeg smile a little.

Aria noticed that the man had a magic book in his hand.

It's so painful that you can't escape even if you pretend to be a citizen. In addition, since the spellbook as also removed, the use of magic should also be restricted.

If it's a high-ranking magic book, a magic book that has a soul and can be changed by a person, it on't happen.

At this time, Aria chanted the spirit language and tried to retrieve the spellbook, but hadegger snapped his fingers ithout saying a ord, and Aria felt that her feet ere covered ith countless toes like ant. biting the face


Aliya couldn't stop crying in pain because of the pain. Seeing the magic begin to ork, Khadgar ithdre his fingers once more and Arya felt that all as ell.

but Aaliyah didn't think so. because right in front of him, the man put the magic book he anted on the stove and hung it up.

So, can you anser my question correctly no? magician.

Aria sa the smile, the love, the coldness in the man's eyes.

So he concluded that this person as really crazy and he didn't ant to kno about the madness of the spiritual orld because he felt it as dirty.

he likes to be hurt physically and he likes to be hurt mentally.

So hat do you ant to hear?

Aria didn't kno if the man as lying or telling the truth, so she decided to check it carefully from no on.

So let's start simple.

hat does this person ant? Aria didn't really understand, but if she met hardeg, hat ould she do but say hello? don't just shake your head.

Someone must have hit him, Aria kne for sure.

hat is your name

yes? I'm connor theriot.

After Arya spoke, she again felt pain in her arms and legs and screamed again, hile hardeg explained:

Not only does my baha'i cause pain hen he casts a spell to keep him from vomiting, but even if you're a liar, this spell still orks.

So if you don't ant to suffer, anser honestly.

ith a faint smile, hardeg brought Arya's magic book to the stove and told her that if she didn't tell the truth, she ould feel the pain and that he ould send her the magic book. And buddha.

this man is definitely the devil.

Aria thought about it, then looked at him and asked again.

So hat do you ant to kno?

So tell me, did something eird happen in your freshman year of college?


Aria ansered seriously and seemed to have decided that hardegger's magic didn't ork this time, but hardegger as angry again and seemed unsatisfied ith the anser.

So he took an iron rod, put it in the oven to cook a little, and then held it in his hand. the hot rod didn't hurt him. I feel like I hold the mask like a glove. .

hoever, Aria noticed that the man's hands ere empty.

but then, Aria's eyes tried to leave her body.

hadeg took a hot iron rod and pressed his hand ith a button. the iron handle burned bai haorui's hands, aist, and soul. Aria screamed and pushed for a minute, but she only took the iron rod.

the skin on Aaliyah's arms and legs continued to tingle and returned to normal after halftime, ith no signs of injury.

ell, this kind of damage doesn't help.

Immortal? All mythical creatures are like precious things.

he finished it hen hardeg looked at him, but his anger did not stop and he asked again.

So ho did you escape from my spell? my magic cannot detect your lies, no matter ho ridiculous.

Note 1: there is no such ord to begin ith, but I use this ord because it is alays difficult to be disabled, but as I remember, it means the same thing.

074 horcrux

this is the hill here Aria fought the false gods that michel summoned, but it turned into a hite plain and all life disappeared, including the hunter ho hid here, and they both lived and died because of the battle. they are. , or running aay, animal instinct, that's really eird.

therefore, there is absolutely no sign of life here. because even if there is an origin, there is nothing left in the crazy ar.

there seems to be no harm to this hill or this little river.

hoever, there ere many hite fish among them, and it as very impressive to see them being dragged into the hite river by the current.

these dead fish ere filled ith blood, so the hole river looked like the gates of purgatory, mountain branches of corpses, and sea of blood.

In this blood-colored river, the rocks under the ater seemed to be kicked violently, rising and crashing against the rock all belo.

then it fle naturally and kept rocking from side to side. After a hile, it seemed that the stone could no longer ithstand the pull from the left and right, and it split in to.

A black mist rose from the side of the mountain, and as it descended don the river, it cleared and turned into ater. It came out of the ater like a bullet from a submachine gun.

