

第67章 连接中的战斗(2 / 2)
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bonus: Ready to ride. You have a free Visitor Id, hat more could you ant? consider this invitation a gift. of course, if you don't go there for 3 days, e ill take the master in a special ay. I don't ant to go through this, master.

Verdict: don't orry. this is a trip. ho to decide the punishment? but believe me, if you can't do it, I on't punish you. of course, if the problem continues, then if you are alive, is it orth living in such a dangerous situation? this magical book controls the body of its oner, forcing him to sim naked this inter.

After Arya read, his face became very ugly, and he as immediately sent to Imbo in a dream, here he died directly, and finally he as saved by the magical poer of the \"book of Azathoth\" . the resulting price is as follos:

then again, is there no such thing as impunity? doesn't simming naked to death count? the logic and truth of the book of Azathoth inspired Arya.

he really anted to be a book burner and burn books.

the book of Azathoth has the right to give ork to Aria, and indeed Aria begins to think that she has lost her mind, and even if she gives it money, it is not orth it. You don't ant to, you kno. At this point, the usual \"book of Azathoth\" image es to mind, but if you think about it, Aria realizes that this is not an easy thing to do, and it is something that can be done. solved.

hat is it, hy, hat am I doing?

Aria began to onder if it as because she didn't believe in God, or if she as unlucky.

he ondered if he had found a cthulhu cult to join. If this bad luck continues, Aria ants to rest as soon as possible.

hoever, this as not something that she should think about, and for three days Aria carefully read the text of the book of Azathoth and noticed to important things that indicated that there ere only 70 hours left. , so this is the only chance.

So let's prepare ell no, if e don't prepare, the Inboga cup ill return to us, I never believe in God, but this time I have to do it, believe me.

Aliya takes her sister's photo even though she knos it's fake but is she there or not? memories is everything and understanding is based on memories and not reality, said Aria hile looking at her brother's photo, even though she didn't kno hy.

Lord, no, Father (Yog-Sotho), please bless my daughter to overe this disease.

Arya forgets that her body parts ere created by Yog-Sothoth, and her identity as a member of Yog-Sothoth's family is severed, leaving her as a sad memory of her brother. , Alice.

In addition, Aria is a famille created by Yog-Sothoth using a human body, ithout losing her identity. the most important thing is that he is the same person ho calls the creator father. A child of God can be mad or crazy.

Gods are not physical beings at all, so ho can they produce children or humans? Even the deepaters, ho claim to be the children of dagon, orship only the natural born of dagon, and humans in a mythical sense. If you believe that someone's blood is truly God, their brain must be messed up.

hoever, it is better not to say anything offensive. Some things are better to kno yourself. If you don't, you'll get hit if you say it.

053 indmill ton

of course, this is a pletely useless prayer, even the priests of evil gods cannot get strength through prayer, and trusting God is foolish. but Aria herself is stupid.

So Aliyah prayed a lot, but it had no effect except to calm her don, so she began to prepare as usual, to prepare things that ere especially useful, even if there as a possibility of terrorist attack.

of course, I also brought a strange, golden-looking, mysterious invitation. I don't kno ho to use this item, but the book of Azathoth is not so modest that it gives something for nothing, like the folloing gift:

ell, after thinking about it, Aria felt better. because he discovered that this cursed little, timeless magical book could do just that.

So Aria hopes this ride isn't a roller coaster.

the three days passed quickly, and Aria arrived at this small village on the map alone ith an hour to spare.

Even though she as dreaming, Aria as shocked hen she arrived and couldn't believe her eyes. At that time, she never expected this to happen.

he sa no sign of modern civilization and felt as if he had traveled hundreds of years in space and time and returned to the land he had passed through before. It as older than the television, and Aria moved her nose, and it as a smell, a smell full of modern meaning - not an example, but her senses could sense time and space. different.

Simply put, it's a different orld, like a peach field or a universe in a jar. You have no choice but to cheat.

of course, relying on the senses to detect changes in time and space is an illusion. Aria had no choice but to admit that she had a stroke.

It's a small ton called indmill ton, it's not a popular tourist spot, the tonspeople don't ele outsiders, and sometimes tourists spread strange rumors. Like Innsmouth, it actually exists. there are no endless oceans or deep aters.

