

第69章 揭开秘密(2 / 2)
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From a ment, Aria concluded that yes, the person in front of her as definitely a pervert, and she said it ithout touching anyone's face.

mr. chisner, of course, as against it, and that as inexplicable.

hat ill happen? hy do you think?

he had a confused look on his face, as if he couldn't understand hat Aaliyah as thinking.

So hat are you here for? I don't ant you to see a naked oman ho doesn't really suit you.

of course not, but it's so cute, hy can't it be funnier? people don't gro if they keep saying things like this.

It's really hard to use your eyes.

Aria repeated, doubting the beauty on the other side.

don't say anything, hy are you here, tell me the truth.

Alya doesn't seem free at the moment, but if she ants to change her mind from half-body to paralysis, she can use magic to kill one of them, but that seems like a transactional fight. Aaliyah had no ords except ords, especially because her body as unfortable and she did not understand the star spirit she called herself and the magic to get rid of it.

Aria used the magic from the stopped heart and applied instant death magic to the sound of the heart. In other ords, if you hear a heartbeat, you die. in or lose, the death penalty has been decided, and Aaliyah's heart is about to stop.

If your opponent has many enemies, this spell can instantly kill them all.

of course, as the population increases, the probability of killing ill eventually decrease, and this is inevitable.

Furthermore, hen using this magic, Aria's magic poer ould increase to more than to-thirds of that of a human.

In other ords, if he used this magic no, not only ould he fall in his arms because of the poer of the magic, but his heart ould lose the poer of the dream and he ould die hile still alive. this situation is no different from suicide.

the ability that pochi brings to her allos Aria to temporarily transfer her soul into pochi's body, hich allos her to live even if her heart stops, but it also means that she doesn't have to use her on body. It shos no. . Used as rbq, but no use.

right? hy am I here? didn't you say at the beginning?

did you say this?

After hearing this, Aaliyah thought but realized that chizuna as a plete liar. Aaliyah felt that she did not understand hat as said and did not remember hat the other person said, so Aaliyah confirmed it. he didn't hear hat the other person as saying.

doesn't matter. ho are you laughing at? I didn't say anything.

So let's be friends.

chizuna pletely ignored Alya's question and replied that it asn't an exaggeration to say that this girl as poerless, but it as no onder she as ignored. harassment and harassment. this already shos ho educated chizuna is.

In response to this indifferent to the allegations, Alia cited scenes ith various negative thoughts.

hy did you make this decision? hat's on top? hy do e suddenly jump to conclusions, ignoring the causes and events?

because these are unimportant details. the problem is that you don't kno about this place, but I do. I can't say I don't kno anything, but at least I kno you better.

(You idiot. hat ere you thinking? You're too stupid to understand.)

this is hat Alya thinks in her heart, but in her head, she cannot understand hat the fool is thinking, and because of her not so stupid Iq, Alya is hurt and taken. pippi's treacherous eak heart is terribly rotten.

of course, if Kuroba meiri heard this speculation, he ould definitely say something like this.

Yes, you are stupid, no doubt about it, accept it. people are not smart, but they never lose the courage to admit their on stupidity. If he can claim it successfully, at least he's a narcissistic fool.

(If he had done this, he ould have said such bad ords).

Aria ondered hat she ould think if it as xiao heiyu, but after thinking for a moment, she anted her thoughts out.


I as so nervous inside that I almost forgot my normal crazy sexual behavior, but I asked the above question anyay.

hy? honestly, if you understand this field, that's hy I ant to be your partner.

but hat about your motive? hy do you ant to be friends ith me? It ill hurt me if you don't e.

Even though nearly half of her vision as gone, Aria still looked at him ith her eyes, and a poerful aura filled her body.

Fortunately, you need a lot of rest to recover your magical parts.

So Aria shouldn't orry. Although the faction has evil intentions, Aria is confident that she can defeat them ith all her might.

At least that's hat he believed.

reason? of course, even if you don't say it out loud, it sounds like something is rong.

I don't kno if it's a lie or not, but Aaliyah alays seems to have an evil smile, no, it's obvious that others are sincere.

