

第64章 艾尔德里奇的崛起(1 / 2)
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About being single?

I haven't figured that out yet, so if I really ant to go home I can just run straight to the beach ith no problem, but I have to go back so I don't have to.

hat the demon Aria needs is to destroy the reason, destroy the ill and determination of the people in front of him, and hile he is human, he can never defeat the demon.

It ended suddenly, but too quickly. this level has dagon and daemon, so everything ould be perfect ithout Azathoth's book effects. create text from scratch.

I can't tell you the truth, but I can tell you something.

Not the sorceress Arya ho no controls the body, but a cold demon, the demon Arya can't get hat Johanna ants - unlike this fool she doesn't kno. .

of course, the demon didn't kno ho Aria's soul had arrived at this stage, but e to think of it, it might be because he didn't kno that his future soul had received Liao dan, also knon as pluto medicine. .

majin Arya doesn't kno about Azathoth's bible, so this is the best explanation for her.

- but an explanation is an explanation, and it is only a guess.

the devil doesn't kno if it's true, but he doesn't need to kno.

but for this he must stop this ignorance, hatever it takes for the rest of the dead.

And since Aria as the only one ho as not clean before, I hope she can rest, it seems like the living ill of people ho are not clean.

by the ay, did you see this? Is it pletely pork-skin or pork from a pig farm? Remember, you can see it on the streets here, you have to see it.


John had no idea hat the devil as talking about because he couldn't see hat he as talking about.

but dem Arya used magic, it asn't really a magic attack, god knos hy, maybe it as a conflict beteen her brotherhood and ho she looked at her brother. maybe it's a connection.

hile he as thinking about this, another idea came to his mind.

he sa the monster and captured it, but died in agony after Seaget hacked him alive ith a knife.

hoever, a priest saved him and he fought and killed the monster.

I ish I as here to save my girlfriend, I have never seen anything like this.

thinking of this, Yahya felt a headache again.

he didn't kno hat it as so he put his hand on his head.

of course, these things they remember are true, but they are also lies, memories thron by the devil, and they ill e in due time.

hoever, Johanna kne that she had a head injury.

At the same time, Aliyah, the diver behind him, started to attack Yahya as if he as saying something to him.

John faces many inhuman monsters, but is quickly defeated by black and blue.

he turned a metal box full of gasoline into a eapon, and every time he hit a monster, he absorbed its heat.

this is definitely special.

but Jon didn't care that the dragon asn't killed by bullets and retreated hen people hit him ith hard objects, but that as the priority, right?

And it is important to save the energy of doubt and use it to release the iron box in your hands.

And Aria rejected the expectations for deep divers and re-evaluated the prices - as expected, they ere all useless fish.

the spirits shouted to the spirits, and a fe drops of black juice appeared in the house in front of them, ith the poer of the demon Aria, they immediately shot Yahya, ho ent through the hole like a bullet.

John managed to escape, but the black drops fell to the ground next to him ith a terrifying sound and heat, and John sa that the place he hit disappeared, leaving behind a strange chemical that as harmful. substance.

Like I said, I'm sensitive, so if you don't ant to post all the pretty stuff, you can stop here.

Arjan Arya said ith serious eyes and a half smile, but at the same time an unfamiliar voice echoed in his heart.

Lord, may it not be in vain, you need not use magic.

Alia devi may not be in control of her body, but her mind is still inside her body and that's hat she ants to say.

of course, that asn't really possible, but that as all Arya could think of. If you don't, you'll go crazy and ant to find someone and beat yourself up.


John stopped hen he sa the traces of the potion on his leg, looked at his sister, and asked.

hy are you asking? You should kno hat you are doing, I am doing it for your good, if you remember everything, my brother ill be in trouble.

I don't understand, and I don't need to understand, I just need to kno one thing, I need to protect you all.

ell, you die, you die.

Aliya demonstrated the importance of this task tice.

but John did not seem to hear anything, and after throing the ater deep, he ent up to the gas garden and continued forard, talking.

I said I ant to save everyone.

that's fine, I can still live that dream, but could you please remove the About section altogether?

Jah spoke Jah's ords. but here too John decided to ignore the arnings of others and move on.

hoever, as Johanna thought, Aria's demon did not directly use magic poer on Johanna, but only uttered a voice that Johanna could not hear.

If that's you, you should avoid it.

but I'm not you, I ant to live, I don't ant to rest, even if I die, I don't ant to rest, move, live. So, I don't ant to rest, I ill help you and nothing can stop you, true, curiosity killed the cat.

