

第46章 埃尔德里奇港的呼唤(2 / 2)
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Fan Jingjing as confused for a hile, as if he had received a strong shock or as trapped in some kind of nightmare that as difficult to escape. No matter hat Fang mu asked him or hat he asked him to do, he just shook his head. Finally, ith the help of those around me, I reluctantly signed the consent form for the surgery.

After aiting for a hile for Fang Jingjing's body to recover, the hospital plans to perform kidney transplant surgery ithin six days.

before signing the consent form for the surgery, Fang u had already made preparations and conditioned his body according to the doctor's instructions, and as a qualified donor, he as ready to start the operation at any time.

hoever, the night before her kidney transplant surgery, Fang Jingjing jumped from the balcony of her hospital ard ithout any arning.

this poor girl, ho mitted suicide, left only her ill and an old-fashioned key to the parish.

Fang Jingjing finally rote in his suicide note that he did not ant to accept Fang mu's refund. beteen the lines, he apologized to homoku and began to recount his tragic life experiences.

the father of to brothers, Fang Jianhua and Fang Jingjing, mysteriously disappeared during a devastating flood in the south in 1998, before Fang Jingjing as born. After that, the to children ere basically raised by their mother's family.

Fang Jingjing did not have a very good impression of her mother. hen Fang Jingjing as only 4 years old, his mother and his unfortunate younger brother also died in a landslide.

having lost their parents, the to brothers could only rely on their grandparents.

ithout parental supervision, the brothers gre up in a small village, mostly in the countryside. before Fang Jianhua learned the bad habit of gambling, Fang Jingjing had a very close relationship ith her younger brother. the to brothers relied on each other outside the home. After all, there ere to brothers in the village ithout parents. he is easily bullied by his classmates.

hen Fang Jianhua developed a lifelong gambling habit, she seemed like a different person. he no longer seemed to care about his beloved sister or grandparents. this as extremely disappointing to his family, especially in the case of Fang Jianhua. After stealing her family's unique savings of 2,000 yuan and running aay ith a large amount of debt, Fang Jingjing, ho suffered greatly due to Fang Jianhua's chaos, decided to sever ties ith Fang Jianhua.

perhaps one of the reasons hy Fang Jingjing did not ant to accept Fang mu's ish as that he hated his younger brother and could not forgive him, but hen Fang mu sa this content at the time, he as very confused. . I ant to. e accept it and do not resort to extreme measures such as death to express our rejection.

As he continued reading, Fang mu discovered a second reason for feeling suffocated.

Although Fang Jingjing did not have a very good impression of her mother, she still remembered her mother. thanks to vague memories and old photos, he as still able to recall the arm times he spent ith his mother.

As for his father, he as different from his mother. Fang Jingjing just fantasized about it.

ithout any real documentation, after a flood she doesn't remember, all the photos of her father in her home mysteriously disappeared, just like her father. he had no choice but to rely on his brother's explanations to plete the puzzle in his brain. A father figure he had never seen before.

Fang Jingjing only kne that her father's occupation as as an editor at a small publishing pany. According to his brother, his father as in poor health and had a calm and elegant appearance, hich as consistent ith the public's impression of literary figures, or a certain kind of \"prejudice.\"

After Fang Jianhua left, Fang Jingjing became jealous of her fello villagers hose parents ere still alive. he has alays admired people ho are not strong but sacrifice everything for their family hen they are bullied or insulted by debt collectors. Figures can stand up and defend them.

