

第68章 尤格特王国(1 / 2)
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在Eldritch Vale的编年史中,伊芙琳·布莱克伍德博士的内心斗争和个人旅程以细致的细节展开。et

Victor's ords quickly turned serious and Alya listened intently, knoing this asn't something sleep could overe. maybe if he didn't ask some things, he might die mysteriously.

Although no one can prove these things, Aliya sincerely believes that there ill be great success in the crisis of life and death, but he does not have the courage to risk his life in this extraordinary time and is not sure of his happiness. superstitions. those ho try to take advantage of luck or control it ill eventually leave it. because the trust of man, the hope of man, these foundations of humanity must be destroyed, and one day the orld ill disappear. , the situation ill also collapse.

true eternity, an eternity that cannot be ended by external forces, can only be seen by evil gods. Aria asted no time considering this and ondered hy there ere so many magicians in the East ho kne exactly hat the tao anted, but still anted to die and unite the tao. he seemed to understand.

hearing Victor's ords, Aria realized that there might be three suspicious places in this small ton, the first one is a religious organization that orders electronic equipment in this small ton, no, she is one good magic. that's it. please use some technical device to prevent data transmission, ie to cover this area.

Interpretation is physics and the mind cannot explain or understand. Although it seems to be something beyond the las of the universe and human understanding, it is not a mystery, but the physics of knoledge. Alia thought about it and thought it as a good direction.

hoever, Aaliyah herself does not kno that kind of magic, and she realizes that there is a lot of magical knoledge that she can learn in the process. but, hen I think about it, I don't think that the book of Azathoth can give me anything good, so I don't think that I have the ability to municate ell in the magical orld.

the other to are in the oods outside of ton, and I heard there are ruins of an evil pagan god, and it seems like the religious group in ton did it, but eird things keep happening . spiritual disaster.

the end is the market of this ton. It is not clear, but it is said that there is a place ith ghosts that can be seen in the empty night market and sell coins, hich can prolong your life. It is also possible to buy.

but the first thing Aria did, hether the orld or my life, these things are magical dreams of Adam, he knos here to go, he ill not die. Even underground, he kne here he ould die. Nothing happened, the dead ill change. only the resurrection can prolong the life of the dead.

If it is a ghost or a demon, it as once only a failed act or a tool for resurrection, but no it is used to release dead bodies and as puppets for spirits.

No need to think about it, look, this is a testing ground for magicians, as the legend says, God broke the tongue of man, this is the magic of the ancient gods, scriptures. According to Sera's legend, according to Nia, the main magic of Inohasho is a magic book that Aria used to have, but she didn't kno about it.

057 Yello brothers

Victor tells Aria that he doesn't ant to go to this cult, but Aria doesn't understand.

hoever, Aria, ho ants to find hope in life by uncovering the mystery of the book of Azathoth, hich is the essence of all mysteries, cannot take it seriously.

of course, the book of Azathoth itself is not a safe target. In other ords, it also represents going to a dangerous place, and if you think about it, it has a relationship ith God. Sir, is this not the most hypocritical hypocrite?

If it is a myth created by humans, or if it is related to gods ho are men but call themselves gods, it is not dangerous at all. Is the real God the one ho ran aay from the dream of the arrival of the Elders?

the latter place as declared a trap by her experts, so Aria didn't go there.

She ants to understand the secrets here, but does not ant to mit suicide, Aria ants to live a little.

It is said that haunted places often have ansers to mysteries, but that does not mean that the ansers are found in planned locations.

So Alya, out of despair and fear, left Victor's hotel, ran don the street and quickly reached the door of the church.

Aria looked at the church in front of her, but of course it as different from hat she thought.

It as more like a room than a church, because Aliyah did not see any signs of God, certainly did not see the presence of God's poer, and did not see any miracles. Let me beat you.

Aria stood in front of the door for a hile. I heard a song that sounded like a church song, but the language as very strange and not. Arya's culture doesn't understand them and her accent is a bit different. It's like Istan and Raria, but if you listen closely, it's interesting.

the results are still unknon.

considering the appearance of this church, there is no doubt that it is a christian church, at least in terms of design features, but the strange part is that, as mentioned earlier, it does not' y related to God and unique in this style. .there is a building. If Aaliyah alays ent there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, ho did she kno it as a christian church?

they are like a group of stolen pagans, but of course Arya herself does not believe in christ, but believes in cthulhu, the god of sleep, ho lives in the land of Azathoth, and Relek, the god sealed in the flesh. maybe.

Standing outside the church for a moment, Aliya took a deep breath, feeling the cool air floing through her body seemed to calm her don. but, I need to think more about it.

At this time, Alia's eyes became calm, she sa nothing ne, looked around the church, stretched out her hand and took a sharp step, holding the door handle hen she push hard. . You can easily open the door.

but he began to fear a little, yes, it as so cold that there as this useless coard at the door, as if he had been put in ice ater, that he trembled like an earthquake.

calm don, me. don't be afraid, I'm a magician, ho can you be afraid of something like this? So, hat is the future purpose of \"the book of Azathoth\"?

crying in her heart, she held Aria's trembling right hand in her left hand, and her right hand immediately stopped shaking, and after a fe breaths, Aria pushed open the door of the church and entered. A light from ithin lit it up a little.

Aria sloly blocked the lamp ith her left hand, but her body did not rise and she entered the church.

hen Aria stopped to look into the light, she sa the condition of this church. It is no different from the traditional church, except that the true cross, the Virgin mary, and the crucifix are gone.

Look, but there are some strange runes and symbols.

Alia only sa hat the robbers orshiped, and she did not remember, although she often heard the symbol that replaced the cross, but the contents of the earth came out.

