

第63章 现实的趋同(2 / 2)
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of course, reconciliation only happens after death.

don't argue anymore, even if you have a problem, are you better than those ho e back?

myrna said something as she jumped from the door to the ground floor.

myrna heard the revelation and understood it.

And maybe they realized that nothing happened except Yahya and the people ho ere at the gate sloly fell don.

Sziget is also determined to follo in Aria's footsteps and leave this horrible place.

brother, are you planning not to go?

Aria said this before she left and she didn't force herself on anyone so she ouldn't orry and there as no point in forcing anyone.

but, because Arya as mourning, Yahya responded ith approval, and Yahya remained there indifferently, as if he anted to remain a sacrifice to dagon, the god of the deep.

outside the cafe.

Six or seven men as deep as divers sat atching outside.

No one has e yet, and it's been a long time.

A remote diver like a priest came ith characters like an executioner and a hitman.

they look like judges, scary, and their body parts that can't be attached to their bodies give them a eird vibe at this point.

No one logged in?

- asked the priest.

No, no one as there.

It's fine.

the monk smiled and reached for his other stomach, continuing to play ith the piece of skin he held in his right hand. this is the knife used to remove human skin from the body, and it is easy to use and very beautiful dad on. .I said, he likes this sacrificial knife.

It is obvious that the deep Lords and the divers are the same, there is blood beteen them that does not allo them to kill each other, and unlike the blood relations beteen the poor, their blood has spirit control functions. . there is no resistance.

hoever, the priest liked to kill and torture people, and unless he as a stranger, he never stood a chance. dagon must have a special desire in his heart to give these foreigners a good fight for him.

before long, he skinned the living people inside the ark. this feeling made the priest's blood boil. Joy as stronger than birth, and hen he realized that these gifts ere holy and sacrificial, it made the priest's blood boil. As a believer in God's predestined destiny, priest dagon realized that to truly understand dagon's abundance, he needed to enjoy it deeply.

It's a familiar place for them, so it's okay for them to alk around ith their eyes closed, and since these people are in prison, they don't think they've entered this place.

they started shouting hile alking.

At first, it as supposed to be a cafe that could acmodate a lot of people, but hat kind of cafe as in front of us?

hat is this?

Suddenly such a thought appeared in the minds of all profound people.

the priest stood over him, and the priest stood over him, their clas reached out from the foam and took a leather shoe behind him, something that looked like something else. I took a rong turn.

Since I don't run on oily surfaces, my legs run so fast that I can't see their shape clearly.

but hen he as about to turn and leave, a giant monkey appeared in front of the road.

It is a very long samurai sord, and because of its structure and refining method, it may be a magic sord made by a famous blacksmith 560 years ago. created by magical poers, hen a poor person is beaten, his soul feels as if he has fallen into purgatory.

this magical blade, made of special heat, is his favorite eapon. Looking at the physical condition of his opponent, he realized that it as impossible to make such a deep dive if he relied on his physical strength. ar, that's hat he ants. use magic. the poer of this blade can cause opponents to retreat.

he as not necessarily stronger than the others and ran aay faster than any deep shelter, taking to people behind him. one took advantage of the confusion and tried to escape, hile the other as caught by the guards. Animals are attracted to it like oil, and seem to be quite difficult to release.

the diver-like man smiled and sung his magic sord to release the sord fire, causing the ater to flash like a meteor and attack the great ape ith force, and the magic poer of this magic sord as able to defeating the giant. Sal in his presence burned.

hoever, the ater stuck to the large muscles of the monkey, hile the skin as stained ith blood.

Apparently, the magic sord has no magic poer, and if I don't try this sord on someone right aay, they ill think that I replaced the magic sord in my hand ith another eapon. In fact, it is unnecessary.

but the feeling of his hands appeared different, so hen the diver looked into his eyes, he sa the real face of this giant monkey and as immediately afraid, but he as not even afraid. he turned and tried to run aay from the knife.

