

第70章 月亮(2 / 2)
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hen Arya arrived at the river bank, she heard a strange sound, like something jumping out of the river or sinking, and hen she looked closer, she noticed that there as someone in the river Squeeze your palms together. bELLY

I thought I as here to sim, but I didn't think I as going to ork out here. ait, are those poer lines?

Aria couldn't contain her surprise and said,

ho crazy is that? It is life threatening.

Aria as determined, but she honestly didn't expect her small ton to have the strength and poer to flex her muscles.

but the main reason is because I heard something from this guy.

Yes, this is the poer of the evil god.

Aaliyah as surprised again hen she sa this poer.

Is this a demon ith such evil poer? or a fairy tale animal? It has reached the stage here God destroys the bad family, and they are not descendants of the family, but the family itself.

the evil god family you spoke of as actually a family of clans, and it as considered an evil god family because it had clan blood floing through it.

hoever, the poer of the evil god is stronger than the poer of dunich's ortley, and Aria knos that the man in front of her is different.

the evil god as summoned from a chaos orm, but the poer of the evil god as enough, and Aria believed that it as one of the legendary immortals and saints ho bined the path and truth and rose in the sun. .

No, if you look closely, it seems that there is something bad, loose, it is not attached to your body, but that attachment does not have such strength.

Aria ent over it in her head and reached her conclusion.

Is it a relic of an evil god? Is this person a parasite? perhaps.

thinking this, Aaliyah idened her eyes.

At that time, I broke the relics of disaster and created the eapon of God of evil, and the successful product as Alice's sister.

ith memories like this, it's impossible for me to use my brother in an ad, but it's a aste.

but after halftime, Aaliyah hit herself.

can you stop thinking and stealing? the hardness remains the same.

Aria calmed don hen she raised her hand, thinking it as God's doing, but there as a burning red palm on her left cheek.

Yes, never mind, I'm not here, Azathoth's book ill kill me.

but if that's not the case, and it has nothing to do ith it, ho can an immortal possessed by a demon or an idol of an immortal god live here?

does it fit? ho ould believe that?

After the ar beteen heaven and human, Aria kne that this person must play an important role in the \"book of Azathoth\" in the future, otherise the devil ill appear in this place, this time has e.

maybe Aaliyah as lucky to see the devil in the ild? Not a man ho reached the demon orld through magic like Anticross, but a real beast ith superhuman strength ho gained the poer of an evil god.

Aria couldn't quite believe her luck, so there as only one ay to explain it. that is the \"Arrangement of Azathoth.\"

hile exercising in the river, michelle sa a man approaching her and as happy that the god of ar as trying to kill him and that he, a civilian, had e to stop him.

hoever, michelle did not expect ho dangerous it ould be. the hot lightning lit up his skin, fingers, and hair, but surprisingly, it didn't burn him like the metal needles did.

It is like the appearance of Zeus, the god of thunder, that ordinary people ant to approach.

hat did this man see, hy didn't he e and take me to the ater? the people in this ton must be cool!

michelle is pletely clueless and doesn't see the appearance of the man in the ater because there is ater in the middle.

he doesn't understand hy the hole orld treats him like he can't stand the cold.

067 Angel's hair

Aria itnessed michelle being electrocuted as her muscles flexed in the cold ater of the river. hen he sa another person thron into the ater pipe, he immediately entered the ater pipe, it as very hot, but he still did not agree, like the cold and cruel plastic, he could do something for himself. he and she. Attitude toards others ho can this be done? If you think about it, you ill understand.

Until then, I think Aria is a special training method.

You don't kno anything about things like secret martial arts because the actual methods are already unique.

hoever, this ay of thinking is not rong at all, and from the God of ar's perspective, it is a very special training method.

So, it as no onder that Arya considered it a strange magic.

So he decided to stand on the side and look, but refused to stand on the other side.

If someone I don't kno suddenly shos up and does a secret martial arts, I get very angry.

Alia is taking a bath and doesn't ant to fight ith others, so she doesn't do anything to cause hostility.

but for michelle, Aaliyah's habit of looking helpless as enough to motivate her. because michel's ork is not a secret ar, it is self-punishment, hich is another aspect of the god of ar. be yourself.

