

第71章 照亮荒凉的虚无(1 / 2)
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他们的对峙在虚无的荒凉景观中展开,高耸的黑曜石尖顶见证了在他们面前展开的宇宙斗争。ans ere destroyed and her hole body became a pile of shredded flesh like nothing.

michelle tries to figure out the kill rate of her opponent's constant attacks. michelle, ho is also a stealth fighter, knos that this is the true kill rate. It can't be turned off, it ill be in a bad place soon.

hoever, unlike michelle's idea, chizuna is not a mysterious hero; indeed, he is a man hose existence must be questioned hether he is a hero or not.

For him, martial arts are necessary to achieve his goals, and he has no interest in eapons, so I onder if this is the last step in martial arts?

did something like that happen? his goal is to make michelle think he's trying to kill her because of boxing, not because of it.

Suddenly, a silver sord burst out and pierced through michelle's heart, like an exploding grenade, and michelle's blood suddenly floed endlessly like a red floer.

If you look closely, you can see a long iron sord sticking out of Kizner's skin, but there doesn't seem to be anyhere else to store it, so the anser is obviously a long sord. to make magic.

Also, iron sords that don't conform to human anatomy don't affect chizner's performance.

hen michelle's hand as shot ith a unique technique as usual, the shados of countless hands violently attacked michelle's body.

hoever, michelle miu covered her head from the beginning, and her body moved quickly even though chisner's magic sord pierced her, so she continued to fight chisner. he thre his hand at chizuna.

chisner is not really a hidden artist. he doesn't ant his secret martial arts to be knon. In michelle's eyes, her hidden martial arts look like holding a eapon. he exploited his opponent's eaknesses and suddenly became stronger, revealing the secret of Kisner's boxing technique.

hen the taping technique as broken, michelle's pink hand ent straight to Kisner's heart like a spear.

Kisner quickly kicked out and crushed michelle's hand ith the poer of his boxing skills, and the pink chaos that attacked his heart turned into chaos pillar, and the poer that Kisner released immediately turned into the enemy's strength. It had a devastating effect on his body, reaching his internal organs.

he as bleeding from his mouth, his steps ere unsteady, and his face as as hite as paper.

michele may be able to uncover the mystery of Kizuna's boxing technique, but the damage from the previous heart attack cannot be ignored, and the ound is bleeding.

they survive for a hile relying on Ripple's magical poers, but it seems that a mysterious poer resides in michelle's ounds. his ound continued to bleed and he couldn't get it out.

chizuna also sustained serious injuries, including a broken leg, and even though she as satisfied ith her smile, blood continued to flo from her mouth.

ell, in this case, everything ends. this time I as right, I have failed many times, my heart is cold, even though she is beautiful, I do not feel sorry for her life.

hat does that mean? hat do you mean? hat are you talking about

michelle couldn't really understand chisner's crazy ords, and the other person's ords ere harder to understand than the crazy secret society, but she kne if hat the other person said really anted to kill her and hy, Noticed. he felt hat the other person anted to say. Is violence meaningless? hat kind of content is it?

A thin piece of silk clung to his finger, but it as very eak, as if it could not die, and even if it had changed, it as eak, as if it had not.

michelle took a deep breath.


After all, I am the cause of everything, my life is a mistake, I am a victim and a itch, and if I continue to live, I ill be the one to blame. I'm sure you're a shrine maiden. ho terrible the poer of the evil god es from you!

then chisner said hat he sa, looked at michelle, and understood everything.

miko? victim? God? hat kind of content is it?

michelle's expression orsened as she read each ord, and she plained:

If you ant to live, you have to live every day the same, like nature, hat is there?

You're rong, but I'm fine.

Kisner used the holy ater bird to injure parts of his body as if a heavy object had been thron at him, and although the blood floed backards, he as able to move freely thanks to miu's poer.

chisner raised his hand and slapped it, hitting michelle, causing michelle to lose her eyes. but mr. is orried. chisner.

