

第63章 现实的趋同(1 / 2)
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在1923年我们主的那一年,爱丽丝·蒙哥马利博士站在一个可怕的磨难的悬崖边上。otten hat this language is.

hen Joanna herself remembered the language, she realized that she as indifferent.

before he could regret or realize hat he had done, the sound of footsteps stopped him in his tracks.

John turned and sa to gloing silver eyes ith an ominous color hidden beneath their pupils.

It is not ne, but it has its on charm.

At that time it seemed something strange, strange and terrifying, but there as a strange purity of terror, and there as a being above men, maybe it as God, maybe it as the devil. Angels

John's attention as immediately focused on the students, looking at them inhumanly.

mon sense requires one to ask hether modern animals see anything through human pupils.

hen Yahya realized the meaning in his eyes, he continued to scream ithout stopping.

my head hurts like someone is operating on me ith a ooden stick and a rusty knife.

- and no drugs

he didn't kno that he had many cracks under his ribs.

It's not like a seal cut ith a knife, it's like a breath, it's like fish inside, but ithout fish scales.

All the cracks that sho it in the process of expansion and contraction are alive.

031 the treasure of poseidon (24)

the inmates don't care hat John thinks no.

hen you are stuck here, acquaintances suddenly appear, hat do you think?

It's not about talking.

In the rusty gold halo, John felt a sharp pain in his heart, and a special memory came back to him, as if someone had stabbed him in the heart ith a knife.

but the saddest thing is that after John ate he realized that he didn't remember anything, he seemed confused but the pain as intense.

If I remember, I didn't feel any pain that time, but to be honest, apart from the headache, nothing good happened.

John as lying on the ground in so much pain that he anted to call an ambulance to the hospital. If it really as possible, John ould do it in the next moment.

Aria? You're not locked out?

myrna didn't notice the strange gold rust in Aria's pupils.

myrna recognized the other side by the shape of his face and body, and kne he as outside the gate.

myrna considered calling for help for half a second, then decided against it. ho could a oman leave them all?

And since it as locked and there as no ay to open it, myrna remained silent.

Yes, because I joined the order of dagon, hich is a onderful place.

myrna as also surprised by Aaliyah's anser.

Veroni ansered in the name of the order of dagon, hich is not surprising.

he looked at Aria ith fear, as if he had seen the devil.

Aria shook her head, full of questions.

hat happened? In this line of thinking, if I ere not part of the indigenous population of this country, don't you think I ould still be alive and ould be dead before you?

ell, anyay, if I have a bad opinion, I can't do anything about it, right?

Aaliyah ansered this and entered the gate.

one day, a strange button appeared on his right hand.

It's not metallic or plant-like, it looks like a living thing, and it's quite transparent.

but maybe that's just an illusion. because Aria can put the key in the door lock and turn it the other ay.

the sound of the door lock is soothing and forting. It as the sound of freedom, the sound of life.

Just release the door lock and the ooden door ill open automatically.

hen you hear the sound of a heart breaking, it sounds like there is no danger.

It's like if you're out, you're out.

hoever, this did not directly anger Johanna, she did not allo the others to leave.

hy not go? by the time these monsters arrive it ill be too late and this ill be your last chance to escape. You have to understand, brother, that you are stuck in a cage and no different than a Sarovski sausage stuffed into a hot dog.

Arya looked at Jon ith his eyes and heart, but she still couldn't build trust hen Jon sa the dark gold among his folloers.

he as afraid, and no he as afraid of his brother.

John didn't kno hy, but every cell in his body as sounding the alarm.

once you get into it, it's like an endless hole.

In fact, there is nothing rong ith that idea, but the person in front of me definitely has a happy smile on his face, and his attitude is not bad.

hoever, Jon took a negative vie of this man's actions, and as he looked at Arya's students, a vague idea occurred to him.

this is a pletely unreasonable assumption.

hoever, John's mind pletely surpassed his reason.

he as scared, but he still atched his sister and Aliya.

Really? your presence here.

hat does that mean? Is this your attitude toards the man ho gave my life to save you?

Aaliyah got a little angry and raised her cheeks.

but hen it es to saving people, no matter ho you hate, the saved person has many reasons for procrastination and self-doubt.

then discard the thought that he died, if you don't ant to be saved, don't be saved, ith these doubts, go straight to heaven and ask God, otherise you ill sleep forever.

As I recall, your key is not the correct key.

hat does that mean? Isn't it already open?

Arya faces Jon's rath, but Jon is patient.

but because of his condition, that patience must die quickly like a falling fish.

Indeed, there as no enemy in front of Yahya ho could stop him from going out, and there as no door that ould not open even if his bones ere broken, so Arya performed a miracle and the lock opened, alloing him to go out. . So it's not like a trap.

but no problem. Aliya removed the metal lock and placed a no-problem sign. As John prepared to go don, the joy that sirled inside him did not stop. , the ind felt strong and Yahya's every breath felt very heavy and required a lot of effort.

this key is amazing, you've seen it.

myrna anted to say she sa it, but she as too tired to really think it had sunk.

And John is the only key breathing creature that only appears in books and movies, and he doesn't get scared just because he's not in a good mental state.

besides, myrna thought it ould be suicidal to stay here.

You never kno hen these animals ill arrive. And hen you arrive and see the cage open, you kno the damage it can do. So myrna thought about it, no, she had to think about it a little bit. .

he believed that the correct strategy as to prevent Yahya from going insane, so he left early. Although the location is not far from the beach, myrna still remembers that there is something there ith a boat and a alk. the plane launched the car.

No matter ho cursed the lock is, the key's job is to open the lock, and it's safe at ork, right? have a question?

therefore, myrna did not kno the reason for the refusal.

If he is saved, he ill not hesitate to give his life to the devil.

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