- run from afar

hat is the big monkey? he collects human body parts and uses gruesome methods to resemble a giant ape ith sollen scalp and eyelids. - Like an insect, his mouth smells like a rotting corpse.

the corpse as full of chaos, a human corpse, ith arms, legs, torso, and various parts of the human body cut off and stretched by strings like a giant monkey.

hoever, no matter ho slo the giant monkey as, it as faster than him, and it immediately grabbed the magic sord and chased after the diver's footsteps. the magic sord in his hand had not yet been released, so he released it. In a hand that stopped moving.

hen he gets to the point here he looks like a deep diver, he can smell but can still talk.

did you see here my body ent?

the great apes seem to kno nothing and lack intelligence and isdom.

deep divers are considered more physically active than humans, but not to the same degree as the great apes.

he stretched out a hand that as five feet long - the hands of many people ho seed it, and it someho gre into a black, tisted hand, but the marks of stitches are clear.

Suddenly, it collided ith the diver's body.

No one could escape as they ere grabbed by both hands and spun around one by one, and even if they bravely held the magic sord or used chaos to escape, everyone as hit by the deadly eapon. they are like iron hips.

they quickly turned to pulp.

A happy smile appeared on the giant ape's face as he devoured the meat.

hoever, his stomach as full of cracks, alays et ith blood and looked fresh.

Father diver struggled as the black dragon devoured his clothes and flesh until the manfish covered his skin and flesh, but he still fought against the blood and finally escaped. Go to a place here there are no animals.

Fortunately, he did not encounter poerful monkeys.

It is not a natural animal, it is a supernatural animal.

but the priest did not believe that he ould escape.

there as a black corpse in front of me, but it looked dead.

he didn't kno hat as happening, but hen he looked back, he sa that there as no ay out.

the priest stretched out hat turned out to be a ashcloth to the frog (and had signs of decay) and broke open the body.

the cage as empty, he sa a man in the cage, hich surprised the priest in the cage.

he kne people ere being atched here and the cafe doors ere open.

Yes, that's the direction they need to go, but hat if that's the direction? So here are they going?

hen the priest looked closely, he sa that everyone had left, but the man had not yet left.

the priest decided there as no risk and entered.

he felt himself rise up and felt abandoned.

he sa the headless Sziget.

one thing is, I think this is a normal situation, but this person has enough differences to pass.

After the explosion there is nothing, not even the skin inside the mouth.

At that moment he realized that he as in a situation.

hen I looked into the light, apart from his headless body, I sa countless black gloing devices gathered.

it is

——the oman as standing on the furniture, staring at everyone ith cold eyes.

the aura that came out of his body belonged to dagon, and the priest could not make a mistake.

but hen his thoughts fell to the ground, all his emotions intensified.

- It's a dream

032 the treasure of poseidon (25)

John has no idea hat's going on and hen he's trapped in a cage, everything seems to turn into chaos.

confusion and stupidity because once you get to kno John, it's hard to understand ho he is.

to be honest, he didn't even kno hat as in his head, his feelings and thoughts ere like to people shouting and John had no idea ho ould listen to him. I didn't kno.

the goat door as open, but the animals still thought they didn't kno hat as going on here, and could leave henever they anted.

the goat has a cave, it looks sad, and does not ant people to e out. ith him - he realized that there as fear.

this is a danger that cannot be understood by man, and it is difficult for Yahya to understand, but there is something he knos, something more than that ill destroy hat he knos. it should be enough for him to it can be his on. mentally, he has reached the point here he can no longer accept his current situation.

but even though he has this kind of hatred, there is still an unfelt eakness in Yahya's heart, but surely the right thing ill e out. , select and return? No, I'll just go home normally.

hen Yahya realized that he as very sad, angry, crazy, and crazy ith thoughts, his head buzzed like an insect, and then he ent crazy.


he couldn't control the pain anymore and cried, he really anted to faint and couldn't bear the pain anymore, but hen John thought about it, God gave him despair and his heart as forted. . then he heard a strange sound.

It as the voice of a young but hateful oman, as if uttered to make someone hate her.

but John asn't happy about it and didn't kno hy he felt that ay.

but he felt great joy in his heart.

of course, I forgot hose voice it as.

of course I forgot the reason.

but this happiness is not fake, it exists.

that's crazy, there are to possibilities: both the orld is crazy, or I'm crazy.

In the heat of his anger, amidst the screaming, contemptuous taunts of the oman, Yahya finally broke don.

- You have to leave, hat lies ahead is not madness, but fate and revenge, haven't you heard? this is God's voice, so obey it.

- that as planned from the beginning.

- must stop, the dead must not ake up from a long sleep.

—— Returning everything to its original meaning is the only ay to true salvation and salvation.

opportunity? It's crazy, am I dreaming?

John's hand as sollen and full of blood vessels.

he put his hand on his head because it hurt.