Aria soon realized that the song she as playing had disappeared, but something like a bo and arro passed through Aria's body, and she immediately felt a strange deficiency.

hen Aria looked don the line of sight, she sa several people staring at her. Among them ere men and omen of all ages, and all looked at the church ith empty eyes, like dolls, even if they believed in it. he didn't like that expression.

Not because she as young, because she came out of the blue, maybe that as the reason, Aria anted that to be the only reason in her heart.

Later, the person standing on the main platform turned to Aria.

don't orry, go ahead.

It as a voice full of ords, and hen he finished speaking, Aria felt all the eyes atching her disappear, everyone as doing their on thing, no one stopped to looking at him. there ere and still are those ho give this mand.

Aria turned to look at the man, but it as different from hat she expected, the man's voice as young, as if he as trying to be included, but his appearance as different from hers.

It as an old man dressed as a priest, his eyes ere red, his skin as tanned and innocent, of an old man.

ho are you?

priest hardeg hexter asked, his eyes very strange.

hat if Aria can't find her strange eyes?

Just like hen she as in college, Aria faced angry looks from people ho ere forced to express their opinions because they couldn't pay hen the penalty game started.

Aria hated this sight because it alays reminded her of bad thoughts, but if you look closely at a person's face, they probably don't kno him, he doesn't kno the person, and nothing you kno . ``I don't kno him, but hat does he look like?'' Aria didn't understand that, so she decided not to think about it.

hello, I'm Aria, a tourist.

sightseeing? do you go to church?

hardeg replied ith a smile, Aria couldn't think of a ay to continue the conversation, could only say one ord and as quickly trapped, apparently a bug had been discovered hen she died. .

Aria couldn't think of anything else and looked up. hardeg laughed immediately.

It doesn't matter hat you don't ant to say, there's no shame in it. So, do you ant to see it?

the man as in love, Aria couldn't understand hat he as thinking, she sa that he as not used to such things, but hatever he as thinking in his head, strangely, he as alone. I didn't think about it, I don't kno hy, and it's eird to turn around and alk aay no.

No, it asn't just the person's personality, there as something about the person's personality that made Ali happy, but hat as the problem? Aria didn't understand that.


So, do you have any questions? Foreigners may not kno about our religion, but if they are interested, they ill alays learn and are ready to accept the believers.

Aaliyah is not interested in religion, so it's okay to understand it, but is it okay to teach it to people you don't kno? In any case, hardeg's actions made Aria feel inadequate.

No, let me ask you a more detailed question.

Aria alked and spoke hile looking into her eyes, and cadegu's footsteps folloed Aria's footsteps.

are you christian or is it an affiliated organization?

No, e have nothing to do ith them.

hardegger ansered seriously and continued as follos.

this church is God's church, but it is not God's church because after the true God performed miracles here, God never revealed himself.

there is no reason to believe in reality unless something paranormal is happening and God is really helping us.

In response, Aria cheerfully replied:

If a God really helps, then there is no problem in believing in that God and abandoning your previous beliefs. the purpose of believing in God is only for yourself, and your hope is only for yourself , no. there is no problem in believing in any god, even the devil, as long as it brings good to your heart ithout harm.

hoever, the reason you believe in God today is usually because your family, friends, loved ones, or elders ho believe in that religion believed in that religion, joined that religion, and joined your circle of friends. believer. same thing. question, yes.

It's not good for Arya to tell others, especially the religious ones, hy she really expressed her opinion, but Arya herself didn't hear anything, but Arya also suddenly shoed an evil light. hardegger's eyes.

So hat happens hen e try to believe in our God? <Let's join the Yello brotherhood> (Note 2) Even if God's miracles don't happen, it's not too late to give up your faith. but be aare of the onders that pass through the mind.

hat miracle?

Aria replied ith a smile.

Yes, no matter ho bad or sad there is, it is a miracle that people can overe it.

hen he mentioned ing here, a strange light almost appeared in Kadeg's eyes, and Aria's eyes ere confused, but soon, Aria's eyes lit up, and Aria's eyes shoed in a reaction full of determination.

No, hether you are happy or unhappy is up to you. If you have to ask God for a miracle to make you happy, if you don't try hard, if you have one, give all your hope to God. heart So hat else to do?

It is good that you believe in God and ask for supernatural miracles if there is no other ay, but if you cannot make it to the end, hat is to stop you from believing in the effort to continue?

hen hardeg heard Arya's ords, a strange light appeared in his eyes and he disappeared.

yes? Even if you don't believe in God, the day ill e hen you ill, because that's all.

right? hat did you say

No, not at all.

Aliya suspected that hardeg as hiding something, but she didn't think too much of it.

See you next time.

ith that, Alya left the church ithout looking back. At the same time, all the members of the church looked up and said the same thing in the same ords.

You can't leave because it as planned in the beginning, and even if you can't do anything, you ill e to the end because it is determined by fate and perspective of possibility.

the church looks beautiful at this point.

Aliya runs like crazy and leaves the church. After alking for a hile, he stopped, took a breath, and spoke ith a trembling magic book in his hand. he asked. he says that only God knos ho close Arya's situation is. Remember to clean and store it at home.

hy, hy did you invite me to travel in the first place? hat happened?

the book of Azathoth slipped from Aria's hands, unfolding in her form and said in a mocking voice:

You are my girl, ho about you for someone else?

hat do you mean?

don't you care? After all, you are a stupid teacher.

the book of Azathoth seemed to kno ho to make people angry, and Aliyah felt herself begin to panic at his anger.

Note 1: Azathoth, the god of the outer orld, is a place here the old gods are sealed, and basically all the evil gods are sealed here. of course, there are no restrictions on the body and it can move freely on the ground.

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