

第44章 纳撒尼尔·克罗斯教授(1 / 2)
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侦探布莱克伍德虽然从公务中退休,但仍然保持警惕。 ordingly...

After listening to the nurse's explanation, Naomi misaki finally understood. he boed his head and said, “If I die, ho ill my parents kno hat I mean?”

``If you ish, I ill explain it to you verbally.'' the nurse as very kind.

Naomi misaki as silent for a moment, \"can I think about it before I say something?\"

``I agree.'' the nurse touched the 16-year-old high school student's head and gently forted him.

Afterards, a female nurse gives advice and performs a physical examination of the female high school student.

After the test, Naomi misaki seemed to be feeling better and thanked the nurse for ing out.

Even after the door to the ard closed, Naomi misaki remained stiffly facing the all, still smiling.

then she sloly rolled over, buried her face in his thighs, hugged her knees ith her hands, and screamed. \"I...I don't ant to die yet...\"

``die! die! die!'' In Rumi Kaakami's dark room, Gin matsumoto screamed in his heart as he silently brandished the knife. the knife of light chased after the eakened Shiba Inu and violently cut it into pieces. \"I'm sorry, but you must die for humanity!\"


the sord slashed, and the light of the sord cut Shibajiro's right hind leg, no blood floed, and Shibajiro let out a quick and violent scream from the pain.

Gin matsumoto's heart as still calm and cold hen he sa this. he sung don the sord of Amankongyun in his hand again. the Shiba Inu's head as separated from its body and it fell don the stairs belo. he died ith his eyes open.

``I'm really embarrassed.'' before Gin matsumoto and Shiba Inu took their last breaths, they looked at each other, their cold expressions finally shoing signs of relaxation. he boed his head slightly, avoiding her eyes, touching his forehead and muttering to himself.

tenty-nine, the bird appeared again.

Naomi misaki, ho as crying quietly in the hospital ard, felt the coldness on the back of her neck suddenly disappear, and the terrifying feeling of having her fate squeezed by evil cold clas disappeared. It as then that mimiko cursed him. From that moment on, I retained the great aareness I had until no.

Ever since she as cursed, misaki Naomi has alays felt that there are executioners standing on either side of her, holding sharp blades and sloly cutting her to pieces ith absolute poer that cannot be removed. he could actually feel his on pain every moment. his fate passed quickly, and the fear of death as constantly tormenting his brain.

but no the feeling of suffocation and despair has disappeared.

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