

第68章 尤格特王国(2 / 2)
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Note 2: Gastur Group, Yello King, their main enemy is Ugos (mi. Go), they are people, country, etc. I don't care. they all received spiritual training and used this poer to find representatives of plutonia on Earth. the deaths of ilbur hatley and his brother ere rumored to be the result of the Agent's plans.

Exhibit 058

of course, no matter ho many questions Arya asked, the book of Azathoth ouldn't give her any ansers.

but hen he reached that point, he as about to realize the mistake he had made, no matter ho stupid or inpetent he as.

No, keep calm and remember that something has happened since Aliya talked to the priest. It as as if some strange magic as controlling everything. hile I as thinking about it, everyone started breaking out in a cold seat.

his head also appeared slightly, staring at the book of Azathoth, pletely absent, as if it had disappeared.

thank you.

right? hat did you say?

the \"book of Azathoth\", hich seemed to be offline at first glance, suddenly began to speak. Aria as shocked, because she didn't think that the book of Azathoth, ho lost his soul, as a normal person.

It rubbed Aria's cheeks like pure tomato juice. he looked at the magic book and boed his head.

No, I didn't say anything. I have nothing to say no

Sir, you are absolutely rong.

Aria decided to take back her previous opinion, that this magical book as definitely disturbing, and that it as better not to talk about it again, fearing that it ould make her think later.

A photo taken ith a hidden camera as released, and if you look closely you can see a small camera attached to Aria's chest.

of course, there as nothing to see.

As she left, Aria stuffed the photo into her bag, then turned back, passing a market that didn't look like a market at all. the floor has a thin carpet separating it from the furniture.

hen Aaliyah came here, she as unfortable seeing everyone's strange looks. Since I as naked in front of everyone, I didn't stay and left immediately.

hy people pass by a market hen they go outside a city is a question for those responsible for creating the city.

Aria ran to a deserted place, put her hand on a thick tree, and sighed.

hoever, due to exercise, my body seats and my hair looks dehydrated. Aria looks like a oman in body and mind, but her abilities are useless, and ithout magical poer, Aria's entire body can be used pletely - she uses the child Symbol.

A seet smell (Note 1) es out from the body.

Aria picks up the map Victor shoed her and realizes that even though she's a mage, she's also studying geography, so she can't go anyhere ithout a map.

In fact, this map is very simple, like a child's map.

So Aaliyah spent her time looking for this place, observing it carefully, and folloing the route marked on the map.

there are no people on the road, and sometimes you can hear the special sounds of various animals, like alking in the desert. hen something unexpected happens, it's no onder ild animals are there. the orship of the gods of the past can be seen here.

but fortunately, despite hearing the loud roar, Arya used astrology to find the right path from afar, so she didn't encounter any poerful beasts on her ay.

After about 30 minutes of alking, Aria arrived at her destination, here there ere no large animals or buildings that looked like ruins, nothing but a hite land like that, just the ruins of a house. From afar, the fires continue to burn, only the soil is ashed ith herbicides, and the forest is cleared.

of course, I'll be back here again and again.

It as a strange male voice, one that Aria had never heard before. Even before the sound reached her ears, Arya sa a vision, an unfathomable cosmic roar. It seems that I am not looking at a dark place, but a direct vie, as if I am looking for another place.

but his voice and content ere unfamiliar to Arya's knoledge. he said he kne. but Aria never kne ho the voice as, hether it as her youth or miskatonic University, Aria never thought about it.

