

第45章 埃尔德里埃尔德里奇避风港奇避风港(1 / 2)
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面对这种侵袭的黑暗,摩根博士和布莱克伍德侦探就像是希望的灯塔。otten that night. there is no point in you saving me no. Someday, I ill do my best to kill you or banish you.\" he said coldly.

\"hahaha, you don't think you're capable of such a thing, do you? Is it just you, or do you have a rotten knife in your hand?\" of the culprit ho caused the night of the destruction of Suizhu city. mr. Zhao covered his mouth and laughed.

Seeing the tension on both sides, xin Junmao quickly resigned, listed things, and asked miss qiao to return to the body and take the initiative in the next action.

\"Yes, sir,\" mr. qiao smiled kindly and seemed to follo all of mr. xin Junmao's instructions. he removed the \"sea of eapons\" that spread around him and sloly passed through the hole of blood and flesh behind xin Junmao.

xin Junmao looked in pain, grimacing and gritting his teeth. miss qiao as like a mischievous snake and deliberately delayed his entry.

hen he Jia'an sa this, he immediately tried to cut him ith a knife, but as stopped by xin Junmao. then, mr. Zhao smiled strangely and immediately retreated to mr. xin Junmao’s body.

“I really don’t kno if you are still human.” After xin Junmao calmed don for a hile, he Jia’an finally couldn’t help but say.

xin Junmao: \"I don't kno, but I kno that I'm not normal right no. I'll do my best to maintain my humanity.\"

Seeing ho the ordinary people of the past had bee ho they are today, he Jian couldn't help but secretly onder hat this crazy orld ould do to ordinary people.

\"Listen, xin Junmao, I really need your help right no. I can't fully understand all the Advent rituals of Kisaragi high School by myself.\" hen he Jia'an said this, he I remembered the fish that sent me here. , I couldn't help but curse darkly, \"here did drake go no?\"

hearing this, xin Junmao smiled and explained, \"drake has other plans. he also ants to interrupt the Advent Festival in the real orld.\"

\"Real orld?\" Li Jia'an suddenly said, \"Yes, this is the afterlife that reflects reality. Although the speed of time is different, if there is an Advent festival here, there is also a corresponding place in the real orld. that's hat I realized. ”

“then let’s get started,” xin Junmao said ith a nod. he took a step naked, and he Jia'an grabbed his shoulder.

xin Junmao turned around and as a little surprised hen he heard he Jianmao say to him, \"my heart is getting more and more confused, and I'm about to collapse. don't orry about me going crazy or this knife break. please let me kno if you are being controlled by someone. . . kill me. \"but no matter hat, e must ultimately release and spread the blessings here, and they should no longer be deliberately collected and used by others.\" .”

xin Junmao seemed a little moved. he patted he Jian’s arm and agreed.

\"Also, I ould like to ask you a question.\" Li Jia'an asked seriously, \"You often go in and out of the other orld. Is the bird that exists in this orld Li Yingqi?\"

hearing he Jian’s ords, xin Junmao’s expression changed slightly. he stopped, as silent for a fe seconds, and then said out loud: \"that may not be the person you kno anymore. It's...the residue of being digested by Gluttony.\"

hearing this, he Jian’s eyes became a little cloudy, and he put his hand on xin Junmao’s shoulder and left ithout saying a ord.

Looking at he Jia'an's face, xin Junmao heard the seet smile like a silver bell ing from his body again. he calmly reprimanded. \"hat a good thing you did...\"

Li Jian'an immediately suppressed her gloomy feeling. his mental state at that time did not allo him to delve deeper into negative emotions. his mental state at that time as like standing barefoot on a pointed cone hile the environment inside him as falling forever. the only ay to avoid falling into the abyss is to endure physical pain to maintain balance.

to keep his mind from collapsing, he Jia'an needed a distraction. he took the initiative to approach vampire activity hile searching for potential sites of descent rituals.

he killed him simply by relying on the magic knife in his hand, but the shado residing in that magic knife is trying to drag him into the nine boundless ghosts, just like the devil of hell...

hen Jin matsumoto, an S-class investigator from the headquarters, and he Ji-an, a former S-class investigator from the other party's secret team, ere unable to contact each other for more than an hour, the members of the Korean Alliance finally decided to direct their search to the other party. hen the organization tries to go to another orld using scientific equipment, the passage to the other orld does not open, and even if it opens, it is only visible hen a ``sandstorm'' blos out.

In fact, these \"sandstorms\" revealed through temporary cosmic channels cannot be pared to natural phenomena in the real orld. the ferocious \"flying sandstone\" engulfs and divides animals from another orld, and its screams...along ith the monster's roar, create a movement that shakes the brain. they ant to leave the roar of hell and cral out of this terrible orld. hoever, hat really frightens people is the countless \"particles\" disguised as a sandstorm, hich is the ish of the master of another orld. poder that deposes.