In fact, he's such an emotional freak that Aria tries to convince herself that she's pletely unintelligent through psychology.

chisner then said:

I love you, so you already kno that?

hey! ?

Aaliyah's appearance is very entertaining. Like the makeup artist, she started to look strange. because in his mind, there is something rong ith the human brain, because maybe the person ho says this is very crazy and fond of children. No profit can be made from outside or from inside. As confident as Aaliyah is, she alays has bad things to say. Even if you are the only one ho admits it.

then, suddenly, a look of hatred appeared on the face of the man ho confessed his love to another, and he no longer felt any ill ill toards him. hat on earth as she thinking dating him? Alia had to look in the mirror and realize that hat she told Saeed as a plete lie.

(ho on earth does a oman look like an adult? A oman ithout physical enemies. that's not a mon feeling at all.)

people ith small teeth like me are obviously treated as little sisters. If there is love beyond love for children, then don't think about it, no one has a problem ith their eyes. hoever, his opponent is pletely corrupt and contrary to mon sense.

Aria thought so, so she had to kno if someone had bad eyesight or a mental problem.

hoever, for the first and last time, Aria felt nothing but shock and anger.

hat kind of scene is this?

chizuna didn't mean to say it right, her face as as red as an apple hen she guessed, hy does she look so bad?

but no matter the reason, all chizuna ants is to see him alive, and if he sees death too many times, he ill lose his mind, but hat if everything is the same? can you keep silent hen you see people dying before your eyes over and over again, unable to do even something as simple as offering a hand?

maybe others can, but chizuna thinks it's impossible, and no matter ho many times you go back, you on't be disappointed. the memory of each return remains a deep symbol in his bones. I can't and I on't forget.

Somehere in indmill ton

michelle is a beautiful girl, about 8 or 9 years old.

he had long golden hair and skin as clear as hite porcelain.

his eyes ere blue and he as small and frail.

It almost makes me think it's a crime to leave a child like this alone.

Even though he looks like 8 or 9 yrs old, he looks like 6 yrs old but he hugs her.

he atched closely ith ide apricot eyes, controlling his breathing and sloing his thoughts as he transformed into a shadoless ghost. hen he sa that voice, he must have realized that his enemy as not lying. ait, this touches michelle, and she criticizes her on heart and says, “hat?

there seems to be no trace. huh, that's hy the people of the black cotton consortium seem to have nothing to do ith it, hy are they treating me like a mad dog? obviously I did nothing rong.

Even as she said this, michelle as at a loss for ords the next time.

\"God of ar\"! here you go, hy do you ant to kill them all? I don't care about their lives, but I ould be in trouble if that happened.

this conversation started about a month ago, hen michelle as still a transfer student at miskatonic University, and she as knon for her looks, hich I didn't mind. knock don

because pared to ordinary people ho seek happiness, fame, ealth and honor, he prefers to live a simple life, like a fish in the grass, like a floer branch, ithout any stimulation. No, it's a happy life. peaceful, unguarded.

of course, that's because michelle never understood the meaning of life. I don't ant to hang out ith people because it's boring and uninteresting.

As long as you are like that every day, nothing ill change. As long as your life is the same and you are not bored, like a moving leaf, that is enough.

the reason he doesn't get angry is because he doesn't kno that kind of thinking. michelle prefers simple and safe methods over plications.

that day, hen michelle returned to her elementary school, she sa a feather falling from the sky, but she didn't realize if she had seen it before and ran immediately.

hen Feyre met him, someone from the God of ar system said something about fusion, and there ere things around the army that ere not suitable for plete fusion, and he began to eliminate them.

And it's easy to imagine hat happens next hen he takes control of michelle's body and kills everyone in the school.

You can't hide a past like that, right? because of this, michelle as discovered and had to run aay.

God's ar plan made it easy for him to face the police because he as not afraid of people. Even if you can escape, hich is not difficult, the people of the professional Intelligence Association. michel as embarrassed because he as angry that they ent ith him and the country came to hunt him.

of course I ant to live a normal life, but no that everything is gone, God of ar, ho can I go back to a normal life?

this is hat michel calls the god of the bat system, so it's better to control him.