Aria shifted her gaze to the source of the human voice and said doubtfully.

ho are you and do you kno me?

the red eyes of the man that Aria as staring at ere bloodshot and not very clear, just like the eyes of a demon, and hat she sa in those eyes as the horrible state that Aria sa. he is in hell and has an aura around him that resembles the voice of the devil.

ho insulted you? or maybe, for reasons Arya didn't kno, it asn't something a human should have.

he is a man ith silvery hite hair and earing a bron leather jacket, he is not big in appearance and has the face of a university student and a baby face.

hoever, different from his usual appearance, he as standing on the branch of a large tree here no one as standing, and the forest that Aria as alking through had arrived here.

the branch is not thick, it is as thick as an ordinary person's finger, but it can still stand ithout breaking the branch, and the man cannot resist, but is the man's eight correct?

huh? ho do you ant to ask? I'm chisna, chisna allace. As you can see, I am a normal person. but hat is the second question? the anser as \"Yes, e kno each other, xiao Ai.\" I ish you still remember me, but you seem to have forgotten.

right? have e met before?

Yes and no, but I can tell you that it is impossible to kno me until you e to this city.

So, actually, Aaliyah doesn't kno, hat does that mean? Aaliyah as really confused and orried by her ords because she seemed to be trying to solve the mystery.

considering hat happened at the parties, it seems that they don't ant to tell her, and Aaliyah's arrival is not a coincidence, so Aaliyah decided to do something more important. but no he did hat someone told him to do.

In other ords, e don't kno each other.

maybe for you, but until I get to kno you.

chisner ansered softly, then jumped on the branch, his boot hitting the ground and leaving a large footprint.

but hat I can say is, you on't get hat you ant here, go back, have good dreams, put a real idea in your head because it doesn't make sense, but again... Yes, but it is possible. . cause disaster.

In \"the mad monk's Rage,\" chizuna also takes a step closer to Aaliyah, and Aaliyah moves aay. magic

chizuna stopped and said hen she sa Aliya.

I said there is no need to bring out the magic book, I am not your enemy.


Surprised, Aria held the spellbook in her left hand and looked at chizuna's face to see hat she anted, but after a hile, she resigned herself to the fact that she had no talent in this field.

ell, I don't ant to see you doing nothing.


Aaliyah as pletely confused and had no idea hat this man as thinking.

because there is nothing else to expect here but tragedy.

I don't understand hat you ant to do, and I don't kno you?

Alya ansered in shock, but after these ords, chizuna froze and couldn't say anything.

For Aria, it as impossible for Aria to stop their actions no matter hat others said, because if she did nothing, it ould mean that she ould be taken to the book of Azathoth and sim naked to her death. It became impossible.

besides, pared to hat others said, Aria thought it ould be better to see it ith her on eyes, and there are no panions here, and panions are reliable and can be confirmed, but strangers? hat else can you trust?

Aria continued.

So, I don't kno hat you're thinking, but hy are you stopping me? besides, if you find it or not, you on't kno if you don't look for it, so should you believe hat people you don't kno say?

hen Alya finished speaking, she ignored him and sloly looked at herself. Not because he didn't trust the man, but because the situation in this man's position as very dangerous and dangerous. If you can, ar if you can't. At first he had no intention of starting a fight.

hen faced ith a life-or-death crisis, Arya bees a pacifist.

yes? then I can't find it even if I look for it

chizuna ansered as ell, but Aria stopped listening and started searching. Seeing this, chisner spoke sloly and quietly so that only he could hear.

After all, hat is it, hat ill happen, and hat ill happen in the end? tell me these things yourself, ho can I forget all this? It's the same the first time, the second time, and the same every time.

So no matter ho many times this happens, I ill not let you go, I ill stop you, even if I break your arm and leg, you ill not die.

Aria noticed something strange and decided to go inside to see hat as going on. the magical barrier closes. Aria used her knoledge of magic to explain the principles of this magic.

It's an old technology that hasn't been used for generations, but modern technology doesn't kno ho to solve it.

