

第57章 觉醒(1 / 2)
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1922年,在阿卡姆村,乔纳森·埃弗雷特博士和艾米丽·哈特伍德发现自己处于与纳撒尼尔·布莱克伍德教授的高潮对抗和即将到来的克苏鲁觉醒的边缘。 essful, right? No I'm taking the lead on experimenting, and it's looking pretty good. ”

All the mysterious detectives listening to hang Jeong-do's free-spirited tone had mixed feelings. I have to say that hat hang Jeong-do said made sense, and they ere also a little impressed.

then, due to huang Zheng dao's ords, they ere forced to follo huang Zheng dao's decision.

\"Even if you don't tell me about the dead, I ill retrieve the deposited materials. this is also the most dangerous part of your plan. After all, you ill encounter various dangers during the collection of materials. there is a possibility that you ill.'' hang Zheng-do said calmly. he said it as if he didn't care about his on life or death.

It as hang Jeong-do's ords that oke up the mysterious detectives, and hang Jeong-do solidified his resolve.

Npcs may never return. hang Jeong-do has the intention and courage to solve problems. this experience is very valuable.

Zhu Jingzhi as silent for a hile, and finally said: \"okay, if this is your choice.\"

\"Yes.\" hang Jeong-do also sighed.

In another dimension, the fat Shado Eater suddenly left the group and andered the city streets. his strange behavior did not attract the attention of the other Shado Eaters, as they used to torture and kill. For animal humans ho have entered this dimension, the screams and frightened expressions of animals before they die are the best food.

From this perspective, e evaluate this group of hideous-looking bugs. they are both the most perverted hunters and gourmets, and also the most evil villains ho focus on enjoying their food.

this lost Shado Eater has a lifeless human head embedded in its body. It is bu Gaojun, an agent ho tragically passed aay. this shado eater ears headphones on his head and carefully emits sounds. munication in the spatial dimension.

It's a fantastical and unbelievable story, but this shado-eating insect is huang Zhengdao, and he's just municating ith the mysterious detectives.

huang Zheng-do didn't understand hy he became a shado-eating insect. At first he panicked, but maybe he as under the influence of something. his panic quickly subsided, and he himself became normal, calm and rational, experiencing unprecedented emotions. the sensation as so good that I quickly got used to my unfamiliar body and as able to control each part of my body better.

because he is originally a Shado devourer, he understands the Shado devourer's language and methods of munication, understands their racial customs, and is able to perfect his disguise.

Ever since bu Gaojun and the other to mysterious detectives entered this dimensional space, he paid attention to them as they moved around the city. Unfortunately, he as inside the insect at that time and didn't have the courage to make any special moves. otherise, he too ill be treated as a stranger and ill soon be attacked in groups.

Unfortunately, he had no chance to save u Gao from beginning to end, and could only atch silently and helplessly as the sarm of meat insects cruelly toyed ith him.

At first, hang Jeong-do thought it as unbearable to see this scene, but hat he didn't expect as that his reaction as milder than he expected. he analyzed that his ay of thinking as being more and more like a devouring shado insect, and that he as gradually transforming into a true shado eater.

because of this, hang Jeong-do felt he had to do something before he truly became a monster ho had lost his humanity.

As a Shado devourer ith a human soul, he has advantages over other Shado devourers. he can understand people's ords.

Shado eaters ho are above humans in the food chain have no more interest in human language, much less understanding human language, just as they ould not listen to a lamb being slaughtered. It's the same as not learning. Just think about ho you ill use it. Food bees more delicious.

therefore, hile hang Jeong-do pretended to torment bodaka ith insects, he as actually silently listening to and recording the exchange beteen bodaka and the mysterious detectives. thanks to his real \"sage\"-like brain, he easily defeated bu Gaojun. the contents of the conversation ith the mysterious detective ere all memorized in his head.

Afterards, hang Jeong-do removed bu Gao's head and found a suitable opportunity to contact outsiders in bu Gao's name.

currently, hang Jeong-do is active under the name mu Gao-kun and is searching for so-called spell materials in the city.

casting spells and casting curses shouldn't be an ability exclusive to humans, right? hang Jeong-do thought this as he searched for products that seemed insignificant to him at the supermarket.

\"the 50 brocade threads are unfounded, and every thread and pillar reminds me of my good times...\" Li Yuning stood in front of Ling Ling, ith a sad expression and an old poem. I recited it, but he persisted after that. hen I read it aloud here, his pretty little face as stunned. I blushed but couldn't recite the next sentence.

Linlin laughed as she explained the details of her punishment. \"my punishment is to copy an old poem 20 times, and all the snacks this eek ill be mine.\"

“You’re bullying your boss!” Li Youning protested, pouting in dissatisfaction.

Ling Ling smiled and said nothing, and did not argue ith Li Yuning.

Li Yuning took Linlin's hand and shook it gently, saying, \"I have a brain disease, so I can't carry it ell.\"

\"It's like there's nothing rong ith anyone's brain.\" Linlin looked at the other person. After all, he as still from a mental hospital.

“…” Li Yuning had a look of surprise on his face and could only surrender in despair. he handed the snack to Ling Ling, ent behind the counter, sat next to his father Li Jiahong, and copied an old poem.

Li Jiahong as surprised to see the interaction beteen her daughter and her boss and did not pay attention. he as used to it.

After copying, Li Yuning moved the chair next to Lingling, shoed Lingling the result of the punishment copy, and this time he pletely memorized the old poem again very smoothly.

Ling Ling didn’t seem to be looking, but looked at him in her peripheral vision and said, “It’s not bad, please pass.”

“hey,” Li Yuning as very happy. he picked up the book and looked at Ling Ling expectantly. \"It's time for bed. please tell me the story of today, boss. Just...listen.\" An old poem I just memorized is, \"Zhuangsheng's dan dream is obsessed ith butterflies, and the emperor's spring heart is It is a story about a butterfly ith one line, ``Entrusted to du chuan.''

“Agreed.” Ling Ling had just finished drinking tea, put the teacup on the floor, and said this to him hile enjoying the service of Li Yuning, ho served the tea and poured the ater. his name is Zhuang Zhou. he as free-spirited, considerate and casual. , one day he had a special dream. he dreamed of being a butterfly. he as dreaming. hen the butterfly also let him experience the kind of freedom and joy that humanity has never enjoyed before, hen he oke up from the dream, he realized that he as still the same human being. I realized that.

he couldn't help but be confused, the butterfly and Zhuang Zhou, hich one is real and hich one is the real reality? did Zhuang Zhou dream that he as a butterfly, or did the butterfly dream that he as Zhuang Zhou? ”

328 sleeps

As time passed, xuanmi's team anxiously aited for huang Zhengdao's anser.

hang Jeong-do is also orking to improve the efficiency of collecting materials. he feels like a stupid ostrich ith his head buried in the ground, deceiving himself and others, hoping that these insects do not see his normal behavior.

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