

第47章 疯狂的低语(2 / 2)
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If your boss is your old boss, don't talk trash. bosses are more active. he can go herever he ants, just acpany him. In the latter case, even more vigilance is often required.

this is the border of china. If it's not sightseeing, it's business negotiation...

\"do you kno en Yatun?\" Fang mu asked quietly, looking out the indo.

hen mo Guangning heard this, his expression changed and he as a little surprised, but he still nodded. “You kno, this is my city.”

hearing the tour guide's ords, Fang mu quickly turned around, looked at the other person, and said, \"then do you kno Nongshan?\"

\"Nongshan...\" mo Guangning froned ith anxiety and orry in his eyes, and muttered, \"boss, do you ant to go here? there's nothing interesting there.\"

mo Guangning suddenly regretted taking this order. he expected that his employer asn't here for a trip or for \"business negotiations\", but...

“I kno, I’ve heard a fe things.” Fan mu nodded. the guide seemed to think this place as taboo, and his attitude seemed to be a bit heavy. he didn't continue asking questions for no, remaining silent.

It as during dinner that Juan mu kept asking at the table, \"ho much does brother mo kno about Nongshan?\"

mo Guangning, ho as happily cooking and forgetting her orries, suddenly froze, as if she had lost the taste of delicious food. but he remained professional and patiently ansered, \"mount Nun is our local mountain.\" mount Yellen is associated ith our local belief in the culture of divine sacrifice. In ancient times, e ould enter the mountain every fourth month of the lunar calendar, open an altar on top of the mountain, and perform rituals to orship the gods. hoever, since the altar on the mountain as destroyed, it has bee less popular. many more people have e to this mountain...

his mouth as a little dry as he spoke. he cheed a little, as if to suppress the fear rising in his stomach, and continued. \"there's definitely something rong ith this mountain.\"

“hat kind of bad ay is that?” Fang mu as infected by the other party’s trembling voice, and his heart began to beat anxiously in response to mo Guangning’s nod.

many people...many people ho enter this mountain never e out. After drinking tea, mo Guangning as still a little thirsty. he as afraid that Fang mu ould not believe this, and used his on experience as an example. As a result, to people mysteriously disappeared, and the remaining one remains in a vegetative state, still lying in the hospital. ake up. ”

258 uncles

the next day, guided by tour guide mo Guangning, Fang mu arrives at enyatun, a remote mountain village mentioned in his diary.

\"I didn't e back for a hile. You might not be able to imagine it, but the changes here ere really big. there ere no asphalt roads here, and there ere no guardrails hen alking on the mountain path.\" mo Guangning. as familiar ith the road hile driving. he introduced Fan mu ith a flash of memory in his eyes as he rotated the steering heel madly. this mountain village seemed to hold a lot of memories for him.

As mo Guangning said, Fang mu had no special feelings about it. After all, he as an outsider from the city, and his ordinariness as sometimes someone else's aspiration.

he could understand it, but he couldn't understand it logically. It is pletely arrogant and foolish to say that you can understand that local people like mo Guangning are proud of their country's development just by thinking or looking at it for a moment.

Fan mu and the to finally made it out of the cave and officially entered the village.

enyatun is a large village spanning 10,000 villages. dotted around are dozens of self-built houses and old houses. because the people in the village are close to each other, old and ne houses, high and lo houses are clustered together.

Everyone in the village, young and old, stared at the foreign car entering the village. In addition to curiosity, Fang mu's eyes held an inprehensible excitement.

hen the village children sa mo Guangning getting out of the car parked in front of the village chief's house, they all happily came forard to greet him.

other than the ords \"guangning\" and \"brother,\" Fang mu couldn't understand hat the tour guide and the child ere saying, but they probably meant eling you back to your hometon, but still. It felt like a child said it. talking to mo Guang Ning as a bit... strangely, he

kept looking at me hile e ere talking.

Such a vie is like looking at a product as if it ere a piece of pork.

mo Guangning probably sensed Fang mu’s disfort. he drove the children out of the village ithout speaking a ord to them. then he said to Fang mu, \"I'm sorry, hen I as in the village, I used to play ith these bastards. I as a little excited about them, and I ill never go back to play ith them again. I told you not to e.”