Aria sa the structure and style of the idol and immediately gained confidence, and hen she chanted the Kotodama and stretched out her right hand, she made a terrible sound and a part of the all broke ith her. right hand

Aria didn't say a ord, she couldn't see chisner's face out of the corner of her eye, she still didn't kno ho he as, and if Aria didn't hear him ith someone, it as perhaps he ill fight to the death and remain calm hen faced ith a poerful enemy. but hen it es to ar, there aren't many questions.

raith's feet stepped on the hite armor, and the floor in front of him as like this, a path made of hite marble that seemed to block magic because he didn't kno magic. raith moved aay. It floats in the air, hovering before you like a ghost.

hen I turned on the flashlight and looked around, I sa that it as an underground cave, and the floor as kind of gloing ith magical protection, but it asn't. I didn't see anything, not even a light or a flashlight.

Really, here is it? disfort? No, I don't like it, don? the cult is a big problem here because that can't be done and it can be done underground. It's scary to think about, but is this a mon problem ith magicians?

thinking of that, Aria ent to the side of the road.

the so-called universe refers to a level here human life is located, and dreamland, for example, is one of these levels, but there is a big difference hen the sun and a small stone can be called ponents. beteen time and time.

Under heaven, aliyah means the time set by some members of the house of the evil god. because the orld of dreams of evil gods is usually a building, and not its grandeur. unsustainable. It's surprisingly easy to bury someone alive, and there aren't Space Eaters in most underground places.

Along the ay, he as attacked several times by sharp stones, but thanks to his gentle light and magic, he as alays able to avoid them before being hurt, but ironically, he as the source of the magic. . but to his surprise he didn't see any pirates or other animals.

there ere no magical traps, and as they continued to talk, Aria as suddenly startled.

the marble path as not far, it took three minutes, and Aria drank the ater until the end. hat he sa as a plex structure like an ant. he sa many buildings and many reptiles. It seems, yes, from this distance, if you look closely, it must be a big creature. It cannot be explained by a mistake.

Aria shifted her gaze and found that she anted to look from the 30th corner to the 8th floor, as if there as someone there.

Note 1: the name es from the fact that the sacred ater that is drunk to attract servants on a journey is similar to ine made from honey.

059 thief and devil

Aria chants Kotodama and counts herself called \"Slav\", also knon as \"Invocation\". the effect, of course, is to clear, quickly, and pletely open the recipient's field of vision, and this is effective even from a thousand miles aay. , you can feel close even though you are far aay.

the airport is not supposed to be big, but this place is like a university. Like that class, Aria couldn't see him clearly unless she used magic.

through a magical vision, Arya sa this situation. A group of people dressed in different clothes orship a stone statue, hich looks strange and a person ho is this strange creature, very similar. It's some kind of demonic insect ith an expression that tells you it as made by an alien.

members of this culture have honey-colored skin, look like Egyptians, and their extravagant clothing makes people feel as if they are at a party.

Arya turned her attention to the statue as she looked at the rest of the group. the statue is slightly crooked, and Arya has the strange realization that it is a god she knos.

Aria looked closely, trying to find the name of this god in her heart, but a hite light seemed to shine in her heart, and her soul felt as if an Arab had struck her ith a sharp stone. ta. Alya's breath as chaotic, just like the breath of normal people, from funny to loud, as if she entered space.

this shos one thing: the secret of the eapon that Aria used has been broken, and throing it ith force ill damage the body, and the mind ill not be able to control the body for a hile. the prophet accidentally kicked some gravel, hich made a very soft sound, and his body moved a little.

At first, it as not much, but hen Aaliyah's finger touched the stone, she took a step forard, as if it as accepted by God, and it fell into the hole in front of Aaliyah ith the sound of a you are strong ind

he reached the height of the 13-story building, and from that height an unknon stone became a deadly eapon, heard sounds, the stones broke in the air, and he as attacked by hite people. insect that crals on the ground. NEcK

this insect is a giant insect, larger than an armored car, and even hen moving alone, there are signs that the eight and force of its movement cause cracks in the ground.