As the oner of the God of ar system, the oner has nothing to do ith daily life, so e remend that the oner discard such false ideas and ork hard to -ot the purpose of the God of ar. masu.

It as proven that this leader did not have the ill to fight, so he started a mandatory training program of at least 10 repetitions of 30,000 palm presses and 50,000 sit-ups.


michelle began to feel that something as rong, and then she as surprised to see her arms move on mand and push her hand a little. miu, no michelle can go to heaven, even though she didn't do it before.

the system displays this training. Starting tomorro, the hosts ill have to ork more. otherise, the system ill use electricity for the oner to plete the training. Its main reard is physical fitness and the exercise it brings.

Note: If a host can mentally target a God of ar, this system is not intended to destroy that target.

don't think about it, I might go back to everyday life, god of ar or something, I don't ant to be the one to take care of you, not even everyday life. michelle screamed in frustration, but the brutal battle system only controlled her body for daily training.

063 Structure and aves

After his studies ith this cursed god of ar, michel felt that he didn't belong, and he felt as eak as a alking corpse. So he held the body like a corpse, and he ent out.

ithout michelle, I could still feel the karmic hot air from her breath moving through my lungs and turning my body to ashes. michelle might think that God of ar's dark Resurrection System turns her into a corpse. At least it seems similar to the alking dead and dr. he oke up, but of his on ill.

At this time, michelle's body as seating, as if she had fallen into the river, and the smell of seat and heat as in the air.

Although michelle is a hidden superhero, she believes that unlike monsters that bee human, it is easy for monsters to learn divine martial arts.

Unfortunately for michelle, she feels like God is testing her every day. hoever, religious believers kno very ell that every disappointment and suffering in their body is a test from God. Lian is also a selfish ignoramus.

michelle ill be like these foolish people, ho do not ork and hope that her life ill be very good, because she believes that God's plan for ar is not just once. this is the easiest part because e are just getting started.

michelle's secret martial art is a self-defense technique knon as the Ripple Immortal path. It's different from a poerful secret martial art that transforms a non-human body. Amazing poer.

during her secret martial arts activities, michelle as able to instantly convert her body's energy into a force knon as Ripple. Infinite orld creates a unique connection.

of course, I feel like a cell inside the human body called the universe. If you ork long enough, you can make iron handles on your body, eternal ings, ings on your ribs, and immortality like rice spilled in an ancient tomb. .

So, just because there are secret martial arts for health, it does not mean that there are no risks. Indeed, just as there are no secrets of ar that can be confidently revealed, just as magic does not depend on hard ork or dedication, if you rely on that, you are good and dead. Inside the secret. martial arts and magic. Not many practice magic.

Secret martial arts are extremely dangerous techniques, and its effectiveness cannot be denied even if it is organized, but secret martial arts are also good for health, so michelle's body has not recovered and she secretly uses the martial arts. It is stronger than a human, but pared to other stealth arriors, it is like a doll made of sno that collapses hen pushed.

hoever, the reason hy secret martial arts are different from ordinary martial arts is that secret martial arts are special because they break or improve human las, and are secret deadly fighting techniques that transform the body into the animal. or maybe there is an advantage in itself, as a secret of ho to manage the ar as an individual, and the latter advantage is undoubtedly a talent that seems unknon.

For example, the Ripple Secret martial Arts that michelle learned has a special ability like a prophet that allos her to predict threats ithin five hours.

So, for the next five hours, michelle as afraid of hat happened to her.

Ares System, hat are you doing?

michelle didn't have the courage to stay there at this point because she felt like she as constantly being stabbed ith needles, not in ords but in thoughts.

It as clearly the effect of a hidden eapon, but to my surprise, even after it disappeared, the strange feeling did not go aay.

michelle Ripple begins to suspect that the terrible ar predicted by miu is the ork of God.

hen that happens, he loses his ability to fight and begins to feel unfortable throughout his body.

Every time michelle thought about it, she couldn't help but onder. hy did you choose this personal eapon?

At first, I only heard Ripple Immortal's normal emotions, so I chose him.

