

第40章 和谐的永恒斗争(2 / 2)
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he Jia'an: \"I happened to meet an ancient descendant of Rumi Kaakami...\"

Li Jian briefly explained hat happened to him. After reading the nes, Naomi misaki couldn't help but feel deep sympathy for the elderly mimiko ho passed aay. No one could survive the environment of the time.

She thought she might not be able to hold out for long, but mimiko-senpai as able to ithstand the pressure of school bullying and public gossip for almost a year ith a disfigured face.

buzz -

Li Jian sent another message, this time asking, ``I ant the accident to be investigated by the end of this year. Are there any itnesses at the school or anyone ho knos hat happened at the time of the accident?'' ta.

Naomi misaki understood and prepared to anser hile looking at the photo book. he as doing his best to find clues, but soon his eyes ere glued to his graduation photo and his inbox as quickly filling up ith the text he had just typed. delete this and replace it ith: \"I think e really found a itness to hat happened then. he's at the actual school.\"

After the message as sent, there as a fe seconds of silence, folloed by the message \"please be careful.\"

Naomi miizaki put don the photo book, returned the yearbook and photo book that she had taken from the library shelf, left the library, and ent straight to the teacher's private room next to the Experimental School chemistry.


\"please e in,\" a man's suspicious voice rang out in the room.

daichi mano, a first-year chemistry teacher and laboratory equipment manager at Kisaragi high School, spots a familiar student ing through the door. \"hey, I remember, you're... misaki-san from class 1 b. bar.\"

\"Excuse me, mano-san,\" misaki Naomi greeted a little cautiously.

daichi mano said ith a smile, \"don't be nervous. Is there any problem? or is there something you don't understand about your homeork?\"

Secretly biting her lip, misaki Naomi mustered up the courage to ask, ``mano-san, Rumi Kaakami...do you kno that person?''

\"Kaakami...Rumi\" mano daichi as stunned for a moment hen he heard that name, and then fell silent.

Naomi misaki felt like the temperature in her office had dropped several degrees, and her palms ere seating. After all, you never kne if your question ould offend someone ho as still a teacher.

daichi mano took a deep breath, looked at Naomi misaki, and said seriously: \"ho do you kno that name?\"

``by chance, I sa Kaagami-senpai, and after that, I learned that something terrible had happened to I looked at the school's past yearbooks, I found that one of the graduates in Rumi-kun's class as... the teacher as also there, so...I ould like to ask you about the accident.'' Naomi misaki said, shaking a little, then boed and said in a loud voice.

216 this is a lie

September 22, 2008 as a sunny day, and autumn as approaching, but it as still hot.

the students of class A of Kisaragi high School gathered in the laboratory. the students in the class ere divided into nine groups of four. Each group performed a chemistry experiment and pleted an experiment report.

today's experience is not simple, but it is not difficult either. It's just a slightly more plicated process, but most of the headache and difficulty is transferred to the equipment. basically, as long as there are no problems ith the lab equipment, great experiments can still occur even if students make mistakes. the chances of an accident occurring are as lo as inning the lottery.

hoever, a serious experimental accident occurred during such an experiment.

the student's face as hurt.

the lab equipment the student as holding had a hidden defect, hich alloed toxic gases generated during the experiment to leak through the defect during filtration, directly poisoning the student's face and eyes. the student as suddenly attacked by severe pain and let out a violent scream. there as a scream and lab equipment as slammed onto the table. the chemicals inside the equipment reacted violently due to various factors, causing an explosion and causing secondary damage to the students.

And that student as Rumi Kaakami. he immediately covered his disfigured, pitted face and fell to the ground, screaming and titching violently. his distorted and troubled body as like a cocoon that as constantly moving inside. hat as so scary? Something ill e out of his body.

daichi mano itnessed the hole story ith his on eyes. he as one of the members of the same experimental group as Rumi Kaakami at the time. he as observing the opponent next to Rumi Kaakami.

hoever, he as still a young man at the time. Instead of observing Rumi Kaakami's standard experimental procedures, he paid more attention to Rumi Kaakami's inparable beauty. the other person's eyebros, nose, mouth... everything as a calming place for him, and it as a fantasy. Until an accident happens and the girl he loves suddenly collapses. confused and at a loss, he as dragged out of the chaotic classroom by his classmates.

