

第58章 埃尔德里西亚(2 / 2)
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he no regrets that even the responsibility of life and death is out of his hands, and his inheritance is only $40,000.

can $40,000 buy a terrible curse? As a orking oman, she cried and regretted, the money as taken at least tice, and Alya accepted it ith sadness.

``the book of Azathoth'' pletely ignores Aria's ords, and its intentions are questionable, but ``the Secret of the Necromancer'' and ``El''. Aria couldn't believe that a magical book called the book of Azathoth had such poer. A GIF es to mind as the main text, and his ill and his body love it.

but Aaliyah, hose future is shrouded in the shado of despair, does not ant to discuss the matter because she has already thought about hat death means pared to death. there as no hope, because he as familiar ith mysticism and could easily think about it.

but is there a solution to this curse? Arya as a mage, a hidden object graduate of miskatonic University, and probably kne about Nyarlathotep, the outer orlds, Arya clearly understood hat these ideas meant. . Is there no end, or is God hat people believe, no one has a ay to solve it.

It's so sad that after the failed death attempt, Aaliyah gave up every chance she had, and ith Aaliyah's level of magic, she still anted to die before dying at the same time. I ent back again, and at first I thought I could escape the curse, but I couldn't take the first step and pletely failed.

he mockingly turned the pages of the liberation book, perhaps to see Aaliyah calm, or perhaps to see despair. Aaliyah's eyes moved unconsciously and suddenly she fell in love ith him. hen Aria sa it, it as like a prophecy of death.

No, it asn't a death prediction, Aria gathered all her strength and read the contents of the book carefully.

have you been to Johar mall on September 31 at 6:34 pm?

Aria read the above text, but she felt out of place and couldn't see him ell, as if she as somehere in the orld. this?

the legend of the \"book of Azathoth\" as interpreted not as a legend, but as a plete truth, so Arya could not ment on it or anything else. , hat are you listening to? Is it ritten in the curse book?

Aria didn't anser at all. Aria felt that nothing good ould e of going there, and that she ould rather die than face something so horrible that no one could understand, and that as orse than death. that as my idea too. Aria as alays scared hen she thought she could slaughter a fat lamb, but she as also scared of fairy tales.

but before that.

After reading the book of Azathoth, Arya fell to the ground like a lost person, but Arya lost her strength and did not expect that she ould be despised, but such a fool that I did not do that. Even if you burn it or thro it in the ditch, it ill be useless and you ill not be able to escape from the dreams of your past. Accept his fate, hat do you ant to tell him?

Aria opened the cursed box, besides the book, there ere some documents and letters, she didn't ant to go to an unknon room, so she opened it. he looked at the envelope. tight

If you open this letter, you ill try to drop this box, but it ill not ork. because if you succeed, you on't see this letter, but you ill get about $40,000. And the real estate certificates in this box, orth $80,000, can be considered a small amount of pensation to you.

maybe you are still confused. If you are smart and not mentally retarded, you should remember ho Edard darby as. If you really don't kno, buy the book. I think you understand.

I don't kno ho you are, this is not a guess, so all I can tell you is that \"Narathotep\" as chosen by the alien god. he didn't think so, but I must have.

by God, after all, I have to say that the draft of the book of Azathoth that you sa, the one I as bothering ith, you opened after reading this letter before choosing it. , and at this point, if you see that the book of Azathoth gives you a task as a task, you must see it and see that that task has been replaced by something, and this is the truth. the goal

Seeing this, Arya's face changed and her fingers trembled as if tired.

005 is dead

Aria as pletely enraged, the little emotion she had left as pletely gone, and even though the cause as pletely on fire, she cut like rubber and stretched the sides, and immediately the letters on her hands I confirm. poetry. he as angry, but not enough to tear up the house certificate.

but as e sat on the runay leading to the \"despair\" corner, it became clear that Alia felt like there as no hope in life, and as much as I loved her, she cried. the magical poer and unparalleled length of ``the book of Azathoth'' convinced me that it as a cursed ``izard'' game (Note 1), but my expectations ere pletely shattered.

Ah ha ha ha ha.

