

第67章 连接中的战斗(1 / 2)
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最后,当布莱克伍德博士和哈罗威教授到达联系本身时,冷静点到来了。 rmation, munication, or dissemination of information, there is no ay to destroy a civilized city here, even in ancient times. this drama is similar to the good orks done by God in the bible. You can change not only ords, but also riting, sign language, and all methods of munication. the poer of magic books is interesting. .

It's like inserting a joke into a fairy tale that reminds you of a forbidden book kept in a secret library on the moon.

Nia's voice as suddenly excited, but after a hile it calmed don again.

It's definitely a good drama, but there are some interesting ones out there.

Very interesting, hat is interesting about it? before entering the door, Aaliyah felt a little dizzy because of the hite fog smell of alcohol, but she didn't kno hat to do, but it as actually normal.

Furthermore, Aria's heart itself is unknon.

Aria didn't understand hy it as called a drama. I thought there as no plot, no special effects, no special effects, nothing. hat strange idea did he have that made him think this as a drama? got it?

Alya doesn't understand it and doesn't ant to understand it. because I feel like if I really understood this kind of behavior, I ould be in trouble. Arya had no intention of doing this. do

hat is this universe? I'm sure Aria never kne this. but like I said earlier, satisfying someone is like throing yourself into a hole - or maybe orse, hating them ith all your heart.

hen the smell of alcohol disappears from the brain, this desire refuses to fulfill the desire to return, this is the old master of the body, a movement beyond human desire - this is fear.

As a magician, it is very important to control your desires. otherise, excessive desire leads to death.

Sorry, I don't ant to kno.

Arya spoke sadly after leaving the last bite in her stomach. he put the food aside, picked up the bottle, poured some ine, and drank.

Even if they don't like drinking at first, if the smell of alcohol lingers, alcoholics ill alays follo the path of alcohol like idiots and keep putting ine in their mouths.

I used to hate alcohol.

In fact, for those ho have neither the desire nor the courage to fulfill their desires, no matter hat they kno, no matter ho much they hate it, they probably don't ant to kno. A fairy tale, ell, you meet it, because it as planned from the beginning.

hat do you mean?

despite her condition, Alya's eyes changed quickly, as if she as not satisfied ith Naiya's voice.

hearing Aliya's appearance, Naiya got angry and laughed, but people like her can survive even if taken to space, despite the presence of Aliya and others. Air is not really a dimension of life, there are many magics that can replace ordinary air, Aria ill not disappear, and she ill not disappear.

No, it doesn't matter. I ill not destroy such things in front of others. that's not my style. Isn't this the most interesting of unknon plots? No matter ho interesting, no matter ho interesting the tists and turns of the riting or the beauty of the special effects, it's not something I value, like chaos It's all I see, hen the unknon is there or not. No matter ho funny or funny an article is, e treat it ith good intentions.


Aria began to ask, pouring almost half of the bottle from her mouth into her stomach. I smell alcohol on my breath, fruit and seetness at first. Although they are lunar carnivores, they also taste like fruit beer. the reason hy people are called carnivores, of course, even if they are not carnivores, hy does the human body smell red? heart?

Just as a fly-eating floer emits a scent that attracts flies, so the hunger of a monster that seeks to devour good people is a child's cry for help. If there is an interesting or delicious smell, like a person ho eats people, it means that they are a monster that ants to eat people.

there may be exceptions depending on the case.

Yes, e are. but hat you need to kno is that here es some thought-provoking riting from an unknon person. It doesn't matter if it's interesting or not, it's more interesting to be anonymous. maybe you and others like you just don't understand.

I didn't ask you to understand, I didn't ask for it, just for us, that's it.

Naiya kept talking and Aaliyah didn't anser, but after Naiya finished speaking, Aaliyah had many questions in her mind.

but Naiya didn't give Alya a chance to speak or ask, she held out a finger, thin and hite, it seemed to be something supernatural, a realm that only nature could reach. Like God.

of course, it's not the leg that the man can't find. At that moment, he suddenly smelled alcohol, and Alya looked at him in surprise as if he as looking at a fog. So much so that he immediately broke out in a cold seat.

there is nothing here that you need, nothing that you ant, nothing that your heart desires until you find him. today is that day.

this day? hat a time.

I don't kno, I don't kno, but I'm sure this day ill e, and regardless of the oute, the orld ill be very different after this day, and here you are too. change only happens at the right time.

hearing this, Aaliyah as more afraid of the fear of the other side, and as she as restrained and shouted at, she began to understand the oman's situation.

his fingers that ere soft at first, stiffened in fear, and he retreated hen he sa Alya frozen, but he lost his footing and he fell to the ground, landing on the button, but the expression on his face hile he as looking at Nia. nothing can be done. do not approach them even if you are alking.