As he said this, he told Fang mu to go to the back room of the house on the right side of the car, and said, ``I'll take you to see the village chief, so please e in.''

\"Uncle! Uncle!\" After Fang mu and mo Guangning entered the house, mo Guangning's screams ere heard several times inside the house.

It as also at this time that Fang mu learned that the current village chief of enya Village as mo Guangning's uncle.

After a hile, a tall, thin, dark-skinned, middle-aged man like mo Guangning came into the backyard. Looking at mo Guangning, the man seemed very happy.

After the to briefly exchanged greetings, uncle mo Guangning formally turned his attention to Fang mu.

``hey, mr. Ning, ho is this person?'' the man spoke mandarin ith a slight accent. he looked at the foreigner Fan mu curiously.

there, mo Guangning introduced Fang mu and his uncle, and Fang mu learned that the village chief's name as mo Longei.

``please e visit my village. If you like, you can stay at my house during this period.'' mo Longei said ith a smile hen he learned that Fang mu as a customer of his nephe. he said this.

mo Guangning also said, \"boss, hat do you think? there is no hotel here. my uncle's house as only renovated to years ago. I'm sure there's nothing in the village as fortable as my uncle's house. don't orry, food and acmodation are included. It's inside. ”

mo Longei smiled and aved his hand: \"my nephe's friend is ing to visit, so there's no need to give him any money. Anything he ants to eat or buy is mine.\" .

Fang mu smiled and expressed his gratitude. \"I'm sorry, but thank you so much for accepting me.\"

during lunch, mo Longei asked Fang mu and mo Guangning about their plans, and also remended some nearby places and beautiful scenery.

before mo Guangning could speak, Fang mu frankly told him that he anted to go to Nongshan.

As soon as these ords came out, the voices at the table suddenly fell silent and the atmosphere became somber.

``this is not a place to play.'' After a hile, the village chief said to Fang mu ith a serious face, ``Let's find another place.''

Fang mu and mo Guangning looked at each other and remained silent, saying no more.

that night, mo Guangning prepared bottles of beer and snacks in the village restaurant, and invited Fang mu to the rooftop to enjoy the night vie of the mountain village ith the cat.

In addition to the to people from the small ine office, the village chief, Uncle mo Guangning, also came.

After drinking three glasses, the three of them opened the conversation box ith the force of ine.

“bu meng, haven’t you given up on going to the mountains?” mo Longei groled and looked at Fang mu.

Juan mu as silent for a moment and nodded. \"I have a reason to go.\"

mo Guangning said nothing and focused on her uncle.

mo Longei nodded. \"do you kno hat's in the mountains?\"

After being puzzled once at noon, Fang mu, ho had learned his lesson, ansered more carefully this time, \"I'm a suspense novel riter. I recently heard a rumor on the Internet about this mountain. It just so happens that it's hat I need. \"I came here recently to think. please get some information.\"

\"I really don't remend going there,\" mo Longei said, tisting and eating peanuts. \"many people have died on this mountain and many strange things have happened.\" ta.

“can you tell me more?” Fang mu aited patiently until mo Longei agreed.

mo Longei did not express clear rejection or express agreement. After being silent for almost a minute, he sloly told Fang mu about his past.

“Among the foreigners ho came to our village over the years, the one ho said he anted to go to mt. Nong just like you as almost 30 years ago. It has brought unimaginable disaster to the orld.'' Je mo Longei shoed a diagram. lost. \"this stranger ho appeared out of nohere probably angered the frog god and as cursed by the frog god. he as almost terminally ill. he asked the chief of our village for help. \"please help me. Afterards.\" hen the village head heard that the curse as affecting his family, he couldn't help but ask the frog god ho lived on the nun's mountain to go to the mountain to admit his guilt. It as.

