

第41章 尤哥特的回声(1 / 2)
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深不可测的奥秘的宇宙中,人类理解的脆弱性。 ident. Someone killed him.'' this time, hen he as surrounded in the bathroom, he suddenly let out a loud scream and disappeared. the people surrounding him just sa Zhu xiuyi scream, and the toilet stall suddenly poured out a large amount of blood like a fountain, straight to the ceiling... After the subsequent legal identification , a large amount of blood dNA as detected in accordance ith Ju xiuyi ho left the scene.

hoever, hat is strange is that a blood test revealed that in addition to Shuichi Kiku, there as also blood from another person. Further tests revealed that she as the daughter of a teacher named \"Keika takayama,\" but it as actually the blood of a second person. that is impossible because Keisho takayama's daughter has already passed aay. ”

Naomi misaki's hole body trembled and she opened her eyes, \"maybe this girl is hanako?\"

hanako is a nickname, but her actual name is hanako. Li Jian'an nodded, froned, and said, \"If Zhu xiuyi's mysterious disappearance has something to do ith hanako, don't say it. but the reason hy she as treated like this has something to do ith hanako. She is e have a great relationship.'' this student as actually the only itness to the entire process of murdering hanako, a corrupt school guardian. hoever, parents at the school threatened him. he said nothing and remained tight-lipped as the entire school as investigated. I didn't follo you. ” After persistent and thorough pursuit, the school janitor as finally put on trial, and the school janitor ho confessed to the crime honestly confessed to the fact that Zhu xiuyi as a itness. there as pressure and the follo-up as to admit the truth. ”

221 takayama Keisho

``hy don't you tell me? Isn't that encouraging the emperor's evil deeds?'' Naomi miizaki as a little upset.

\"ell, of course he received a 'friendly ele' from his classmates.\" Li Jian'an put the notebook in Naomi misaki's hand and asked her to look at it carefully. then, I changed the questionnaire to Shuichi Kiku's graduation destination and ansered it again. look

Shuichi Shu, a fourth-year student in class A, placed 8th in his class last time. my goal after graduation is to enter the University of tokyo...

It turns out that Kiku Shuichi is a student ith good grades. the reasons he later rote about hy he chose to attend the University of tokyo are full of reason, passion, and great ambition.

but in these rich ords, he Jian felt a kind of sad despair, like a hopeless gambler, as if Zhu xiuyi as thinking of nothing else than getting into the University of tokyo. ta.

If he doesn't get into dongdal University, maybe Juxiu ill feel lonely and give up on himself ithout thinking about fighting he doesn't get into dongdal University, he might be satisfied ith something else. thought he Jian'an. You can go to university or simply embark on a career path.

As he continued to read, mr. he Jian sa the opinions and ments of Shintaro Aso, the principal, ritten for Shuichi Kiku. Shuichi is a hard-orking, high-achieving kid, but the University of tokyo is a orld-famous university. If you really ant to enroll, dongda University may be far aay, but the teachers ant to trust you and believe that you can make miracles happen. hoever, another thing they say is that there is much more to learn in life than just knoledge. pay attention to your relationships ith people around you and actively municate ith them.

``the principal's evaluation of him is very good,'' Li Jian'an said, looking back at the empty questionnaire. ``but from hat the teacher rote, I can imagine that Ju xiuyi is probably a good person in the class.'' he is usually an introvert and doesn't have many friends. ”

``this type of character is pretty classic. there's probably someone like it in every class.'' Naomi miizaki seems to understand. he pursed his lips and shook his head slightly, \"then it's not hard to understand hy Kikushuichi is like that.\" She decided to keep that secret from the bad guys. After all, he's going to start high school soon, and he doesn't ant to lose his reputation over something like that at this critical time. hehe, I think he has lost his basic sense of morality and emotions.”

he Jian agrees ith some of Naomi miisaki's opinions, but is actually more understanding, ``I think there must be a reason other than fear that affects studying. You may be afraid, as the only itness to this incident, and...'' his life may have been in danger as he as later discovered by a perverted school janitor. ”

\"he's scared to death and has no character. that person is really...\" Naomi miizaki shook her head.

hen he Jian heard this, he calmly looked at the other person.

Sensing his gaze, Naomi miizaki instantly shrank her neck and laughed quietly. In terms of fear of death, he actually seemed to be on a par ith Shuichi Kiku.

misaki Naomi loered her head and quickly flipped the notebook back and forth, and something that looked like letters caught her eye on one of the notebook's large blank pages, and she quickly flipped it over to find this side. here is another hidden page. ”

\"Look.\" he Jian and Naomi misaki approached each other unconsciously and shared the text of this page.

the hidden content says: maybe I need to pay more attention to this child, so hanako may not accept it...