Arya, ho came here for the first time, immediately entered the city, ignoring the difficult-to-see surroundings and seeing the market and foreign people in the ton on the ay. but Aaliyah didn't care because she anted to stay for a hile. this gave Arya a strange look that made her feel like she as back in Imboga. hoever, it is a bridge beteen universes that exists ithin the body of an evil god. did something like that happen?

I left the dream of the evil god, ho can I get back there? Yes, this is the real orld, that can't happen. moreover, they ere left in a place from hich they could never return. Aria said to herself.

About 15 minutes into the trip, Aria sa the hotel, it seemed like it as real, at that point a strange vision appeared in her mind and Aria as shaking so much that Aria said to myself.

ell, it's a bit of a hassle, but hy am I reluctant to go to Inboga? It must be an illusion.

After admonishing herself, Aliya knocked on the ooden door ith a special ooden sound. then I heard the folloing voice from someone inside:

the door opened. Import.

hearing Alya's anser, she took it and opened the door. the first thing I sa as the hotel furniture. Not so hen it es to hygiene. It's orse than the smell of fish from a hunting dog afting from your nose to your forehead, and the health condition is not as good as you think.

of course not boasting, yes, everything is in the past and there is no ing back. hy should e be so concerned? hy should e consider the past? Is it not enough to kno about me and my brother? does that mean your mind is alays thinking about the past?

Alya screamed in her mind, fighting the urge to pull herself out of the gap beteen her and Inboga, ho turned around before she could get a ne idea.

Aria couldn't keep quiet in her heart.

It's not a popular place, and I don't kno if there are groups of tourists ho e every year, but it seems better than Inboga style, and you don't feel ele from the outside.

of course, those ords ill never e out of Aria's mouth, they are quite rude, and even if you can't read the atmosphere or are crazy, even a crazy person can understand that. . Arya ould never do anything to hurt others in this place.

I looked at the ooden floor and sa a big bench and an old man ith hite hair. he ears gold-colored glasses, but the lenses are cloudy and his eyes are a little dark, but there must be a light of inspiration underneath. perhaps because of the cold, he ore arm clothes and looked strong.

Fortunately, it's not a fish, a deep diver, or a devil. Aria felt happy in her heart, no matter ho she looked, she as old, nothing special, beautiful and simple.

Give the book of Azathoth to God.

Aria looked to the other side and ansered:

hello, are you an employee here? I need a set of rooms, but I don't kno ho to calculate the cost. I'm just a traveler, hy are you looking at me like that?

hen Aria heard the strange sight on the other side, the tonspeople looked at her as if they ere covered in dust, and said,

A cold breath escaped his bones, as if scared of his evil thoughts.

they looked very strange, and some said that cool looked like they kne, or that they ere hit by a car, but cool took the picture. I as so sad and depressed that I anted to pick up a magic book and kill people like this. Aaliya is confused and onders hen ill this happen. Are e doing this to protect brain function? Even if it means doing something that has no purpose other than to make you happy?

Relax, I'm not big

All he could think about as Aria. If this scene as the reason for her escape, she ould surely die, of course the book of liberation had meaning, and hatever Alya anted to do must not be defeated in any ay. he thought. on his part, a stupid move.

but the shado of the ultimate thought and purpose alloed him to consume it. he didn't ant to die suddenly again. Also, this time I am alone, I have no friends, no friends to help me, no mythical creatures ith good qualities, no evil gods or itches, unknons.

but this time, Aria ill release treasures, magic, and all kinds of amazing makeup. this time e have more plans than last time.

So Aria is not afraid of herself, and this time there is no other ay to escape except the terrible magic of \"book of Azathoth\", Aria herself is there, is there such a thing as excitement?

ell, I heard something strange, but hy did you e like a tourist at this time of year?

I don't kno if it's a hallucination or not, but hen Aria noticed that one eye as missing, she as relieved and maybe she as expecting something? After all, I'm not good at recognizing other people's eyes.

through? Is there a special reason?

No, okay, call me Victor, do you need a room? e can help you eliminate the bill. hoever, I hope you don't e back.

Victor? Is this your real name? And free of charge? Strangely, a question arose in Aria's mind: If a person thinks that there is no ay for the passengers to get out, hat is the ticket in his hand?

Arya had made a special inspection of the party's documents the day before, but there as no chance of that happening.