In the end, I recovered, but I don't kno hat the frog god in my village as dissatisfied ith. our village has been plagued by frogs for a long time. At that time, fields, orchards, roads, and houses ere full of frogs, hich attacked people and caused great damage to villages. A great deal of damage as caused. It as a aste of money so it didn't matter. horrifyingly, the people ho orshiped the village frog god then gathered together for peace in the village and tried to sacrifice more and better things in the annual sacrificial ritual. the ritual used this to kill the rath of the old frog god. As a result, the frog god must have been very angry. All the people orshiping in Nongsan-dong at that time ere hit by a landslide, and no one survived.

our enya Village quickly lost almost half of its residents and orkforce, and it took a full decade to develop to here it is today. ”

19 sons of frog god

Fang mu fell silent and couldn’t help asking. \"do you kno ho this stranger is?\"

\"my impression is not very deep. After all, it as just a moment. All I remember is that I once sa him from a distance alking alone in the forest of mount Nun.\" mo Longei nodded, feeling a little depressed, and took a sip. beer

Fan mu did not speak. his deep breaths revealed his inner turmoil, but none of the to people around him noticed it.

\"ho is this frog god? he seems...poerful.\" Fan mu asked, thinking about his ords.

After hearing this, mo Longei’s drinking behavior froze for a moment. his initially erratic brain, driven back to the heights of consciousness by deep fear, panicked and said: the true god of that orld, I ould say ithout hesitation, is the frog god.

but if they asked me hat real evil is, I ould tell them the same anser. ”

mo Longei’s legs trembled unfortably, his thumb unconsciously clenched the beer can in his hand, and he began to tell Fang mu about a local legend related to the Frog God.

In the distant past, the mainstream of humankind as still living in groups based on clans. Among them as a tribe called Rongcun, ho had roots in almost isolated places.

having difficulty municating ith the outside orld can be both a bad thing and a good thing. At least no one ill disturb the tribe's life. the people living in this tribe are considered to be living and orking peacefully and happily at this time. the environment is good and there is enough food, so everyone can do hat they ant to do besides farming and busy hunting, instead of just doing hat they need to do. Sakae Village is truly a real paradise.

but like most stories, beauty alays means brokenness.

one year, Long Village suffered from a severe drought. ithout ater, people could not farm or harvest food. people ant to go hunting, and ater is the source of everything. Animals cannot survive ithout ater. hen village hunters go to the mountains, they alays e back disappointed. Furthermore, at this time, a terrible beast appeared on the mountain. monster

this monster looks like a giant centipede ith long legs and many eyes. they eat all living things, especially humans. he bites everyone he sees. people ho risk their lives hunting in the mountains cannot keep animals. It is said that he had a very greedy and cruel personality, often being captured by monsters and creatures.

but the people of Long Village have no choice. they cannot survive ithout food. there is no ay to cultivate the land. Going to the mountains to get food is the only ay to keep the village alive. Risking your life to hunt is something you have to choose.

At that time, only young and strong men could go deep into the mountains. omen had to take care of their families for their children. Even if they entered the mountain, they could not alk far, so it as the men of Long village ho ent to the mountain in search of food. Yes, but the monster ate most of the men ho ent into the mountain.

the collapse of the tribe as almost predictable, since ithout men, even ith only omen, the reproduction of the tribe is impossible.

And at that time, the tribe's itch didn't kno hether she had gone crazy and said something stupid because she as just a ido, or hether she had really received a arning from the gods. he said the tribe needed people, but all the men of the tribe ere gone. omen should pray to God ith devotion to grant them a tribal child.

the tribe really needed to survive, because the people ere desperate, and the itch's status ithin the tribe as so respected that no matter ho strange the itch's prayers, the omen of the village still prayed. I did.

omen used their hair to make thread and eave cloth to hang over their beds before going to bed. they had to open the bedroom door at night. then the itch told them to cover their eyes. No matter hat they heard at night, they could not cover their eyes. Keep these things out of sight.

that night, as some of the omen of the tribe slept, they heard frogs and toads croaking nearby, but, remembering the itch's request, they did not remove their bandages until the next day. It asn't until dan that the bandage as removed.

At that moment, the omen realized that they ere pregnant ith a child and ere surprised. the itch, ho as also pregnant, announced to the tribe that they ere the children of God.

the itch said that this as a blessing from the frog god, and that from no on, Ron Village must believe in the frog god.