(I ant to die)

michelle thought

Aria suddenly sa a flash of lightning across the cold river, like lightning running through a dark cloud.

After itnessing the terrible event, Aria understood that the party members' training as indeed a top-secret training, and decided that she ould not stop until the training as over. take a shoer

of course, Aaliyah's real reason is the real reason.

(God knos if these aves ill spread directly into my body? I don't ant to be hurt, but I ant to take a shoer).

Aria doesn't like to play, doesn't like to be ithout electricity, is restless and smart and doesn't ant to go in the ater.

Is it so hard until the eather hits?

Aria doesn't feel ell and ants to take a shoer, but no she can't seem to take a shoer unless she sees a river.

It's not good to talk about places you've accidentally entered.

thinking it as related to the book of Azathoth, Aria felt even more strongly that she had to do something about it.

It is best to ait until your opponent is done training.

After 30 minutes, the ar Lord severely punished michel, ho felt as if he as dead, electrocuted, and died of exhaustion.

hoever, the cruel system of God of ar made his mind so dependent that he experienced pain all over his body.

hy is life so bad in this orld? there is no doubt that people like michelle ho ant to live a normal life must go to hell.

ith all the strength he had left, he pressed his palms to the ground and half of michelle's beautiful young body came out of the ater. thanks to her incredible magical poers, michelle's strength returned at a visibly rapid rate.

michelle rose from the river of dreams and said:

I sa other people getting electrocuted hile exercising in the ater and said I ould stop doing that. do you like to see others suffer? You are the devil.

of course, michelle as the only person ho could help Arya after she as forced to train in the God of ar system, but she as just atching and had no intention of doing that to her. please help me ith everything.

hearing this, michelle thought that the people of this small ton ere not very kind and ho could they do that to people.

hen michelle thought about this, she pletely ignored her dire situation.

Aria didn't anser.

because it is connected.

Aria begins to understand hy some people prefer omen and even admits her love for them.

(huh? hat do you kno? I never understood such a tisted ay of thinking.)

Aaliyah reveals that she respects him for being a tough little sister, even though she knos he doesn't have one.

but hat about suddenly orrying about a girl? Aria as confused.

Yes, his eyes became serious, ondering if the person in front of him had cast some kind of strange spell on him.

hy don't you talk?

michelle aited for a hile, but there as no anser from the person on the other end.

oh, sorry, I thought it as some secret magic ritual and didn't stop. After all, I kno the dangers of covert interference on the battlefield, so I'll keep an eye on it, but if you're not actually conducting covert military operations, hy don't you ask for help? You have ignored me all your life.

After Aria finished speaking, she stopped and said quietly:

right? do you ant to play stealth ar games? No.

Aaliyah still suspects that he is from the masohi party, but ho can that be if he is not operating undercover?

but michelle denied it.

meanhile, Aria took action.

Alays think you're rong

michelle narroed her eyes at the cat-like man, and michelle sa in his eyes that Aria as thinking badly.

No, if you have no intention of doing a solo exhibition and ish someone ould stop you, hy should you?

there are many reasons for not talking about it.

michelle sighs and says Aria understands, but they don't understand the same thing.

Arya has no understanding of God's ar plan.

right? you are like this

hat happened?

michelle suddenly felt Aliya looking at her suspiciously, then heard a crash.

Although he as influenced by the God of ar system, he alays felt that he as in danger like Kenzan hell, but then he understood the situation clearly.

michelle felt a sudden surge of fear, the nature of the crisis that shocked her skin and eyes. this caused michelle's body to go into defense mode.

At this moment, michelle noticed that the other person's aura had pletely changed.

No doubt, she is a fairytale beautiful, marble skin, beautiful face. but michelle knos something poerful.

(this guy is scary!)

No, this is not something that can be explained by chance, and even death ould be a relief pared to it.

her beautiful face is enough to attract everyone's attention, but she lacks a divine glo. michelle suddenly realizes that Aaliyah is missing from her house.

his eyes revealed darkness, a darkness deeper than darkness.

You kno, michelle?

ell, no one knos my name, michelle cried in her heart, but hen she got here she met priest hardeg.

So ho does the person in front of you kno your name?