Aria didn't kno hether to laugh or go crazy and cry, so she iped all the tears from her eyes, and the tears that ere supposed to last her life disappeared, and this as the last time she ould cry like this. . hen he as a student, he felt that ``hopelessness'' as possible, and he met a man named ``tryon'' (Note 2).

Aria ent to the book of Freedom and opened it. despite the evil aura emanating from the page, Aria continued to turn the page, but the page had her real name ritten on it, but no one could remove it. hat method is used?

hat about anting to destroy the \"book of Azathoth\"? that's not to be expected, and the breakdon of these magic-filled objects in everyday situations is often a recipe for disaster. Second, this book is published from a foreign country. A book held by the god Nyarlathotep. this book is supposed to be one of the orks ritten by \"Nyarlathotep,\" but in a sense, it is the \"instrument of God.\"

It ould be easier if she could do the damage, but honestly, Aria couldn't destroy a magic book like Nesta's stone tablet.

Realizing she had no other choice, Aria managed to safely confront him, even though the page contained only her real name. If you look closely, in fiction, only the explanation of the name is ritten, nothing is said.

I never thought about ho long I ould live the rest of my life, and ho I could live so long ith the protection (curse) of that ``genie'' ho has yet to gain people's understanding. Alia plans to rite another book. It as a suicide note, but no, that asn't his intention today, and he as sitting straight at his desk riting.

And after sloly finishing those \"beds\", Aria read some strange ords, and in that room there is another door, the hole picture can only be seen by the eye, but the exit is not there. Until Aria came in and opened the door.

It's a long, narro staircase, and it's hard to imagine here heaven is, so it's a piece that doesn't match anything else. , you might find it here. this filter is made in the \"Atlantean\" style, but it doesn't look like it has been cleaned in any time. depends on the call.

After that, Aria can no longer trust the construction pany because she knos something, there is a secret in the itch's house, isn't it easy to understand?

Aria, a pirate ho mistakes some modified magic books as good magic books, can't be poor, but some things cost money, and things are still unknon. For others. Arya's property is almost destroyed.

Unknoingly, he alked toards the floor here the stairs pointed, the footprints beteen each step ere clear, even though he kne he as cursed by the book of Azathoth, he still kne it. here.

the sound of holing ild animals could be heard sloly and gradually, being more and more rare. If you listen carefully, you ill realize that it is not a ild animal call, but only a sound frequency. It is like an animal, and even one ith good ears can tell that it is a voice, but unlike the ise man, he remembers the same voice as the devil.

Aria goes underground and hears a ooden scream that she can't hear. he didn't have a face, but he had a very clear smile on his face and he as saying something. muffled sound like greeting a neighbor.

beatty, Ruthie, you're still doing great.

Senna, Kian, stop, I can't give up, I have to think about my savior, I can't do it if I get hurt.

Aria may have changed the names of the people in the steel prison herself because Aria doesn't kno their names, saying that people die first and true death is hat Aria does. he learned the ay of resurrection, the ay of raising the dead, and of course these people died.

but apparently there as a mistake, and hen they oke up, they did not feel grateful, and then the uncles opened fire and ere angry ith Aaliyah.

Even though he as tied, he beat her in an unreasonable ay, hich due to the impact exposed her facial bones, causing them to be damaged and even broken, but she as able to stop his hands.

Aria orries about this and treats them like alking corpses even though they can survive ithout food.

therefore, e have to spend a lot of money to buy food. Aria is a kind and kind person. this is not the case. Are good people alive?

but they ere just strangers, and being in that place satisfied her conscience, and Aria didn't learn the resurrection treatment just for them.

hen he entered, a special prison, unlike other prisons, it as soft, no matter ho affected it as, it did not harm the patients, and the food as also delivered of the highest quality. pared to that event, the only food given to strangers as peanut butter and boiled ater.

of course, from the outside it looks like a closed metal prison, but there is hope for Aaliyah. hen I entered, I sa a slender, tall man standing there. It's a girl. but his eyes ere crazy.

controlling the oman, the oman is supposed to be strong, but pletely sealed, and no matter ho she fights, her body ill not be hurt, because this is here the magic is done.

