

第41章 尤哥特的回声(2 / 2)
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All the forceful and careful ments seem to be a teacher's concern for the student, but in reality, for Shuichi Kiku, every red ord is a sign of standing up, privately admitting one's mistakes, and confessing the truth. this is the mouth of Keisho takayama, ho is an instructor for doing so. .

``teacher Gaoyama huixiang is a very mature and calm teacher ho is good at strategizing.'' Li Jian'an slightly raised the corner of his mouth, as if looking at Zhu xiuyi himself, shoing a hint of sarcasm toards Zhu xiuyi's duties. , \"Zhu xiuyi hid the truth for his on research. but there is a price for lying.\" my body as so heavy that I couldn't sleep at night, felt like I as going to collapse, and couldn't concentrate on my studies. ”

``If you had a teacher like this by your side, you ouldn't be able to help but ork hard.'' Naomi miizaki shivered, imagining that if she had a teacher like this by her side, she ould definitely bee the most diligent student in the class.

Li Ka'an closed her homeork book and said, ``It seems like I have a general understanding of the background of hanako's story.''

\"but hanako's existence cannot be confirmed yet. So hy did Kiku Shuichi suddenly disappear in the toilet? as he really taken to hell by hanako... these questions cannot be explained ” Naomi mitsuzaki as still confused and felt a little disappointed.

Li Ka'an: \"Let's keep looking. there are no more clues.\"

Naomi miizaki nodded and searched takayama huixiang's office again ith he Jia'an. At that time, Li Jian'an found a letter under the folder. the ords ``resignation'' ere clearly ritten on the front of the letter.

Keisho takayama actually resigned!

I opened the resignation envelope, received the letter, and read the folloing: ``As a mother, I ould do anything for my daughter hen she died, and I ould do anything for those ho didn't treat her badly hen she as alive, but as a human being,'' she said, ``I can't do that to my teachers and students.'' I'm alays so inadequate.

At first I anted to do something else as a mother, but I decided to leave these things to my daughter to choose and handle on her on.

think I'm crazy and talking nonsense.

In summary, I've been feeling a little confused lately and a little tired, so I've chosen to leave.

I ill inform the director. ”

hen misaki Naomi sa this, she couldn't help but sympathize ith her teacher, Keika takayama. After his daughter leaves, he finally loses his conscience and chooses to quit his job. As a single mother, she as able to do it again. hat?

Unlike misaki Naomi, he Jian as obviously concerned about the other parts of the letter and froned a little. ``Keika takayama said ``everyone,'' but other than Shuichi Kiku's ``mental torture,'' hat did he do to others?'' ?Also, this person ho as not good to my daughter hen he as alive...she... ho do you define this type of person? ”

\"but e have already looked into everything he can find here, and there seems to be no other clues...\" After he Jian's analysis, mitsuki Naomi also said that Keika takayama's From the torture to Kiku Shuichi, I felt a shiver don my spine. . Judging by their means, this teacher may be suffering from some sort of mental illness due to her daughter's death, and is truly capable of doing hatever crazy thing she ants.

then, Naomi miizaki suddenly realized something, her heart tightened, and she looked at hae Jang ith ide eyes, “the biology class, the biology class that I can’t get out of, does it also have something to do ith Keika takayama? ?”

Li Jia'an raised his eyebros and said, \"I as in a hurry, so I alked too fast. I didn't have a very good impression of this classroom. You've been there for a long time, haven't you? In the classroom. hat did you see?”

Naomi misaki's breathing quickened, her hole body felt cold, and she hispered, \"In the biology classroom, there are corpses, deposed corpses, and many human tissues preserved in jars. And... there are strange pictures magically dran on the blackboard. dry.\"

After suddenly knoing the origin of the human tissue soaked in these medicine bottles, hen he sa Sakinao's beauty again, the fear that could not be easily subsided ent straight to the bottom of his heart. A cold chill seemed to surround him from everyhere, and there as a panic that had to be fought on all sides.

