

第43章 摩根博士(1 / 2)
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在我们镇的历史编年史中,这个非凡故事的第五章展开了。 eleration. thousand Fantasy moon invaded this orld in an attempt to force its body into this orld. on this space channel.

It is hard to imagine that if qian huanyue, a terrifying foreign god, really came to the real orld, the entire earth, let alone the people, ould suffer an unimaginable catastrophe.

\"No, this place is too close to the eye of the typhoon. If the ind keeps getting stronger, sooner or later I ill be caught up in the strong ind and salloed.\" Li Jian'an just looked at her and quickly looked aay, his heart pounding. It as throbbing. At that moment, I jumped straight up, and a fear that I couldn't control rose up inside me, and my body couldn't stop shaking.

Suddenly, he catches a glimpse of a bleeding dummy hiding behind a telephone pole on the street outside his office, silently staring at him ith dim eyes. Li Jian clenched his fists, consoled himself in his heart, and tried to calm don again. .

hen I opened my eyes again, I sa that the indos surrounding my office ere covered ith all kinds of strange dummies, dolls, and other strange creatures from another orld. they smelled the strong scent of fear ing from he Jia'an, and no they could no longer restrain themselves. I ant to eat to calm don my family.


Li Jian turned around and tried to escape through the back door of the office, but hen he opened the gap, he as surprised again by several fingers suddenly thrusting into the gap, and sa a pair of eyes and a strange ghost light. Go through the gap to the open door. please aim for it.

Li Jian'an had no choice but to grit his teeth, turn around, and climb the stairs to the office roof. hen he sa a terrifying scene like a zombie siege on the rooftop, his internal defenses ere still inevitably affected.

Fear is like a damaged part of a dam. If a crack opens and a small amount of ater leaks out, the entire flood control system of the dam suddenly collapses, making it difficult to defend.

Fortunately, he Jia'an did not lose his mind in a moment of panic. he carefully measured the distance to the nearest building and made sure he could barely jump over it. he leaves a certain distance from the detector. the inhabitants of the other orld ran from the rooftop and jumped as fast as they could before fleeing to the rooftop and jumped onto the third platform of the bungalo building across from them.

hen the nuns outside the house smelled fear, they changed their lives and immediately folloed he Jian's movements. Additionally, their movement abilities suddenly became mechanical and slo. It not only began to appear sloly...it became more and more intense and faster, exceeding the flexibility and speed of ordinary people.

he fired a fe shots at the dummy, and as expected, even ith a bullet through its head, it as still able to move like a fly. he suddenly felt that the gun in his hand as very fragile.

``here's the nearest spacealk?'' Li Jian'an jumped from the bungalo onto the all, jumped back to the street, and ran all the ay. the countless dummies behind him suddenly opened their mouths, revealing intricate details inside. It has a strange structure similar to that of a living animal, and it chases at high speed hile opening and closing its mouth ide.

“Li Jun, bo don!” he Jia'an's brain as running at high speed, thinking of ho to escape, hen suddenly a voice came into his ears. he looked up and sa a hite man smiling. the man as standing tall on the side of the road, holding a knife in one hand. he exclaimed, sloly opening his arm holding the knife and placing the knife's blade at shoulder level.

Jia'an Jia'an narroed her eyes, boed, and hid behind a telephone pole on the side of the road.

``thank you for your cooperation this time.'' Gin matsumoto laughed quietly. the blade of the sord in his hand emitted purple magic light, and suddenly a purple cylinder all appeared on the handle. It sinks into the body along the arm, and under its skin there is a crazy invasion of the body.

Gin matsumoto's hole body convulsed violently, and his calm, smiling face became violently distorted, and his body expanded several times its size, making him look like a monster controlled by a magic sord.

At that moment, matsumoto Gin suddenly jumped forard, stomped the ground on the spot, ran toards the dummy army in front of him, and sung his thin and sharp sord don at them, cutting them fiercely. Everything crumbles like paper, but the monster transforms as Gin matsumoto atches over him tirelessly and continues to kill him.

At the same time, other members of the Korean alliance suddenly appeared from all sides. they appeared ith firearms and cooperated ith Gin matsumoto's slashing attacks to eliminate the enemy from behind Gin matsumoto.

``Agent Lee, are you okay?'' Several Korean Alliance investigators ere each injured. they found he Jian, ho as hiding in rags, protected him, and sloly retreated.

Li Jia'an sa them and immediately guessed that these people had folloed him to the afterlife, and they must have encountered many unexpected problems before finding him. he recalled this out loud. \"Starting ith a gun is useless. most likely the hole head ill be cut off or destroyed.\" he looked at the crazy fighting figures in front of him, his head cut off or pletely destroyed. I noticed that dummies and dolls ithout exception cannot stand up.

\"thank you for reminding me, change the bomb!\" hearing this, the agent, ho as probably the team's lieutenant, immediately expressed his gratitude and yelled at the rest of the team.

Upon hearing the instructions, the other agents quickly thre aay the original magazine, removed another magazine ith red marks on its body, and replaced it ith the firearm in their possession.

bang bang bang!

the sound of the gun suddenly became loud and violent, the recoil of the gun also became violent, and the stability became uncontrollable. hoever, the poer and effectiveness of the bullet as indisputable. hen the bullets landed on the bodies of otherorldly beasts, they immediately exploded. hen a large space hits the head or neck, the hole head bees almost non-existent or bees so inplete that it loses its connection to the body.

the cooperation of explosive bombs has greatly accelerated the efficiency of iping out these creatures in the inner orld.

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