Alice akes up under a spell, but can't move. Aria looked at Alyssa, ho as leaning on the bed.

he as happy to see her, even though he kne it as impossible for her to recognize him.

because Alice is his sister and the first to use the resurrection potion.

Are you tired of not seeing each other for a long time? Is it difficult? Sorry, the hole thing about brotherhood makes no sense to me. Even something as simple as resurrection cannot be pleted properly.

You may have thought of stopping and resting the dead in peace, but it as acpanied by a good deed.

No one ansered, but a voice appeared again, and hen Aria turned her attention to the voice, it as a stranger.

ho are you?

No leading mage could stand it.

said the stranger, introducing him to a man dressed like a pharaoh.

I'm Naia and I'm an Egyptian magician.

ho ants to hear your introduction? Aria thought and shifted her body in front of Alice.

don't orry, I didn't mean it, I looked it up and found out ho as chosen in the book of Azathoth, I thought it as an unlucky ghost depicted here, it's like I didn't think he as my teacher. If there is a real possibility of this happening...

\"book of Azathot\"? to Aria's surprise, he also seems to be a magician involved in the books.

Note 1: the magician referred to here is a magician ho believes that demons like the \"old Ruler\" are the last form of evolution, and allos demons to evolve as ell.

Note 2: he is the name of the son of Yog-Sothoth, the leader of the \"black Sanctuary\" and the most poerful and evil demon, the Great Leader, and a character that appears in \"defeating the Great devil .\"

Note 3: this is a magical book called \"create\", originally ritten by the \"Ancient Ruler\" Nesta, the pope of the Fire Society. this is a poerful book of magic. but ith him. As a secret group, they ere defeated in cities here they ere defeated by a religious group.

I play 006

besides, the opponent can e here quietly, Aria put a lot of magic in this place, but the opponent came here ithout any problem, ith that level of magic, at least more than my player . Aaliyah ants three people. . .

It also appears that an Egyptian sorceress named Naia has too little understanding of the \"book of Azathoth\" to understand, not knoing that she has been pletely deceived by the sorcerer. he cursed and understood.

then the other person said that he could not bear to see him and said that the deceased may rest in peace, so do you ant to kill your brother? hat does it mean to call it entertainment and talk about killing as a good thing? Arya ill not allo any foreign god to ork against her brother. Aliya kne she had done too much. Even though I kne there as nothing but the depths of despair ahead, I couldn't go on.

\"conversation ith Friar clytanus\"

It's a magic book Aria, and it's different from hat she's selling, it's a real magic book, and it says you don't have to use magic, but it's forbidden in miskatonic University.

You said you had no malicious intent, but can you bring back the \"star family\" that as lost sight of due to negligence? by the ay, there is a pletely dirty flying hydra.

Naiya shoed us the system and Aaliyah orked through it one by one. Although these tools seem useless, Aaliyah doesn't think about taking them back because they are the only thing that makes her fortable.

this man, no, this mage is extremely poerful, has inhuman magical poers and dark fear emanating from his body. he is a mage ho has achieved something called ``evolution, '' in other ords, ``reriting.'' In desian's book. \"the universe can be transformed into a metaphysical theory.

therefore, Arya can only sho her refusal, fearing death, if she faces this itch from Egypt ithout doing anything.

okay, okay, don't forget to put these little trinkets here if you ant. In short, can you listen to people?

do you ant to take action on my brother?

No, I don't have that opinion, I'm not one of the judicial people, but I don't see it, you can't bring peace to the dead, because they on't be treated like that. Living people, alking dead - this is the level of creation of the \"slave\" myth. 2) there is no God. Revelation cannot be pleted in a third ay.

No, he as raised from the dead, there is no doubt that he is alive, but his heart is still not at peace.

Aria never accepted it, no, she didn't have the courage to accept it, she accepted that her brother as not aakened, in the past life Aria understood pure magic. It's never orth taking these risks to live forever, but if he's my brother, it's orth it.

are they alive? hey, hat are you doing? ho many robbers participated in the revival? this is really interesting, do you ant to make animals or raise people?

