

第40章 和谐的永恒斗争(1 / 2)
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在历史的史册上,伊丽莎白·桑菲尔德和塞缪尔·布莱克索恩的最后审判的故事证明了不屈不挠的人类精神和无私的持久力量。et to pick up the material package hen leaving.

before leaving, he Jian looked at the slightly panicked figure in front of the kitchen stove, ho as still thinking ith his eyes.


chai Jiro shouted and crouched don in front of he Jian obediently like a doll.

Seeing this scene, he Jian did not forget to force the dog one more time before leaving. It's rare to meet such a kind and ell-behaved dog. the opportunity as so rare that he couldn't let it pass.

Gouzi as an eye-catching person nearby, and he Jiaan felt a kind of familiarity ith Gouzi, as if the other person kne him.

In the end, hile Shiba Jiro grudgingly plained, he Jian left Uta Ryoko's house.

Along the ay, he Jian as thinking about here to investigate next. he kne that Utarako as lying.

As e have carefully observed the customs of the people of Sakurajima, e have found that there are many unique ays in hich the people of Sakurajima place their shoes at the entrance. Residents ill be pre-fitted ith indoor and outdoor footear for permanent residents of the home.

hen going in and out of Utarako's house, he Jian'an noticed that only his shoes ere in the entrance hall of Utarako's house. therefore, Utarako as actually a single oman, or a oman living alone. he said there ere people aiting for dinner inside the house, hich as clearly not true. besides, it as probably just an excuse to get rid of myself.

``So hat exactly happened?'' Li Jian'an thought as he alked toards Kisaragi high School.

Naomi misaki came to the school library during recess and finally discovered information about ``mimiko'' in the school calendar attached to the library.

``this is a group photo from this year's entrance ceremony. this person is mimiko.'' Naomi misaki as amazed at the beauty of the high school students in the photo. Even if you ignore the filters of the time, the aesthetics of the time, and the lo pixels of this square inch, she still found the most beautiful girl in this photo a. Groups can be seen at a glance.

\"Rumi Kaakami\". hen Naomi mitsusaki read mimiko's real name, she felt sorry for such an old and beautiful person.

buzz -

Suddenly, Naomi misaki felt her cell phone vibrating in her uniform pocket. he suddenly became nervous and trembled. he thought mimiko as making another fatal call, but the vibration only lasted a short time. hen a call rang on his cell phone, he felt a special long-lasting vibration frequency and calmly realized that it as just a message notification.

So I plucked up the courage to open my phone and check. hen I sa the message notification appear on the screen, I as relieved and a little happy because it as from he Jian.

Li Jiang: “ho is the progress?”

Naomi misaki leaned against the bookshelf, pursed her lips, and typed, ``After class, I came to the library to look up materials, and I just sa mimiko-senpai's inparable beauty.''

After sending the message, he secretly took a photo of mimiko and sent it to he Jian'an.

to seconds later, he Jian said, \"She's really beautiful. If I ere that age, I ould be able to chase her.\"

Naomi mitsusaki curled her lips and typed, \"hat as the result of the battle there?\"

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