If this type of bug pushes you or attacks you, it's better not to get hit by a speeding train.

but this time, his body hit a stone. Even pared to the size of the valley, the size of the stone is not like a mosquito in the hand of a person, but hen it hit the body of the valley, there as a force that pushed from the height, and he I fainted. he also made a rude gesture.

hoever, this made the insect angry, as if something had hit it. then it began to make a noise like a indpipe, and finally countless insects began to fly around, making chaos and noise.

At this point, even Aaliyah seems to ant to say that no one ill feel it, no one ill believe it, because it is big, scary, as big as a natural disaster. If God isn't stupid, then of course you should be careful, but here are five ays you can dra inspiration from shocking disaster.

oh, this is a big event.

Aria told herself that even though she had bad thoughts about touching the stone foot, she never expected it to cause so much trouble.

the little stone as only excited by the devil, but his evil heart realized the cold and cruel truth, here he cut off his leg. Aria ouldn't do that.

Aria's anger is that even though she's stupid, she doesn't think she's in a safe place, so she ants to run aay as soon as possible.

And from this act of madness that looked like a disaster, everyone sa that even the main members of the cult stopped orshiping and immediately locked up the killer because they kne hat as going on here. ta. he, their eyes ere all atching. Aria looked at him ith ide eyes.

At first, Aaliyah tried to run aay as soon as possible, but the robbers ran faster than Aaliyah thought, not only did they not realize that Aaliyah as there, but they used divine magic to move, and left It asn't long before the robbers caught Aaliyah.

of course, this time he couldn't run aay and had no choice but to fight bravely. As expected, the man named chisner knos that.

the religious teacher said:

Yes, you came at the right time. because this group of robbers came here, our Lord did not like sacrifices for a long time, many of our friends ere sacrificed, and no the door of God appeared. open to the outside orld.

open this beautiful door, be a prophet, offer sacrifices to the Lord, and tell him that he has e, that the rulers of the past are here, and that the rulers of the past are here. the ruler is eternal

ho in your family do you ant to sacrifice? If there is a god that demands blood offerings, it is an evil god ith bad manners and bad taste.

Alia's reaction as strong hen she heard the robber's ords, and because of this, as if putting a lamp on the grass, she immediately hurt the robber.

there they sang spiritual songs, thre each other, and then suddenly stood up like flying birds and moved in the air, flying toards Aliya.

It seems to repeat itself and it is difficult to understand hat it means.

their attention as quick, half his distance, and Arya didn't have time to express her surprise.

then, Alya raised her right hand ith determination and chanted a spiritual message, and as if aiming a gun, a red-black ball of fire shot out from her fingers, and suddenly, like a flurry of magic bullets, the flo as aimed at everyone. arrived. In front of Aria.

Each magic bullet has a terrible curse.

A direct hit on't kill them, but even if they stop for just seconds, they ill be thron into Aria one after the other, so it's enough to leave a mark that ill instantly kill them. Kill the magic of fear. .

hoever, one of the thugs performs a miracle, and Aria has no time to sing. She plans to kill Shia and escape, but Shia's actions seem to activate the God Gear. A light appeared in front of them, hich descended like a god and landed on the cultists, ho seemed to have the talent to run for a hile, and they escaped Aria's magic bullets and quickly approached

Aria as surprised by their praise, and at the same time their curse intensified, and at that moment, a greater shock than before occurred, and like a ater floer blooming in the sky, immediately then burst out.

hoever, the cultists avoided her and came full close to her, and Arya also sa the magic that caused the to bullets to fall, but the force ithin them pulled her aay as if nothing had happened. It can't be hit.

It is not only an escape gift, but also a protection spell.

Apparently, their magic should be able to ithstand that level of curse unless they see a certain level of curse.

If curses don't ork, try magic.

Aria gritted her teeth and quickly released the group's <Feather Falling technique> hile singing, and it rained don on the cult members like a beam of light.

this is an original spell used to slo don the landing, but is also useful hen thron.

this meant that the number of thieves ith speed reards decreased, giving Aria more time to fight.

As Arya chanted again, many tinkling ruby-like lights appeared around her like stars in the black sky.