A creature named pochi rose from the river to the ground and suddenly made a loud noise like a meteor.

his body collapsed and gre from a beast's arm to the size of a small child.

his body then shoed the appearance of a person in solid electric light that looked like blood, skin, joints, fingers, hair, etc. It gradually changed into the human body.

Eventually, Aaliyah's body bees a living thing ith pocchi, but since pocchi is a living being, hat changes is the body that is not separated from the person. that's hy Aaliyah has no clothes on her body.

his body is pletely out of shape, and he appears here, arms outstretched, eyes open, taking the dust from his body and making it a garment.

It is centered around pochi, and its poer is like a bullet, like a resurrected evil spirit.

Aaliyah doesn't mind being naked, but she's not good at attracting attention hen she goes out, so she has no choice but to ear civilian clothes.

Ah~ I die and hope that the incarnation ill take people.

Aria ished her heart out, but no that she as fighting the hite dragon, she had a bad idea of defeating herself.

She as a hairless girl, but no that she's gron up, she's learned to trust her instincts as a itch.

So during this battle, he returned his soul to Kuboki's body and created a temporary spirit for to days to stay in his body and fight in his place.

In this case, if he dies, it is only death, and Arya ill be able to live successfully ith the mythical creature, but ill lose his status as a person.

but this time I think something is rong.

Aria blushed and said,

right? Is my body alive? In this case, you can't let it go, but it's surprisingly trivial, right?

one of Aria's pochi ears a horcrux similar to the legendary horcrux. henever a horcrux as created, it required a blood sacrifice, hich meant killing someone, but Arya only created seven, and she only had one. the legendary creature pochi.

his ton is a orld inhabited by magical heroes and villains, most of hom have no formal training and rely only on himsy and magic, and in fact, even those ho are not counted are magicians. problem

but the fact that they are all supernatural beings and that they all have poers that defy reason and truth is enough to deceive the public.

Isn't it normal even if it's not broken? do you have the courage to call him God? It is also a force of nature.

therefore, the superiors themselves explain that their magical poers do not conform to the las of nature, hich are the las of man.

this is the path from the origin.

therefore, it is not difficult to kill many people in such a city, but ith the help of makeup and magic you can bee a serious criminal.

by the ay, Aria has the biggest criminal in ton.

having seven horcruxes is good, but every time a horcrux is activated, it is gone forever.

In other ords, Aria, ho gre up as pochi, lost pochi as a horcrux.

during this time, Aria offered her blood to pochi and a dead spirit temporarily took over the physical body.

A mortal's body is stronger than a human body, and their body and blood can be changed by magic, as long as the magical poer and the ill it carries are sufficient, persistent, and light.

the other is that over time it ill be corrupted by the ill of the impure. It as only 7 days, but no that pochi as sacrificed and his body changed, that time became 30 days.

Fortunately, if michelle hadn't been a mage, the magic of the horcrux ouldn't have appeared and pock ouldn't have chased Arya into the river.

If you are truly a dead spirit, your body and soul ill fall into this orld and bee useless.

therefore, half-dead is a poerful and dangerous concept because it embodies the nature of life and death.

changing other parts of my body is no different from my original body, but even if it is the shell of another person, my spirit ill be polluted and my body ill follo me.

my magic is not useless in controlling bodies, but it takes people's bodies, kills people's lives, and even the trunk of a human body cannot be assimilated into its appearance. Are you shy to touch a man's body?

but the magic sitch is gone.

the effort and cost of reorking a magic sitch can be prohibitive.

For a long time Arya thought that since her body asn't dead, she could just go back and get it, but at least she didn't have to kill us to be in someone else's body. he as unable to use his spiritual poer to bind his on body, and in a human body turned into a human ith his memories and personality removed.

but the question is, here is my body?

Aria felt the orientation of her body, but she as not born here and did not see the map of this small ton.

Alya took a deep breath and said:

So let's go back first, then e'll get ready.

Aria didn't even get half the sentence out.

At first, he thought that if he could control the horcruxes and make both life forms die for him, he could ignore death and all other punishments.

but, upon aking up, Alya had a bad idea and quickly removed herself from the hanging, as if everyhere she heard the call of God.

Like in Laurie's dreams, he kept calling her there.