Also, if you think there are people ho kno the ord \"mivu\", they may not.

Strangers ho kno my name don't kno hat I do?

michelle as surprised and probably didn't speak, just thought.

but soon it as over.

(this person is not a free ranger after me, but at least someone ho explains their situation).

(I also remember that this place as considered a black place, meaning e couldn't meet.)

(Also, other people's emotions are not human.)

At this point, michelle stood up and said,

You came to pick me up?

michelle's voice gre louder.

As a matter of fact, I didn't kno you ere here because I as forced to e and I didn't ant to go.

but if I see you and do nothing, xiao heiyu ill also be angry, and I ill not live ell. It happened hen I as in college, and it ill happen hen I graduate.

michelle didn't kno hy she suddenly vomited, but she clearly heard black cotton's ords.

Is it about the Kurobane consortium? here did you lead the other person astray?

michelle can't understand that no matter ho hard she orks, she doesn't belong to the poer group, so hy ould she hurt others?

but if there is one there, it could be as simple as a police officer, and there is a big chance that he is a magician.

After thinking about it, michelle took a deep breath and asked her heart about God's plan for the ar.

Ares System, is there an easy escape route?

As an army of the God of ar, you should not be afraid. the escape order must not be according to the master's ishes. You ill not be penalized by the system at this time.

Upon hearing the God of ar's anser, michel almost ent mad, picked up a rock and thre it at Aria.

the stone that as cut by the ind and crashed like a heavy hammer, the sharpest part of hich quickly reached Aria, and a direct hit ould definitely leave a hole in the eak body. of man.

the rock created a gust of ind that ble out like an invisible blade and hurtled toards Arya.

hoever, in the middle of the stone, the stone immediately split. If you look, you ill see that it is divided into to parts in the middle. I did this 5 times and the cut as very smooth and seemed plete. . It is cut ith a sharp knife.

hoever, cutting at this distance and speed places great demands on hand speed and cutting tools.

michelle sa the result and ran ithout looking back.

michelle could not explain ho the party as cut because she did not see ho the stone as cut.

hoever, michelle soon realized that she felt someone behind her because the black man behind her pushed her back for some reason and suddenly cut her off.

michel's left hand as crushed by the uneven gravel of the mountain, and blood floed from the ound and fell on the gravel like a floer of blood.

black blade quickly turned around and fell to the ground, roaring like a beast. the ground shook and there as a loud noise. the black blade sliced through the ground. Knife marks remained at a depth of 20 meters. the maximum depth is 5 meters.

So many.

michelle as shocked, but the donside as that even if the rocket hit the ground, it ould have less poer.

more importantly, michelle can't see Aria's movements at all. It is the result of the realization of efforts caused by intelligence, but no one knos ho long such intelligence ill last, and it ill soon disappear.

because even though michelle's mind is not 100%, something happens that she understands, but it does not mean that michelle ill kno all the secrets, it is impossible, and she is strong. he is a demon of Yog-Sothoth and cannot be a demon ho knos and sees eternity.

So michele did hat most people ould do. he just looked at Aria, then ran as fast as he could, leaving hat he had left behind: a bol of food.

this is because they are not animals that can fight people. michelle realizes that the miracle that happened to her partner's body is not human. maybe that's hy Aria doesn't use the poer, because she's illing to use it for your entertainment.

but that's not hat michelle anted to say.

right? Are you going to run aay no? Are you really a hidden hero? here ill martial arts go?

hat time and hat are the latest martial arts? Finding a place to thro the spirit of ar and all, this is not a story of the house and I am not a arrior, ho ill tell you about the petition?

ithout looking back, michelle ran to anser Aria. Aria looked like she as laughing her head off and didn't seem to care about people at all.

Aria blushed and salloed a pink pill ith an angel ing on it.

It's a magical drink called \"Angel's ings.\"

maybe for poor people this kind of medicine is better than drugs like marijuana, it is a better medicine than physical munication, hich can make people forget the existence of the body and find their soul hAppINESS

but in fact, it is a stronger effect than happiness

, this effect is the most important and therefore very valuable.

It as a life potion used to replace flesh and blood, and just one as enough to fill pochi's legendary creatures in battle. the price of potions is the main reason hy Aria is poor. .