\"picture?\" Li Jia'an froned and asked carefully, \"can you outline hat the picture looks like?\"

Naomi miizaki took out the school emblem of Kisaragi high School from her pocket and turned it over. \"I may not remember the exact details, but on the back of Kisaragi high School's school emblem is the outline of a circle, ith various obscure symbols and graphics dran on it. ”

hen he Jian'an sa the outline on the back of Naomi miizaki's school emblem, the rinkles beteen his eyebros deepened. he took the banknotes from the table, found a relatively clean piece of hite paper, and began draing the outline and school emblem, pleting the magic circle pattern there as if he had knon it beforehand. Set the bits according to the characteristics of the description.

hoever, he Jia'an intentionally did not dra the hole picture, and Naomi misaki did not say anything until he Jia'an's painting as finished. hen I sa that he Jia'an had dran a circle pattern that still left an impression on me, I immediately said, \"Yes! this is the picture!\"

\"As expected!\"hearing this, he Jia'an pulled out his pen, tore up the paper of the magic circle he as draing, and thre it all aay.

Noticing a layer of seat on he Jian's forehead, Naomi mitsusaki couldn't help but ask ith curiosity: “Uncle, ho do you kno about this magic circle model?”

“because I sa it.” Li Jian looked at Saki Naomi ith plicated eyes, looked out the indo, and first murmured, “beach, seaside, let’s make friends…drake, you personally brought me here.” No onder I sent you. e, you seem to feel it.” that. \"

he Jia'an then explained to misaki Naomei, \"I've seen this alignment pattern before. It's part of an ancient sacrificial ritual, and it's a special alignment pattern used for sacrifices.\"

“hat is this consecration ceremony?”

\"Let's call the sea monsters and have a feast. the ingredients are humans.\"

223 people are looking for a ay out

If it's a sea monster, everything should be explained.

to years ago, in the city of Liuhuagang in china, to supernatural gods, an ancient sea monster and an alien giant fish, ho ruled and enslaved humanity, caused mysterious factors hen Lihuagang as revived. interrupted, tragically sealed, and fell into the depths. state of floing again. sleep

there are only a limited number of people ho kno the truth that the orld has almost been destroyed this time, but even those ho kno the truth still don't kno ho it is or ho they prevented this disaster.

If Yu Lianyun hadn't itnessed this incident and it as his former boss, he probably ouldn't have had the chance to learn about this thrilling adventure from Yu Lianyun.

of course, Li Jian also kne that although Yu Lianyun shared his experiences ith him, the other party had more secret details that ere not actually knon, but he did not let anyone tell them in detail. It as.

Li Jia'an as about to ask, but at this moment in Yu Lianyun's scared and hesitant eyes, he felt the other party's mood. It asn't distrust, it as a kind of protection. that seemed to be the truth of the matter. the feer people kno about it, the better. ell, it's better not to kno.

mr. Li Ka'an chose to respect this and ultimately did not investigate or ask any further questions. he uses a lot of his free time hile in the infirmary to search for information about sea monsters and big fish, and finally the true appearance of sea monsters and big fish is revealed and everything is clear. I guessed it. please leave their name here.

the true identity of the sea monsters, as ell as the big fish, is a terrifying alien god ith the code name ``thousand Fantasy moon'' ho lives in a dimensional space that is the exact opposite of living things, as recorded in the top secret files of a mysterious detective. be. real orld la. , an extradimensional space called the living dimension, the underorld, or the inner orld of the orld.

considering this, hae Jian more or less guessed that the orld of blood moon that he and Naomi misaki had destroyed back then as the dimension here thousand Fantasy moon existed.

but hy haven't he and Naomi misaki been attacked by otherorldly creatures until no?

maybe it’s boss Lin’s Ne Year’s red envelope?

Li Jian'an couldn't help but look at the red Ne Year's gift in his pocket. It seems that the poer of this red envelope as stronger than I imagined.

It is said that hen animals in the other orld smell the negative emotions of people ho have been hurt in this orld, they run aay desperately for a bite, like a hungry animal that smells barbecue spice.