\"that's all I kno.\" daichi mano adjusted his glasses, iped his nose, took a deep breath, and said, \"my performance this time as really bad. If I could have done better at this point, If you can, please help me be more serious and observe the experiment carefully.''maybe he on't have an accident. Even if an accident happens, you have to get him out of the dangerous place as soon as possible... It as also after this accident that I decided to study chemistry ell and bee a professional in the future. As a responsible chemistry teacher, I ill do everything I can to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. ”

\"mano-sensei, you don't have to blame yourself so much. It's just a coincidence that has nothing to do ith you.\" After hearing about daichi mano's accident experience, Naomi masaki sees daichi mano's expression of remorse. I couldn't help but feel sorry for that person. the saddened teacher consoled him:

mano daichi loered his eyebros and as silent for a moment.

Seeing this, Naomi miizaki sighed in her heart and thanked her, ``Sensei, thank you for speaking seriously so that I could more intuitively understand hat happened at that time.''

hearing this, mano daichi came to his senses, coughed a little, raised his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and asked curiously, \"ho are you...Is there something rong?\"

In this regard, Naomi mitsuki as a little hesitant because hat happened to her as incredibly strange, but she still decided to grit her teeth and confess.

\"Kana Kurosaa?\" daichi mano as stunned for a moment, then said ith a disappointed expression, \"I remember. the experiment report he rote as very good, but it's a shame...\"

Apparently, the subject teacher daichi mano also kne about Kana Kurosaa's death.

Naomi misaki boed her head and said, ``Kana as my best friend, but I kno the real reason hy she died... She didn't mit suicide due to academic pressure. Although she as a very happy girl, she as \"alays orried about her studies. the reason he mitted suicide because he had a very big heart as actually because of Rumi Kaakami.\"

As expected, hen daichi mano heard Naomi misaki's confession, he suddenly looked confused and froned. thinking of human reason as an afterthought, it disrespects a dead human being! ”

\"It's true!\" Naomi misaki sore, covering her heart. \"mr. mano, you are a graduate of this school. You must have heard of 'mimiko's cursed Video phone.' Kana mits suicide. the day before, she and I received a video call from Rumi Kaakami,'' and e also connected...''

daichi mano shook his head in dismay, ``mr. misaki, hat you're saying doesn't make any understand, you must be in a mental corner right no...the teacher ill send you to the infirmary. \"And there you go. Your teacher ill help you and your class teacher. take a day off today, go home and rest, and pretend you didn't hear that stupid thing you just said. please don't tell anyone else.\"

hen her teacher didn't believe her at all and she didn't have enough convincing evidence, Naomi misaki had no choice but to give up, boing her head in despair and saying: I read it, I understand. thank you, mano-sensei. there's no need to take a break. Just think that e ere just talking nonsense until no. the class is about to start, so I'll go back to the classroom first.\" ith that, Naomi misaki turned her back to mano. he left daichi's office.

during lunch break, Naomi mitsugi came to the back room of the school and sat alone in a deserted corner, leaning against the school all and eating the fried noodles and bread she had bought in the cafeteria.

As I as eating, the bread tasted so bad that I almost cried.

there ere many moments during school today hen she anted to cry. It broke his heart to realize that there as still one person missing from his side.

\"hey.\" As tears elled up in Naomi misaki's eyes, the disdainful phone call made her hold back the tears. then she looked at he Jian, ho as leaning against the fence.

\"hat are you doing? hy are you here?\" misaki Naomi snorted, looking a little unfortable. Girls still don't ant to be seen making fun of themselves.

``I came here to meet ith you and share information about our respective investigations.'' Li Jia'an pretended not to notice that the girl as crying, then turned her back to him and sat don, leaning against the fence.

Naomi mitsuki also sat on the edge of the fence, their backs to each other across the gap in the fence.

Feeling the armth of her partner's back, Naomi misaki suddenly gained courage and enthusiasm and began telling the story she had heard from daichi mano.

After listening to the other party's report, Li Jian'an looked sadly at the sky, \"did he really say that?\"

\"that's really hat you said.\"

\"damn, the teacher might not be telling the truth.\"

Naomi misaki turned around in surprise, \"hat do you mean?\"

Li Jian turned around and said calmly: ``According to hat you just said, teachers mano-san and Kaakami-san ere participating in a study session on the day of the accident.''