< Star

A red magical flame similar to the origin of this evil god, Shutuga, suddenly disappeared, appeared near the group members, and exploded violently. Amidst the noise, strong ind, and burning fire, countless bandits lost their lives one by one and ere reduced to ashes.

If it asn't for the precious time provided by Autumn's feather technique, the pirates ould not have given Aria time to sing and the victory ould have been impossible, but the damage caused by the magic as the true essence of the star. Killed many of the thieves, but not all of them, and as also involved ith Aria's magic.

thanks to the magic of God, there are still robbers ho did not die and ere unharmed.

At this point, there are only 12 robbers left, and Aria hopes that they ill leave her alone.

of course, this is an illusion, because they have no people.

the other cult members atch their rades die, but they don't care until they attack Arya, ho casts the spell.

the thief shouted the ords of the spirit, a huge fiery dragon appeared from the river, Aria's current magic, hite flames of fire roared into the sky, and the sound of burning fire echoed. the ind ble and it looked like a monster.

If you are a foolish and ignorant believer, you may think that this serpent is Satan returning to earth from hell.

A fire dragon ith the poer of speech and the soul of a thief suddenly attacked Aria, and its huge body almost choked her to death, burning her body ith strong flames.

the fire dragon as very bright and seemed to emit a divine light, similar to a person seeing food hen hungry, but Aria kne that this fire dragon as not a myth, but just a changed form. of fire. ta. It is not creation. this isn't to say that this thief's stealth skills aren't great, as is fire control.

but the direction of the efforts is rong, it is only used to scare people, and in fact, the terrible magic can kill people not from the small family, but through the aura.

Aria looked at the evil dragon and silently chanted to the spirit.

then, it seems that the fire controlled by the robbers hit the mixed mud all, and he continued to live there, and no matter ho much he suffered, he could not escape, as if embracing the king of death. hen he arrived, all parts of the snake ere closed, there as no place to escape, and an invisible all as pressed tightly against him.

the hite flames on the fire dragon's body ere so hot that even the destructive robot that created the black Sanctuary ould be engulfed in flames.

In fact, the magical field in Arya's body as not strong enough and made her feel heavier than anything else in the orld. he couldn't ait until he calmed don. the steam ill light up your hole body.

ith the help of the villain's magic, the flames collided like a herd of ild animals, each flame had a terrifying heat, but it as not easy to resist the invisible all that Aria summoned.

Aigis is the name of this invisible all, and the name of the magic that unites the chaotic alls like the shield in the hands of Zeus. , It is also the sacred eapon of Athena, the goddess of isdom.

hoever, this is only magic and has no mythic poer.

hoever, since the opponent as not a divine beast, it as enough to defend ith magic.

ith Aria's magic poer, Aria held the fire dragon in her right hand, causing the fire dragon to fall and the fire ent crazy, then turned into a hot fire, but the boundless fire did not break through the Aegis's defense. No aria is correct. You have to press on. this flame ill be extinguished hen the space and air are exhausted.

the thieves ho thre the fire beast did not kno hy, but he had no doubt that he could make a fire beast, but he still did not stop.

hen he stretched out his left hand, five fire dragons that looked like evil dragons appeared in front of everyone and aved their ings in the sky, but soon, the fire dragons and the animals also scattered. It shone on his face, forever on his face.

because the cult members performed magic, to-thirds of the body pletely disappeared, and the blood floed like a river of chocolate, and behind it there as nothing inside, it as clearly filled ith blood.