Nia continued to joke, but quickly realized it as a aste of time, this mage as pletely human in that regard, maybe that's hy he as a mage, if only you ere the reason. If you ant to live forever, you must understand in the process of learning magic that brings horrors beyond death. It's not appropriate.

Nia once sa a man ho anted to aaken others and bee a magician. he is a poerful magician named mario Gris (Note 1).

In any case, he alone ill suffer the disaster. Finally, Nia greeted the ending ith a smile on her face.

I on't argue ith you on this, but for something as simple as aking someone up, I can assure you that Azathoth's book is better than trash magic. this solution should help.

If you survive, the poer of the ``book of Azathoth'' ill certainly help you, and you ill have no problem granting your ishes, because you are the god of the outer orld, ``Nyarlathotep.''

So shall e face unimaginable horrors and remain forever insane ith fear beyond death? If suicide as possible, I ould have tried it long ago, but I have not succeeded.

hat ill happen to your brother if you die?

asked Nia.

Everything is normal, I'm a magician.

Arya remained rational, and the sorcerer at that time as only a third party ho could make spiritual changes to the child in the omb of the pregnant oman. this is the return of a legend. It is impossible to exchange souls ith mythical beasts such as miskatonic University and Familia, but this is not a problem for ordinary people. he ill do it as soon as possible.

Naiya nodded, then hung up and continued talking.

hoever, he as cursed by the book of Azathoth and ould not be healed even if he died, so he could stop and think about it if he anted to. here's ho: It's best to kill the izard ho gave you the book of Azathoth.

this is the third edition of the book of Azathoth.

third edition?

ell, because the original name is so plicated that its connections cannot be explained to a person in a specific language, the first form can also be shortened to \"aa\", hich is the form of \"book of Azathoth\" but that's all. It's easy to tell the characters in this book to go somehere strange. Usually there are many dangerous animals there and you die or live to escape.

hy are they the same?

Aaliyah remembers that this illusion is similar to the \"aa\" version that Naiya said, and Naiya also shakes her head, but it's rong, the \"aa\" is in \"Asa\" and not \"book of toth\" isn't it. then he continued.

Let's call the second parameter \"bb\".

these abbreviations are listed in descending order and are quite numerous. Aria thought about that and continued to listen, but hen she realized that the other person didn't ant to take any action against her brother, she calmed don.

the \"bb\" version is more interesting, it is not an escape game, but it directs the host to go to another place, there are monsters, some rules are set, and the host uses the rules of Kills other hosts. You can clear a level hen your life is reduced by a level. Everyone is an enemy and this is a dangerous game ith dangerous rules.

that is, the pages of the book ill tell you here to go, and hen you get there, the rules ill be explained to you. this version is \"bb\".

Finally, the \"cc\" type I have, hich is tice the size of the previous one.

Nia continued ith a friendly smile. those ho don't kno might think that he made a game himself and is here to promote it.

A sleeping man drifts into a dream one night and crosses a physical door into an astral orld here everything is not a dream. clear events one by one.

In other ords, a researcher? She didn't kno hy, but those ords suddenly appeared in Aria's mind.

of course, things that appear in the form of \"bb\" or \"aa\" are bined randomly. of course, there are no updates or reards.

but ho do you cleanse the book of Azathoth? I don't even kno, don't ask. but legend says that if you live long enough, you ill find hope.


I ish I could get the book of Azathoth, but is that true? depending on hat you do outside of meetings, the higher the quality of your ork, the faster it gets done, but the higher the quality of your ork, the harder the next meeting ill be.

ho are you and hy do you kno so much?

you ant to kno? If that's hat you mean, I as the player ho deleted \"aa\", ent to production \"bb\", sa the izard and escaped the game, then sent \"cc\" to the background. If something unexpected happens, please help.

because you are not the original poster of \"cc\".

Aaliyah regains full consciousness and Naiyah disappears.

Note 1: the main character of the cthulhu mythos book \"the Last Spell\" is so poerful and ell developed that he akes up his girlfriend, so he is even considered the embodiment of \"the old man\", but he Also, more than that. he despaired of the fact that there as no ay to ake up.

Note 2: In the cthulhu mythos, unlike demons, humans are resurrected after pleting medical research on resurrection treatments.

