

第58章 埃尔德里西亚(1 / 2)
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正如毫无感情的历史记录所呈现的那样,与克苏鲁的战斗仍在继续,赌注比以往任何时候都高。ot my real name, hy is this name? It's just a joke.

Aria is quick to tell this lie, but even though she is 3 years old, she can't understand hy this happened to me. but hy did this happen in front of me?

Aria asks herself if she is really a sincere and loving merchant ho sells magic books pretending to be top-notch, but in reality, the magical poer of the books is limited to hat she is, a student, it can be mastered. hoever, at least e don't sell anything that affects people's mental and physical health, and the knoledge of magic books is not a trick.

A book of magic is not a book ritten by magic, but a book ith magical poers. the former is the same, so it is the latter. It is possible. Although it is considered a tutorial, the latter is a fully automatic magic tool.

on the surface, Aria is a charismatic professional ho has never killed anyone, even hen looking for deception, and is an honest and beautiful Al-A agent. . he is also a person ho is seen as a ``good guy'' by the public.

therefore, a terrible and sad thing should not happen to him.

Arya's efforts ent pletely unheeded, and even if they did, it as in vain. because not even heaven could save him from the book of Azathoth, hich he apparently had never heard of. ben's magic book.

No, I can't even call it a \"magic book\", it's more of a series or something like that.

Legend has it that the book of Azathoth as created by an alien god named Nyarlathotep, and that terrible things ill happen if his name is added to the book's contents. there are only to bad attempts. the first is to bee Nyarlathotep's perfect toy and love him physically and mentally. In general, the latter is unheard of.

Even in fairy tales, Aria never felt that it as possible, especially in the magical orld, they ere all called evil fairy tales, especially in the hope that they ould ascend to heaven one after the other. because I as there. this is not a shortcut to the orld, the only ay is to get a ticket to the bottomless pit, and the return ticket is unthinkable.

Aria seems to understand that she got a cheap one-ay ticket and no it's time to ignore everything and get on the train. hen the time came, Aria borroed a small knife from the table and stabbed him in the neck.

but after half a second, Aria's small face shoed a sad look of \"despair\", and the dagger stopped half a centimeter from her neck, and she as not afraid, but she move the ater. In his hands it as only a millimeter.

my hands and fingers also turned hite from a lot of practice, but the blade didn't go forard, it ent back, and then I heard a shrill sound, and the hole blade as rong. physically, he impaled Aria on a ooden pillar behind him.

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