It has a beastly humanoid appearance, and its legs seem to be made for ar, and are as sharp as the famous butcher's knife, apparently shaped to cut easily. You can imagine the poer of these organs creating a vacuum through the air ith your hands.

the face is like a middle-aged man, like a mad dog, and the mouth is open, revealing sharp shark teeth that are not lined like a human.

only the blood-stained part of his body as visible, and no one kne hat he looked like, but hen he realized that he appeared in front of the other members of the secret group, he jumped and disappeared ithout being seen. It's like escaping into the void.

but until no no one thought so, because everyone as very surprised hen they sa a delicious meal, and in that movement, the marks on the ground appeared from the samurai sord. It's his. he pointed out something.

this person is invisible, and the real one is alays atching their battles and ready to start hunting at any moment.

the cult members present did not stop, but stopped moving and looked at the flo around them, feeling that the hidden monster as about to appear at any moment.

oh, are you exposed?

As Aria said, she pulled back a little embarrassed, stuck out her tongue a little, closed her left eye, as if angry, and sang the Kotodama again, but she as okay. he explained.

As the ords and souls sang, Aria said in a beautiful voice:

ell, it's open, so there's nothing e can do, just kill them all, good boy.

then the robbers attacked. he is far aay from Arya and his upper body can be seen. In front of him as a bloody figure. If I remember correctly, it as an invisible beast.

but no he realizes that the evil beasts are one of the things that scare the spirits that Aria mentioned, that they hide their values here, that they use magic to end suffering, and that they are killer and at the same time I'm sure he is also a beautiful hunter. , he killed his victims, beat them hile they rested, and used their blood as paint, creating his famous paintings made of blood and spirit that did not happen in an instant.

It's a scene that only a killer ould see, and Alya, of course, has nothing to do ith it, but she ants to kill the gang members and take this legacy.

that's right, hen dealing ith so many magicians, Aria didn't kno about the methods that she no longer used, and she didn't even kno that there ere methods that could be called, so she secretly thought about it. <God> but if he leaves it too long, they on't have a chance to use this method.

So, even before the ar began, Arya collected and hid the mythical creatures that she had created, attacked at the right time and immediately destroyed the army of izards. ?

then his magic immediately exploded, he ould not leave a corpse of his friend, no more dead after eating the upper part of the body.

the formless beast as miraculously trapped and the to spells struck its form, causing it to scream and bleed as it manifested itself as chili, ater, and a healer. (Note 1) the body is painted in a ne color.

Seeing the beast she had summoned hurt, Aria got a little angry, the speaking spirit sang, and suddenly a storm like obsidian fell in her eyes, and the light as like the light of a god. the sky, and that. Like the glory of God, the infinite light es from the soul through the divine light of the eyes and es to you instantly, as if invisible.

one of the cult members ho attacked Aria's pet turned and looked him in the eye, and immediately a god struck the hole ith lightning, striking his heart.

For a moment, he sa the judgment of God, no, the great cthulhu, aakened in the starry sky, in the court of Azathoth, summoned from the atery palace of Lear. these high-ranking deities, buddhas, gods, and demons descended from the divine realm and became void of divine evil light.

hen cthulhu aakens from his long sleep, he ill be defeated and the final judgment ill take place.

As a member of the cult, he felt as if he sa his orld destroyed by countless sharp shards, and before he could breathe, his soul as pierced and crushed, his body as consumed by magic, and he collapsed. It as eaten. through chaos and devil's Valley belo.

At this point only the last bandit is left.

You have killed all the servants of God, and you are like a living sacrifice that God loves.

host? did you laugh? do you trust a guy like you to just hide in a place like that? At first, I thought hat this aggressive book as trying to say as that at the root of everything that happens, people think they are losers.

the last thief as a oman ho did not respond to Aria's provocative ords, a series of terrible magic appeared on her face, and suddenly a terrible magic came out of her body.

magic seems to corrupt the universe, seemingly changing its shape, and cosmic lightning seems to summon countless thunderbolts, enough to cause the apocalypse through the poer of Zeus.

hoever, this is an illusion created by the poer of mental magic, and most human myths are created by the magic of magicians.

but suddenly a hite light flashed, and dust suddenly exploded. Something strange and terrifying appeared in the blasted space.

this soft grayish-black sac contains parts of the groing pod in front of the brain, nerve centers, or hatever controls the vessel given to the patient. these are the organs of an evil and repulsive creature.