007 dunich

Aria recently met a dark mage ho calls herself \"Naya\" or the magician, but she seems to have little faith in him. In fact, Aria's mind as pletely disturbed.

his heart started beating as someone hit him harder and harder, and he finally realized that it as \"Naya\". Aaliyah gasped and mercilessly fell to the ground, not looking at him. he rested as if sitting on the ground, but fell don as if his legs ere severed.

Even though Aria is protected from phantom beasts like ``Sage'', the reason she can't feel peace of mind is not because of the poer of ``Familiar'' but because of ``Naya.''. \"he is extremely poerful. Under the terrible darkness and great aura of fear that surpasses the level of humans and familiars, Aria can say that it is directly unreasonable.\"

but hen the person called \"Naya\" stayed for a hile, Aria couldn't take it anymore. maybe this person doesn't realize that his lifestyle is not enough to make him smart and sensitive. the omen fear her and the unbearable darkness reminds Arya of a place called \"dunich\".

there, Aaliyah and the teacher meet the animals of the atley family (Note 1).

It as a very crazy beast, Arya didn't kno here such a beast came from, it as a beast that pletely destroyed God's creations, although it looked like a beast from another orld, fortunately not like that. please do not harbor any ill ill toards Aaliyah.

As Aliya remembers, it as like going back in time.

God, ho did that beast exist?

Judging by her physical age, Aaliyah as probably 17 years old at the time, surely she as not much different in her appearance, but her eyes used to give people a better feeling than no, she looked like grass. content. Aliya doesn't ant to e here if possible.

Since she's a girl, she can't do it in public even if she ants to pee, hich isn't very nice, so Aria pushes her.

but he regretted that if he had the chance, he ould have preferred to urinate in public instead of going to hell. Fortunately this time the animal didn't see him ing.

It as a terrible beast ith red eyes on the upper half of its face, like an evil spirit that came out of a hole, no, it should have been more frightening, it as not just an evil spirit, it is obvious. . his face is rinkled like an albino, but is that really his chin?

Aria ondered if it as an octopus or a scorpion. or is it a spider? In fact, it is strange and difficult to understand hat is happening.

If Arya ere to describe it, she ould describe it as a half-human face and a monstrous bination beteen an octopus, a centipede, and a spider. In the middle of the night.

the dragon pletely took over Arya, until something in her soul as destroyed, destroyed, and replaced ith something pletely ne. In his mind, he as no longer aare that there as a column of ater running don his loer body, tickling his joints.

Finish became more violent and bit her finger hard, but Aria didn't notice it and panicked as if she didn't kno the ave. hoever, the excitement of \"e ill be\" as rooted in his heart but at this time he did not feel it.

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It as a very soft sound, like the sound of sand hitting sand, and it as not less than 1\/10,000 times seeter than that sound, and it as so painful that I could not believe it as a human voice. It seemed like everyone as singing in the sky, but in reality, the monster in front of Aria, the house monster \"hatley.\" I don't kno, but maybe from the visible part of the body? Like the vocal cords?

Ibshaya Ngaraha

the sounds of the screams and curses of the animals made the hole place even more frightening, and Alya did not dare to make a sound, but inside she did not feel it, but the feeling as groing. the roots took root, it became a place that no one could take, Arya looked at him ith a look of horror, the beast it as called, or... \"Ancient Ruler\", as Azathoth used \"the one God\", Alya didn't kno ho it as, so she as saved and left. In addition to his magical knoledge, of course his brain is not intelligent. he has no memory.

hoever, Aria recognized the sadness as emptiness and lost her ability to think due to fear.

Armitage sa this beast, but did not see Arya, because this old man met this beast, he is the director of the magical library of miskatonic University, an educated old man.

but he meets such an inhuman beast, an old man ho alays has the poer to think and ho has lost the poer to pick up a magic book. the beast that could fight him, man, is dead, and nothing can stop this mad beast.

this animal as born under the magical experiments of \"hatley\", or as e call him, he sings crazy, unplayable songs.

this is forbidden magic, and the magic he calls ``God'' and hat he calls ``atli'' is not even at the level of ``cthulhu'', but surpasses that of the evil god ``cthulgi'' '. there is a orld that cannot be imagined by man, and it is the mother of great and eternal orlds.