I didn't understand hat he said, but the meaning as clear, Arya never acted because she ould never stop Jon, she ouldn't do anything on her on, it as impossible. Use magic on Yahya.

--Sure, the spells you cast before are not rejected by your opponent's brain. In other ords, even if your magic that you issued makes the situation orse, you cannot attack your opponent ith magic .

So dem Arya gritted her teeth and said,

It's stupid brother but it's a pity that the dead should rest in peace but the living don't, that's hy I'm going to stop him being a fool, I ant him to die.

hoever, this is his freedom and his relationship ith the evil god, and you have no poer to stop him.

his demonic body limited the poer and divine energy of the evil god dagon.

his color is trying to bee an evil god, but this step is not possible. because his life stopped before he got there.

the dead do not progress, even after hundreds or thousands of years, the dead cannot learn, the ritten knoledge and experience do not ork properly, and the mind and body remain in the same place. death. And no progress.

because - this is the poer of the living, the demon is no just a puppet that pulls the corpse, everything has been solved, no matter ho hard you try, you can't, improve your skills and abilities. Even 10,000.

the situation ould change if he could actually summon a divine eapon, but all he had as the Eye of dagon, hich had the loest disaster attribute.

And so inplete, only one conclusion can be made, and that is another head - someone from that time space can steal his body and hat happens after that... he doesn't like it. here he is.

And Aaliya doesn't feel anything, this guy is her brother, she can't do that.

So he had to ask for help.

Sister uxia, it's time, please ake up.

he hits the grenade and Uxia akes up, suddenly returning to real time as she enters projection time.

he looked at the murdered myrna, as if a voice in his heart as telling him.

the time has e, dagon needs your sacrifice, go, your time has e, this is hat you need to do and hat to do next.

u xia as surprised and alked toards the corner. It as a handle hanging from an old ell that could be turned into the ground. u xia grabbed the handle, and myrna fell ith a start.



u xia looked at Zhong in shock and said:

John didn't pay attention this time, using his body rotation to avoid falling easily. Arjania Aria didn't say anything, looking at the uping developments ith cold eyes, and probably already thinking about her next move.

but hat e ant to say is that the foreigner cursed ith the devil's heart can fulfill his ill in silence.

have you ever dreamed of this? No, no. because he is only human.

but you are different, Jon, you are a descendant of dagon and my brother is 100 years old (note 1).

I kno I don't understand, I don't understand, I can't atch him die.

death? No, he ill not die, if he dies, ho ill your brother Juan give birth?

hat does that mean?

So dagon ill have an immortal son and a brother in us.

hen u xia finished speaking, a process as activated and her mouth as released immediately, causing myrna to dron.

Note 1: the brothers mentioned here are the same as their ancestor, the evil god dagon, the dragon of dunich, but the evil god is dagon, not Yog-Sothoth. of course, for those ho think carefully, they can be called brothers, ith the same idea that christians often talk about brothers, but maybe this relationship is as simple as a yello A and a black . b. In other ords, they all mean people.

036 poseidon's treasure (29)

pared to the useless phone calls, John's actions are more direct, reaching out and using his body's strength to suppress the circulation of the substance.

At this moment, a scream could be heard from Johanna's to hands, and muscle pain as transmitted from the veins to her head. John suffered so much pain and used so much force that it looked as if the bones in his hand had been broken.

hoever, myrna fell into the old ell.

After hearing a strange sound in the ater and feeling the movement of unknon sea creatures.

John lost patience and forced the device to spin backards, pulling myrna out of the ater.

his arms ere given to him by a god like hercules, so the rope that could not be removed even though his arm bones easily pushed him aay, but this time Yahya realized that the poer of the taoist as slo.

In the beginning, if John as stronger than hercules, he could have stopped the big things.

Seeing this, Yin pursed her lips but said nothing, her silver eyes emitting a strange divine light.

myrna's body as covered in black for some reason.

John looked at Gu Jing's froning face.

It's black, so it's not confusing because of the lack of light, it's black to begin ith.

John felt like throing up this health issue, but he felt anger in his heart hen he looked at the old ell, ithout realizing orthel's construction techniques. he had seen this old man before.

John often sa this old oman, not no, but in the past, he didn't kno. despite the memory in my head, I did not kno hat it as, but my hearing told me.

It as the same as his voice until he heard the voice of a foreign man talking to him.

hat are you doing? You certainly have the poer to do so, so hy not give it a try?

