

第57章 觉醒(2 / 2)
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hoever, as hang Jeong-do orked hard to collect materials, put them in his mouth, and tried to escape from the supermarket building, he noticed that he as surrounded by pests that ere good at creeping.

the Shado Eaters all raised their heads and let out a strange cry. the strange sound aves ere like aves cascading don toard huangzheng Island. It as exactly the sound he heard in the sleep video, but it gradually became sharper and more aggressive. bee sexual.

huang Zhengdao looked at them ith alarm, but for a moment he did not kno ho to deal ith these evil and malicious creatures. then suddenly he realized that these animals ere not crying at him, but rather the cries of strange animals aiting for his anser. Secret agent.

thinking of this, huang Zhengdao couldn't help opening his mouth and said: \"hurry up and tell me to cast a spell! they're trying to drag you out of this orld!\"

Zhu Jingzhi, xiao Li, and other mysterious detectives are tortured to death by the sounds made by a sarm of insect-eating shados. their bodies seemed to respond to the resonance of the sound. Not only did their brains feel dizzy, but their consciousness gradually collapsed, and their bodies appeared to be naked. Visible mutations ere born, and the sound as like fresh life, like an insect eating into your body, eating it, mixing it ith your body, trying to take over your body!

huang Zhengdao's voice became dirty in their ears and became a little clearer. Not everyone heard him.

Under the influence of these sounds, some of the mysterious detectives fell to the ground, and some ent almost mad, biting themselves here and there and attacking anyone they sa. only a fe mysterious detectives resisted their ill, but it's clear ho long they ill last.

Given that everything is going rong, there is no ay to save the day.

hang Jeong-do also itnessed a shado-eating insect approaching him ith malicious intent. he realizes that he turns out to be a fake and is about to be eaten by a flesh-eating insect. For just a moment, I felt the darkness of despair engulfing the entire orld. .

As he aited for death in silence, a startling sound, like lightning cutting through the darkness, instantly pierced the call group created by the Shado Eater.

the roar of the strings touched hang Jeong-do's heart. thinking he as sloly reuniting ith the inhuman Shado Eater, his heart sloly started beating again from that moment on, and his heart rate began to increase. A tremor ran through my body, my entire body trembled, and fear spread throughout my body.

the same situation happened to other Shado devourers. the sound, no one kne here it came from, sent this group of insane and poerful Shado devourers into a panic, as if they sensed the malice ing from some great being. the unknon chief as looking at them in the same ay he had been looking at them just no, or perhaps even beyond that distance.

Afterards, hang Jeong-do heard the fairy sound played by the violin. he as confused for a moment by the familiar yet unfamiliar melody.

Until I heard Zhu Jingzhi's faint and shocked voice from the other side of the headset: \"Is this...the song 'blessing chapter 3' by haimo Fen?\"

\"Are you aake?!\" huang Zhengdo trembled and immediately shouted to the person on the other side of the headset, \"hurry up and tell me ho to cast a spell! hurry up!\"

I didn't kno ho as helping me, but I kne this as definitely not a gentle blessing. musical melodies invaded his mental orld and distorted his perceptions. It as only temporarily affected by the desperate resistance of the film bugs. the penetration speed is not that fast.

they ere standing on a single beam bridge, ith a jackal in front of them and a tiger and a leopard behind them. there as an abyss on either side, but just a single beam standing on the bridge could slo death.

hearing the sound, Zhu Jingzhi also gritted his teeth and began to speak ith difficulty. chanting a series of dark and plex spells, hang Zheng-do memorized them one by one.

It took only 30 seconds to cast just to spells. After that, Zhu Jingzhi pletely lost her voice. huang Zhengdao forced his ill, hich as on the verge of collapse, to say in a lo voice.

hen they chanted the summoning spell, the bodies of the several shado-devouring insects that ere present also became illusions, and at that moment they appeared under ang Yong's villa.

Just as hang Zheng dao as about to chant the next spell, he felt something strange and realized that his body as also appearing.

Are you a shado eater? Is it really Shado Eater?

Is that hy he as affected by the spell?

hang Jeong-do as questioning his identity, but he also didn't kno hat he ould do next. If he really continues reading, hat ill happen next ill have unknon consequences.

“be confident in ho you are.”

huang Zhengdao suddenly heard someone say: he looked around absentmindedly and found that there as no sign of anyone. he loered his head and looked at u Gao's head embedded in the body of a shado-eating insect. this head seemed to be talking.