In order for her grandparents and her family to have a peaceful life, Fang Jingjing couldn't ait to ork in the city after graduating from high school. he decided to pay off his brother's debt and at the same time asked about his brother.

perhaps in his heart there is still a memory of his brother's good side and he ishes that his brother had not left home to avoid debt, but he has another, stronger reason. did.

the first day Fang Jingjing met Fang mu, Fang mu explained to him that he anted to repay the favor he gave ten years ago, and that he anted him to take his brother's place as the object of the favor.

only then did Fang Jingjing learn that her brother had died, and suddenly realized the real reason hy her brother disappeared.

the turning point in Fang mu's life and death ten years ago as also the turning point in the fate of Fang Jingjing's family. that year, her brother also ran aay from home ithout telling her.

hen Fang mu, ho did not kno this, confessed his feelings, Fang Jingjing as extremely distressed. perhaps he guessed that the older brother did not run aay from the cruel house, but as forced to \"break up\" from him. .

considering that he had deeply misunderstood his brother for ten years, and had experienced hardships that only he could experience in those ten years, Fang Jingjing's psychological defenses ere about to collapse at this moment. this as also the reason hy he shoed confusion, pain and fear at that moment. reason

At this moment, Fang qi also felt the other feelings that Fang qi had for him in Fang qi's ords. It as a kind of anger and resentment because Fang qi tapped into the heart of his brother ho tragically passed aay. .

therefore, in Fang Jingjing's eyes at that time, Fang mong as a good person ho shoed kindness, but at the same time he as also an enemy ho stole his brother's heart.

these contradictory and plicated emotions made Fang Jingjing's heart very confusing. Fang Jingjing, ho signed the surgical consent form in a confused state, felt unimaginable pain of regret and despair, and chose to mit suicide.

Fang Jingjing's suicide as mainly due to his guilt toards his brother, and probably also due to his hatred toards Fang mu. to be precise, it as hatred toards a person ith a background like Juan mu. If you don't ant homoku to regret it, it might be better to mit suicide. mu didn't have the opportunity to reciprocate his kindness, so Juan mu, ho had a rich emotional orld, felt closed off and in pain.

hoever, Fang mu as reluctant to speculate on this point. the ords in Fang Jingjing's suicide note made him feel a kind of anger directed at him, but at the same time, he also felt Fang Jingjing's sincere apologies toards him.

he personally felt that the rest of the reason Fang Jingjing gave up on life as actually that he didn't kno ho to live his life anymore. Until then, I could try to live to pay off my debts and find my brother, but no I understand the feelings of the people ho came to my house to encourage me to live. the debtor deliberately sucked the blood from them, and the poor soul, ho could not resist, lost hope in life and lost the ill to live, because he ould never find his brother again.

At the end of her ill, Fang Jingjing rote that although she had given up on a kidney transplant, if Fang mu ished she could repay her in another ay, it ould be to cherish her. So that the elderly in my hometon can live their retirement ith peace of mind. .

Fang Jingjing felt that the eight of repaying the favor as too heavy for him, so he decided to repay Fang u in some ay.

the keys and things he could open ere the ones he decided to give to Fan mu. the key as able to open a small box in his rental house. It as a legacy from his father. considering his father's life occupation and Fang mu's riters, he felt that the professions matched ell and most of hat as inside ould be useful to Fang mu.

254 pieces of black jade and a diary

Fang mu felt sorry and heartbroken that he could not save Fang Jingjing, but decided to agree to Fang Jingjing's last request, hich could be considered as repayment for the Fang family.

hoever, hat no one expected as that the tragic fate of the Fang family as not over.

hen Fan mu found brother Fan's ton, he found that the old man in his ton had been dead for more than half a month. It turns out that the eldest grandfather of to suffered a heart attack from excitement after learning that his distant daughter as seriously ill and in critical condition. the grandmother, ho as also in eak health, died next to him due to the death of her husband. It took more than a eek for villagers to discover it.

Recently, the Fan brothers' family has been busy for a long time. Everything in the city has bee cleaner. It is unclear here the garbage truck as sent. there seems to be no place for family in the orld.

the only thing they should be happy about is that their families ill finally be able to bury them neatly side by side.

the fate of this family made Fang mu sad, and the thought of not being able to repay the family became an unruly fist in Fang mu's heart.