So, anyay, a daughter as finally born to the tribe, and the tribe members ere very happy.

maybe the baby inside a oman's omb is really special and gros very quickly. the female's belly is so large that she is expected to give birth ithin a fe days.

ithin five days, the omen of the tribe gave birth to children one after another.

these children of the gods have a very strange appearance, ith flat heads, large mouths, thick limbs, and strange lumps of flesh all over their bodies. they cannot speak and their behavior is very strange, but they are all very poerful, some even more poerful than others. he has onderful spells, and has poerful abilities such as making any animal he hears fall asleep ithout making a sound, eating the sleeping animal in one bite, vomiting ater, and summoning flames. .

It's as if he had his mission in mind from the moment he as born. they unanimously left the clan, ent to the mountains, defeated dangerous monsters, returned to the village and helped it prosper and develop. this made the Rongcun the most poerful clan in southern Guangxi.

mo Longei as drinking hile telling the story, and he as drunk ithout realizing it.

Fang mu felt that there as more to the story, so he couldn't stand the interrupted chapters and desperately shook the village chief, hoping that the village chief ould stand up again and continue speaking, but mo Longei as too drunk. It as too late for me to ake up. No matter ho much you tease me.

Seeing this, mo Guangning stopped Fang mu from trying to ake up his drunken uncle, smiled and explained that this story really ended here, and asked Fang mu to leave as he ould be late. told. to sleep. . tomorro he ill take her to the mountains.

tonight, tour guide mo Guangning set up a ine table just to get his uncle drunk. he kne that henever his uncle got drunk, he ould alays fall asleep until dark the next day. that ill give you enough time to make the round trip. Agriculture and mountains.

Fang maki expressed his gratitude and returned to his room ith a heavy heart.

the couple thought it as a simple matter, but in Fang mu's opinion it as not. Although it had the sophistication of a legendary story, it as so believable that Fang mu couldn't help but tremble.

child of God, child of frog god?

Although Fang mu had never seen it ith his on eyes, he couldn't help but remember the entry in his diary about being chased by a stranger on a foggy day. the object that ``he'' suspected as not human, and all of the object's characteristics did not match his. Are the children of the frog god very close to the story?

to hundred and sixty, deep in the mountains and fog

Early the next morning, Fang mu and mo Guangning set out ith the supplies needed for the expedition into the mountains.

Fang mu had a hunch that the trip to this mountain ould be very dangerous, and he could not guarantee ho much time he ould spend in Rongshan. So he brought to to three eeks' orth of food, mostly portable pressed food. his backpack contained a bulging package. there's a lot of it, but ater makes up the majority of the eight.

mo Guangning didn't say anything about it. this Zhuang man ith a simple appearance and a delicate heart actually felt that Fang mu as about to enter the dangerous countryside to do the most dangerous thing. on the surface, he remained calm, but inardly he hesitated and as lost in thought at times.

After leaving the mountain village and entering the mountain forest, Fang mu couldn't help but ask mo Guangning. \"ho far is it from mt. Ni?\"

\"It might take more than an hour to alk. the road here is bumpy. can you carry a lot?\" mo Guangning said.

Fang mu smiled and said, \"It doesn't matter, it's fine.\"

After that, the to started alking in silence. Fog began to cover the mountains and forests ahead, and the fog as getting thicker and thicker...

Fang mu didn't kno here Nongshan as or hat it looked like, but he felt it getting closer and closer, and the panic gradually increased in his heart.

the further into the fog e go, the more bizarre the forest vegetation bees. Sometimes they have roots as thick as tree trunks, and sometimes they have leaves groing from the base, making it look like a giant tree has gron from the sky. talk about the plant's green leaves, transparent ith a hint of emerald, and the fat, unidentified fruit that smells rotten and hangs upside don on the tree.

Apart from the beautiful yet strange sights that stretched as far as the eye could see, this mountain forest covered in thick fog as as quiet as cotton on a pillo. he and mo Guangning ere like the only to creatures alking in this boring orld. Small and lonely.

the fog gradually became thicker and I could no longer see my feet. Fang mu couldn't help but slo don his alking speed. hoever, it as clear that mo Guangning, ho as in the lead, had no intention of sloing don. he called the other party and asked them to ait for him.

hoever, mo Guangning didn't seem to hear him and alked straight ahead.