Seeing that number, Aria laughed, the Jashin family as not a beast called a family because of their blood, but a true beast imbued ith the poer of an evil god.

In other ords, an angel. In the religious sense, angels are the true relatives of the evil gods.

At this moment, Arya thought again about the idol of God that she sa. After thinking for a hile, he didn't seem to remember anything, his mind as blank, but hat about the sea. the heart is like hite light and you speak it ith one voice. \"No take this statue, it is yours, and you must find it.\"

It eakened, and in front of the evil god, Aria, not understanding his thoughts, stared at the monster and read his name.

hat are chthons?

In chapter 7 of Genchu's Secret, he is called a spirit of the orld, but he is not a descendant of the spirit of the orld, but a spirit of the orld created by the true God.

monly called the demons of the orld, these are the most mon demons in the orld, and this is the difference beteen humans and angels.

hat appeared before Aria in the ghost orld as an angelic beast that looked like an immortal cottontail.

the demonic insect buried in the earth advanced, the orld as like a coiled snake, the earth trembled and fled in fear, and the organ attached to it as like a great sord. kendo. Suddenly, it turned into a hellish sord and suddenly attacked Aria.

but on the ay it looked like someone stabbed, it as an open animal, and Aria sa his face like a butcher.

of course, it is impossible to suddenly create such animals by shouting spiritual messages; they ere all predestined, and henever one died, the body ould be cut up.

No that her heart is on fire, not many monsters ill follo her, and even the cthulhu Familia ill have a hard time convincing Arya that she needs to be tough because she's stubborn. . they are both geniuses, and if you give them too much freedom, their magic can change at any time, and it ill be over in no time.

the ords of the spirits that Aaliyah sings actually call the animals to a place. this is another mythical creature that I can create, and if I don't have time, even the evil dog (hound of tindalos) ill not drive me aay.

the beast as killed, and Arya quickly retreated, her heart pounding, and chanted the Kotodama again, but this time it asn't an insect burroing into the ground.

the Four Immortals of the Sacred heart, the Evil blood of the Evil heart

this spirit is a blood control term created by the vampire dio brando (Note 2) to use a secret eapon called Lips to stop the blood flo of his enemies. there as no point in it, and of course there as no problem in using it to kill people, but in the hands of this itch, this magic as only used to fight the messenger.

one of Aaliyah's roommates introduced her to something called a hybrid vampire. this is said to be a technique she used before using the messenger Ripple, but only Aaliyah found the magic useful. It is mainly used to kill people, in theory this magic is perfect unless the body is parasitized by a mythical creature and the mythical creature cannot change (ie immortal culture) Yes, because I killed it. the magic field can be used.

hoever, all of the spells, knon as the Four Immortals of the Sacred heart, are harmful.

Immediately the robbers' blood boiled due to Aria's magic, their direction of travel turned back, and their corpses exploded.

Even though he as being chased by the devil's Valley, he didn't expect that another person ould attack him, and he didn't understand that the right ay to treat him as to treat him instead of killing him. First orld drilling demons Valley. there

did the other party try to kill Aria because she fled from the Valley of demons and didn't have time to cast the second spell?

but before he could think about it, his life as over, and he didn't have time to think about hy.

In fact, Arya can attack insects buried in the ground, and although she doesn't have time to use magic after approaching the mythical creature, she knos hen to use magic on insects buried in the ground. , then this thief should have gone somehere, even if Aria ants to live, even if she ants to meet the one ho ants to kill her, she can't do anything, she can't bear Lorne's pain. feel it. unusual pain

In addition, I found some studies that I ant to try, although I am still aiting for the results. hoever, connor no has the idea that he needs to experiment ith his body.

but the thief's death did not affect the valley of the devil buried in the ground, Alya quickly caught him, he did not have time to scream. I can't ait for pochi to ake up.

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