A magician ho considers himself a hero ill be in trouble if he uses living people as food for mythical creatures, and if he uses corpses, he ill be happy if Napochi eats a lot.

Furthermore, the black blade that as being used no as not a normal attack, but a magic called ``magical blade''. 13 terrorism is harmless.

If Aria's body hadn't undergone any major magical changes and she as earing the Angel pillar magic, she ouldn't be able to fight even if she as attacked no.

And to lose eight, Alia used it after gaining strength for a hile.

ithout the angel's hair, Aria ouldn't have had the courage to use this magic, and it ould cost a huge amount of money.

hoever, hen he used his body ith the help of angel ings, his body began to turn a little pink, hich as due to the fatigue caused by the poerful spells that placed a severe burden on his body. Like Evil hunter cro.

As an ordinary, he can lose eight even ith many magical changes, but he cannot bee an ordinary and cannot bee an ordinary.

hoever, Aria also felt that this time it as easier than she expected, but maybe because the magic method as still orking in the final stages? he doesn't kno. his magic is gone, he feels

bad that everything is fine.

can e say that the great cthulhu still has poer in his body? or did the training make him stronger?

Regardless of the oute, it's a good thing.

but even then, if he had to use it, michelle ould never kill him.

If pochi uses it, pochi ill definitely fall victim to him in one blo.

but he as a bit tired.

he hoped that xiao heiyu ould be able to afford the additional expenses at that time.

So he blushed ith anger and the blood floed from his heart.

hy did michelle run as soon as she sa the black blade? because, of course, he knos that all these black letters e from different parts of the human body, this black man.

068 False God

Aria looked at michele. he as pletely out of character, his face as red ith anger, but he as clear headed and kne hat to do.

hen michelle casts a spell on him as he flees, the boundaries of time and space collapse. Apparently it traveled through space and appeared here.

hen Aaliyah received orders, pochi immediately folloed her after landing. thirty minutes later, pochi, ho as lying on the ground ith the force of heavenly lightning, flashed in front of michelle. I alked forard and stopped.

michelle stared at porky, ho didn't move at all. In fact, it is not possible to describe the physical structure of a person such as eyes, body, organs, or other parts. Say: It's a moving black jelly.

but the violence from the other side shos that it is clearly harmless.

Furthermore, michelle did not see pochi running or stopping in front of her.

hoever, hen michelle did not have time to think, a pochi fruit-like body suddenly appeared and shot her like a bullet, and she continued to advance, but she did not stop. Not michelle's first.

these plates are very sharp and very strong, and the surface of the body has a metallic color similar to an alloy.

As michelle advanced, pochi's body exploded in the air, leaving a big hole in the pillo and blood gushing out.

michelle's eapon as very good at controlling breathing, but no one kne if pochi's pot ould reach the point.

If so, it is impossible to breathe ithout taking care of proper breathing conditions.

most importantly, michel could not see the immediate burst of his opponent's attack.

So michelle stopped, but there as also a terrible scene behind her.

behind him as pochi, surrounded from front to back.

A quick glance behind you should be a sign that it is ready to attack.

michelle should have knon there as no turning back.

but even though he anted to give a big surprise, they did not look at him in the eyes of God, be four or five years old at one time, and locked him everyhere.

Suddenly, michelle felt a cold seat running don her face and heard Aliya's voice again.

hy don't you run? don't you ant to run?

At the same time as Alya's question, pochi started making strange noises. God only knos hy that creature has a vocal organ, but ho ill michelle react, surrounded by countless pochis?

the ripple emitted a golden lightning that as parable to the sun and as not created by michelle's body, but created through the path of immortality.

michelle's body screamed and lit up as she ansered:

I said, here did you hurt me? hy are you folloing my chapter? ho can others use magicians like you?

didn't the surrounding mythical creatures kill many magicians?

Royal agent? I can't do anything. this man knos here I live, so I'll be sad if he finds out you're not doing anything.

Aria as sad and looked at michelle ith sad eyes.

I'm sorry you attacked him.

that being said, Alya couldn't deny that the evil poer inside michelle had turned her into a drug addict.