Even though she didn't understand, Aria didn't care and continued asking questions.

No charge, right? does it include food?

hen Aria heard about the food, her eyes idened in anticipation, not sure if she as joking or if she kne hat it as.

of course, but it's best not to guess.

If you have enough to eat, quick pockets are great.

In fact, it is said that it is better than ater or salt, but it is not because it is a doctor's price, and it is not a crime. this is not the beer that Aliya drinks (note: it is a special drink). don't think about that and check out this important food.

Victor laughed out loud at Alya's anser, but he felt no malice.

don't orry, it on't be the main dish, at least not right aay. here is your key. Keep your belongings safe. If you have questions, e ill discuss them later, but if you have an idea to find treasure or an adventure, it is better not to do it, otherise, you should remember.

Victor deliberately did not finish hat he anted to say. Even if something is missing, it is clear in his tone and ay of saying hat he ants to say.

At first Aria stood up and continued to ask, but seeing the man's attitude, she reached for the key, hiding hat she anted inside, then reached out and took it.

thank you and God be ith you.

Aria said the second part hile eating on the floor of the church, here she as stunned, but Victor's eyes moved slightly but then returned to normal. After a hile, Aria happened. Graduation I didn't notice, but he ent up earing his clothes.

Aria held her luggage in her left hand and climbed the stairs ith both feet ithout orrying about the eight of her luggage, but there as no sign that the muscles in her arms ere sollen from the effort. hold the key in your right hand and rite him a letter.

Aria as not surprised by the room card, even if it asn't a key, no, she ould be surprised if she got the room card.

Room 304 on the third floor? I'm not really sure ho big this room is, but it looks like a small room from the outside.

Aaliyah's head as filled ith confusion, but she thought that if it as an illusion created by the art of architecture, then she didn't kno anything about architecture, so she thought it as stupid and decided to keep quiet.

he entered the room, put the key on the door handle, opened the door, and put his right hand back on the all.

Are there really lights or even a ater heater? I'm so happy, it's heaven, I don't have to take a cold shoer, it's good.

After arranging things properly, Aria looked around the room and felt an unexpected sense of satisfaction.

the room is divided into living room, bedroom, and bathroom, and hile it's a little disappointing that there's no kitchen, it's better than Aria's house.

Aliya alked to the bedroom and lifted the bed sheets, the bed as clean, the bed smelled of laundry, and hen she pressed the bed, it felt soft and soft pared to the eather. she is pregnant. Aria as really satisfied ith the couch and ork chair.

hat ould happen ithout the book of Azathoth? Aria ants to live a perfect life, but hen she moves to her college dorm and loses her scholarship, she realizes the realities of everyday life. of course, my college years ere heaven. Even though xiao heiyu treated me like a toy or a doll on the bed, I as happy to graduate.

After checking the magic in her eyes to make sure there as no problem, Aria took a shoer in silence.

054 Night

A hot bath as too difficult for Aria. In fact, it as Aria ho bathed in the tap ater at the spa. hat is the temperature? It might be hot in the summer, but it's cold most of the time, and if Aaliyah doesn't have the poer to change her body, she'll freeze to death.

Avoiding debt is good, not to mention saving money for your terminal drug test. Research funds are taken from a group of greedy people ho ill go to hell if they find out from the mouth of the devil that they have done a lot of good.

I mean, asking Aaliyah to spend money on entertainment is hat she ould do if she kne she as going to die.

Aria, ho has fallen into the hell of poverty, cannot experience such happiness.

but luckily, Aria rarely goes to the hot springs, so no need to spend money here. that's it, if you don't pay yourself, Aaliyah ill be asteful and shameless because you didn't spend the money, and there ill be no heartache, especially if it as a voluntary action.

of course, Aria didn't think she could live much longer, so it ouldn't be a big deal if she lost her life for a luxury item, as long as she could live ithout it. , Aria should be able to steal some meaningful reards from here - a free trip from the book of Azathoth requires Aria to solve a riddle here.

but like a poor person ho has no stomach for a year, and if he eats a lot of seets, he ill get diarrhea ithout getting used to it. A year ithout a chance for Aria to take a hot bath, she as suddenly immersed in his beauty, and yes, Aria felt that she had reached heaven.

hat? doesn't this mean that angel ings have a higher euphoria than drugs like marijuana? ho can you imagine that a hot bath is like heaven?