Living in a mysterious eastern kingdom knon as the Great Road, this creature is not a beast that can be revealed by any god. henry Armitage as shocked hen he read the Latin translation of the Secret of the dead. hat that is is the Great ay itself, the all-pervading, all-knoing, all-pervading, all-surpassing essence, Yog-Sothoth.

If such a thing happens, even in infinite orlds, infinite times, and spaces, e ill all experience the final result simultaneously. Arya is an inparable magician and ignorant, and Armitage begins to despair, the book of magic in his hand falls, and tears flo from the corners of his eyes. Run to the clothing section.

pared to Armitage ho as pletely cut off, Alya as also scared, but she sa an iron plate at a height of one hundred meters above the ground.

Although it looked like a metal statue, the divine light and aura emanating from it pletely dispelled the fear of those ho sa it.

then Arya heard black Steel, no, it had to be the controller, female voice perfectly.

Everyone out there, are you guys seriously fighting? I ould be grateful if you could lend me your strength during that time.

- can the girl control a giant god-like metal thing?

Alya thought to herself that she felt her heart beat faster, it as not fear but something else, hat could be the reason? he didn't notice it, but before he kne it, another scarf as rapped around his cheek.

Is it because this sacred image really pleases people? or is the evil, merciless, and cruel God of Steel from himself? hat about the limits and dangers of filling the limits of human understanding in general?

maybe because this area of poer represents the end of magic and the poer of God?

An immortal god attracts those ho seek immortality, the poer of a god attracts those ho seek poer, and even insignificant people ho feel that poer naturally es to orship the god.

many thoughts filled my mind, but I could not see the truth in them.

but it's just something to kno, right?

the oman in front of the Iron God as as beautiful as the sun.

he is very pure and has evil magic that destroys demons, hich inspires Arya.

he as a magical freshman at the time.

my mission is to destroy evil, so I don't need to be polite.

A large piece of metal fell, but Arya couldn't see the girl because she as blocked by metal all over her body.

If I alk in the path of evil, ill I see you in the future?

Strangely, this idea came to her so suddenly that Aria ould never have thought of it.

but no he couldn't hold back his tongue and sloly licked his lips over the pink tongue, smelling the blood of his previous bites.

At this time, his eyes ere like the eyes of an animal, so hen he looked, he discovered something. Alya has already made this decision in secret, and at the same time another movement, hich has not yet been disclosed, is born in her blood.

Let's do it! put it don!

the name of the iron giant seems to be that the giant is holding a magic gun born from the poer of divine magic, and the bullets of the magic gun are fired by the voice of a beautiful oman.

the divine poer seemed to attack the monster's body and permeate the beast's body, making it extremely poerful. the magic poer that as about to disappear as pletely annihilated by the divine poer.

A --- 呀 -I-ha-Er- い -Ya-A-Aya Ayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa help me! help me! man man man! father! Jog shoot!

After uttering the last ords, the animal \"hatley\" pletely melted and disappeared, and the foam of its skin, cuticles, muscles and bones ere like bubbles of hot ater.

A strange smell permeated the air and I felt my body steaming.

but another miracle happened. hen the animal evaporates and mixes ith the air, it bees a colorless gas. Arya, not far aay, dras attention to these gases.

As the conscious body straightens, the gas moves step by step closer to its destination. Like a dehydrated person looking at clear ater and tracing its shape, the mind aakens and the body also aakens. It still exists. Follo the instincts of your heart and alk closer.

Aria akes up in fear, stops looking at the beast, and forgets the oman's voice and the shado of the beast.

At that moment, her thoughts ere interrupted, her consciousness returned, and Aria said in a loud voice as she sloly iped the tears from her eyes.

hy did you forget, this is important, hy did you forget, obviously the decision as made.

Aria, remembering Nia's bad behavior, goes from crying to laughing until she calmly returns to her bound sister Alice.

he stood up and kissed her on the lips. Its crazy, inhuman eyes reveal Elixir's pure talent.

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