It's really funny, it as more interesting then, I don't ant to play it no.

hen Naiya said this, Arya turned and chased after her like a man-eating beast. fog.

Naiya ran and Aaliyah didn't turn around, she as still standing motionless, the only thing that changed as that her eyes ere empty, maybe she sa something, I think there as something in her eyes, of course she didn't. public perception.

Note: cosmic Library literally means the library hidden in danteria's library jar. . the unfinished orld of female healing. there is a book called ``the magic book of cthulhu Four,'' and this seems to be related to that book.

Sure, this place is based on the story of the cthulhu mythos, and the main plot involves demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and the Unfinished oman, but the real orld is no the orld of demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. there may be other settings in the modified version of cthulhu, but e ill make decisions based on the situation at the time. In addition, copies of the book of Azatot also require the original.

052 Sho hat happened

the store manager, Nia, isn't malicious, but she doesn't look like a monster.

hoever, as Aria sloly oke up, she began to realize that the handsome clerk in front of her as definitely not her husband.

All he heard as the chaos in his mind.

this mess under the human skin is not very fun, and Arya might think about strange things from the evil gods, but she doesn't have to. miracles do not e to people, so hy do they only happen hen the body of an evil god appears? hat is this game? Aria is different.

but hen Arya heard about this dire situation, she half ran and half fell.

behind the door is a hite mist that smells of alcohol, like a cannibals hunting ground.

Amman Arya stopped thinking and, ithout pausing, took a deep breath, as if enjoying the delicious breath.

but strangely, as he alked, he looked at the all, but he did not see any change in the body of the all, as if he as standing there, and his mind immediately came out, as if he as the only one there. feeling cold. . Stuck in the fridge.

he turned, but on the other side he could not see the lighted bookstore or the store behind it.

this as not a place here people could think clearly, so Aria ran forard, stood up and didn't look back.

I don't kno ho long she ran, but Aaliyah's body as seating, maybe she as scared, maybe the muscle movement from running, maybe both, but no. many years have passed, and it is impossible for a fool to concentrate on unnecessary things at this point.

Suddenly, a cold ind ble, cold ind like a knife, Aria's skin eyelashes suddenly collapsed, and a hot and cold ind ble, Aria thought she anted. he opened his eyes and looked, but his bag as open, the ind ble in his face, and he could not see in front of him.

he took the bag from his face, closed his eyes, and turned around. I sa a familiar path and craned my neck like a devil. And I sa the fear in his eyes. hat did I see? chinese restaurant.

In other ords, he had not gone far from the dining room before he entered this strange place, Alya as very scared, his heart as shaking, and Alya as holding a briefcase in one hand. , hen he alks it is definitely his home.

on the ay to her house hile explaining hat an investigation agency meant, Aria closed the door ith her small hand and played the harp loudly, shocking everyone that something like this could happen. Suddenly, a door appeared that served a person for many years.

Aria carefully dropped her briefcase on the table and sat straight in her chair. It's also a nice place to sleep, and you can see the (old) security seal that Aria used there. seal) closed. the front door is a beautiful place that can be considered a magical meeting place, but no I am afraid that it ill bee a place here strange things gather.

If it as released to the public, it ould be called a haunted house by ordinary people, but the ghost here as definitely not hat ordinary people expected, but an annoying ghost that recovered from the dead. I love cosplay in the air. I believe that hen dead animals are angry, they can return to justice, and even magicians can do that.

Such people are no different from those ho think that if they spread themselves, they ill go to heaven and meet the 72 beautiful virgins sent by God.

Aria didn't even look at the door, trying to make sure it asn't there. Escape is impossible due to the magic effect of the security seal (old seal).

he is a mage and knos hat animals are, but he can use the ater of Resurrection to make the undead bigger than the alking dead. Unlike a resurrected body, it lasts for a hile, but then the body decays. Although he lacks reason and thought, he is perfect and flaless, and even if he falls on a 50,000 pound rock, he ill remain pletely unharmed.

Although it has no cause, it transcends the human body, returns from the void, rises from nothing, returns from the dead past, and is eternal beyond the boundaries of life and death. there are also some flying stars and starlings. these are orshiped as the ancient rulers of the ater palace in Luray.

but no there are no discoveries, and there seems to be no life there, unless Arya sees something strange.

After taking a shoer, Aria ble hot air on her hands to arm them up and looked at her briefcase in concentration.

I don't kno hat it as, but it as empty, and like a bag, the cold air came out pletely.

but Aria felt that special bag feeling she alays got from other people's bags, like hers, and she kne it as orth it.

Aria took a knife, cut open the bag, and carefully removed the contents. the first is like a card, like one thron on a trip, thin and generous. , then there are free coupons for one person, similar to free coupons for tour groups.

It doesn't seem like a valuable thing. maybe I'm rong? Aria turned slightly and thought for a moment, and the ``book of Azathoth'' appeared again.

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