

第69章 揭开秘密(1 / 2)
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带着新的目标和赋予她的知识,哈特伍德博士离开了布莱克索恩教授的研究。anized pebbles, ith the poer of God, there is a possibility that there are not only stones but even a sord in the mountain of hell. It is as easy as alking on level ground.

to minutes aay from God's evil poer, at this point Aaliyah's body as as strong as God's armor, strength, or protection.

the hole place shook, everything around her collapsed, and Aria did not stop anyhere, ran like lightning, and ithin half a second, she crushed the ground ith her right hand. stretching

Suddenly, the remnants of God's evil poer shone like heavenly light, and a glorious light that surpassed the past and the future broke through the sealing all, and the all as confused by God's evil. Apparently the poer ent out and an exit appeared in front of him.

toer house

then a drop of ater broke on a stone, Arya's body fled, mud and stones turned into ater behind her, crushing everything that stood in her ay, and Kor entered her, joining one of the their ombs. moving. It develops at an incredible speed, and although it is not a dangerous creature, it rushes like an apocalypse, making people think about the orld and their fear of the forces of nature.

It is not surprising that in ancient times people took these disasters as the anger of God, almost the hole orld tried to take your soul, ashes turned to ashes, and the earth turned into darkness. Very lo.

Aria turned around, but didn't slo her pace. Looking at the dangerous forest full of dirt, rocks, and dust, Aria can only see the movement of daily events. the violence that interrupts this great cycle, the place here matter returns to its original state, the Last Judgment, the Great Assemblage that ill shrink and collapse as the orld unfolds.

If you get it, it's not the river of greatest danger, but the material that preceded the big bang called Sephiroth. the creator used the same method to bring about the great chapter of creation, here the ten springs from the infinite light, from the cron to the kingdom, from the sky to the root of the tree of life. only then ill he have the chance to be reborn as a messenger of destruction ho ill take his on soul to a ne orld.

of course, the space the Space Eaters have created is very hot, and Arya realizes that it must be part of Earth here they cook food.

protection seal!

Suddenly, a golden divine light appeared and formed a seal of light like a pentagram on Arya's back.

It is like the light of buddha, the glory of God in mythology. It's called the ``Ancient Seal,'' and it's a spell created by gods and sorcerers to counter evil gods.

It is as if the poer of God descends from a sign of gold, a onderful and noble person, ith more love and affection than the statues of the church.

the aters of destruction fell again and again, the old seals made a sound like broken glass, and the golden seals appeared one after another, but they did not fall, but the aters stopped and the light of God covered them. ta. old stamp. the advances ere reduced, but the noise and alarms and the number of explosions and explosions did not indicate that it ould last long.

but that as enough time, and instead of craling out of the all, Arya immediately jumped up, landed on the ground, and stumbled until she stopped.

bonding technology. Seal of Asurana!

Aaliyah performed a miracle, chanted a spell, and a star-like light appeared on Aaliyah's body, acpanied by a mysterious aura...like a magic star falling from above. A star appeared. - the light turned into a meteor and found its ay, and a piece of purple crystal-like skin as pressed into it.

then Aria drank sloly, the door belo the sect disappeared, like a strong desert like a strong ind, the arrival of the evil god pletely disappeared, maybe he ate this place. I don't kno. I love bikes full of dead bodies of family members.

At this moment, the evil poer of God has disappeared, and there is nothing left. pochi akes her up ith God's evil poer and moves inside Aria's body, making Aria unfortable as she akes up. , Aria's magical poer left her body like tap ater.

the poer of the curse is the poer of the mind, and the greatest poer of thought is found in the ill, so anyone has the poer to curse, but not ancient beings such as ancient gods, myths, or evil hich are gods. Even the old gods. For 10,000 years, the ancient gods and humans advanced in science, but the technology to use magic as not developed.

therefore, the loss of magic poer felt like the pain of a dream demon, and the body felt heavy, like the eight of lead hanging on the body of a dead person.

please sleep, pochi, I don't have enough magic poer right no.

Aria asked pochi about her body, she knos that hen they ake up, they eat sometimes, if there is nothing to eat, they go back to sleep, in other ords, eat, eat please. in fact. Arya considers poe her family, she has no magical poers, and to them Arya is just food.

So, if you ant to control them, you have to turn off the magic. of course you collect them, but if you don't use them, you don't need them.

Using ords and spells, Aria's dog fell asleep, and at that moment she heard a voice.

I already said that there is nothing you don't like haha I arned you.

chisner's ords are sarcastic, his eyes are emotionless, his expression is restless as if he is reading a speech, but his voice is very good if you don't look at his eyes.

but it seems he has done the same thing many times before.

hat happened? does that mean you can't stop hen you look into those eyes? ondering hy you can't find a place to relax? that's fine ith everyone, but if you're like that, I don't kno you.