``does this 'he' mean Shuichi Kiku?'' Naomi mitsusaki guessed, ``this must have been ritten sometime after Shuichi Kiku mysteriously disappeared,'' and as almost certain of it.

he looked up and as about to ask he Jia’an for his opinion, but if he asn’t careful, he sa that he Jia’an as no longer around, but in the blink of an eye, he as in the office. . to another teacher.

Seeing Naomi Saki hurrying after her, dig said, \"don't alk so fast, at least drag me along...\"

``that's because you didn't hold back.'' Li Jian'an looked at the girl and pointed to the photo on the table. there as a large crack in the frame, and dark blue ink of unknon origin had seeped into the picture. As a result, the other half of the photo as pletely smeared and could no longer be seen clearly. In the other half of the photo, a relatively cute teacher as smiling kindly in front of the camera and saying, ``this person is Keika person ho is smeared ith dan's ink is probably my daughter hanako.'' .

``It's so beautiful, and I'm sure hanako-san is beautiful too,'' Naomi misaki said ith deep emotion.

``Yes, she's a beautiful loli girl ho attacks people indiscriminately.'' Li Jian'an nodded solemnly as if in agreement, and Naomi misaki felt a little embarrassed and couldn't help but punch her in the arm.

Li Jian as indifferent and turned his attention to takayama huixiang's personal belongings, trying to find some clues from hat the other party left behind.

Keika takayama is a subject teacher in charge of biology for third-year high school students. he is probably a serious and responsible teacher, but his seriousness is a bit scary.

``do you see the date of hanako's death ritten in Shintaro Aso's notebook?'' Li Ka'an had an idea and asked Naomi misaki.

Naomi mitsusaki immediately turned to the book and quickly found, ``September 22, 1950.''

``ell, this assignment as graded on September 25th.'' Li Jian turned the page of Zhu xiuyi's biology book that matched the date. this as the mission closest to the day of Keisho takayama's daughter's death. Editing time.

orried that she might not be able to read intuitively, he Jiaan flipped through some of the other students' homeork books. Naomi miizaki as shocked by the results of her homeork that day.

I looked at Kiku Shuichi's notes for that day's homeork. It as ritten as follos: Shuichi's biology basics are very solid, but the arithmetic content of the la of separation can be expanded a bit more. e remend you try these exercises...

Looking at other students' homeork ments, the ments left by professor Keisho takayama are similarly serious and precise, almost directly pointing out eaknesses in students' knoledge. hoever, pared to Shuichi Kiku's ments, Keisho takayama clearly thinks highly of Shuichi Kiku. A little \"too considerate\".

``ho...ho is that possible? her daughter just passed aay.'' Naomi misaki as shocked. he as a little incredulous: ``he's alays so enthusiastic about his ork, so serious.''

\"Let's see hen Zhu xiuyi's scandal as exposed.\" Li Jian'an asked again.

Naomi misaki looked at Shintaro Aso's notebook again and confirmed the time, ``It's october 28th.''

After that, Li Jian'an turned over Zhu xiuyi's homeork page by page. professor Keisho takayama remained resolute until the homeork correction day on october 28th. he corrected Ju xiuyi's homeork seriously and responsibly, and read it to the end. mr. Keisho takayama alays takes special care of Shuichi Shu.

Under the fearful gaze of Naomi misaki, he Jian'an avoided the homeork correction date until September 22nd. Naomi misaki trembled, covered her mouth, and said in a dry voice. \"he...Keika takayama actually kne that Shuichi Kiku as a itness to the crime mitted by the school's parents...long before anyone else. he kne that.\"

220 mental torture

Looking at the homeork correction files from before September 22nd, Keisho takayama as serious and responsible for the ments on Shuichi Kiku's homeork, but in reality he as just like any other student. hoever, since September 22nd, here the obligation to ment is here, Keisho takayama is clearly paying more attention to Juxiuichi. the most obvious thing is that your ments have more characters than other students.

had Naomi misaki not knon in advance that Kikushuichi as involved in the death of Keika takayama's daughter, she ould not have been able to easily recognize the problem.

Kikushuichi as by no means an idiot, and he must have felt guilty. he must have been happy about professor Keisho takayama's sudden special consideration, but he could also guess that professor Keisho takayama already kne the hole truth. Even though he hides the truth in front of others, he is actually no different from the mannequins in biology class, and you can tell at a glance.

the better professor Keika takayama's attitude became, and the more he shoed that he cared, the more tormented and hurt Kikuchi became.

In fact, Zhu xiuichi's subsequent performance of his duties shos the change in the other party's attitude. the more her homeork gets dirty, the more mistakes she shouldn't make, and the red letters ritten by Keika takayama's teacher bee harder to read. more and more are ing, more and more dense.

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