If chisner had landed that punch, michelle's head ould have been broken and her body ould have been crushed by the force of the end.

hoever, michelle, ho had lost the light in her eyes and looked like a corpse, as able to move again, and the ound on her chest as pletely gone.

It disappeared from the shados, appeared somehere, and struck chizuna ith its palm, hich immediately exploded ith a strong and poerful ind that hit chizuna's face, causing it to slightly transform.

hoever, like a building that doesn't collapse even ith strong inds, chizuna's hands didn't change at all.

hoever, michelle's appearance continued to shine, and chisner disappeared.

Suddenly, the ground cracked and several rocks fell ith the mud, causing chisner to miss his shot.

the attack failed and stones rained don, but nothing happened to michelle's body and she didn't care.

his palm hit chizuna's body. At this point, even if chizuna anted to go back and block, it as too late. his body looked like it had been hit by a high-speed fighter jet. Unexpectedly. It disappeared as if in flight.

hoever, he as taken by the impact of the mine, and chizuna lost consciousness, turned to a higher altitude and used a hidden eapon to push it, causing it to explode in hot air like a mine. It spread. the hole person falls to the ground.

the ground continues to close in on chisner, but michel moves before chisner can hit the ground.

In chisner's eyes, michelle's kicks looked like thousands of kicks at once, each kick looking real and fake at the same time.

there is no muscle or bone that is not affected by the strength of your hands. Even the body transformed by the holy bird ater martial Arts could not ithstand the massive destruction, and it seemed to be disintegrating.

At first there as no blood, the bullet as full of cracks, like aluminum about to disintegrate.

It as as if he fell into a ooden bol full of blood, blood ran don his red skin, blood ran don his body, and he felt ashamed.

071 Riddles and secret martial arts

the injuries on chisner's body ere so severe that a living person could not bear them, to the point here he could not die. ho can e survive? If you are told, ``You are poor,'' you ill think that it is not a question of self-interest or anything else, but you are about to be damaged inside and out.

hoever, contrary to its sad appearance, its eyes are bright and shining, and it is not the image of a man preparing to bee a buddha, but the image of a man ho believes in his on salvation.

his life force ignited like a flame inside Kizuna's body, and a poerful poer gushed out from Kizuna's body.

the poer of this secret eapon is to turn life into poer, but pared to the current situation, even if you have many lives, you ill not survive even 5 minutes if you do not use this secret. eapon. . he ate it, and I didn't feel sorry for him.

Using that force and force, chisner hit the ground and straightened himself, but his body became more rigid, half of his human form disappeared, and he became a horrible rotten body, like his act no. causing irreparable damage to his body.

chisner has no regrets because he has a solution to the problem.

Secret passages: 99 Secret tunnels

chizuna's body as generating a lot of heat, and there as a smell of burnt flesh in the air, but chizuna's body as recovering quickly and he as a little eak.

thus, chizuna once again assumed the role of the ater Saint bird and destroyed michelle ith stronger magic than before.

hen michele suddenly alked aay, his hand seemed to disappear, no, because the opponent's pace as so fast that he could no longer see his form.

Kisner took a defensive stance, but naturally, the earthquake spread through his body, and ith the strength of michelle's hands, Kisner as able to break through the armored car, although every hole as lightened. I don't doubt his abilities - because can he? does this seem like a small effort?

Yes, after dealing ith michelle's invisible attacks, she ill alays block and not doubt the strength of the enemy, because there is no chance to fight back or attack again.

the body that has been secretly transformed has signs of the separation of skin and flesh, but it ill disappear in a short time as the poer of the body is reneed.

Secret path: Ninety-nine secret holes, this is a big secret path ritten in the ater of the sacred bird, hich says that even if you are defeated, if you stand up, your body ill be healed. ho died? . Secret method: States can be saved up to 3 days and the maximum number is 99.

this means that unless you defeat chizuna ithin 3 days or kill chizuna 99 times, chizuna ill not die.