Fang moku had a bad feeling and tried to pull him forard, but tripped on something soft and slippery and almost fell to the ground.

After gazing fearfully at the road for a moment, the hired guide, huang mu, disappeared into the clouds.

Fang mu broke into a cold seat. he called mo Guangning and sloly moved forard. he hoped that this as a joke beteen mo Guangning and him.

but as time passed, no one ansered him, and there as dead silence around him.

Fang mu couldn’t help but maliciously guess that this as more than just a bad joke. he deeply suspected that this as a trap set by his uncle and nephe. It as a trap set by a village that believed in an evil god. they anted to kill him. Inside a foggy forest that you can never escape from.

perhaps they considered themselves ritual sacrifices to honor something indescribable, like a frog.

this nespaper as true. It as ritten by me ho someho returned to the past from the future, but the village chief of enyatun lied. he clearly remembered hat ``himself'' looked like hen he came to the village. For a moment, he remembers \"himself.\"

the village chief and his nephe talked about taking revenge on him, because it as for the sake of faith and for the sake of the old village.

he asn't drunk at all last night, he as just pretending. After my nephe forced him back into his bedroom, he started planning ho to make me die in this laless jungle...

the more Fang mu thought about it, the more confused he became, and his expression became unstable.


hen Fang mu as thinking absentmindedly, he suddenly heard a scream. It as the first time I heard the sounds of other animals around me since I entered the fog-shrouded forest.

the frog's cry as like a stone thron into a calm lake, causing ripples and eventually the forest as filled ith the frog's voice.

Fang mu felt like a sarm of frogs and toads had appeared around him. they sa him hiding in the dark, acting strangely in panic, and despised him as a man ho did not kno his on abilities.

No, it may not be frogs or toads that are harmless to humans and animals, but a group of frogs stare at him ith interest. It as like a stray cat visiting someone else's house. he could only hope these things eren't cruel. only he can survive ith his \"cat\" proclivities.

“Ah!” A scream echoed through Fan mu like a thunderbolt.

my hole body trembled as if I had been electrocuted, and then I moved forard, my thighs trembling, and I staggered faster and faster, losing face as I ran for my life.

As he ran, he shouted in his voiceless throat, \"mo Guangning! mo Guangning! here are you!?\"

Fang mu didn't kno here he had run aay. he ran after the sound of the scream, but as he ran he tripped over something again.

Fan mu fell to the ground, and Fan mu’s bag looked like it had been scratched by something sharp. In the thick fog, I felt a light touch on my back, and many things in my bag suddenly scattered on the ground.

Feeling the pain, Juan mu suddenly became calm for a moment. he trembled in his heart and kne he shouldn't have run to here he could hear the screams. because it means he is actively putting himself in danger and seeking death.

the direction genius ho anted to understand this as startled and broke out in a cold seat, and as immediately frightened by the sight in front of him and lost his voice again.

I could see a severed leg resting under his calf, earing military green hiking pants. only part of the calf remained. the smell of mucus and pulpy bite marks still remained on the cut surfaces and the fabric of his pants. the smell of fresh blood as suffocating. A human chili pepper attacked Juan mu's nose.

he recognized this bull as belonging to poor mo Guangning. he as a tour guide ho acpanied him here and then \"abandoned\" him to run aay. Unfortunately, he encountered a large unknon creature in the mountain fog. Eat until only the cut limbs and meat remain.

Seeing the bodies of his slain rades, Fang u could no longer maintain his rationality and began to flee into the forest. he had no control over hat he stepped on, hether he missed his mark or not. If you fall don this steep slope, there is a sharp object in front of you that can easily tear your backpack, so you don't have to orry about getting cut.

the frogs around him gre stronger and stronger, like a eling team eling the arrival of a guest of honor. No...it should rather be like the funeral team sending him to the funeral. ith death, they said goodbye to themselves.

“Ah!” Fang mu stomped through the air, grabbing his hands and feet here and there, trying to find support. but his body fell uncontrollably, falling, falling... falling to the bottom of the valley, falling to the bottom of the valley. Inside the cave.

hen Fan mu akes up again ith injuries all over his body, he finds himself in a mysterious cave.