Side: the medicine ithout side effects is a special magic medicine, and pochi as the first to take it, so Aria is a girl ho doesn't ant to use antibiotics as regular medicine and doesn't ant to take cold medicine, that's hy he also brought medicine. coLd

In other ords, a hot bath as a test for Aaliyah.

It can be overe at ill as a mage, and even spells cast during a spell can be used to manipulate a person's ill, so things like sleep are no longer a problem again, Ellie for short, As much as possible. If you fight your heart out, you can ipe out the Sandman.

but is there a reason for this?

Aria thought sloly, but there seemed to be no reason.

hen inside a fairy tale, such a safe life suddenly disappears, leaving dangerous animals and dangerous times behind, alloing you to rest in peace, if not peace, in the sky.

So, it as difficult for Arya to get enough rest first and foremost.

It has the poer to defeat even the evil ill of God. It's not a big deal if you kno ho to reject God. that's not possible unless someone breaks your head.

therefore, Alya has no reason to use her brain to fight this sleep, relaxing her body and fainting from exhaustion into a soft bed ithout changing.

Aaliyah's beautiful touch made him feel as if he had gone to heaven, and after this beautiful feeling of God's salvation, his heart ent blank. Aria covered herself tightly and fell asleep, pletely unconscious.

donstairs in the hotel, Victor sat at a table and ine table, pouring ine into small glasses.

the drink in the cup tasted like ice ater, and the cup felt very cold to the touch.

hoever, the ater in the cup as once again emitting hite smoke, as if it ere filled ith dry ice. crazy, like a fairy tale.

Victor prepares to sleep that night, drinks and thinks, in fact, he not only drinks at night, but also drinks from morning to night ithout giving himself a chance, to consider the health problems of aging.

but maybe because you think you don't have time in your life, you let bad things like alcohol ruin you. Victor doesn't kno ho much longer he has to live, so it's better for him to be happy no than to orry about things like his health.

this village is not as strong as it seems, but Victor does not kno its secrets. Every day he seems to be sinking into a hole every second.

hen he thought he could drink then, there as a knock on the door, Victor looked at the door isely, pushed it open, and a man entered. eye

he as an old man earing black clothes, his eyes ere cloudy and his skin as rinkled, shoing that he as old but still strong and as he should be. due to continuous efforts and training since childhood, the traces of poer left on his body cannot be pletely erased by the poer of time.

Victor as definitely dizzy from drinking too much, but even though the priest as not earing a robe, he could clearly see the figure of the man in front of him... to his nervousness. Forget it, it entered the orld.


Victor read the old man's name aloud and said that if those evil eyes are atching him, and if these evil spirits are like voices that only live in hell, even an ordinary person can understand. GEt

but the old man, attracted by such a spirit, ignored him and spoke quietly, as if he had not heard anything.

Victor, you don't need to say more, just call me hagar.

hazen isn't orried about the actions of old Victor, hom he calls hardeg. I don't ant to seet talk you if you e here just because of hat you announced.

Although he looked very old and as about to enter the Earth to join the gods, this did not diminish his poer as the representative of the gods.

Victor really ants to be smart in front of hardegger, but he ill be crushed little by little because of the aura of alcohol and other things, and in the end, he ill be defeated by this person.

of course, the other side is also old. hoever, such a poerful force cannot imagine a monstrous being, and Victor is able to recognize a god-like life form from a human body (Note 1).

Although he cannot trust free ill alone, Victor abandons logic and shields himself ith his least favorite emotions. Second, Victor accepted the man as his on.

hardeg looked at this poor man Victor ith cloudy eyes and realized ho bad this man as to him, but he as like a god ho did not care about people's anger; I believed him. It has nothing to do ith God, and just as people do not think the thoughts of animals, they substitute their on meanings for the true thoughts of other people and use their on thoughts to explain. here.

So, hadeg as not orried. e must be conscious of our situation like God. here he is not, but has god-like abilities.

hat do others intend to him? he didn't think about it.

Victor, you should kno, maybe you don't need to say more or less, because everyone knos it. So, my advice here is that you don't have to be too young.


Victor ansered in a voice as thick as his speed, but hardeg only gave him a arm smile.