Naomi misaki exposed her fragile mental state many times in this orld, and expressed her feelings of fear and sadness many times, but because she as protected by Ne Year's Red bao and as by her side, she as not attacked. .

on the other hand, before she met Naomi misaki, she as almost attacked by an unknon creature summoned in the biology classroom.

If you think about it, if Naomi misaki pleted the magic circle, it ould be part of a thousand phantom moons.

thinking about it, he Jia'an still felt anxious, but at least he understood his situation more clearly, so he as not as confused as before. this further understanding ill help him survive. of course.

Unlike he Jia'an, misaki Naomi as a little confused by he Jia'an's explanation until no.

``Sea monsters that eat people are very mon stories.'' maybe it's because she has seen too much of the orld today, but Naomi misaki is no afraid of the images of those horror stories. do not have.

Li Jian'an didn't feel like talking to the girl anymore, so he grabbed the other party's rist and said, \"No, thanks to your timely reminder, I finally understand our current situation...\" A part that briefly explains the orld of another orld. concept.

\"then ill e be able to escape from this other orld?\" Naomi miizaki asked eagerly.

“Yes, as long as e can find the space passage.” Li Jian nodded, thought for a hile, and said, “Kisaragi high School should use this magic circle multiple times to perform a blessing ritual. Each time the ritual is performed, they It ill open a spatial passageay. I think it is there.'' there should be a spatial passageay hidden in the biology classroom you just entered, but it is occupied by the sea monster from earlier, and from no on. You can’t get out of there.”

``oh, hat more can I do?'' misaki Naomi's excited smile turned into a slightly disappointed look.

Li Jia'an loered his eyes and said, \"You can alays look for it. the emblem of your school is that you can use a magic circle to summon sea monsters. In addition to doing this, e also learned that ``this school's fact that the group knos about it and can use the magic circle means that there are other spatial passages in this school, and if they can find them, they can escape.'' is\"

Naomi mitsusaki's eyes suddenly sparkled ith life again, and she said excitedly: \"then let's quickly find a ay out. I don't ant to be here for a second.\"

Suddenly, he turned aay from the guests and alked forard, dragging he Jian'an ith him.

Li Jian'an did not rush the pace and said seriously to the other party: It does not release negative emotions. Emotional behavior is not easily expressed, even if e have feelings. there are ordinary animals in this orld that attract negative emotions. If you do not ant to die, it is better to maintain a eak attitude of mind. ”

Facing he Jian's serious gaze, Naomi miizaki could only nod obediently.

\"the design of the school emblem is related to the principal. I ent to see the principal's office. If the spatial layout of the school remains unchanged, the principal's office should remain the same. No.\" do you have it? ”Li Jian asked misaki Naomi.

Naomi mitsusaki quickly nodded and dragged he Jian to the top floor of the school's administration building. the door number in the first room up the stairs said \"head office.\" he pointed to the number on the door and said, \"this is it.\"

the to alked side by side, and Naomi miyazaki alked back behind he Jia'an, never letting go of his hand. Li Ka'an alked forard and secretly atched the situation in the principal's office from the hallay indo.

hen they reached the glass indo, the to quickly gathered themselves, the inside of the director's office as already covered in blood and seat, sticky protoplasm and oil ere leaking from their bodies, and blood as floing out. bodies of all kinds, human-like and non-human, float on a membrane of flesh and blood and protoplasmic fluids, floating and draining like souls that have been salloed inside but haven't had time to digest. Flo. In eternal pain in the body of a monster. , can't resist.

\"hmm...\" Naomi mitsusaki couldn't help but feel curious and actually took another look. this seam almost scared his soul. he remembered his agreement ith he Jian and stifled another scream. cover your throat and mouth ith your hands.

he had just seen a tragically deceased person in blood, flesh, and protoplasm. his appearance as very similar to mr. daichi mano hom I sa during the day...

224 people suffered

hen he realized that the figure as probably the undigested mano daichi, his eyes of fear and despair almost collided by chance. Naomi miizaki felt like she had fallen into the abyss. In hell.