Unfortunately, the space strait opened by the Korean Alliance to save the people turned into a gateay for disaster to invade the real orld, and the strong inds of Sakurajima carried the seeds of despair.

As a blood-red magical ind ble from taom city, an otherorldly scenery gradually appeared in the sky above taom city. Sad clouds and mist ere gathering, suffocating clouds beneath thick clouds gloing ith red light. Floating gray kittens, sensitive plants, like crazy believers ho sensed the call, ithered and rotted one by one, until they became floating gray kittens scattered in the air, sacrificing their lives in one direction. .

currently, the hospital here Naomi miisaki is admitted is in chaos. the poer ent out for no reason. Life support equipment in intensive care units is passively poered by batteries. All critically ill patients are counting don the days left. medical orkers are busy moving around. Some have to go back and forth beteen dying patients and fort panicked hospital patients.

Naturally, Naomi miizaki itnessed the apocalypse unfolding in the city and heard the motion inside the hospital. curious, he opened the door and noticed that the investigators ho ere supposed to be guarding the outside of the ard had disappeared. I heard a noise in the hospital hallay. Screams and screams rang out, people ran, screamed, gasped and even mitted suicide.

\"e...e...\" Seeing such a scene, Naomi miizaki as at a loss. there as a hisper in his ear that only he could hear. he suddenly lost his mind and sloly started alking toards the sound. climb into the hospital's freight elevator, hich is illuminated by a strange red light.

246 people closed their eyes

\"A dark red cloud ith red lightning spreads across the sky over Sakurajima, rapidly expanding toard the land at an uncontrollable speed. occasionally, strange cries can be heard ing from ithin the cloud. this cloud is not born on Earth. No. they ere invaded from another orld...” At this very moment, a front-line reporter from a chinese television station is standing on a rocking ship, struggling to ithstand the raging sea storm, and the broadcast screen shos a horrific scene. the scene is recorded at high volume.

Looking at this apocalyptic scene, anyone ho has experienced the night hen Aochiku falls, the collapse of the demon city orld, or the birth of the demon Feng Shan ill be able to sympathize ith the people of Sakurajima momokicho. Everyone unconsciously looked at him ith disgust. this is toards Sakurajima.

As a itness to the disasters of foreign gods, the foreign gods hose origins are symbols of impurity and the destruction of the universe are far more horrifying than humans can imagine. they are orse than the torture of a dastardly murderer, a tragic car accident, or a natural disaster. the tip of the iceberg of insane fear is exposed enough to cause landslides and cracks. humans and all living things on Earth look like tiny ants that once passed by and tragically died under our feet. they don't care about people. the reason hy they pay attention to humans may be an opportunity to look back...

therefore, ith mixed and contradictory feelings, they prayed that they ould be lucky enough to survive the disaster like they did, and also hoped that they ould be better off dying in the earthquake, or else they ould be alive. I hoped that I ould never be able to go back to normal. ordinary life. In life, you can no longer experience the beauty of life as you once did.

this is a scary orld, after all.

``dad, I ant some ice cream.'' the little girl and her father alk past an ice cream truck and see the enchanting ice cream snoman on the food truck poster. he as so greedy that he couldn't help but lick his lips and looked longingly at his beloved father. , his mood remained stable, as if he did not notice that the crod around him as gradually panicking.

hen the father as notified of the emergency closure of his daughter's school, he pretended not to notice the changes in his surroundings at that moment. he only sa his ell-behaved and sensitive daughter. he touched his daughter's little head and said ith a smile: \"daddy can buy it for me, but can you guarantee that I'll be able to eat dinner as usual?\"

``Ningning can do it!'' Li Youning looked at Li Jiahong ith firm eyes and clenched her fists, expressing her strong determination.

Li Jiahong smiled and nodded, took her daughter to an empty ice cream truck, used the tools inside to make three-colored snoballs for her daughter, and paid for the ice cream. After making the payment, the amount seen on the surveillance camera as returned.

the daughter still held the bol and spoon in both hands, so Li Jiahong hugged Li Youning and left.

Father and daughter shared a bol of ice cream on the ay home. Li Youning had a casual expression on her face, as if she had finally noticed the people passing by, and asked Li Jiahong ith her usual calm eyes. ith the cat again. ”

In response, Li Jiahong only smiled and did not anser, but he thought about it anyay, and an image of the young man still living a leisurely life inside the store appeared in his mind.

``A bad guy has e out again. I onder if the old man in red ill e out and fight this time?'' Li Youning asked ith great interest, and Li Jiahong added ith surprised eyes. \"Just like you protected us hen e ere children.\"

“do you still remember?” Li Jiahong as a little surprised.