You are going to die one day, so I don't ant you to be eak on the great day of the Lord, I kno you have done a lot, yet you are trying to attract magicians from beyond here. . Your little actions are understandable, but not this time.

did you say that specifically?

Victor could not believe that Kadeg had e for that purpose. For all he kne, there as no ay this man ith a diabolical, evil heart under his skin ould e for such a small thing.

After hearing Victor's ords, hardeg stared at the ceiling ith curious eyes, as if penetrating the thick ceiling and seeing hat as behind it.

he looked up, boed his head, and ansered ith blank eyes that could not see the light.


Victor didn't believe it, and if he had been the man he ould never have told himself a story like that, so he as driven to action and arrest them all at once. so. . do you think about it

but before Victor could think, he realized that hadeg as gone, as ell as everything Victor had seen. I think it's a brain illusion caused by alcohol.

the next morning, Aria ent don to her room and prepared breakfast.

he ent shopping, this hotel does not bring food to the hotel, so guests are told to shop.

Aliya felt a little embarrassed about it, thinking it as all a gift, but she never asked for it. Even if it's not perfect, even if it's free, even if something happens, no one ants to not be orth it. . Aria is someone ho doesn't strive for accuracy and never questions until she gets a good one. there are things in this orld you don't need to kno - yes, it has nothing to do ith eating out, but Aria's heart is like heaven and she doesn't mind her on curiosity.

Surprisingly, that is not the case.

Alya looked around the dining room and noticed that there ere no other guests as she left the table. Surprisingly, Aria couldn't believe that this as normal, if it as true, Aria ould continue in this hotel system.

No matter ho drunk you are, this photo ill make you feel better.

ell, boss.

call me Victor.

Unlike hen he met hajar that night, Victor's movements ere sloer this time, he didn't seem to have had a drink, and the best evidence as that his face asn't even red.

mr. Victor? Is it usually free? oh, no that I think about it, nothing is ing no?

this sentence alone shos that Aaliyah is a big girl and doesn't kno ho to say cute things like a child. can you tell this mon man?

but Aaliyah never orried about these little problems. because Aaliyah is an unpopular person. So you hear that other men ho like her are bad, that omen have eyes, or that there is something rong ith you.

I'm pretty sure Aria knos ho has a problem because she can't speak for herself even if she asks me to, and this idiot has a problem ith her brain. , then this is the best, Aria really likes the stupid ones, because at least they are easier to deal ith than the smart ones.

of course, but it's ne and a lot of people e here.

Victor brought a hot breakfast that included to fried eggs, sausage, chicken nuggets, toast, and milk.

Aaliyah's eyes filled ith tears and she stared at hat as in front of her, as if shoing her dissatisfaction.

It looks like he hasn't eaten much in a long time (he doesn't think it's because of the devil's involvement) hat a fun trip, no talking?

Aria asked enjoying this delicious breakfast.

has anything strange happened here recently or is there a special place?

At Aria's question, Victor's eyes idened for a moment, but he ansered ithout hesitation.

Yes, there are many here, but I do not remend going there.

of course, I'm a riter here because I ant to get to kno him even if I can't meet him.

Aria replied ith a smile as she took out a notebook and a small pencil from somehere, but the tip as scratchy, sharp, and small.

Aria looked at Victor ith eyes shining like black stones, she anted to kno, he never lied, because it had to do ith his life and his future, before something happened strange. E

before finding the book of Azathoth, Aria ould never have been interested in the book of Azathoth, because she kne that lust kills dogs, even though she thought cats ere cute. It is good to have some things like interest.

And it ould be too bad if Arya didn't kno anything no. because the book of Azathoth ill surely lead to his death.

Note 1: this does not mean a strange stone, but a god, goddess, goddess, goddess, real god, etc. same meaning for

055 cooking

Is it like this? ho to bee a riter at such a young age? It's amazing that I as in elementary school at your age.

Victor's ords are a little sad, as if he has not fully adapted to the progress of the times, and no he understands the absurdity of the fact that even a child can bee a riter.

could it be that everything Alya said as a lie, or that she didn't e here to claim to be a itch and be threatened by a magic book? - After more bad nes, all of Aaliyah's training is gone.


Alya's voice deepened and she took a deep breath.

I'm big, I'm big! can you see I don't look old?

right? have you ever said that? And you don't look like an adult, you look like a teenager.