\"please leave quietly.\" Li Jia'an kne that he couldn't enter here. there as an escape room in the arden's office, but casually alking around as clearly a deadly act, so I decided to find another ay. If this school's spatial passageay is occupied by a part of Zenian Shizuki's body, then at least he has to find a safer passage than here.

“Uncle, I…I think I’ve met mr. mano.” Seeing he Jia’an dragging Naomi’s hard body, she as afraid that if she asn’t careful, she ould suddenly burst into tears. I hispered, trying my best to keep my voice from shaking. cry

but he Jia'an looked at her coldly and said, \"I kno, I just sa it.\"

\"Aren't you scared?\"

``there's no point in being afraid, so if you don't try to turn your emotions into motivation, you on't be able to survive.'' Li Jian'an nodded, his tone serious but gentle.

hearing this, masaki Naomi took a deep breath and nodded to he Jia'an, saying that she ould be rational and not easily give in to fear. he gritted his teeth and sloly folloed he Jia'an's footsteps toards the director's office.

but fate alays deceives people.

thump, thud, thud, thud, thud...

Suddenly, misaki Naomi's cell phone rang. Suddenly, the bell rang ith a strange melody and tone, echoing coldly and deathly throughout the campus, and instantly also penetrated the hearts of misaki Naomi and he Jiaan. protect.

the intense fear as as deep and solemn as a night of blood, and behind the life-threatening sounds, it seemed like mimiko as playfully mocking the to of them as they carefully tried to survive.

“hat… I didn’t expect you to hang up the phone!?” Seeing Zaki Naomi’s beautiful face turn pale in front of he Jia’an’s incredulous eyes, she felt unable to protect herself. I felt, I felt hopeless.

\"Let's go!\" Li Jian'an no longer cared that her phone as turned off. he thre aay Naomi misaki's cell phone, hich as causing trouble, and immediately ran aay ith Naomi misaki.

A loud \"roar\" sounded, and the hole orld seemed to tremble and tremble. the ground beneath the hallay they ere running in as heaving, rolling, and falling. Each time they disembarked, they alked on gravel that looked like it as about to fall. they both kne that if either of them let their guard don for even a moment, they ould both fall into the abyss of eternal destruction, salloed up by a gigantic monster from hich there ould be no turning back.

alk, run, keep running...

Roars, screams, roars...

ho can the human foot get rid of this desperate, insane pursuit? It's just a game beteen Ali and the great being at the top of the orld, and there's never a chance of victory.

Finally, they alked through the air, and after the pieces disintegrated, to of them fell into the sky, falling toards the unknon orld like a molten samp. the mysterious body split in to and opened its huge mouth. , an abused mouth enough to sallo 2-3 truckloads. the mouth has many intricate holes the size of fists. Each hole expands and contracts to the rhythm of mouth sounds, and is covered ith stinky hite spines. At depth, they have deep orange light like the sun in their large mouths, but instead of soft light, they only emit cold temperatures.

Seeing this scene, misaki Naomi pletely lost her mind. he had already predicted his tragic death.

Surprisingly, he has not yet faced mimiko's final challenge to kill the curse. Instead, he has to undergo a normal death from the samp monster's digestive fluids.

but hen I closed my eyes tightly, I felt myself being held in a arm, albeit not very ide, embrace.

It as an uncle's hug, he hugged me.

Naomi misaki, ho as in despair, felt the last and greatest peace in this orld. he left this terrible orld to relax his body and torture and destroy him in every possible ay.

inter inter inter!

there as an explosion of flipping, flapping, and impact, and ith he Jian's continuous groans, misaki Naomi felt like she as falling heavily to the ground.

Even though her head as on top of he Jian's and the human flesh pads helped absorb most of the impact of the fall, misaki Naomi still suffered from the severe pain and pain caused by falling from such a high place. I felt numb. the ringing in my ears as like tin peaks, and the sharp sound of a monster almost penetrated my entire brain.