“ho I am… please firmly believe in ho I am.” hang Jeong-do said as he looked at the city around him in an alternate dimension that as gradually collapsing. It seemed like something had struck me. he murmured his last ords, a mantra, before his consciousness as led into a final darkness.

In an instant, all the shado-eating insects that ere there ere controlled by the spell and became unable to move.

\"die, sleep peacefully in eternal darkness...\" huang Zhengdo muttered and manded before losing consciousness.

Immediately after that, a large number of insect-eaten shados fell to the ground one after another, passively listening to the sound of a magical violin from another dimension that as the last song of mourning.

\"Is this appropriate?\" a young occult detective asks an old man. he looked at the coffin ith interest as it as carried into the auditorium. the person lying inside as an unfamiliar face to the occult detectives present. , he asn't even earing the clothes or signatures that a mystery detective should ear, clearly shoing everyone that this person as not a mystery detective.

``he deserves respect.'' the former is an occult detective ho has been in the industry for many years. \"this man has no father, no mother, no friends. No one ill arrange for his burial. hat he has done is enough.\" Let him be treated as such. ”

the mysterious young detective boed his head in deep thought as he sa the portrait and memorial tablet of the coffin bearer also being carried aay.

After a solemn memorial and burial ceremony, current secret agent xuan as removed from his seat. xuan, a young secret agent, kne that hat he had done as against the customs of his country and as taboo for burial, but he could not help it because he as among the dead. I looked back nostalgically. there ere also his close relatives ho had to be pushed into the fire.

\"Zhu Zhen, it's your turn.\" After aiting in the back court for a hile, they stopped the mysterious young detective.

Zhu Zhen realized that it as no his turn to send his family.

hoever, Zhu Zhen did not expect that he ould not only send aay his father, but also someone he did not kno.

According to the principle given to one, it is also given to to. Zhu Zhen as not dissatisfied ith this and personally sent the to investigators ho had made great contributions to the human orld to be cremated.

only death is fair in this orld. Shuma thought as he sa the light of the fire that appeared in the gap in the furnace door.

\"huh?\" Zhu Zhen rubbed his eyes and felt like he as hallucinating.

\"hat's rong?\" the undertaker asked, confused and concerned.

Zu Zhen: \"I feel like there's a butterfly in the fire...\"

329 team leaders scored

In a brightly lit room, ei chengye as sitting at his desk, intently recording something. there as also a pile of information on the desk, all the death reports of mysterious detectives ho had recently passed aay, but it seemed like those death reports had gone through some sort of process. Filter and categorize.

ei chengye's memo records the folloing:

hang Jeong-do, 25 years old, orphan.

Apparent cause of death: Unexplained natural causes.

Actual cause of death: died of unknon causes after chanting a spell to summon and control the Shado Eaters in the extradimensional space here the Shado Eaters lived, and giving instructions to the Shado Eaters to mit suicide.

questions: 1. An unknon tattoo suddenly appears and disappears after death. they then searched the literature and discovered that the tattoo pattern as typical of this long-extinct butterfly species.

2. After his consciousness fell into the Shado Eater's survival realm, he displayed irrational rationality and amazing survival abilities.

Speculation: It is suspected that he as \"blessed\" by some unknon force. the opportunity as unexpected and there ere no signs.

After finishing riting, ei chengye sat don in a chair and stared blankly at the empty desk. the lonely night outside the indo cast half of his face in shado.

After thinking for a hile, ei chengye returned the notebook to the homepage, hich also recorded information about the deceased.

Aunt Jiang (46 years old) as married and had no children.

cause of death: After using the feathers of the Gufuo bird, he received the feather's \"blessing\" and transformed into a Gufuo bird, and died in a battle ith a biomodified puffer eapon.

question: the origin of the Gufuo bird's feathers. According to her husband, Li Jiahong, the feathers came from a cabin in the forest. hoever, it as not possible to confirm the origin of the feathers before they reached the cockpit.

Guess: the Gufuo bird is an unusual species lost in china. there is no ay he has the ability to spread \"blessings\". otherise, this anomalous species ith poerful abilities ould never have mysteriously disappeared since time immemorial. It is believed to be a cabin in the forest. he gave the \"blessing\" of the ancient tiger bird feather, guiding Li Jiahong to give the feather to his ife, so that his ife could transform into the ancient tiger bird, and the ancient tiger feathers spread out, making today's \" It became ``old tiger Feather''. . . the root of the curse.

ei chengye looked at his notebook again and skipped over a dozen pages.

Yu Lianyun, 31 years old, single.

cause of death: unknon, body could not be recovered.

questions: 1. due to his unparalleled level of spiritual intelligence, Yu Lianyun can sense \"presences\" in the orld that ordinary people cannot feel, and can acquire abilities similar to precognitive abilities.