Fan mu receives Fan Jingjing's belongings at a rented house in the city, including a box that can only be opened ith an ancient key that Fan Jingjing anted to give him.

the box is not very large, about the length of your forearm. It is made of paulonia ood ith ink painted on it. he trembled gently. the interior is hollo and generates noise. the inside seems to have a somehat distinctive appearance. he looked at the black box carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more it looked like a small coffin, so he as actually a little scared.

hen Fang Jingjing opened the box ith the key left behind, hat caught Fang u's eye as a half piece of black jade. beneath the black jade as a palm-sized diary ith a cohide cover.

Fang mu looked at the black jade half ith interest before looking at the nespaper. It seems that it as once part of a jade pendant. the pattern as probably a type of frog, but the strange thing is that this piece of jade influenced the frog. It's incredibly delicate. Even the small particles and large irregularities on the body of frogs and frogs are precisely sculpted. the texture of jade is smooth and smooth, so if you are not careful, you ill feel as if you are touching a real photo. Unknon frog ith skin, caressing animal frog.

Fang mu once asked a friend to send it to a laboratory that studies jade for identification, and he discovered that the jade pendant could be dated back more than 5,000 years. I figured it out.

In this era of barbaric legends and undeveloped orking tools, jade pendants emerged that far exceeded the profession of the time. this is definitely a great find.

Fan mu's friends at the institute say that Fan mu ill keep this jade pendant at the institute to continue his research and maybe use it to find an ancient civilization that existed in china. he excitedly expressed his hopes.

hoever, Fang mu still refused his friend's request. After all, this black jade as a relic left by Fang Jingjing's father, and he didn't ant to use it to bee famous.

earing the black jade, Fang mu felt that the feel of the black jade frog pattern as still on his fingers. hen I picked up the cohide nespaper again, everything I touched felt like frog skin, and I felt a little scared inside. .

Afterards, Fang mu ill deeply regret opening this old nespaper. the moment I sa it, I as shocked by its contents.

the beginning of the diary, its yelloed pages, and the specks inside told the person ho opened it the traces of the past. hen Fang maki turned over the first page of the nespaper, he too gasped hen he sa the ords. Stop

Juan mu’s eye sockets ere rapidly changing beteen expanding and contracting. After choking for a hile, I suddenly felt short of breath. he did not pay attention to hat as ritten in the nespaper. he just flipped through the pages quickly, jumping from the beginning to the middle and back to the middle. In the end, I jumped back for about a quarter or five minutes, and finally, my hole body gave out and I collapsed onto the sofa in the living room ith a pale face.

the handriting ritten in this diary is actually similar to mine...even the ay e pose ords and sentences are surprisingly similar.

ho e there are people in this orld ho not only have similar handriting but also the ay they rite?

hoever, since Fang mu had not had the habit of riting a diary since he as a child, he as convinced that this diary as definitely not for him.

Feeling like he had encountered some kind of absurd and unusual incident, Fang mu felt a voice in his heart and anxiously asked him not to read it again and not to burn the nespaper directly.

No more, no more!

And human curiosity is like a snoball rolling don a mountain. once it starts, it can't be stopped and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Fang maki trembled and returned to the front page of the nespaper. there it as ritten: \"on June 7, 1992, the time came. I finally chose to marry someone ho could be my mother.\" today's ife looked great in her red edding dress. he and I got married like old men in front of his parents. In front of the bed at the edding he asked me if I as happy and I smiled and lied to him.

on June 18, 1992, my ife and I ere living respectfully as a normal married couple. our days ere simple and happy. today, my ife made a fish pot for me hen I came home from orking overtime at the nespaper pany. I'll eat it all. hile e ere taking a shoer together, he hugged me and said let's live happily ever after. As I listened to the frogs croaking outside the indo, I became anxious, hoping that he didn't notice anything rong ith me. I cheated again today.

on July 7, 1992, my ork colleague Lao Jiang asked me ho I felt during the first month of our marriage. he said he didn't feel anything at all. he also made fun of me for staying out of trouble. he said that in the future, his son's full moon ill be memorable, and so ill your edding's full moon. If you kno ho to be romantic, prepare some delicious ine and food tonight. otherise, you ill receive the entire gift. back I couldn't understand this so I asked him for advice. Lao Zhang is very good at eating and drinking. he remended that there ere a lot of shops selling frogs at the heather Street market these days. It's not the season to eat frogs, but there are a lot of fat frogs on the market no, and they're sold cheaply... belo is hat I haven't heard. my ife also often buys vegetables at the vegetable market on heather Road. hen I got home that evening, he had cooked me a sumptuous dinner. I gave her the bouquet of roses I had bought. I looked at the dining table. there as no frog on it. I thought my ife kne I as afraid of them.

