

第47章 疯狂的低语(1 / 2)
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在对知识的坚定渴望的驱使下,布莱克伍德博士和辛克莱深入探讨了埃尔德里奇·黑文所拥有的奥秘。 rmation, but the results ere limited. he secretly sighed. It alays seemed like e needed to municate ith the locals to find out more.

hen the train arrived in a second-class city in the southern part of Guangxi, Fang mu got off the train and headed to the station to buy a bus ticket to the city ritten in his diary, making fe stops along the ay. there asn't.

hen huang mu got out of his car after arriving in ton, he as greeted by a dark-skinned man.

\"You're mo Guangning, the tour guide I ordered on the tour app, right?\" Fang mu pared the other party's appearance ith the Id photo of the tour guide I ordered on his mobile phone, and vaguely said, Identified the person.

\"Yes, boss Fan, nice to meet you. ele to our Sendo city.\" the man nodded and smiled, shoing to ros of hite teeth.

the tour guide itself as darker than the Id photo. he looked like a farmer ho often orks in the sun. this shos that being a private tour guide is not an easy job.

mo Guangning drove a rental car to Fang mu's location and took Fang mu to the hotel she had booked. during the drive, mo Guangning kept introducing local natural scenery and delicious food hile observing his boss's reaction. .

hen mo Guangning sa that Fang mu as not interested in any of the tourist attractions he mentioned and his reaction as even the slightest, he stopped remending it and said, “boss, do you have it yet? ?” I asked. hat are your plans and here do you ant to go? ”

considered the best private tour guide locally, he knos ho to observe hat's going on. Generally speaking, if an employer isn't interested in the places he suggests visiting or the local specialties, he's either already made plans or isn't ing to the trip at all.

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