Arya needs strength to avoid the impending death sentence and escape the orks of the book of Azathoth, but she doesn't ant to die just yet.

Even if there is something more dangerous than death in this orld, if it happens, e can endure any danger.

michelle's cold heart is the seetest temptation, and Aria begins to understand hy the top omen of the black cotton consortium care about her.

A person ho clearly has superhuman poers but doesn't kno ho to use them is the true human elixir.

Arya even suspects that if she drinks the poer of this evil person, her body ill change and she ill bee a god called devil.

devas, demons, and mortals are the same thing, but they have different names and different types of magic depending on location.

the religions of the orld that have such myths are the old church orshipers. Although e do not kno hat they believe or hat they ant to kno, they are really the elders, and maybe they are God Almighty. out of the orld.

hoever, hen he became a demon, he even dared to destroy the demon ith his on hands.

Ares Systems, is there anything e can do to help?

Seeing that Aria does not ant to leave her, michelle searches for the Ares system in her heart, because she is a part of it. .

hoever, in God of ar you can:

this system is not a biological parent, and even if the host dies, the system can find a ne host.

hoever, if you are renting, no problem

the god of ar finally told him to shut up.

hen michelle heard that she could be helped even if there ere evil thoughts in her heart, her eyes suddenly lit up, as if she suddenly sa God in her eyes.

So hat do I do?

hen michelle spoke to the God of ar system, boki as already moving, the spikes ere as black as ink, destroyed rapidly, the place as filled like floers and rain, and suddenly the sky met michelle, there as no moon. hide

there are to things michelle can do: one, she can stand up and pass these sheets on her body, scattering blood like a god scattering floers from the sky. At least she dies gracefully.

of course, your body ill be full of holes, sure.

Another thing, of course, is tolerance, but e need to talk about ho to do that.

on the ay, the plate turned into a magic sord, and the light of the sord like cherry blossom petals rained don on it, and it attacked more poerfully than before. the particles of the sord beam ere also destroyed.

Rocks, earth, trees, everything visible is cut into invisible parts.

If michelle had to defend herself from the hill no, she ouldn't have been able to respond to the sudden change in attack.

hoever, since michelle is associated ith the God of ar system, she does not provide any protection.

hoever, hen the magic sord as released, the sord symbol changed the sky and fell to the ground, but it hit the all like fire, and there as a magical sound that seemed to break.

the sord beam as blocked by the alls that suddenly appeared around michelle, and there as no sign of its poer, but the devil's magical music echoed from the body of the magic sord. but it's michelle. his mind as suddenly confused, his head became empty, he could not think of anything, and at the same time countless thoughts ere interrupted, and he could not think of anything.

All the thoughts in the ocean in his mind ere immediately killed, and michel could not move a single finger. his personality seemed to flee to another place, and soon his body lost control.

the magic sords I transformed came out of nohere, countless sord flames continued to hit the barrier, and three seconds passed, but the magic sords did not stop.

As if it had infinite poer, the magic sord released thousands of rays of light like a stream of destruction.

hoever, he is different from the poerful polchi, and every time polchi sings the magical sord that transforms from his body, the poer of the curse rips through Aria's body, causing her to feel pain like an attack. in the heart, and then the pain is like cold ater. ta. drop into boiling oil.

but strangely, hen Arya changed her mind and felt the pain in her heart, she felt that her heart lifted the kingdom of God to heaven.

the idea of entering a body to suffer is like a devil or an idol in a pit; he can only stay in hell and cannot reach God's kingdom in heaven.

A cold flame suddenly appeared in Aria's eyes, just like the King of the dead. , michelle's opponent as sad.

Suddenly, time and space collapsed, as if ice had fallen from the earth into the real orld.

Spiritual poers seem to be able to control the physical orld, and a single glance can yield poerful revelations.

then, Aria screamed as if a magic blade attacked her soul, her face trembled in pain, seat, and her hole body oke up.

hen Aaliyah broke her limits, she felt all the ill ithin her heart rise, and madness, fear, and love of God entered her body and mind.

(Ketanideku (Note 1))

Aria notices his existence from this suicide note, but he quickly disappears.