In fact, I cannot say that it is rong, and hile practicing Ripple Secret martial Arts, I still feel that the environment has changed, and it is like my daily life.

but hen life seems to be at a stage of disaster, the joy that is everyhere suddenly thros michelle into hell. A bad image is displayed on the system.

this system is a system here the products of the highest civilization and the highest technology of the Ugos orld (Note 1) are used to train ar gods that can pete ith the God of ar demonban (Note 2).

hat is the summary michelle doesn't kno much about mysticism, and doesn't really kno hat Yuggoth or demonban is, but she is a girl ho feels like she has something like pride.

michelle is devastated, thinking that he has bee a brutal killer.

I understand that I can never go back to a normal life, but even being healthy is a joke. A group of terrible mages probably ouldn't do that.

michelle does not understand hy the black cotton Group as formed, but she hopes that they are looking for the rong person. he told himself to never do anything bad to the black cotton band.

(Yes, this is my only chance. besides, I'm a pretty girl and everyone likes me. ho can I run aay from this in shame?)

michelle could not concentrate on God's ar plan and thought that he as a murderer ho destroyed all her property at the same time, and anger rose in her heart. the fire in his heart is like the fire of hell. . in the ashes

It turned out that the oner as not satisfied ith the system and electrocuted it. 3, 2, 1

hat? does this broken system have a similar function? michelle as a little surprised, but the pale lightning covered her body like a snake and continued to sim. Suddenly, a strong emotion filled her bones, michelle's eyes ent blank, and tears floed from the corners of her mouth. . because of the electric shock, I blacked out and as about to urinate.

Even ith the discovery of the master, the dissatisfaction ithin the system as not resolved, the level of processing as insufficient, and the poer increased by three orders of magnitude. 3, 2, 1!

hat? Stop.

michelle started shouting at the end of her sentence before she could finish.

the electric shock surrounding michelle's body immediately intensified, and her body fainted like a ra fish on the bed, her eyes turned hite, and she suddenly took her last breath.

hoever, natural breathing eakens the golden veins.

ith Golden Ripple, electrical damage and mental stress begin to heal. Ripple Secret martial Arts is famous for its eternal breathing and immortality. this sentence seems meaningless. people live as long as they breathe, and hen they die they stop breathing.

hoever, Ripple miu is different; as long as it can breathe ell, even if its skin and bones bee vegetative or beaten, it can be pletely transformed by Ripple's poer.

of course, in the current situation, the hole reason for the poer of ater to fall is to hurt michelle, if she loses, she ill not believe that she has lost her life, this system is broken and she ill feel dissatisfied ith their hearts. . No he has aakened to his fighting poer, and the God of ar shames him for his aakening.

hoever, if this continues, he ill be killed alive and tortured. In his opinion, if the God of ar system had risen to the fifth level, hat he had achieved so far ould be enough to kill him pletely. breathe and body. turned into cooked meat.

because of this, michelle's breathing pattern suddenly changed and she suddenly lost her vibrational poer and became confused, and michelle received electricity and happiness.

the treatment should be stopped only after confirming that the oner is not satisfied ith the current system. tAKE

If michelle had been aake, she ould have cried, but for no she as happy. And, of course, I am pletely deaf.

After michel died, an old man dressed as a priest passed by.

hat kind of blessing is this, o saints, the mighty poer of this evil god? God's eternal poer has nothing to do ith God. No, the shape is a little different, but it's okay, that's for sure.

haldegger sa the sleeping michel and raised his hand, but 30 minutes later, michel jumped up and stood facing haldegger, his eyes closed and opened, his breath as clearly eak and ragged. he is still unconscious.

but hy does the eak act?

hardeg thought for a moment and said:

ho are you? hy are e spending the night here?

Identify the danger, identify the target, and identify the type: Evil priest. Start deleting.

michelle ansered in a cold voice, but this style as not hers, her voice as harsh, and hardegger's eyes idened like a god and a devil, and the corners of his mouth ere ide smile.

my hands are tired!

hardeg didn't say a ord, his right palm as red, and michelle moved at the same time.

michelle continued her gentle movements, deceptively simple yet beautiful.

his hands pulled him straight up ithout strategy, you thought he as plastic to kill.