July 10, 1992. I ate a lot for dinner today. my ife noticed that I didn't eat lunch at ork and asked me hy. I didn't have anything to hide, so I just said that there as a frog in today's ork. hen my ife heard that, she didn't say anything. he ent back to the kitchen and added another plate of fried pork for me.

September 12, 1992. I didn't rite a nespaper for a hile because the nespaper business as booming and my orkload increased. hen you're immersed in your busy life, you never seem to hear that sound approaching anymore. this is fantastic. Luckily my ife is pregnant.

255 past nespapers

on September 17, 1992, I felt like I heard his voice again. did he not ant to let me go yet?

on September 18, 1992, it intensified. At night his voice gre louder and closer, but his ife as still asleep. she as pregnant. At this point I couldn't go crazy and disturb his rest.

on September 19, 1992, I couldn't sleep. I really couldn't sleep. I kept the light on in my study all night under the pretext of ork. my ife as sleeping in the next room. I had no choice but to look into it and found out that pregnant omen are sleeping ell. he banged his head against the all to get rid of the frog voices in his head and didn't ake up all night.

September 20, 1992. For the past fe days, I haven't been able to sleep at night. he also seems to have mental problems. I alays think that hat I see on the ground by the roadside is some type of frog or toad, but hen I look closely, I see that it is not.

on September 23, 1992, I fell into a a for several days. the doctor said I as overorked and exhausted. hen my boss at the nespaper heard about my incident, he felt very sorry. the members of our nespaper ere very close to each other, never discussing their superiors or the ranks of their employees in private. my boss's ife found out about my family's situation and even took care of me. ife for a fe days. After I oke up, my boss decided to give me a month's vacation to rest. I anted to say no, but I didn't kno ho to explain it because it asn't his fault.

I as discharged from the hospital on September 24, 1992. I lied and said I as too nervous to sleep. the hospital prescribed me sleep. thanks to the medication, I as finally able to fall asleep. but I as also tired of sleeping. I ended up on a slippery road. I ran into a moss hole and planted an unknon sport. my feet felt like the earth as alive, like I as alking on a frog's body covered in mucus. there as alays someone beating in the shados behind me, unable to see the big picture. the giant frog inside as chasing me so hard it drove me crazy.

october 2, 1992 I think I developed a tolerance for sleep. I oke up in the middle of the night. the cries of frogs and toads never left my ears, and it seemed like dreams and reality ere sitching smoothly.

on october 3, 1992, I probably ent crazy and tried to find the source of the sound. hile my ife as sleeping, I took a knife from the kitchen and searched the hole house. It seemed to be everyhere, but there as no sound anyhere. did you hear a noise in your bed again?

on october 4, 1992, my ife returned to Japan at my strong request. I asked my ife to stay at home and take a good rest during her pregnancy. because of this, my alays kind ife almost got into a big fight ith me. I kne he as orried about me, but hy shouldn't I be orried about him? Last night, hen I as looking for the sound, I actually climbed into bed after the sound, picked up a kitchen knife, and almost sliced my ife's stomach open. I almost ent crazy thinking that the noise as ing from my ife's stomach.

on october 6, 1992, I as nostalgic for the days hen my ife as by my side. I had to admit that my cooking skills ere really bad. After my ife disappeared, I gradually gathered up the courage to go out at night to look for sounds. I ent out into the street and lay don, stuck my head into a dark, smelly hole, put on my slippers and ent into a floer bed here the leaves ere sprouting from the side. I as orried that you might notice his presence somehere hile you ere exploring, but it seems like you've lost yourself in your exploration as ell. I hope the neighbors don't see it. otherise, my ife and I ill have to move.