Vaguely, Naomi mitsusaki felt like she heard something screaming in anger and disgust. then a sound like aves rolled aay from her.

hen misaki Naomi opened her eyes, she realized that she and he Jia'an had fallen into the second floor hallay and ere probably lying in the ruins. Li Jian'an as lying under her body, groaning in pain, and her blood as like a blooming floer. A similar flo sloly floed from the back of his head.

“Uncle, uncle, uncle!” mitsusaki Naomi came to her senses and patted he Jian’s face enthusiastically.

Li Jiaan sat up a little, but the orld in front of him had changed. It as broken and inplete. the orld he sa as inplete, like a blocked lens. half of it as visible, but some parts ere inplete. he is half black and appears to have suffered brain damage from the fall earlier.

hen Naomi sa hae Jang regain consciousness, she cried happily, saying, \"Uncle, please don't die. I don't ant you to die.\"

\"die...I can't die no.\" Li Jian'an covered his head and forced himself to sit don. hen he sa Naomi Saki alking behind him, he as shocked to see the other person's brutal injuries. Not only as there a lake of blood and flesh behind him, the difference as not that big, but the most important thing as that the scalp at the back of his head as broken, exposing blood and flesh. I could even see him being beaten alive and the blood ouldn't stop floing.

Seeing this scene, Naomi misaki hurriedly moved her body up and don, looking for something to help clean or bandage the ound, but unexpectedly she felt a familiar lump that looked like a brick. I did.

hen Naomi mitsaki took the trembling cell phone out of her pocket, she realized that the cell phone that had been thron or broken had been returned safely.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated again and rang loudly. And it as also that strange melody that chases death and souls.

Li Jian as unconscious and unresponsive. At that moment, she hears a ringtone and learns that the cell phone she thre aay has been returned to Naomi miizaki. he turned sloly and reached for his phone.

“Uncle, hat do you ant to do?” Seeing that Naomi qi didn’t let he Jiang pick up the phone, she asked in confusion.

\"...Anser.\" Jian Li rolled her eyes frequently and trembled.

Seeing he Jian's appearance, misaki Naomi cried and shook her head. he frantically opened his cell phone and ansered the call.

\"Naomi... I came to hang out ith you.\" In the video, the girl can be seen smiling happily in front of the camera, and as she smiles, Kana Kurosaa's face falls from the scar that didn't quite fit on her face. he descended, revealing a flesh and blood figure ith round eyes.

225 Escape (2-in1)

hen he sa the smiling face of a live model in a video chat, his heart as filled ith emotion. Zaki Naomi sa he Jian's blood next to her, instinctively anted to rely on others' movements to stop her, gritted her teeth, thre herself don, mustered up the courage to go outside, and put the phone in front of her. It as divided into to parts. hoever, the broken phone continued to ork, the damaged screen flashing and playing mimiko's dark face, and the damaged speaker continued to emit ghostly sounds from time to time. laughter

the feeling of fear did not go aay, but rather it became a little strange.

``If you have the ability, you can repair my cell phone again.'' Naomi mitsuki replied, ``If you have the ability, hy don't you pretend to be a cell phone repairman and scare me?'' ” he said firmly.

“haha.” eak he Jian suddenly heard misaki Naomi’s ords, and although he as exhausted, he still found her amusing.

``Uncle, please don't die.'' misaki Naomi said orriedly after hearing he Jia'an's voice. he sat on his hips and stared out into the quiet, dark surroundings, realizing that the problem asn't over yet. “can you still stand up??”

Li Ka'an didn't say anything, but reluctantly moved his legs, stood on misaki Naomi's shoulders again, boed his head, and said, \"I can't die no, let's go quickly.\"

Seeing he Jian's appearance, Naomi Sakin's nose hurt. he supported he Jia'an and alked in the direction he pointed, saying ith a guilty feeling, \"I'm sorry, it's all my fault...\"

\"that's right... it's your fault, so I have to take responsibility, but please don't die here, otherise half of my life ill be asted.\" In order to save energy, he Jian almost said, I alays alk ith my eyes closed. , only occasionally lifting his eyelids and staring at the road, he kne hat misaki Naomi as thinking hen she heard his ords.