Aria's spiritual poer suddenly attacked the God of ar, and michelle as placed under the control of the God of ar. that doesn't help.

he as hurt by the look in his eyes, it as as if his head had been thron into the fire, but he thought that this as a special time, and Aria ould be able to give another medicine to his mind right in front of us. . It seems clear again.


Aria has doubts in her mind and feels sick and ants to call pochito, but it's too late.

A very strong ind demon arose, and the hite alls collapsed due to the intense heat. Suddenly, my magic sord came out, but it fle aay before it touched michelle's soft and seet body. hen he stood up, a demonic ind ble. An invisible, shapeless blade opened.

Along the ay, it turns into a split, ink-like liquid.

Suddenly, a ave of ine fruit burst into the air, shaking the ground ith an intoxicating breath.

At that moment, hen michelle held the magic book in her hand, Aria looked at the cover of the book and read her name.

death, spirit, mystery, la!

Aria opened her eyes and stared in disbelief at the book michelle as holding, but at this point the magic as no different from the original book.

but, of course, this magic book is not a real book, because it as ritten in German by michel.

many pochis lost their lives because of michelle's magical ind, but there ere some ho survived, but hen they sa the terrible magic poer ing out of her body, they immediately ran into the river as if their human Some broke rocks and hid inside them, hile others sam ith the sea ater.

A false god is calling!

michelle spoke.

this oman's voice could be from an immortal demon, the freedom of the nine hells and eternity.

perhaps he is an old god ho sits in heaven and lives forever, scorning all life and judging all.

but that is not the case, it is a human voice.

Immediately, some notes appeared beteen the sky, the earth, and the sky, and it as a song that no one could play. A great creature.

It ill be praise, sacred music ill be played, and the hole orld ill sing.

Aaliyah's face as ugly because she had a hallucination hen she sa the evil god that people called her.

At the same time, hardeg as atching him from the top of the bike and as a bit scared.

Glory and poer like God, truly blessed by God.

If I play ell, you ill be mine, and God ill return to the orld.

the orld is dirty again.

Note 1: the name of this ancient god, Ketanid, es from brian Lumley, an ancient god born in the cthulhu mythos, hose appearance resembles the great cthulhu, but his eyes are different and have a shining light. masu. Gold is also an enemy of cthulhu.

069 to the distant sky

Suddenly this place became the center of the orld, and the hole orld sang, and the hole orld shouted like the voice of a holy angel calling the name of God.

but there as no ay to hear his name, and Aria realized that the noise as like a sound ing from the bottom of the deep sea, or that there as movement, a sound that came from the bottom of the sea, that sound. . I can't describe it in ords, I can't imagine it. .

Alya felt a cloud of fear, and the shock passed through her like a metal ball, every part of her body felt it, and she felt it too. this poerful force nearly tore my internal organs apart.

As a result of the great violence, lightning suddenly fell from the sky and appeared everyhere, folloed by an explosion as terrible as the judgment of God.

In the sky that shone ith lightning, a hite dragon like jade crossed the sky. the scales on the hite dragon's body are small but very beautiful, and the ings spread out on its back are huge. It as as if the sky covered the heat of the sun.

the dragon's breath became a strong ind, and his breath became thunder, and suddenly it shook the sky like a broken mirror, and suddenly there as a roar of thunder. Five fires ere lit. then he turned and looked. he suddenly attacked Aria holding a deadly eapon.

thunder and lightning flashed from the sky, like a spear of light in the hands of God, and hen they hit their target, they fell like lightning.

Aria barely had time to attack pochi, but seconds later, lightning struck and pochi as instantly struck, turning into gloing ashes, leaving only the smell of burning in the air.

then, the hite dragon unleashed a ferocious attack, releasing a huge orb, and hen Aria chanted the Spirit of ords, a bright veil like divine protection appeared in front of the his eyes.

hoever, hen byron's plate hit the curtain of light, the entire curtain as badly damaged, as if a building had been hit by a tank gun, and a crack bigger than an earthquake appeared. .

the veil of light trembled, darkened suddenly, and a shock filled the all, instantly shattering it.

hoever, the cat dragon did not stop, and attacked ith the force of a storm, pletely crushing Aria's body, and she jumped again, flying several meters in the air.

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