october 7, 1992. there as a thick fog last night, but I asn't going to give up on looking for the sound. hoever, as soon as I ent outside, I met the thief. he stood in the fog, and the flashlight made his strong, flat face look a little strange. I forgot that it as no longer my time of peace, and ithout hesitation I turned around and ran as fast as I could, ith this face and stranger chasing after me. In the end, I ran home to avoid danger. After thinking about it, I realized that the thief's legs ere a little strange. hen the fog cleared during the day, I braced myself for a bullet and headed back to my spot, but I almost missed it. I as scared to death, but hen I folloed the footprints in the forest, I realized that there ere alays strange footprints and that the footprints ere also ebbed. I got scared thinking that maybe it as a man or something that chased me last night. A frog ith a human body! ?

After chasing that frog on November 27, 1992, I temporarily abandoned the dangerous practice of chasing sounds and realized that these sounds ere annoying enough, but not unbearable, and Gradually I realized that as long as I had to take the sound. the human frog takes the initiative to pursue the sound...the source of the sound does not take the initiative to harm itself. For the sake of my ife and future children, I decided to curb my insanity.


Fan mu hurriedly flipped through the diary. the rest of the diary looked pretty normal, but you could read beteen the lines the repressed emotions of the diary's oner. behind these hidden records ritten about the lives of ordinary people, there as a madman ho rote them, and he as getting more and more excited. .

these diaries documenting daily life lasted until February 1995. his excessive repression and concealment of his actions still affected him negatively.

February 16, 1995 my ife oke me up last night. hen I oke up, I as standing on the balcony. my ife as holding me and my 3-year-old son Jianhua as crying and holding me. one of my thighs...I as sleepalking! my ife as very sad and cried. I continued to fort my ife until Jianhua fell asleep in my arms. my ife couldn't take it anymore and asked me hat as rong. this time too, I didn't hide it and conveyed my suffering. Giant toad-like monsters kept appearing around me.

on February 17, 1995, it as unbelievable and my ife didn't fully believe my ords, but she still chose to accept my ords and asked me not to suppress my emotions. I asked. he anted me to face my fears and problems head on. but I didn't have the courage to tell him that the oute as actually doomed, and in my heart I didn't ant to alk through this muddy ater. In the end, I didn't have much time to spend ith them.

on February 18, 1995, looking at my ife's determined and encouraging look, I decided to go back to my roots and find out the truth behind it all. First, I have to go back to Ginnan and meet

Ithe head of the mo clan again.

February 24, 1995 I had been preparing for my trip for several days, and today I finally left. As I as riting in my diary on the train, I remembered hat my ife had said before e left. be careful of everything.'' I told him it as okay because I kne it asn't time to die yet.

on February 25, 1995, cheap and popular transportation had not been developed. After riding a bumpy sleeper bus all day and night, e finally arrived at our destination. Shit, my legs upstairs really hurt! After getting off the car, I rode a tricycle and came to the small ton belo the county seat for a temporary stay. I found a hotel near the station and checked in. there as a shrine dedicated to the local animal gods at the front of the hotel. A frog ith a mysterious and bright pattern painted on its back as standing on the all.

256 frogs and toads

In order to make it easier to understand hat as ritten in the diary, Fang mu flipped through the diary and also looked at the things ritten in the diary that he didn't understand.

For example, as mentioned about the frog statue in the shrine, Fang mu said on the Internet that this frog statue is actually a type of animal god orshiped in the southern part of Guangxi, and is called the frog god. discovered that it is part of a system of itchcraft orship.

the origin of the frog god can be traced back to more primitive antiquity. It is one of the long-standing totem cultures in southern Guangxi and other parts of china. modern people believe that the sound of a frog's cry also signals the arrival of the planting season. this deity is also considered by the locals to be the image of the god of rain and abundance. I pray for good eather and a bountiful harvest for people.

