

第42章 影子之舞(1 / 2)
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随着光明和黑暗的力量汇聚,一场规模巨大的战斗迫在眉睫。 essfully removed, hat as hidden in the secret partment is no longer visible. As soon as the space opened, a strong pungent odor and a terrible odor suddenly gushed out from the floor, making people feel dizzy and almost driven by lust. faint.

he Jian'an covered his mouth and nose, held his breath, and looked closely. the fron beteen his eyebros deepened.

Several jars and jars ere seen placed in the space of the secret room, all filled ith rotting plant and animal carcasses. they had been soaked in different bottles, and the bodies all shoed different degrees of chemical damage. most of the animal carcasses had been rotted and burned by caustic chemicals, hile plants ere deformed and ithered from being soaked in chemicals.

Some animals don't have a specific appearance or are barely recognizable. there are cats and dogs, brightly colored reptiles, and even some scary-looking birds.

``Are you specifically targeting these beautiful creatures?'' After continuing his observation, Li Jian'an noticed the characteristics of these plants and animals. Almost all of them looked great and ere relatively popular. he suddenly closed his eyes, \"Are you a sociopath ho likes to destroy beautiful things after all?\"

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