Aaliyah's tone as surprised, it asn't a problem or even related to her being insulted because of her age, but just the thought of the old man made her shudder, almost nervous. not satisfied

but the shame is, upon reflection, she remembers that she didn't say anything about being mature, but an angry Aria blames the man's evil eye for that.

Aria is a izard, so she must be smart, but she doesn't care about anyone, so she doesn't forget to be ith people sometimes. Forgetting can happen, but it is not mon knoledge.

but I have no doubt, at least at this point, Aliya remembers that he took it because he didn't like to rite, so he didn't rite, he didn't do anything. or at least. doubt

Aaliya says hat you cannot control is neither a gift nor a blessing, it is a curse.

And Arya finally shos that she has put aside all her forgetfulness and made the most of her skills.

Is it real or sick? that as another question, but only Aria agreed - it as happily forgotten and never forgotten.

obviously that's not true.

Aria, ho respects her elders and cares for the young, begins to feel ashamed of Victor's behavior, and hen she thinks about it, she can't think about it anymore. Aria didn't decide hether to rite or not, instead she decided to rite first and think about deleting it later.

there ere times hen he thought he as blaming everyone for everything, but the old man as too shy to do so, so Aria accepted her on problems as expected. A man ho betrays even his on thoughts.

Remember, it's not big, you don't have to sho that face.

Victor looked at Aria's crying face and rubbed her hair in orry.

of course, Aria and I just kno each other.

After all, hen Arya made that face hen she as bullied in college, she as used to crying even though Kuroba, the bad guy, softened her behavior.

this happens hen it is very quiet.

ell, that's a strange ay to gro up, isn't it?

hy did he sho me those ords? Aria ondered in her heart.

As Victor spoke, he raised his finger and iped the tears from his eyes, then he understood hat he as saying, but he ould never sho such ords in front of a stranger. . hat exactly and hy?

I asn't sure but maybe I'm close to this person?

Aria looked at each other and thought again. It seems inappropriate and pointless. Aria believes that if those predictions are true, she must be going crazy.

but if that's not the point, hat is? Aria kept her doubts to herself and didn't dare ask. Although I kno hy, I don't feel the need to take risks, but I don't forget that there is something forting, something eternally moving. hoever, a terrible event as caused by the \"book of Azathoth\".

desire is necessary, but the desire for death is not the domain of desire.

Aria tried to stop her breathing.

ell, I'm not crying anymore, I'm not crying anymore, Aaliyah, I'm strong.

Aria? Is that your name?

didn't you say?


Victor ansered calmly, as if he hadn't thought of anything, but this time Alya actually remembered - he didn't say anything, really.

but, xiao Ai, are you planning to gather information and rite a story?

hy do you call me xiao Ai, Aria thought unsatisfied, but accepted the other person's name. because I have heard this name many times and been rejected many times. but it failed. , Aria noticed a fe things. Even if you are a liar, you can't stop hurting others.

Especially hen he as still in college, he once agreed ith xiao heiyu, and as a result, he as stripped and turned into a pillo for three nights. I ake up and my body is covered in hickeys - hat's rong ith that? this is not something that ill be accepted by human conscience.

Yes, I mainly rite adventure novels, so I need to find some information.

Aria never rote anything like that, but she didn't think there as no reason, but it didn't stop her from making accusations of cheating - at least in her eyes, Victor -caron shoed his distrust, but Aria. he never heard.

he's the type of person ho never looks people in the eye, so unless he's making a strong statement, he basically can't read the mood or get the mood. List against unpopular people.

For Victor, the oman in front of him is very beautiful, but she can go far, enough to call attention, and if he does not pay attention to her, he ill not take care of her. Although free, Victor has a kind heart, so he does not choose to talk nonsense and expresses himself ith a minimum of ords.

ell, I don't mind if you say so.

thank you boss.

Aria ansered ith lively eyes, and Victor began to explain.

there is a church in this ton, but if there is something special, it is a church ith the real God.

do you have a real God?

Yes, of course they call themselves that, but I must have supernatural poers, maybe demonic poers, maybe evil god poers, or maybe magic? Nobody knos that, but it's not a rumor, so I don't kno anything about it. otherise, I don't care hat happens, and I don't kno hat happens.

Victor rarely brought this up, but Alya didn't listen to him and instead asked curiously.

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