2. blessings and favors are inprehensible. Yu Lianyun received a videotape filled ith \"blessings\", but after atching this, he as the only person ho as not killed by the blessings on the videotape, and after experiencing the \"post-blessing epidemic\", he Since then, he has been plagued by a \"blessing\" that no one can see and hich sometimes seems to follo his orders.

3. Unknon sources of ordinary knoledge. Yu Lianyun can still obtain ordinary knoledge from unknon sources. his familiarity ith unusual things is also the key to his rapid promotion to mystery detective.

4. Unknon origin of normal accessories, same as above. It is said that these knoledge and accessories can be obtained from a cabin in the forest.

Guess: the cabin in the forest must be looking for certain \"customers\" ith special qualities, and Yu Lianyun might be one of them. therefore, oners of cabins in the forest are often \"generous and selfless\", giving \"help\".

ei chengye took a deep breath and returned the note to the page here the deceased huang Zhengdao as recorded, adding a line speculating that his abilities ere also suspected to have been discovered in the cabin in the forest.

After riting this sentence, ei chengye felt that every pore on his scalp as vibrating.

``here in the orld is this forest hut?'' ei chengye leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and mumbled.

Since then, abnormal situations related to the forest cabin have occurred frequently, and its shado can be seen everyhere. hoever, everyone ho has seen the cabin in the forest is very secretive about it and everything about this place. the explanation is a little difficult to understand. perhaps \"cabin in the oods\" best describes this place.

ei chengye also tried to contact the forest hut. on the one hand, he anted to investigate the mission, but on the other hand, he as simply curious. hoever, he soon realized that this as useless. Everything as in vain until the oner in the middle of the hut chose the \"customer\" criterion. So far, none of the mysterious detectives he sent to investigate have been able to catch a glimpse of this place.

ei chengye anted to kno the status of the oner of the hut, but he also anted to kno hat kind of people lived there and had many ordinary ornaments. Is this a person?

As he kne, some poerful gods could distinguish themselves as incarnations in human form, being physical beings that people could approach and recognize.

Generally, human incarnations of these alien gods are created for reasons of confusion, faith, inheritance, etc. to create bodies that people can recognize, accept, and love.

Suppose that a cabin in the oods contains an extradimensional space, often knon as a realm. In that case, the only animal that could live in this place for a long time could never be a human. because humans cannot exist there either. . A different dimension space outside the real orld. If survived for a long time, these extra spaces contain forces that can suppress the human ill. on the surface, the story is that people lose their sanity and gradually go insane, eventually leading to a desperate death.

So far, this reasoning has never been overturned and is almost alays used as a seemingly correct conclusion. this is also a big reason hy ei chengye concluded that the oner of the hut could not be human.

No, ei chengye ants to contact the cabin in the forest more and more. In recent years, I have bee increasingly unfortable atching people ho have had direct contact ith the cabin in the forest die one after another, leaving behind various hidden dangers, both knon and unknon.

the oner of this oodland cabin seems to be intentionally spreading his \"blessing\" to the orld. the danger of these “blessings” is clear. For no, there are very fe people ho receive the \"blessing\" and survive safely.

but objectively speaking, the most important people, at least for no, are the people in the Shenzhou region. the \"blessings\" they spread promote spiritual perseverance in men. hen fighting the invasion of extradimensional forces, people's hearts resist corruption. capacity has been significantly improved.

Simply put, these \"blessings\", although harmful, help improve people's spiritual qualities, and the advantages generally outeigh the disadvantages.

As a result, ei chengye felt a little anxious about the attitude of the oner of the forest hut.

hen ei chengye as concentrating on his thoughts, the spatial environment in the office suddenly shook. then several people dressed as nurses and doctors alked to a place here the space as rippling like ater ripples and entered ei chengye's field of vision.

hen ei chengye sa them, he observed them coldly, but there as nothing surprising.

the nurse ho approached me nodded, and the environment around me changed pletely and turned pletely hite. the office as richly decorated and the office supplies on the table had disappeared.

the noble and graceful ei chengye also disappeared, leaving only the thin patient lying on the bed. the patient looked exactly like ei chengye, but he as more emaciated and had a very deformed and deformed body.

\"team Leader ei, you should pay more attention to rest. Your body cannot support high-intensity ork using holographic equipment,\" the doctor said helplessly to ei chengye. he couldn't remember ho many times he had done this ith this person. the leader of the secret team, ho looks imposing to outsiders, arned:

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