Naomi mitsuki pursed her lips and did not shed any tears. he kept all his sad feelings inside. her eyes ere red from holding him. he didn't have the courage to speak again because as soon as he opened his mouth, guilt rose in his throat along ith a stinging breath. And my heart can't stop crying.

hoever, he Jian felt that his body as getting colder and colder, his consciousness as gradually fading, and the pain from the ound on the back of his head as gradually eakening. he kne he as feeling unell, so he hispered, \"please say something. please don't say anything. I feel so eird.\"

\"Yes.\" Naomi Saki sa tears floing from the corner of her eyes, and quickly iped them aay. \"the uncle ho saved me earlier as very beautiful,\" she said in a nasal voice. told.

\"...the pas are too thin no. I on't hurt them, right?\" Li Jian'an said, boing his head.

\"No, you're protecting me ell.\" misaki Naomi couldn't help but laugh and quickly iped the corner of her eyes.

Li Jian: ``If I ere you a fe years ago, you ould definitely be addicted to my strong chest muscles.''

\"Fuck, fart, I don't kno ho to do it.\" misaki Naomi as a little embarrassed, moved her mouth a little, and said, \"Even ithout this, I can already feel the old man's charm.\"

“...have a vision.”

“Uncle, if you e out, could you please ait until graduation?”

\"Agreed.\" Li Jia'an couldn't even lift his head, and felt the ringing in his ears getting louder and louder, so he suddenly couldn't hear hat Naomi Naomi as saying.

but even if he couldn't hear her voice, he couldn't understand her no, but hen he heard masaki Naomi's voice, he Jia'an felt calm in his heart, and his hole body pain as not something that as \"mentioned in the poll.\" his attitude as unprecedentedly peaceful.

misaki and Naomi also noticed that he Jian's reaction as gradually decreasing. the road ahead as getting darker and darker, and I could hear a high-pitched echo ing from behind. Even though I as scared, ith my uncle's guidance, I took it step by step. Even hen I gave him instructions, he didn't say \"stop,\" so he couldn't stop.

Even if this hope leads to a dead end, no that he has no purpose, hat he Jian'an said before is the only hope for him.

Step, step, step...

hen! hen! hen!

Footsteps could be heard from the depths of the dark hallay, and the sound of empty death bells could be heard from the campus bell.

the diffused darkness still lingers like a dark fog, aiting for life to disappear.

misaki Naomi dragged the heavy he Jia'an forard step by step, but she didn't kno hat to say, so a hesitant smile appeared on her beautiful desperate face, \"Uncle, you. can I sing for you? Anything is fine, don. don't say anything bad about him, no matter hat condition he's in. ”

hat a onderful, tall old clock!

It's a grandfather clock

It didn't stop for a hundred years

It's a atch I'm proud of.

this is the morning my grandfather as born.

a atch as bought

And no the clock stops orking...

Naomi misaki could no longer hold back anymore and fell to her knees, covering her face and crying.


the footsteps got closer and closer until they finally stopped right in front of him. Naomi miizaki cried and screamed hysterically. \"Kill me or behead me! I on't resist! It's no use! hen I die, I'll forget!\"

``...classmate, hat are you saying or doing!? ait, hat happened to this guy!? he's seriously injured!'' hen Naomi miizaki as in despair, she sa a nearby A strong flashlight shone from a distance, piercing Naomi Saki's eyes, causing the person holding the flashlight to scream in panic.

\"huh?\" Naomi mitsuzaki as a little confused. She opened her tear-clouded eyes and looked around again. he noticed that although the sky as dark, the moon outside the indo as bright and perfect. there as no trace of the murderer's blood. the guard ho had been standing in front of him stood next to him. he uses a pager to call his panions hile he examines the unconscious hae Jang's ounds.

