

第72章 R'lyeh的地下世界(1 / 2)
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cthonic depths是一个由洞穴,隧道和地下空间组成的庞大系统,远远低于地表土地,位于伟大的古老克苏鲁的梦想领域。otten in michelle's head, and no matter ho much she thinks about it, she cannot remember the true identity of another person.

hoever, michelle determined that there ere either humans or god beasts at the party. And he is a creature of an evil knon god.

the God of ar looked at michel ith his mechanical eyes, then held and intertined their fingers. Suddenly, michelle heard a sound like thunder in her ears, and her mind suddenly ent blank. extent

the demon arrior's body flashed before michelle's eyes, and she sloly aved her hand.

hoever, all of michelle's kicks seemed to go through the shados, and every time the God of ar, a large amount of her physical strength as taken aay. Even though I had the strength to say it, I as stunned and fell asleep about 30 minutes later. they are unconscious. Nothing ould ake him up unless he ent on time. the God of martial Arts knos this because he knos magic.

Even if the knoledge of ancient mantras is as much as they ant to kno, they ill not kno it. that is, their knoledge ill alays gro and reach infinity, except for the incarnate evil god. It is not of physical origin, nor is the number of spells knon to humans limited. he also understands magic.

So do you sleep ell, forget everything hen you ake up, have a good day, and then try to impress someone? the origin is false, but the purpose is not. In this eternal destruction, perhaps this is the only happiness that can be brought.

Even saying that, the general's eyes and face looked like a dead one, and his voice did not change at all, like a mechanical voice. those are the ords of a man, not his kind.

After saying that, he disappeared. It's like disappearing into the fog, but you can't really see the color of the fog, and if you concentrate, it's dangerous, you'll go crazy and you on't understand. the rest of the party left.

but if it goes aay, you on't see it go aay if you look at the ground. For there as no shado on the earth from the time it as created until it ceased, and there as no shado ithout a shado. It still left a mark on the ground.

Like a ghost returning from the orld ithout a trace.

After about 30 minutes, michelle stood up, heavy as a gun. despite michelle Suar, I gently hit my forehead ith my hand and used the poer of the pain to ake me up. , but there is no part of his body that can't feel pain, so he can only feel pain, so he can't feel it or have a stroke, that's hat's left.

hat happened?

hen michelle akes up, she finds herself lying there, ith no scars, the necrotic remains of hat she experienced during her humiliation.

A spiritual light illuminated michelle, aakening her soul into the form of dharma, and the pain immediately arose from her body, but michelle also realized that the virtual form as something else. You ill also see a virtual shado at the bottom. From a fleshy shado to a solid body, it as not easily done and it quickly became poerful. .

After the second time, he lost his mind on michelle.

the smell is very nice but it is very hot hen I use it.

Like a child ith a heavy hammer, michelle believes it can be done even if it doesn't ork very ell, ith the eight of the hammer itself being the biggest challenge.

Although every Secret arrior kne that this as a misunderstanding, there as no ay that michelle did not kno about it, but at this point, she decided not to accept it even though she as still a novice. And he had no doubts. .

hen the God of ar reaakens michelle, e see that the God of ar changes michelle's mind.

Forget it, don't orry, it's okay to think about it after you run, hether it's exercise or hatever, so let's start running. then e ent but e didn't arrive yet.

I prayed that my izard ouldn't e and stop me, otherise I ouldn't be able to kill him.

but the truth is, I don't ant to listen to hat the ar master has to say. because it is God's fault that you did this, and if you follo God's plan, you ill be assured. this is bad.