Fang mu couldn't help but onder, does the frog god orshiped here have any relation to the frog god mentioned by the nespaper oner?

Furthermore, the nespaper oner has some very strange ments about \"time\", such as \"this is no longer my peaceful time,\" \"marry someone ho can be my mother,\" and \"In fact, the end is destiny.\" I have expressed this expression many times. ... I'm curious about this, but is the oner of the nespaper a time traveler from a certain future era?

Fang mu continued to read the nespaper, feeling a little excited but nervous.

hen I arrived there on February 26, 1995, I could not find any locals as tour guides. As it turns out, this asn't the first time I've been here. this as more than 20 years ago, and the place I anted to go as quite primitive. on the contrary, this place has not changed much due to the changes of time and years, so it is also convenient to revisit the place here you lived before. oh, of course no one here knos me. ith the help of local villagers, they boarded a van that as just on its ay to their destination and arrived at the mountain village of enyatun, along ith a van loaded ith red bricks and tiles. For a young foreigner like me, everyone in the mountain villages looks at me strangely. the sun as setting hen e arrived at enyatun, so e first had to think about here to stay. I paid my brother, ho as driving the van, extra fare and lodging at home. my brother and his family ere very excited. entertain me

Since ing to Guinan on February 27, 1995, my nervous breakdon has improved considerably. I kno this is not due to the effects of the drug. I stayed one night at brother pica's house. Feeling refreshed, I planned to go out early in the morning to find the village chief of enyatun Village. hoever, my brother stopped me, but asked me to stay at his house first since it as not customary for the village chief to get up early. Let's talk after breakfast. hat I had for breakfast as seet potato porridge ith pickles. It didn't taste good, but it as good for settling my stomach. After breakfast, I sa my brother's daughter squatting next to an iron bucket in the garden, ashing vegetables, draing ater, and making fun of something. I heard sounds like frogs and toads.

As I approached ith some fear and curiosity, I sa the girl throing all the homeork papers she had collected into an iron bucket. then, the iron bucket came out ith the loud cries of frogs and toads, and the sound of the iron bucket as also the same. there as a loud banging sound against the all of the barrel, as if the frogs and toads inside ere fighting for food. there as a faint sound of crunching flesh and blood, but the girl seemed to have seen something interesting and exciting, and she raised little silver bells in joy.

I trembled a little, I kno hat the girl is doing, and I kno very ell that hat the girl has collected is my hair that fell from the room and my nails that ere cut and discarded last night. .

I visited the village chief's house and explained the purpose of my visit and the problems I had been suffering from for the past fe years. hen the village chief learned about the incident, he remained silent for a hile and then asked me to sit in the living room and ait. he started alking on crutches, probably looking for something. After aiting for a long time, I got up, ent into the living room, looked around, and immediately sa the chapel here. As expected, a frog as registered, but this frog as different from the frog I sa at the hotel. It's just different.

the person in front of me had rinkled skin, pimples all over his body, and hair, making him look more like a frog. It as pletely different from ordinary frogs, ith smooth skin and vivid colors and patterns.

It is not a frog god, but a toad god, hich is a more niche animal cult locally. It is orth noting that they distinguish beteen the to, locals have a pletely different attitude toards them.

hen I see a statue ith a face that looks like a frog but not a frog, like a bat or a sloth, my heart flutters knoing that this person is paying attention to me.

the gaze of the gods sometimes bees a curse rather than a blessing.

tenty minutes later, the village chief returned. he came to me ith a black paulonia box in his hand and said that the ay to solve my problem as to take the paulonia box from the cave of mount Nun and place it inside the statue of God. . on the feet and back okay. he seriously told me to never speak during the process of entering the cave. I ish I could just hold my breath. No matter hat I see or hear, I must turn a blind eye, don't listen, and don't react... otherise I on't be able to escape from this cave.