261 frogs in the dark

Fan mu got up from the ground. my hole body as groaning in pain, but I felt joy and happiness, just like I have for the rest of my life.

he looked up at the hole, but no matter ho hard he tried, he couldn't cral out. It's like a all of thick fog covering your head. I couldn't see far, but I kne it had fallen from a height that ould have killed me. hoever, luckily, he touched the cushioning material in the fog and survived.

Fang maki as sitting leaning against a nearby stone all, counting the supplies left in his body as he rested.

Almost everything as lost, and the backpack as so orn out that it could no longer be used, but luckily everything in the bag as intact. besides hat he has on his body, the only things he has ith him are a bottle of mineral ater, three packs of energy bars, and a fe energy bars. knife and lighter.

Unfortunately, my flashlight and cell phone ere broken. Flashlight bulbs and cell phone screens also exploded, rendering them unusable. If not, there may be a better lighting device than a lighter.

After a fe minutes of hesitation, Fang mu took out a lo energy package hose packaging as badly damaged and folded it in half. dirty or not, seet-tasting or not, he salloed it alive, giving it a final sip of ater to reluctantly ease the disfort of choking.

Fang mu sighed and looked left and right. the dark cave opened in to directions, one to the left and one to the right.

Although he asn't 100% sure, he thought perhaps they had arrived at a cave in the agricultural mountains. the Nongsan-dong mentioned in the diary should refer to a place related to this.

there is no doubt that both the left and right directions are very dangerous for Fang u.

\"Let's go to the left.\" Fanmu thought for a hile and chose the option that ent against his thoughts.

this is homoku's consistent ay of thinking. hen faced ith a difficult situation, they act against their ill.

the reason you are in a dilemma is simply that you are not lucky enough. You may not follo your on ideas because you are very lucky.

this is an experience he piled from his childhood hen he as faced ith dilemmas many times, choosing his inclinations, and after being even more unlucky.

the inside of the cave got darker and darker as they entered, and Juan mu had to take a lighter ith him for lighting.

the firelight as arm but illuminated a very limited area. At best, Fang mu could only clearly see about half a meter in front of him, and beyond half a meter, it became even harder to see. Anything other than darkness as darkness, and only the unknon as unknon.


In the darkness, the cries of frogs and toads sounded as if they ere approaching. Fang mu’s heart suddenly became nervous. he turned as fast as he could, stared in the direction of the sound, and sloly moved forard, holding his breath. As e ere alking, e finally sa a palm-sized frog crouching on a rock.

the frog's body as covered in dense, irregularly arranged pea-sized protrusions, covering its body in a protective pattern roughly consistent ith its rocky environment.

Fang mu had never seen this kind of frog before. his stomach sloly expanded, making him look like a slo old man. her cross-shaped black eyes stared at him ith an aged air.

As if...as if this frog had intelligence?

Fang mu felt a pain in his chest and hurriedly shook his head, trying to get rid of the ridiculous thoughts in his irrational brain.


Fan mu heard a frog croaking from another direction in the darkness. he quickly turned the firelight in that direction and sure enough, he spotted another frog. Although he as a little smaller than the one I sa earlier, he gave off a mysterious aura, and I could still feel the inquisitiveness and thoughtfulness in the frog's eyes.

I don't kno if it as because I suddenly let go of my hand, or the cold ind of the cave, or... something invisible in the darkness turned off the lighter's light. Instantly, Fan mu as plunged into terrifying darkness, and energy blasts erupted from around him. Frogs and toads croaked one after another like the tide.

In the brief moment of darkness, Fang mu felt that fear as about to eat aay at all his sanity, and instinctively quickly flicked the lighter sitch to light it again.

hen the light of the fire flashed again, Fan mu noticed that the frog crouching in front of him had disappeared, and he couldn't help but let out a small breath. he shuddered and pointed the bonfire at the spot here the big frog as. but as my scalp started to feel numb, I realized that the frog as also gone.

please shout!

there ere loud and obvious breathing and puffing sounds, and Fan mu could only see a large, flat head singing momentarily in front of him, bloing out the lighter's flame.