Alya's little face looks like a snarl and she looks like boiling ater in her angry eyes, but chizuna doesn't like her at all, and Alya is even more angry ith this person.

Surely they don't kno each other, so hy interfere so much? Alya's mind as confused, she didn't understand hy the man stopped her.

No, e to think of it, Aaliyah seems to notice that the man is not doing anything, but hy does she alays feel like chizuna is holding her back? hat kind of content is it? the same strange feeling happens hen Victor runs the store, and it's even more so hen he knos the people he knos.

hoever, it seems that this is Alya's first time here, and she doesn't seem to think about anything, and tries to ask about the ``book of Azathoth'', but it's useless because it's a fake. magic. book. Getting no anser, Aria decides to accept the book of Azathoth as dead.

ell, pretend it's not, that's hat Aria decided.

Aria barely looked at chizuna, but hen she realized that chizuna had no effect on her, Aria turned aay from chizuna and, feeling physically and mentally exhausted, decided to go back to the hotel and rest. Instead of arguing and fighting ith God, take a hot bath and sleep. You never kno ho angry the other person is. It should have been a hile ago.

If Aria couldn't understand the state of the group members, she anted to put her soul into pochi's body for a hile to see hat kind of magic the group members possessed.

After that, if you use the myth that it ill enter your body, you ill be able to get a strength that exceeds your current physical strength. don't do that because it ill pollute your spirit over time.

this kind of spiritual pollution is called the aakening of the mystical orld in the East, but in the est it is called buddhism or the apocalypse. but it's good not to think of yourself as less than the average person.

061 chizuna

Although she as in a dangerous position, not only as Aria's body exhausted due to the influence of divine poer and the loss of her magical poer, but she also used her on special magic, hich she used to develop his physical strength. must. magic. . It takes a lot of effort because it as not originally designed for human consumption.

So, in this space battle, Arya din as tired and exhausted to the point of anting to die.

his magic as dominated by basic magic, and no matter ho much he learned, he could kill enemies ith spiritual poer like him, and even the evil enemies of God, ith a single glance. there is magic that can kill people, but it is impossible. therefore, I must say that it is only natural that magic is developed using the human body.

hoever, due to the lack of salary, in addition to being extremely tired, he stopped using his magical organs.

his eyes, blood, and heart changed, so after using the magic, he looked dead and I didn't notice.

No, it seems that hat these organs produce has reached the sleeping orld.

After staring at chizuna ith his eyes for a moment, he chanted a spell ithout saying a ord and immediately disappeared in front of chizuna.

hoever, Aria is pletely ignorant of advanced magic like teleportation.

Again, these are not things that can be solved by singing songs; you need to kno different things that require mathematics as ell as ne methods.

otherise, you may accidentally land in the so-called \"beteen\", a orld taken over by the \"old Kingdom\" and the \"outer God\".

Aria is a space scientist ho doesn't understand space science and has no desire to learn, but ith the death of her brother Gilmer, she soon learns that space magic can be dangerous.

the anser is very simple: Aria uses the magic of her telescope to break the illusion of his presence, making him disappear hen he is actually alking everyhere.

If there as nothing rong ith her no, Aria ould not aste her precious magic poer on this occasion.

hoever, due to some physical problem, Aria's eyesight is very lo, and the state of the body's touch is very lo, so Alia met her alking, even though she climbed a strong of ood. Aria didn't cry in pain because she didn't kno the pain.

Also, the magic has been changed to match \"Spirit hunter\" (Note 1)

Aria ran back to the hotel, she felt so strong that if her body asn't so sensitive, she definitely ouldn't have used that cursed magic.

but hy this kind of magic did not attract anyone's attention hen Aliya returned to the hotel, his magic made him look like an archer.

hen Aria returned, she entered the bathroom, turned on the ater, and as about to take a shoer hen her entire body felt like metal, from the neck up and don. It's hard to dron.

his eyes ere open like a fish, but they ere not closed, because they ere not closed, and the black pupils and hites of the eyes ere moving freely.

I as able to move freely, but my vision didn't improve at all, and the magic that seemed to change orked in my eyes.

but, fortunately, Aria has a magic that allos her to get the effect of seeing things using her senses such as sight and vision even though she has poor eyesight. It's the same.

Aaliyah's house rarely has a hot shoer, and in fact, her ater is almost alays turned off because she doesn't have enough money to pay the ater bill.

hoever, this time, Aria's blood floed like a demon, and her skin as as hot as ice. Aria didn't feel the heat of the ater, did she? this conclusion may seem unrelated to the previous story, but the problem is actually on the magic side.

It's really stupid, if I had knon, I ould have taken a shoer, but it's a shame, I don't kno hy I got into this problem. Am I hurt by Lux's malice?