I feel better even though it's useless, maybe it's just a psychological effect, but I still feel better.

o, if you can say that, it means you finally understand.

Suddenly someone ansered Johanna, and hen Johanna folloed the voice and looked at him, it as a familiar person.

It as a strange old man in fisherman's clothing, curly gray hair, and rinkled face, but Yahya could pronounce his name immediately and didn't notice anything.

are you gay? ho are you

ill he try his brother? hy here? In addition, it should not be too big.

At this moment, Juan realized that there as darkness in the cave, a terrible light, like a terrible insect floating in the sky.

John, you must remember that all this must be fate, it is fate itself, keep everything, it must not be a dream.

dream? You say it's just a dream? You are crazy, yes you are crazy.

John screamed like he as losing his mind, and the seagull-like old man sloly ansered.

maybe, I'm crazy, maybe you kno? If you ant to kno all these things, can you do anything to hear things from someone else's mouth to see them ith your on eyes, hear them yourself, and understand them? So go for yourself, the truth is not given to you by others, and hen it is over, the fog ill disappear.

but is that really happy? that's another question, but hat I can say for sure is that if you ant to leave the island, you have to leave Inboga, take everything from it, get rid of this dream.

A smile appeared on Sigesu's face at the end of the sentence, but it as not an encouraging smile.

Instead, it as like the smile of a gambler ho thought he had found hope, a smile of a gambler ho had achieved all his expectations, a ide but not kind smile.

but Yahya ignored it at that time because the voices in his head ere getting louder.

It has to be stopped, it has to be done because it is destiny.

-If you don't go, you'll regret it no.

- If you ant to return to your normal life, you have no choice but to do so.

ords like this ere starting to drive John crazy in many ays, and he anted to forget them, but he definitely didn't ant to hear them.

hoever, his body reacted again and he ent out of the gate and ent to the priest feeling confused and afraid.

but, unbeknonst to him, regret took root like a poisonous thorn.

but he couldn't see it, because his heart as filled ith fear and the desire to return to normal.

did you expect that? do you ant your life back?

──Yes, I ant to go back to my old life, forget everything about this island, and go back to living happily.

- So hat is a happy life?

─ meaning

the questions and ansers came from Yahya's heart, but he did not have time for it, the attention of the people intensified, and heard the voice of a person in the heart, but forgot, ho is it? hat is this? he decided to go to the last place.

church building.

It is a vast space of about 2,000 square meters, tice the size of the church above. It is difficult to understand hy there is so much space, but the ell that looks like the ell of the King far belo the seats says it all. it is

Among them are the King of the Sea, the mighty, and the Great dragon.

At the bottom of the ell, a dragon, one of the ancient evil gods, aaits the ritual.

but is this real body or body?

No one knos, but this is the home of the tantric cult of dagon, the true home and abode of the dead.

u xia sat on a throne that looked like a king, ith his calves turning into deep ater-like tentacles.

this is a nice tent, but not suitable for travel.

Although e ere traveling faster than usual, ground friction did not cause any major problems.

but as a priest, dagon's folloers carried him like a bridge carried by divers.

but no he focuses on felloship ith God.

the Secret dagon are a group that often associate ith evil gods, but surprisingly, kno nothing about magic.

but there are some basic things, like alays talking to God ith the priests.

ousia, a monk, is so poerful that he can even express his thoughts to dagon.

hoever, that as only because dagon's telekinetic poer covered the island.

For him to kno everything that the islanders think, but he often talks to the priest.

because even if the spirit of the priest hears the holy voice of the Lord, it ill not be interrupted immediately and ill return to the body of stupidity and stupidity.

No one knos hat the evil gods are thinking, but this does not mean that they do not speak to people.

on the other hand, hen you talk to people, there are many differences, such as a normal person, a scientist-like person, or a cruel person.

but if you really believe in this positive thinking, you ill die ell.

Like chaos and Narlathotep's confusion, God's attributes are infinite.

In other ords, they can explain the behavior of everyone, but not most.

the character of the evil god is like the diplomatic representatives of the evil god, and they have no authority to make decisions.

therefore, no value can be assigned.

he is a godly evil character ho knos hen they could be another character.

No one knos the true thoughts of the evil god.

At least, it's probably not the ay you used to municate ith them.