Fang mu as sure that the flame of the lighter in his hand had not been extinguished by himself, nor as it extinguished by the cold ind in the cave. Instead, he as blon aay by a sarm of frogs, as if they ere intentionally playing a trick on him. the fire in his hands destroyed his hopes.

Fang mu couldn't help but let out a small cry. he stepped back and started the fire again. As I started the fire, my right heel tripped over something thick and I fell to the ground, folloed by a high-pitched scream. he as sitting on a soft piece of flesh that suddenly popped loose, and the sound of bones crunching and internal organs squeezing and exploding came over his skin.

In a panic, the man trembled all over, and hen he lifted the burning torch, he could clearly see that the area around the fire as getting brighter.

A group...a group of frogs ere staring at him ith criss-cross eyes, stealthy and indifferent.

Under his butt as a dead frog that had been blon up by him. It as cold and oily, but it stung like a needle through his heart, and at the same time it felt like his soul as being ripped out of something.

A large frog's legs vaguely appeared in the flickering light of the fire, and a vaguely visible toad-like face sloly passed through the realm of reason.

Juan muguay screamed, stood up, shouted filial piety, and ran aay. Along the ay, I felt like I stepped on a lot of frogs right in front of me.

As if hearing some kind of mand, the group of frogs suddenly let out a cry that didn't sound like frogs. they chased after the man ho ran riot in the darkness and fled into a cave here Fan mu could not clearly see.

Fang mu heard a short and poerful sound running beteen the iron legs. Something large and sinuous quickly fle across the ground, over the all, and into the sky. they ere running after him.

homoku, ho as on the verge of a mental breakdon, had no choice but to keep running. If you slo don even a little, you might die in this dark cave here no one knos about you and you have no future. .

hen Fang mu as in despair, he found himself crossing an unknon border. the part of my body that passed through it felt more relaxed than ever before. As he passes by, the air instantly bees purified, cool and quiet, making you ant to breathe more hungrily.

their eyes suddenly opened. It asn't that bright, but it felt brighter than hen I as alking through foggy mountain forests or dark caves.

there's fog here too, but it's foggy, foggy, and psychedelic just right.

It seems like they escaped from a dark cave and arrived in another forest...

262 nails and hammer


the doorbell rang, and a man covered in mud entered the store ith his shoulders slumped. the ords \"miao miao house\" ere ritten on the door. he looked around cautiously and said in a lo voice: \"Excuse me, is there anyone here?\"

After ing to this forest, I explored for a hile and found a strange shop hidden in this forest. At the moment, I couldn't find anyhere else to stay, and I as orried that I might accidentally get into trouble again like before. I had a problem so I thought I'd go in and take a look.

“ele to our store.” hen Juan mu entered the door, a strange red man appeared standing next to him. his voice as neither high nor lo, but it as deafening.

Fang mu's hole body trembled as he folloed the man's red toes, thighs, and torso... his face as pale the entire time, ith a gentle smile on his face.

\"hello, hey.\" Juan mu smiled and nodded, feeling a little relief in his nervous heart.

It as a bit strange, but once I got into the mountains, everything as like a dream, rare and unpredictable, and everything unfolded exponentially... but I finally found someone I could talk to and municate ith. .

of course, Fang mu didn't think that the people ho could open a store here ere ordinary people.

\"hello, my name is ei Jiang, and I'm the office orker here.\" the red-haired man nodded and said, \"please follo me,\" and led mr. Fang mu to the counter ith a smile.

\"Um... excuse me, here am I?\" Fang maki folloed closely behind the red man, looking at the irregularly arranged items on the shelves around him, and spotted a golden frog on the shelf. I asked curiously. hen I sa this, I as intrigued and anted to try it out.

e do not remend touching it directly. Just as Fang mu as about to touch the ooden box, ei Jiang grabbed his rist and said seriously, \"It's a bit dangerous.\"

Although the other party did not explain the reason for the danger, Fang mu felt a little coldness in his honest eyes. the other person's hands ere cold, his ords ere cold, and the reason as even colder.

``Sorry, I think I recognize you.'' Fang mu eakly ithdre his hand and continued to follo ei

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