——I have seen and experienced everything, this is not the first time I am eak, no is the time, share this eakness ith your on strength and poer, go back and let the animals destroy the nonsense you have put. . It is beyond the human mind.

- e on, give me your body and I'll make your ishes e true, does everything have a happy ending? this poer, this poer, ill not do hat you ant.

- Leave it to me, leave it to me, leave it to me.

his endless voice made his thoughts disappear, and Yahya felt indescribable fear and pain.

Johanna, I don't need to do this because I ill do it again in the future.

u xia sa John in a strange state and talked to him, and John came back to his senses.

hen Yahya regained consciousness and realized hat had happened, the voice that as not his did not e out again.

If his memory didn't reveal hat happened to him, he ould accept it as his, but otherise, he as a spirit from the beginning.

hat did you say

therefore, from the beginning it as not a blood sacrifice, but only after the ritual, like the position of man in the bible, because there is a ne life, the son of dagon. You should be happy, John.

I did not kno that I am not a religious person or a christian, and that even if I say God, I do not believe in him. I am also interested in understanding these pletely inhuman religious traditions.

God is pletely absent from this orld. If God really exists, ho can he exist? hy did the orld fall into hell?

John felt that he as talking to himself, but ithout thinking, u xia approached John and held his face.

boo tells John that he knos this young oman and knos ho u xia is, but John doesn't kno anything and has thoughts running through his head that aren't his. obviously, this is very scary.

It as not a relic created by demonic magic.

humanity is as dangerous as denying one's on humanity.

because there is no God or truth in this orld, and there is no God or truth in the christian church, hich es from idols and good people ho are more useless than the message of God.

You can imagine a God ho values people and treats them like children, but the truth is that people have no value in the universe, people are not all souls, this is not the orld they did not create , the God. For humans, there is no God that humans orship unconditionally. It as a mistake from the beginning.

No God needs people, no God needs people's faith, and God does not care if it is good or bad, so if you ant to receive God's gospel, all you need is a person. ay

Ansered by mr. mr. u xiazhong as not sure if he as talking to her or asking, as if he as talking about an apple falling from a tree.

In other ords, animals, like dogs, are of no value to people if they please God, but people alays do it because they ant to listen and obey hat the animals say. Give yourself a little gift if you ant it. there is no magic for humans or animals, but the spice of life. No matter hat that means, if you follo God's instructions like a puppy, you ill receive God's approval and blessings, and you ill reach the seet paradise.

God's teachings are only to please God and have no meaning to God or ourselves.

I'm crazy, I'm crazy.

John's only response to this as that, as an atheist, he could never understand anyone's thoughts.

crazy? Isn't it amazing that someone ould look at us and still deny the existence of God? Is it strange to see a hite horse but mistake it for a black horse? do you think if you mistake a hite horse for a black hak, the horse ill bee a black hak? Nothing has changed in the orld, people's perspective has changed. Although the scientific concepts of the orld have changed, such as the round sky and the square earth, the heliocentric theory, and the heliocentric theory, the orld has not changed.

Even if you believe that there is no God and deny the existence of God, the fact remains that there ere ancient people, there are ancient people today, and there ill alays be ancient people.

Science is about generalizing and explaining phenomena. In other ords, the ork is basic and does not fit the theory, so it's time to confirm the principles of science, people have done this kind of ork many times, so those ho can't do it but it's good to say, they can't. so called people, so I don't think there is a bunch of idiots in the orld ho think scientifically that their reforms produced them. those ho think they are as stupid as their creator do not think so.

So hy don't you believe in God?

u xia said that it as suspicious that John had pushed the spear too hard and he had no intention of throing it again.

hat's at the bottom of the ell?

God is my brother.

u xia replied that she had nothing to hide and spoke honestly and generously, but John gave her a strange look.

tell me, is he God? Is this the God you orship?

Yes, he is our God, dagon. God is the only God ho is illing to send us good nes.

u xia did not understand hy the other person asked such a question, but he ansered honestly.

kill me

covered in black oil, myrna cried out in a eak voice as she felt a strange life form under the ell plant something on her body. hen I heard Nee's ords and thought of Vero, I understood. here did it e from?

hat floated in his body as not his, not something divine, but a mythical creation of an evil god through the magic of mother Nature.

myrna ants to live as an enlightened person, but she knos that hat ill be born inside her is the next person, that this demon ill not create anything, that she must e. , I understand that I as not born. . this is not a godly life, but an evil life full of misery.

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