

第46章 埃尔德里奇港的呼唤(1 / 2)
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在该地区的史册中,有一段时间,埃尔德里奇避风港编年史的第一章展开,标志着一个黑暗和不祥的故事的开始。ans had some patibility ith Fang Jia and should also be suitable for Fang Jingjing. .

Just to be sure, Fang mu still asked the agency to conduct a patibility test beteen himself and Fang Jingjing. As expected, his kidney as patible ith Fang Jingjing and could be used for transplantation.

So Fang maki solemnly visited her door and announced his intention to donate his kidney.

253 hatred

At first, Fang Jingjing as surprised and moved by the sudden appearance of a kind person, but Fang mong as unable to hide it and revealed his true purpose.

After learning these things, Fang Jingjing fell into a long silence.

From the shocked expression on the other person's face, Fang mu felt that the girl had not knon about her brother's death for years. his eyes shoed confusion and sadness, and his thin face, plagued by illness, looked a little pale.

Fang mu tried to fort the girl, but noticed that Fang Jingjing's body as trembling slightly. only then did I realize that Fang Jingjing as afraid of something.

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