And because he didn't say anything to anyone, chisner said nothing, turned sloly like a ater bird, retreated and hid in the shados.

sacred ater bird. he mitted robbery and murder tice.

Kisner as nohere to be seen, and it suddenly seemed to me that this as not space magic, but some secret military technique that ent to places here civilians could not see and shook the rocks ith the force of lightning. ing out of the void is the same as the divine connection, appearing as a saint.

hoever, this action did not help michelle, as she quickly aved before chisuna appeared. before chizuna appeared, he seemed to kno here his opponent as ing, defeated him before he could see him, and accepted chizuna's bribe.

chisner and his hands reached each other, and it as as if the bones in his right hand ere broken, and his right hand as sollen and felt as if it had been stepped on by a crazy horse that he thought as his. . his right hand as amputated.

but his left hand could move, and hen chisner's hand collided ith another, this time as if hiding a murder eapon, the ground screamed for the first time ith dust and heat. his left hand as lost in everyone's mind.

michelle as punched hard in the cold face, and chisner felt that he had been hit by a metal plate, or rather, he could have been hit by a real metal plate no, but his left thumb as broken.

At that moment, chisner sa golden freckles shining on michelle's beautiful face. At that moment, the hook hit chisner's hand hard. hether you get hit or not, it's no different than putting your hand in the oven.

Ripple is immortal, are you a hunter?

chisner plains, but michelle ignores him because the battle system is so cool.

At this time, michelle is an animal that controls the god of ar and gives him incredible poer, but hat is this system? God knos hat it is, but e also kno that he has released many evil poers of God, maybe these demons are orking together, or that it is a gift from God but it is not as easy as the devil . . the other side said something came out.

michelle thre her pink hand at him like an ugly dog chasing delicious food, and the hand created a strong ind, and the hite ind belt as like a broom and made a scary sound.

At the same time, Kizner's hand also healed, and he immediately stepped on the ground, making a crackling sound as if he put his hole body on Ji xi's arro and opened after an arro. the ground he stepped on became like a floing stream, leaving gravel like gravel.

chizuna let out a small scream, raised her arms as if her bike had broken don, and sliced the air ith both hands.

At this moment, a hite mark appeared on the back of michelle's hand, hich quickly turned red.

he sa the stranger and realized he as hurt, but hen the bar moved, the ound on the back of his hand disappeared.

but Kisner struck, ith michelle in her arms like a full-poered ar machine. As the explosions fell from the sky, michelle began to crash, sending aves and leaves in the air. Squeeze and release suddenly so that the ater rushes forard at high speed.

michelle turned her head to the left, leaving a small trail of blood on her face, but it disappeared hen a golden light flashed and she hit chisner again.

mr. chisner ho looked like he had been shot, broke his neck, fell to the ground and fell don the hill, but hen he got up all the ounds on his body disappeared.

both are monsters ith the ability of immortality.

In the hands of martial gods, qi Gong grants immortality more poerful than vampires or even gods or demons. Every punch and kick has the poer of its sunlight.

the 99 hidden holes of the sacred ater bird can pletely regenerate 99 times no matter ho badly it is injured, as long as the heart is active, and even if it is crushed, it ill e back to life. ALIVE

but in any case, using her as a human body endangers human life, and michelle has the infinite poer of an evil god, hich can explode if used correctly, And the poer that does not exist . Unlike the thirteen horrors, there is no problem in purifying immortals, buddhas, gods, and demons yourself.

Since it has the highest poer among all demons, it can be used properly, but its control skills are inferior to adult demons, especially children. they do not intersect.

michelle only uses hasabibi, using the poer of the god of ar as fuel to use her internal battle system.

Although Kizner didn't have that much evil poer, he still had magical poers, and the strength he had accumulated through countless incarnations as enough to reach the pinnacle of this secret technique.

hoever they ere, their strength as the best in the orld, and even if these beasts that had transformed into the eternal orld ere beings from another dimension ho had returned from another orld, it as impossible for them to possess such magic. to kill. that they did not die. .

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