

第70章 月亮(1 / 2)
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这些隐藏深处的知识使她深入了解了阿扎索斯血石的真实本质,它的宇宙意义,以及它在维持尤哥特内部微妙的力量平衡中所起的作用。iving system.)

Reard: After pleting the next God of ar quest, the Next God of ar must do this. do you ant to receive a gift from the God of ar? If you, the master, still feel this ay, the master may have to go to another orld to calm don and think about his duties as the God of ar. (the system ill happily help you ith this.)

Anser: None (Actually, it is not necessary to have this system. hoever, penalties from the system are not necessary for oners ho experience disasters, but for cases here the oner does not reason for doing this. the system as not going to ork) because of him the oner mitted suicide. )

Is this the God of ar system? can you stop my heartbeat this time? , and hy do you alays kill yourself? ho long do you ant me to die?

michelle as not happy. I almost thought the voice of the God of ar as my on, and it felt like it as disappearing faster than it could be real.

hy did this happen to him? he seems to be doing nothing, but hat does he have to do ith the plutonians, Jugme, or the god of ar demonban? that as never going to happen, but michelle had a lot of ork to do to survive.

does that mean something? michelle is sad, but the violent atmosphere around her must be telling her that if she doesn't listen, she on't get anyhere.

michelle feels that the future is pletely dark and there is no light at all.

but the god of ar did not understand his attitude and continued to say:

the master should not doubt the operation of the system, because the purpose of the system is to make the master a god of ar. therefore, any opposition or questioning of the system is considered a provocation by the God of ar. Seriously needed. It is assumed that the oner making the judgment does not kno this golden rule. this system makes decisions

Although the God of ar had said this, michelle didn't kno hy, but she suddenly felt that a disaster had e.

he hoped it as just a trick, but the ar God's plans pletely crushed his hopes.

the hosts trained by jumping into the river every day and received eight episodes of electric shock.

hey! ?Shall e go? oh, no.

michelle's Reaction the ar God cult responded ith a poerful action, giving michelle an electric shock.

Suddenly, many currents floed through michelle's senses, but she couldn't explain it.

the electric shock lasted for three seconds, and michelle fell to the ground as if exhausted.

then the god of ar spoke quietly:

the oner said e cannot contact this system.

michelle no kills the dirty system very quickly, but she doesn't have the confidence to say it out loud in her mind, afraid that Ares' system ill use electric shocks to heal her.

hoever, before michel could breathe a sigh of relief, the God of ar spoke again.

ake up, housekeeper, you still have training left.

this time michelle did not react, but the god of ar took control of her body again, and she ent to the deep river, or not so deep river, stepped into the ater and made a ater palm. there as electricity on his skin.

Aliya also entered this river and planned to take a bath, but the hot ater felt very nice, but if she drank too much, she ould return to hell.

If from heaven to hell, hy not stay in hell first? At least it doesn't hurt too much.

Aria as not very happy. the main reason my device broke as because hen it as good it asn't good, but no it's broken and I'm very sad.

So Aria could only enjoy this idea.

hat kind of disaster is this? Each one?

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