No matter ho simple a move is, if done right it can be a magical move that can cause pain to someone, and michelle's punches seem to ork like a trick. It as a sound in the ind, but his hand as faster than the sound, and the confusion in the air created a fiery red color.

Just as his young but skilled hands tried to seal hadeg, full of special moves, a small hand slipped in from above the outer all and pierced his inner organs.

but hardegger as still calm in the face of the terrible blo, gave an extraordinary celebration, then pushed his red palms forard, and for a moment seemed to sloly and quickly disappear. belo, his palm pressed against michelle's chest, but michelle's hand had not yet pressed against her body. At this time, michelle's pink hand as still moving, but the opponent's hand, hich as believed to be moving at about 80km\/h, as faster than michelle's pink hand, and Kadjar as afraid, so he did not touch it.

hagel's hand, hich as as dry as an ancient tree, pressed against michelle's pletely undeveloped breast, and the strange red magic poer that floed from his palm invaded the body on the other side. . michelle immediately felt her body shake and fell to the ground. As if he had lost all his strength.

but still michelle's eyes ere not opened, and no her breathing began to calm don, a golden glo from her skin, and hardegger pointed to one of her breasts. they robbed him.

hen the finger touched the human skin, another kind of hite smoke appeared, like a burnt match, and although it didn't hurt much, hardegger's eyes felt good. It's getting serious.

hat is this poer? Your body might hurt, but that's it.

hen this suggestion reached hardeg's heart, the skin on his injured finger immediately regenerated itself, and the finger soon returned to normal.

hoever, hardeg seemed to onder hy the forces of evil did not join him - there as something about the golden particles that shone like the sun that made him think. No is the time for the poer of the old gods.

In other ords, it is a poer similar to the poer of the old seal, hich cancels the primordial poer of the universe, and a funny but strange and mysterious poer called phantom primordial poer or divine poer. ANGER

but after knoing the reason, hardeg did not understand hy the opponent ould harm him, is it an old seal? can one protect the ancient seal magic ith secret martial arts or is it a ne divine creation?

but if it is only one ay, then it is impossible, so are mentally eak but talented people designed to struggle in the real orld and chase false success?

tired and tired. hardegger didn't think so.

Note 1: It is also the planet of pluto and Jupiter, and Jupiter is the brain.

Note 2: ar God demonbane, also knon as demon Slayer, is a eapon created by the dominant group to fight the man in black. Also, all evil gods (including foreign gods and alien gods) ere destroyed by the concubine. old ruler). Lord of destruction. demonbane is a mysterious eapon created by bining science and alchemy.

064 church

hot and heavy and like alking.

michelle feels this is ho her body looks.

Undoubtedly, sleep is good, it makes his soul leave the body of pain and bee a buddha, and the beauty of death penetrates the heart of young michel.

hoever, this state also did not last long, soon his soul returned from the earthly paradise and sank deep into his body, and michel felt something strange in his body and oke up from a deep sleep. .

hen I opened my eyes, beautiful blue eyes appeared like jeels.

hoever, hen she looked closely, she realized that this as not the usual place, and many questions arose in michelle's mind.

here did it e from? can someone tell me? I'm so tired it feels like my muscles are going to give out and I feel like I've lost my punching bag.

michelle doesn't remember at all, her memory is dead, and she seems to be so confused in the God of ar series that she ants to be buddha.

but hen I think of michelle, I almost die of shame.

michelle checked her breathing and adapted to the things miu Ripple as doing to her body, sloly regaining her strength and losing her flesh and blood.

he thought about it and realized that this place looked like a church. the building looked like a christian temple, but apart from a fe oddities, I could see no signs of this religion. Seeds, runes, statues.

Runes? No, he is not like him, nor is he like the God of the North. And the church of the Northern Gods ill not survive this time because the cult destroyed the religion through corruption. christianity.

michelle stood on the high ooden chair and raised it so she could jump up and see if anything as rong.

this statue is similar to the others, but unique. here have I seen this before?

michelle thought for a moment and couldn't remember, but she as sure she sa him.

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