It is foolish to believe in the ords of the evil gods, because their orks, the orks promised to humanity in the past, are one thing if they live in the next moment.

hoever, the nature of evil gods is generally fixed and ill not change unless you try to change it.

In this small island, dagon's character seems ready to make a blood sacrifice.

this as of no use to dagon, but conformed to the pattern of evil: God exists only for evil.

ell, that's the situation dagon put himself in, because he incarnated as thousands of different incarnations of Nyarlathotep.

this time dagon and his actions ere confirmed.

Lord, the sacrifice has been prepared. please bring your blessings to this place and may God protect you.

I have been a victim for a long time.

It means living men and living omen. therefore, dagon did not send gifts for a long time.

but no it's different. Since it as a blessing received through dagon's promise, Uthia hoped that the beautiful Imboja ould return and stand again in dagon's grace.

In this orld, there are gods ho ill be saviors, and there are demons ho ill destroy the orld.

Although the Savior as present from the beginning, salvation as never forced, so meeting the needs of the Savior is an important task and requires the help of God's grace.

these goddesses are fools, and e should think that these fools ill be judged by the gods.

this condition is ritten in the promise of dagon.

deep divers must follo this procedure. then you ill escape and have eternal life and everything ill be perfect.

033 poseidon's treasure (26)

dagon ansered ithout a ord, but ouxia sa his heartfelt anser and happiness.

he smiled happily, then raised a group of skilled craftsmen ho represented dagon's divine poer and manded his folloers.

bring them here, the time has e for the great sacrifice, good nes that the glory of the god of the sea has arrived in Imboga, but one thing is missing, the holy sacrifice. .

hen u xia spoke, the people ho seemed to be divers in the crod cheered.

they shouted the name of the great old man and called the name of dagon.

u xia drunkenly listened to these calls, laughing and listening.

myrna and her friends follo Aria's footsteps into a dark and damp cave.

there as no sunlight at all except for the torches hanging from the carved stone alls.

thanks to the light they shine, myrna and her friends see things every day.

Veronie's right leg as amputated, so myrna took her.

Sziget folloed, but he as silent, his face heavy as if thinking about something.

Aria fell silent as ell, and as very aare of the young man under her eyes.

Even inside those caves, there are mysterious lights and bright colors that make people feel mysterious.

It looks like an endless evil glo.

It as as if I sa in his eyes the mysterious orld that ordinary people cannot see.

this time they have been alking for about 10 minutes.

Veroni is not heavy; that is, he as light because he had lost his right leg, but he had no strength to rest, but myrna as quite eak. in surgery

besides, I've been alking for 10 minutes and there's no sign that he's going to leave, so I don't ant to say anything, but I still have a question.

Is this really a solution?

Aria turned around hen she heard myrna's question. there as no expression on her beautiful face, and her beautiful eyes looked at him ith a strange and cold expression, but she looked at him in a special and gentle ay. . .

of course, there is no doubt that the solution lies in that direction. because there is no other ay for us to follo.

Aria seemed to be trying to dispel the other person's doubts.

hoever, myrna's suspicion increased after Veroni as carried on her back, but this time she did not speak because of Veroni.

Yes, there is no other ay, but is this the solution e ant?

It as a strange sound, and it hit myrna's ears.

of course, these people are familiar to him, but hy did he feel the hair in his heart, his hair became cold, and led to a dangerous situation?

hen mirna stopped, Aria stopped again, alking like a snake on the tisting rocks.

ho many of you don't?

hy are e alking in this cave-like place?

myrna asked, but this time Aliya just nodded to the question.

but ithout speaking, the silver in her eyes gre stronger, as if something golden and dangerous appeared in Alya's eyes, but myrna as sollen and dared to look at each other.

Aria finished speaking hile looking at mirna, but this time her voice as raised as if she as angry.

hat are the problems ith cave travel?

because, although I don't remember ho I got to the plate, I'm sure that Kapha as not placed in the cave.

I don't kno if it's a trick or not, but hen myrna said it, she put a sarcastic smile on Aaliyah's perfect face, but it as just an illusion. myrna anted to see the details at the same time, and she noticed that. his gaze became cold and indifferent, hich frightened myrna and stopped her.

Aria replied.

If you think there are other options, decide for yourself. I never forced you to go there. once you decide, stick to it.