Aria couldn't stop thinking about it, she felt so much happiness in her body recently, and after receiving the pure heart spell, she started thinking about it.

of course, if I find out that xiao heiyu changed its magic names, I ill delete all the hong Kong ics in my house and replace them ith good ones. And he took it from miv.

but Arya ould deny this and ould probably say, ``If jobs can be thought of, can't they be used to trick others into ignoring themselves?'' Reason for doing so.

his body as not happy ith his bath and he didn't even have time to shoer or take care of his hair, but luckily this hotel has a hair dryer. taking care of your hair is not difficult and you can dry your hair at home.

As he came out of the bathroom, he stopped, paused and stared at the bed. his eyes are very lo, but that does not mean that he is blind, but ith some people ho help him, he can see ell.

hy am I orking here outside of my bed?

hen Aria screamed, a ruby-like flame appeared around her. this poerful flame emitted intense heat, but it did not glo, as it controlled by magic? or is it some kind of strange magic?

God knos hat this means, but it has nothing to do ith the situation.

Aria covered the opponent ith magic, and hen the opponent did something bad, she fired these fireballs like a gun until the opponent's head as pletely burned.

Although Arya has the ability to create flames and knos ho to use some devastating spells, this rain of fire is also terrifying.

he had never tried to take another person's life, but unlike the Inverted cross, ho killed people just for fun, in his eyes such an act as as strange as the joy of lying. ine these vases aren't even yours.

take a moment and relax.

chisner quickly raised his hand and began to speak, hoping that the party ould calm don, and quickly got off Aria's bed, but his eyes ere on her like a magnet and she separated them.

hat Aria sa as chizuna. he didn't expect her to be here. Even though I returned ith an invisibility spell, I asn't kicked out. hy does this happen? Aaliyah, ondering ho ould betray her, looked at Kizuna like an eye in the sky, and as understandably scared.

fear? hat do you mean? No, hat ere your last ords?

Aaliyah asked as the firemen began to approach Kizuna. If Aaliyah ants, the bombers ill attack the enemy suddenly like fire. And after the explosion, he as released and ent to see God.

the poer of each fireball is reduced by the amount of dispersion, but it does not change hen aimed at a human body like a sniper rifle or 45mm machine gun. Killing someone, if you get hit, you die, you don't stand a chance.

Scattering the bombs increases the size and is easier than making the bombs into fireballs at once.

Aria froned and aited for him to speak, but he didn't, but the fire as getting closer. In fact, the process of approaching death is not good if, on the contrary, you continue it. hat's more fun than being scared to see hat you're doing?

can you please change before e talk?

Kizuna said this ith his voice gone, but Arya realized her situation and ignored him due to the eakness of the contact, but she felt her embarrassment as like a demonic pain that she couldn't bear. . Laria's face as red and all she thought about as death and silence.


Aria pushed her left hand forard and, folloing the firebender's orders, took on a beast-like form and charged chizuna ith lightning speed.

chizuna let out a strange noise, probably scared, and reluctantly raised his hands and casually hit the fire all over his hand, but the ball didn't fly, just like a ping pong ball. there as a thunderclap, a crash against the all, and then the firing stopped.

of course it as not violence, but hat did this man do? Aria smiled shyly at each other, feeling even more angry, but a ne magic happened, and suddenly the lights could not be counted, and she felt that she had forgotten someone. there's nothing rong ith forgetting, Aria concluded.

did you say that ithout thinking about your outfit?

chisuna spoke again, this time his ords ere like an arro that pierced Aaliyah's heart, she screamed, and immediately all the fire hit her, but one as the same as before, created, and hen it is removed, it remains. the silence seemed to turn into a cold flame.

Remembering hat happened, he undressed quickly and returned to the bathroom. at the moment. I can't see my ay home. can it be magic? No, the spell does not change anything, and there is no magic spell field.

It's not magic. Aria thought so, but she also kne that it as a spell to cleanse the place, and it as customary to use a small amount of fire to kill someone.

Is it not magic but a secret eapon? Aria thought about that possibility for a moment, then looked at the fool's face and couldn't help but think, is this really a martial art? this secret martial art can only be practiced by those ith mon sense.

hen Aria thought about it, it never occurred to her that the secret eapon must have been used recently, and that something had happened to make her on eapon.

hoever, hen criticizing others, he never thinks of himself, but knos it, and therefore alays feels that he has no right to say good ords.

Although it has a cute shoulder look, it goes ell ith hite sportsear and hairstyles.

hey, are you a pervert?

Alya folded her arms, boed her head, and looked at chizuna ith a icked expression, but her ords made Alya unfortable.

No, it's more honest.

better to be honest than this, let's talk about it, hat's the point? in surgery

Isn't that hat you call a deviation value?

right? Are you a so-called pervert, you hear me?

Aria looked at him as if she had discovered a ne orld.

Note 1: the name of an invisible beast created by magic.

062 series?

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