I am so grateful for hat this old man did for me. he must pay a lot of money to help me find the contents of this paulonia box. In just a fe minutes, his hand became abnormally sollen. , large and small rough bumps appear on it, just like frog skin.

I took the paulonia box to my brother's house and asked him about farming and mountaineering. the expressions on my brother's and his family's faces hen they heard about this place took on a strange, ferocious look, and their vies on me changed a little. he said that Nongsan is a little far from here. It's too late to go into the mountains no. A terrifying beast ill appear in the mountains at night. So, I as planning to go to the mountains the next day as ell.

on march 7, 1995, I returned to Japan safely. my ife as overjoyed hen I returned home safely. he also contacted close family and friends to specifically congratulate me, but the family and friends ho came to my house for dinner didn't kno hy e ere celebrating. .

Seeing this, Juan mu’s eyebros tightened. he turned the pages back and forth, but found no sign that the diary had been edited or torn.

In other ords, something must have happened to the nespaper oner during the blank seven days from February 27th to march 7th, but he intentionally did not record it.

this empty space made Juan mu feel itchy in his heart, and his hole body felt like it as frozen. As a riter and a bookorm, he really couldn't stand this emptiness. he urgently anted to kno hat happened after the nespaper oner ent into the mountains. hoever, the nespaper oner deliberately deleted this record like a devil.

Suddenly, Fang mu's chest tightened, and a thought came to his mind. maybe the nespaper oner did this on purpose because he anted to invite me to enya Village in the southern part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region?

Fang mu as even more curious about brother Fang’s father. hat did the man, hose handriting and riting style ere almost the same, look like and hat kind of person as he?

In this regard, Fang mu could only pay an illegal private investigator to conduct further investigation and, if possible, at least obtain his photo.

All Fan mu knos so far is that the name listed on the father's information page in the Fan brothers' registry is Fan Ling.

“Fan Ling…” Fan mu had already made many guesses about the identity of the nespaper oner, but remembering the name again made him feel unfortable and absurd.

Its name is derived from the ord ``fang'' by removing the prefix ``house'' and from the ord ``bayashi'' by removing the prefix ``ki''.

maybe Fan Lin is me?

once this idea appeared, Fang mu couldn't get rid of it, and at the same time, an idea flashed in his mind.

he kne it as rong to do so, and he kne it as absurd. he also kne that the ansers he ould get ould be just as destructive as the illusion...but Fan mu still did it and asked someone to find him. ta. they lined up to remove Fang Jingjing's hair from the funeral and took their on hair to a dNA testing laboratory for identification.

before the test results came out, huang mu continued reading the diary, and his reading speed increased.

he as orried that he ouldn't have the courage to continue reading after the test results came out.

the pages of the nespaper crumpled in his trembling hands. he continued reading ith a orried attitude.

Since Guinan returned, Fang Ling and his family have returned to peace and tranquility. Although my diary records are not as intense, the melancholy beteen the lines is gone and my sentences are softer. Life seems to be changing. get ell.

Feeling the emotions that the nespaper oner had ritten, Fang mu's mood seemed to have calmed don, and he sloly regained his posure.

this relaxed state continued until 1997, hen in July, to years after returning from Guinan, she suddenly stopped hearing her beautiful voice.

on July 12, 1997, our second child as already to months old. For famous reasons, he had to return to his rural hometon before his belly as revealed. only then ill his unborn child be ith me. only then ill my daughter be born safely and I ill be able to stay in ton and continue earning money.

on July 21, 1997, the foreboding finally came true. I received my package today. Even though it as rapped in a snakeskin bag, I felt the eight of something familiar inside the package. I opened the package and looked inside. hat I as ondering about for almost 30 minutes as the black paulonia box. that as exactly hat I sent to Nozan cave to years ago. he actually came out of the cave and came back to me. the difference is that this time it also es ith a key to open the ooden box.