So tell me, hat is your advice?

to make it even more convincing, hen Aliya alked toards myrna, the sound of her footsteps reached my ears, and myrna's heart trembled, as if a eight had been thron at her. the hammer rang and his spirit trembled.

myrna looked like she as droning in a plate of cold ater, and her body as alays cold. that's hen I realized that Aria's eyes are not eird, they are different from other people's eyes. myrna seemed to see something in her eyes.

then she felt a pain that made her lose her mind and myrna cried like she as losing her mind and turned her face aay, but as she going to alk like this?

Aria smiled, the silver in her eyebros being more prominent. A closer look at his young face revealed a small tumor of unknon origin groing on Shirakichi's skin. he came out like a frog.

And like oil left in the sun, everything melts and circulates.

It asn't just strange meltdons that myrna sa on her run.

he himself experienced such a strange phenomenon, his slender fingers fell unnaturally, the nails fell from the fingers, as if bones and flesh had merged into one body, as if they could not bear the eight. - ours. As if, his body continued to bend. and fall.

myrna raised her hand and sa the juices floing from the five fingers of her right hand. they lost their lines, seemed to merge, and then fell into the body. I see it melt aay like fat, like muscle. And the bones ere as pale as soft gums.

myrna as deeply troubled by these strange events and struggled to keep her posure.

he felt that the thoughts of time and space ere separated from his consciousness, his vision became dark, as if it ended, his consciousness returned to darkness, nothingness, and it became the past.

Veronie fell to the ground hen myrna fell. Even if he anted to alk fast, ithout alking, it as impossible for him. Sitch to your other leg.

but as I alked, I realized that the ground as not like dirt, but like the skin of an unknon soul. his hand rubbed the floor and Veroni regretted it.

the ground is stupid and rough, and the original smooth stone all has a nice smell, but it seems that a lot of ater has floed into the eyes, and no you can't understand it. If you remove the existing one, then yes, it is impossible to get clean ater from the all as clean ater.

It's a disgusting smell, but it smells a little nostalgic. Veroni's smell as a mixture of gasoline and vinegar. It as the same smell, but it as a different smell. hy am I used to it? smell? hat kind of content is it?

but he didn't have time to realize, at that moment Veroni's thoughts stopped, and in his last vision he sa that his stomach as cut ith a knife, as if someone put oil on his stomach, and he felt the same ay. hen I poured oil on his stomach, I sa that he as cut ith a knife. the biggest surprise as realizing that I had done this terrible thing.

Veroni anted to kno hat it as, but he couldn't because he as dead and still didn't understand hy he as here.

If you look further, you ill probably find him dead, about to or three meters aay, his other foot touching the ooden door, the door opening and closing, gasping for breath.

Aria as in this cave, she didn't move, she didn't do anything, she just stretched out her little hand, as if this strange change had nothing to do ith her. there seem to be many dimensions. his thin, hite fingers still touched the all.

then, the stone all moved like a living thing, and Aria reached out ith her other hand and broke the all, and hen she pulled it again, the stone all split in to, and it feels like muscle, it feels like amazing muscle. .. he left behind a strange plate, hich Aria casually held in her palm and slipped herself into it.

At this time, the eyebro pupils pletely turned silver, hich as not good and unusual.

he smiled and then said hat he meant.

It's all over, a dream that never happened, the dead live in the past, the living must live in the future, it's rong to bring back the past. ell, soon, this insect ill return to its daily life.

No, if you ant to stay in the past, stay there, I'll go and live in the future.

At this moment, Aria's face split into to parts, one as cold and speechless, as if the muscles in her body ere dead, and the other as full of terror and horror, it as obvious that she as stubborn. FAcE

Again, these to aspects take up half of your mind and seem to speak the same vocal chords.

It could be, maybe, but it's the same, no, but it's over, everything's been settled since that day, hat's the point of resisting? have you ever asked the dead hat it means to resurrect them? the deceased does not ant to die, please help. Nothing, never. this is just a ish.

the thoughts of the dead are the thoughts of the dead, if they ant to live or die, let the living after the resurrection say, I don't ant to die, please help me, no one does that. ho do you kno that if you haven't heard him say it himself? You have no poer to speak to the dead, he cursed the devil.

034 poseidon's treasure (27)

hen myrna regains consciousness and is alloed to control her body, she aakens to a special tragedy.

Since I had my period, I don't kno ho tight it as and I still don't kno hat happened, but it hurt a lot.

this can cause quite a stir and myrna is suddenly and fully aake.