Aria kne it asn't over yet because those haunting calls ere ing to her through the skinned eyes.

It's not like you're hanging around an evil god.

this can be because, as a half-dead spirit, their physical bodies are more intelligent than human bodies.

No, the Eye of cthulhu is back in space, and Arya is atching from an alien god hidden in space.

but cthulhu's incarnation in Lure asn't sealed, so that couldn't be the case, right? cthulhu's body is in the chair of chaos, and although the evil god can fall into the body at ill, the mysterious miracle all of the ancient god still exists, so suddenly there is no need to focus on it. but the evil gods of the universe do not need to see this universe, but this kind of vision must have something rong ith the fences of the ancient gods, right?

No, there is no such possibility

but Aria had another idea.

--If the old Gods, once eak and eak, are still able to perform impossible miracles and transform the Evil Gods, ho are infinitely more poerful than themselves, then the Evil Gods God must be freed from themselves. Is there a sticker to prevent this from happening? If even eak people can perform miracles, hy can't stronger beings perform miracles?

Aria's body trembled, but after a hile she looked up as if she hadn't heard anything.

he turned his head and said:

Nothing feels right, nothing feels right, I ant my body back, this is it, nothing feels like death.

I did not hear the voice of God in my ear, I did not hear any strange noise, nothing happened, everything as normal.

hen Aria heard those ords, her face turned a little red, as if she felt the poer of the sea returning, and she turned around ithout thinking.

Aliya took a deep breath and ble cold air into her lungs, and hen she recovered, she cried, ran forard, and came back, I said nothing more.

there as something on the back of his neck blocking his tongue, like an old man trying to melt chocolate ith his tongue, and Aria's touch traveled to the back of his neck. .

073 Satan has returned

I said everything, I didn't lie.

I'm starting to think that Aria is really upset at this point and is looking for an excuse to hurt herself.

because there are bad men in this orld ho love omen, there are also bad men ho try to hurt omen.

Aaliyah suspects that the man in front of her really hates omen and ants to torture her.

As I thought about this, I further confirmed my opinion, and the expression I gave Khadgar became strange.

but hardegger ignored those evil eyes, just closed his eyes and said:

It doesn't happen ithout reason.

At this time, hardeg seemed to be a crazy person, there ere countless demons in his body, and no they turned from his soul to evil spirits and tried to steal his body, It as terrible.

So Aria didn't dare to speak anymore. he as afraid that if he spoke, the fool in front of him ould not respect him.

but before Aaliyah disappeared, hardeg did something that Aaliyah didn't like.

this cursed old fool actually thre Arya's grimoire, the rath of Friar clytanus, into the furnace.

At this point, Aria ants to return to the demon alive, but her good magic book burns like a diamond broken by tears.

he as crying because he lost his magic book.

but hen Kadeg looked at her ith devilish eyes, Aliyah fell silent, if she as sad, she as sad, and she better do it no. be the first coard.

ell, he's just a coard. the third part is a shy, timid, inexperienced, eak mage ho has magical poers but can't even summon a \"ghost\".

hardeg looked at Aria ith a demonic feeling, and sa a trace of the devil in her eyes. hardeg said in a lo voice, as if he understood something.

It as a lie, so I said I anted to kno ho he didn't kno, hat happened to him in grade 1, and hy.

In fact, since it is a lie, it is not surprising that memories are imperfect and some of the lies actually bee lies.

hardeg laughed hen he sa this, but he never cried.

hat happened to this man?

Aria as silent in her heart, the conversation is not over at this time, her heart can't be hardened anymore, it's better that the crazy person stay aay from her.

hello, can you hear me?

Suddenly he heard his inner voice, his on.

do you ant to feel the same ay I feel this time? hmm, I said right.

You found the rong person, it's me.

the voice in her mind seemed to fade and Arya tried to remember, but she couldn't.

then the voice said:

Forgot my name? I guess I'll never forget your name until I forget it.

Aria didn't kno hat to say, but the voice kept talking.

And I can make you make a decision so you don't forget.

At this moment, Aria felt the urge to pull out a knife and kill the oner of this voice, but did this person think she as stupid?

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