I opened the box and took a look. It as empty. my heart as empty and my soul felt like it had fallen into an endless abyss. that night, I drank alone on the balcony. the ind suddenly became a little colder, the back of my neck felt cold, and my heart became anxious. From the day I married my ife...or rather, from the very beginning, from the first time I came into contact ith her, I thought that I ould not be able to escape death, and that I ould die the day I became a party to it. .

on July 22, 1997, ith a bit of luck in my heart, I boarded the train and headed back to Guinan. ill sending the box back there save me from disaster?

on July 23, 1997, nes of the collapse arrived. the village chief at the time passed aay, and so did his entire family. their daughter-in-la also ent crazy after losing her child. Soon after, he too as admitted to a psychiatric hospital and had his head buried in the asylum. I mitted a strange suicide by pushing myself into the iron fence that Kohan's forearm had penetrated. the ne village chief regretfully told me that no one in the village ould help me. So...ho sent me this paulonia box?

on July 25, 1997, I sat on the train heading home, feeling like I as dying inside. hen they returned to mount Nun, the cave had collapsed and they could not enter it. hen the ne village chief sa me trying to climb the mountain alone, he as shocked and angry, and scolded me for risking my life. perhaps because he felt pity for me, he finally revealed the truth. A fe months ago, all the children of the families ho orship the frog god in the village ent to mount Nong to perform their annual orship ritual. Unexpectedly, that day the cave collapsed. None of the people ho entered the cave that day survived, so it as equivalent to the death of those ho kne ho to solve my problem. of course, there as no one to help me anymore.

on September 30, 1997, my ife's belly as already very large. I told my ife that I anted to take her to a northern city. my ife's parents expressed reluctance, but my ife agreed ithout thinking.

the diary belo records Fang Lin's daily life as he takes care of his pregnant ife. At the same time, Fang Lin had to ork hard at her ne job during the day.

his ife, ho had been pregnant for a long time, finally gave birth on April 1, 1998. Fan Lin and his ife eled their youngest child, Fan Jingjing.

my daughter as born on April 7, 1998, the 1st of this month. mother and daughter are safe. Jenha is a sensitive child. You can see that he really loves his sister. I told him that if his parents ere to disappear in the future, he ould have to love his sister and do everything in his poer to protect her, no matter hat happens. Jianhua sore to me. hen I heard that, I hugged my ife and children for the first time and cried in front of them. I could no longer hide my eaknesses.

on may 20, 1998, after Labor day, I finally found time to rite my last diary entry. I'd like you to read the previous entry, but hat I ant to say is that I'm not going to rite anything today. Your package ill be delivered to you today, but this is a secret only for me. None of us can escape the vortex of time and the traps of fate. I ish you good luck in the future.

Seeing this, Juan mu's heart suddenly tisted, and confusion and fear craled all over his body like ants, and his respiratory system as almost strangled. he couldn't explain in ords ho he felt at that moment.

Fan Lin...is it me?

ding dong!

“Sir, please sign for the package.”

desperate, homaki received a package from the evaluation agency from the courier, opened the document inside the package, read the text, and gleaned the most important information.

Fang mu suddenly felt the sky falling and felt dizzy for a hile. he fell to the ground and muttered. “Father and daughter…Fang Jingjin is my daughter…”

257 Go to the mountains

Fang mu didn't tell anyone about the unusual things that happened to him, and he didn't have the courage to tell anyone. Asking others for help only gets people into trouble, hich is of no use to him or to others.

hat he really anted to say as that humans could conquer nature, but only the protagonist of the novel as qualified to say that. he as a normal human ith no magical poers.

If the future could be changed, he ouldn't be alive right no. he as supposed to die on the day of his physical education exam 10 years ago because a suitable heart source could not be found.

Fang mu's heart as like a fire that as about to run out of oil, and despair as the only future he could see.

I cut off contact ith the outside orld and locked myself in my house alone for three days and nights. besides observing the basic three meals and sleeping schedule, he remained silent the rest of the time. I spent more time in a daze than I did thinking, and the thinking itself as just a random idea. .

After intermittent daydreaming, Fang mu opened a travel app on her phone, salloed, and ith a trembling thumb pressed the train ticket to Guinan.

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