All the nerves ere immediately removed because there as no part of his body that did not feel pain.

It is hot, like hot oil and ater, but it is located on a stone bed - or a special table is suitable.

myrna's arms ere held by metal rings, and the pain felt as she as injected ith energy.

but unlike the ring, inflicting such pain for one's on pleasure is a futile endeavor.

Realizing this, myrna stopped all unnecessary activities and returned. the first thing he sa as his body, his legs ere not broken, his arms, his legs ere not broken, and hen he sa that, it as real and he kne it asn't. he couldn't see anything, it as melting somehere, he thought secretly, it as all an illusion, ould the hole orld melt aay? that's not all.

but before she could calm don, myrna felt the acid attack her skin, and upon closer inspection, she noticed that her skin as covered in blood. It seemed like a special language, but he didn't kno it.

It as not ritten in ords, but in his blood, and hen he picked his skin ith a sharp eapon, the blood from the ound turned into a strange magic.

myrna looked at the man ho gave her such a signal ith beautiful eyes. She is a beautiful oman, earing religious clothes, her eyes are cold, her skin is hite, but she is. the skin that has sunk into the sea after a long time ithout the sun, and a smooth face that looks like it has been painted ith something.

If it asn't about her painting, myrna might be happy about it, but no she ants to say, baby, leave me alone.

oh, are you aake? God does not like an unpunished victim, so he ants to ake you up. but if you ake up on your on, it's easy.

of course, at least I ill ake him up after I finish draing. If you shake hile aake, it's even orse if it's mistaken for illness. this is hat I have chosen as a special sacrifice. . , my brother's friend? I don't really need it, I need my brother.

After saying these ords, u xia's ords ere not good, and the content as also very bad, in fact, there as nothing to make people feel good.

Security guards deserve to go to hell.

myrna did not kno hat happened.

he sore, but Uxia as not angry and looked at myrna ith a sad expression.

No, I am eternal. Although time ill not kill me, I ill not go to hell, but to the kingdom of God.

u xia said that she took about five steps back to plete the painting, so that myrna could clearly see hat happened to the other organs.

It as disgusting, like an octopus, and it sprang from ouxia's foot, and under her thigh as not a calf, but a member that looked like a sea animal, and only myrna could tell its price.


u xia laughed because she kne hat such an idea as, a monster?

No, it's something superhuman, from a short-lived being like a human being to eternity that doesn't age, doesn't get sick, doesn't die, doesn't die unless killed.

Your son ill be like me, the god of the mediterranean, the son of dagon, the immortal son, and he ill kno glory, for he is man and God of gods.

If Aaliyah had been around, God might have told her that there as no ay she ould have children of any kind.

but God knos hat they ant to kno.

In this, it is also used to mean alloing oneself or another being to create fictitious beings, even ancient ones.

As far as Arya knos, the dunich monster as originally the result of a magical spell.

he used magic to leave the heirs of Yog-Sothoth in human bodies.

Unfortunately, only one person has the poer of an evil god, and he is only half a ton tall. I can't stop the demon.

you are crazy

myrna couldn't think of anything to say because the pain in her heart started to subside and she couldn't speak.

u xia hung it up and placed it on top of the ancient ell guarded by dagon's disciples.

there as still time to sacrifice poseidon, and u xia anted to send marna to dagon, but she as still stuck for a hile.

but hen he as killed, myrna sa the animals running aay and had another idea.

So they arrest her, and Veroni, realizing that a child is about to be born in her omb, tries her best to kill the demon child, so she mits suicide.

No, it's not true, or is it just a fantasy? myrna suspected that he as crazy.

At the same time, there as a knock on the door, hich attracted people's attention.

his experience ith omen. this caused many shouts from the congregation, but hen he sa them, they fell silent.

Is he one of us?

Yes, they are dagon's people.

this type of content continues to spread.

Aria's eyes turned from pure hite to silver, then ugly silver, then ugly silver, but there as a crazy magical poer hidden inside them. After three steps, he stopped and said,

hello, dagons. I am Aria bit, a divine mage.

Aria said ith a smile.

hoever, this caused doubts among the clergy of the next church.

At this point, it asn't originally that Arya didn't send the book of Azathoth to Earth, that as the source.

As the priest predicted, he as indeed of dagon's blood.


Yes, he is a magician, a messenger ho attracts the attention of the great gods.

Aria said holding out her hite, sharp hand.

this is the proof

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