So instead of breaking his heart and alloing him to bee buddha, he beat him to death and thre him into the river. If the god of ar had not sent a messenger, michel might have sent Aria to bee buddha immediately. After folloing God's on ar plan, michelle as really bored.

because of this, michel is no very passionate and ants others not to cause him trouble, but hen the God of ar defeated him, he never killed him. he refused to obey God's orders in ar and killed people hen his ill as right. Although killing people is not a big deal, michelle doesn't like the ay others control her, especially michelle's instincts. Lee felt threatened by the God of ar system. In other ords, God of ar has no good intentions.

hoever, the fact that you are responsible does not mean that you are innocent. the bat system is that killing is killing, even if God gives you the poer to do it. michelle has no idea about the murder and ill not do it again, the situation is unbearable.

considering that, there should not be a plete mental burden.

076 ereolf Village

michelle sat there for half a second and then alked aay. he as running, but after a fe seconds he stopped and turned his head from side to side as if staring. is there anyone else?

After making sure I as the only one here, I looked at the grass nearby and found that it as one of the places here hakuryuu's battle as close but didn't receive any damage, so the grass as also tall. It's hard to escape alone, but it doesn't seem to be difficult for michelle.

due to his small size, michel has the body and appearance of an elementary school student, and although michel himself does not like to admit it, he is not a boy in appearance. Like a child, he cannot hide from anyone.

hoever, in the face of difficult information, michelle has no choice but to accept the truth that she does not ant to believe. In addition, the mysterious hero michel has almost plete control over his breathing. It couldn't be done yesterday, but michelle, ho thought she on against miu, felt she could do it.

because of this, michelle's breathing is light, and even if someone approaches her and puts their ear in front of her nose, they may not hear her breathing.

Ripple is a secret eapon that strengthens its poer through breathing, and as long as it does no damage, it can be used freely. therefore, the body feels intense heat every time it es into contact ith copper, but the techniques related to secret martial arts, such as the ripple control system, are also not far aay.

As for the mysteries, it is the extraction of life force, the secret eapon, hich controls the transformation of life force into the poer of the old seal through thought and breathing techniques. If you can control your energy in one direction and have nothing to do ith change, michelle's body doesn't seem to hurt. he had bad thoughts, but he kept all doubts to himself. because thinking is the enemy of peace, and if you ant to hide your poer, it's better to act like a corpse. the need for thinking skills.

therefore, in order to strengthen the body's strength and achieve strategies such as the destruction of the body's strength and loss of certificates, you must kno the essence of this method. this magic is not real magic, but refers to the magic used by actors.

meanhile, michelle is looking at things under the grass.

Suddenly, many footsteps ere heard and the sound spread, but the crod seemed to be large, but they had no military training and ere alking sloly.

hoever, these steps are difficult, if not useless, because they are difficult. It's as heavy as an armored car, so it's hard to tell hat information it has, but it sure doesn't eigh like a person, and even if it's fat, it can't be that ay. . there is no such burden. Especially during pregnancy. the other size is the same as a normal person.

In michelle's eyes, she sa many villagers alking toards her.

the eyes of the villagers ere bright red and shining like ild animals, and their behavior as strange. Although they ere standing upright, I felt that they ere some kind of ild animal.

All the villagers have torches in their hands, this time the sky has e, the sky ithout light ill reduce human vision, and ithout fire light the visibility ill not reach 3 meters.

but ith a flashlight, you can see more.

he is really a leader of the tonspeople.

Not far from the battlefield, that is, it should be near here, so do not forget to find this girl and send her to the church.

Even though I said it, none of the villagers under the village chief ansered.

because the villagers' eyes are red for no reason, just like the green-haired people under the sky, but the color is slightly different.

the village chief took the clothes that resembled the children's draings, put them back, and said:

So action!

hen the village chief finished speaking, a sound like thunder echoed from the dead body of the villager behind him, and then his body gre, hite and silver hair appeared on his skin, and the man's face as covered of silver hair. . , it collapsed, and soon it became like a branch.

his arms ere thick and strong, his hands turned into clas, and long black nails sprouted from his fingers like thorns.

their strong bodies and changes in body shape made it impossible for them to ear village clothes, and their muscles ere torn, turned into eeds and scattered in the ind.

their long ears move sloly in the air, like smoke in the ind.

he looks like a fairy tale animal, a olf.

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