Li Youning nodded. ``I often have the same dreams. In my dreams, I see an old man earing red clothes and ith a big painted face. hen my father and I are in danger, he stands up for us. he's ugly, but... cool.\"

hen Li Jiahong heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said, \"Uncle hong, please don't say this, it ill make me sad.\"

\"In fact, I call him brother hen he's in front of me.\"

\"...It seems like you're having a bit of a loss of concentration.\"

After alking for about 10 minutes, Li Yuning finished eating the ice cream. Li Jiahong put her daughter don and asked her to thro out the garbage. then father and daughter alked home hand in hand again. they eaved in and out of the surging crod like fish against the current.

“oh, by the ay, hen ill Uncle Li, ho alays attracts so much attention, e back?”

\"dad doesn't kno either, but from the looks of it, it's ing soon.\"

“dad, Uncle Li is actually very stupid.”

\"hy did you call him an idiot?\"

``You kno, Sister xiaoyu has been by his side all this time, but he didn't notice.'' Li Yuning said, ``Sister xiaoyu asked me to keep this a secret. \"I guess you anted to see hen your uncle ould find out,\" he said ith a icked smile.

Li Jian's body as broken, her skin as torn, and her skin texture as pletely unhealthy. It as no different from an ordinary alking corpse. he as surrounded by pieces of glass vampire flesh. the magic knife in his hand turned red, and the tip of the knife also turned red. the blood drops are like saliva, symbolizing hunger. he is still not satisfied ith the current number of kills and ants more.

Li Jian'an alked ith a limp. the right side of his body as flexible, but it had been eroded by the poer of the magic knife, and he couldn't feel anything. A tube as injected into the body that had been salloed, and the blood and flesh on the right side of the body as replaced, but the right side of the brain remained intact.

this doesn't mean that the magic knife has good intentions and let him go, but rather that it's a treat you ant to save until last, like the expensive straberries in a fancy straberry sundae.

Li Jiang destroys several advent rituals hidden on campus. After the gathered blessing poer lost its role in the ritual, it disintegrated and dispersed again, being the plex and corrupt air elements of the outside orld.

hen \"captain It\" he Jian as looking for a place for the next Advent festival, xin Junmao, ho had been separated for a long time, reappeared from the blood and flesh of the all. Formless, xin Junmao looked like a humanoid sara. Shun mao said to he Jia'an, \"the entire Advent ceremony at Kisaragi high School has been destroyed. e have also iped out the vampires in the school. It's time to leave here...ell, things don't look good.\" . . ”

the long crooked eyes of the humanoid sara stared at he Jian. the other person's dull smile and hard expression made it seem like they didn't care about his ords.

hen approaching xin Junmao, Li Jian quickly slashed him ith a knife. he no longer seemed to care ho as in front of him. he as numb, like a killing machine, like the man ho had once been almost pletely controlled by a magic knife. the same goes for Gin matsumoto.

hoever, the cut xinjunmao laughed indifferently, fell to the ground, and immediately disappeared, bining ith the body and blood on the ground, leaving only an interesting sentence: \"It seems I have nothing to do.\" he left behind and disappeared. that's a promise for no. the person you need is out there, and I hope he akes up before your knife cuts him off. ”

247 people suddenly became healthy

the ground in another orld is shaking as if gravity has been reversed. plants and trees ith roots in the earth and buildings built on top of them are torn apart little by little, and an unknon liquid continues to scream in anger and pour into the sky. hoever, this is not the influence of the space channel, but the result of the starving and greedy ruler of the other orld, qian Kan Shiyue, ho can't ait to oppress the bodies that occupy at least 90% of the other orlds in the universe. channel.

the chaos and confusion that human society has brought to the real orld is like the aroma of delicious food that makes a thirsty qian huan Yue no longer able to control himself. It is no trying to directly sallo the city of another orld.

For qian huanzhiyue, there is a small flesh orm ho ants to bee his servant and establish a passage across space, and a second ho sacrifices his life to destroy the servant's plans to protect his servant. there is no difference beteen them and real legged creatures. living space. the difference is that you don't actually feel anything about their actions. he doesn't care hether the cosmic passage established by the Ritual of Advent is expanded or destroyed.

Like him, an absolute alien master ith infinite time and infinite lives. If you ant to invade the orld, all you need to do is be patient. hether he needs to hasten the invasion or not depends on his on attitude in responding to the vampire's demands. that's ho I suddenly came up ith this idea and gave it a try.

I as a little hungry no, so I anted to satisfy my appetite by passing some of my body through the sky passageay before it closed again.

of course, this desire to eat is only one of the motivations for qian huanyue's temporary cross-border plan. Filled ith countless embittered souls, this alien god actually ants to absorb epic negative emotions from the other side of the orld.

Although there is no master like him, this orld is still full of darkness and madness. the grudge-bearing soul in his body also ants to see the suffering soul...


the building shook violently and the elevator doors ere forced open from the inside. Naomi miizaki pops out from the square. As I looked around, I as surprised to find that I had taken the elevator to the hospital in the real orld and arrived at Kisaragi high School in the other orld.

Sensing the turbulence on the ground, Naomi misaki's heart rate quickened. the voice that had e here from the hospital to seduce his heart had already disappeared.

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