Suddenly, Naomi mitsusaki screamed uncontrollably again, this time her screams became even louder and louder.

``hat, do you think I'm dead?'' Li Jian'an rubbed his head shyly and looked at himself standing barefoot in the forest hut, earing a hospital gon, and his eyes disappeared and his head turned the pain stopped and the injury disappeared. other than my eak legs, I as as healthy as if I had never died.

\"captain Li, you eren't dead in the first place.\" ei Jiang, dressed in red, placed a hand on the other's shoulder. ith gentle pressure, he Jia'an's feet firmly planted on the ground and stopped floating.

\"Really?\" hen Li Jia'an heard this, he felt relieved for some reason. \"Until he dies, the problem isn't over. I'm orried that if people find out here he is, he'll die ith his eyes open.\"

\"don't orry, I can invite you back any time.\" ei Jiang smiled slightly and stroked the chain around her aist.

he Jia'an: \"I didn't expect your child to be playing in such an unusual ay right no.\"

he shook his head sadly, as if he had seen his former rades fall.

ei Jiang pretended not to understand the other person's joke and said, \"tell me, hat's going on no?\"

Li Jian'an stopped making trouble and ent to the front desk ith ei Jiang and explained the hole story.

\"...I as on the verge of my Ne Year hongbao ability activating again. Actually, I didn't eat because I as afraid of going on a strange tuesday. but I almost mitted suicide.\" \"that's to protect the girl as a meat pad. I fell to my death, but luckily I found a ay out before I lost consciousness, and the girl Ji mei, ho as still able to move, dragged me out.''Li Jia'an feels sad hen she recalls this experience. he too as so excited that he escaped death.

hen talking about this, he Jia'an couldn't help but laugh at ei Jiang. “You can go out no, and I have to thank this boy, xin Junmao, and his pet? If I didn’t get the hint, I couldn’t find it at the last moment. I’ll go home. I as on my ay.”

Just hen mimiko's video call caught Naomi misaki's attention, Li Jian'an seemed to notice that miss Zhao and xin Junmo suddenly appeared in the darkness. to be exact, it as mixed. they appeared and approached him. the guide may have been secretly cleaning up the ``dirt'' in this hallay, otherise he ouldn't have been able to leave ith Naomi misaki so smoothly.

``Next time, if e can meet again, I ill do my best to repay you.'' Li Ka'an smiled and looked at president Lin, ho as atering the only potted plant in the store, and smiled a little. Soothed. “president, could you tell me hat is happening in Sakurajima no?”

After this ordeal, he Jia'an discovers that there are many strange things on Sakurajima, including mimiko's curse. he is no convinced that it is a \"blessing\" of the poer that once appeared to Yu Lianyun. Also, cursing hanako may also be a blessing.

After giving ater to the amaryllis on the table, Lingling gently aved her hand to scare aay the black cat that as trying to bully the small red floer again. he then turned and ate the deformed octopus and said, \"there are too many situations. hat do you think?\" ho should I ask? ”

hearing this, he Jian as silent for a hile, and then asked respectfully. \"I ould like to ask you, hy did the 'blessing' appear again? Logically speaking, the 'blessing' has spread and its poer should not change again...\" I'm sure from the beginning It should have been.”

And then, Yu Lianyun did something that as almost dangerous to all of humanity. In order to diminish the importance and poer of the blessing for the recipient, he released the source of the blessing and spread it throughout the orld and even throughout the universe.

this ensured that the blessing did little harm to the recipient and as not greatly affected. Even for someone like Yu Lianyun, ho as in close contact ith the poer of the blessing, hen the blessing as finally realized, he ould not die.

therefore, hen mimiko's curse appeared, he Jian as surprised to find that the blessing became even stronger and he as able to kill people again.

In response to this question, Linlin ansered ith a smile, ``Since e can disperse, of course e can gather together.''

hejia'an tongkong cringed and asked, \"Is it possible that someone is using the poer of the blessing? but... ho is that possible? In fact, I kne about the existence of the blessing much earlier. there are people.”

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