\"Remember ho e experimented in the research group before.\" Li Jian'an anted to enlighten the girl, but he sa that the girl's eyes ere clear and stupid, so he could not do anything. All I could do as say, ``before e start the experiment, e need to hand over the experimental equipment to everyone. could you please check it ith me?'' but? hat kind of abrasive device ould prevent the four of us from discovering it?”

ith that said, he Jia'an took out his mobile phone again and opened the information he had just looked up on his mobile phone hile listening to Naomi Saki.

Naomi misaki looked at the photo on her cell phone. A young daichi mano held up a trophy in front of the camera and had a bright smile on his face.

``You, my teacher, ere a genius at chemistry experiments ho on a city aard long before you entered high you said that the test question for the experiment you did to in the aard at that time as a coincidence. ta. \"

School rumors 217 schools

\"Uncle, you ere so blatant at school...uh...\" Naomi misaki noticed that the other person had deliberately increased his pace, and immediately closed the distance beteen them.

At night, after the teachers and students had left, Kisaragi high School as particularly deserted under the cold moonlight, ith a lifeless, gloomy breeze, as if the floers had lost their vitality and color.

In such a dimly lit school, to figures ere leisurely alking don the school hallay. the sound of footsteps echoed in the silent building. All their hispers ere as if they ere in the valley. they occasionally heard the roar of filial piety.

mitsusaki Naomi looked at the empty classrooms passing by and folloed he Jian in a panic. occasionally, I could hear the sound of the bathroom faucet turning on at the end of the hallay. Every detail can trigger his endless nightmarish thoughts. he as alays aare of his surroundings, as if he ere afraid of something. Suddenly something terrifying appears from a dark corner.

Li Jian strutted don the third-floor hallay and said quietly, \"Isn't it just quieter than during the day? Is it really that scary?\"

``that's because I haven't heard the sound of running around this school!'' Naomi misaki grabbed he Jia'an's clothes on the back and folloed carefully, occasionally stepping on he Jia'an's heels in a panic.

Li Jian did not take it seriously. Although he as able to stabilize his body, his speed still sloed don to match the speed of Naomi misaki's movements. hearing Naomi misaki's ords, he immediately turned around and asked curiously, \"Are there any rumors about the school other than mimiko's curse?\"

``Like hanako-san in the toilet, there are many biological laboratories ith no entrances or exits, and schools used to be mass graves...Every story is terrifying!''Naomi miisaki, ith her bright almond eyes ide open, said tonight. I clearly said it as more beautiful than the moon.

Li Jian'an laughed out loud and asked curiously as he alked. \"Let's talk about it and see if you can scare me.\"

``No, if I tell you scary stories no, I on't be able to sleep even hen I get home today.'' Naomi misaki as very resistant.

``but there's something rong ith the school you go to.'' Li Jian'an stopped teasing the other person and looked at the dark corner around him. Although there ere Ne Year's red envelopes to ard off evil spirits, I still have a vague feeling that there are prying eyes here and there at this school.

he as all too used to the feeling of being atched. After all, he as being atched by eyes from another dimension during the years he lived in a mental hospital.

Naomi mitsusa gave up her reservations, directly grabbed he Jia'an's arm, and carefully folloed he Jia'an, \"Uncle, don't scare me.\"

“I'm not trying to scare you, it's a fact.” Li Jia'an shook his head, “I don't kno ho they are currently teaching general knoledge, but in china, courses in this field are taught at universities. It is taught only in

the so-called normal factors usually refer to various paranormal phenomena. Since it is a paranormal phenomenon, it naturally involves strange phenomena that are beyond human prehension. these anomalous phenomena are often limited by the range of activity that causes the anomaly. this is hat investigators call the \"normal range.\" Some of these areas have restricted access, some have unrestricted access, some are located somehere in the dimension of reality that e are in, and some are beyond the reach of ordinary people using their senses. Some exist in areas here it is not possible. In a different dimension of perceptual space.

In my opinion, the Kisaragi high School you study at is almost the same as the general field. Some normal factors are beyond the limits of human perception. ”

Naomi misaki as surprised and asked, \"did you discover something?\"

Li Jian'an did not anser the question, but stopped and said, \"e are here.\"

they came to daichi mano's personal office. there as an experiment classroom next to the office, here students conducted chemical experiments.

Li Jiang tried to open the office door, but found that it as firmly closed.

\"do you kno ho the other things fit?\" Li Ka'an looked at misaki Naomi.

Naomi mitsuki thought for a hile. \"I might be able to climb through the indo, but I don't kno if the lab door is locked.\"

the to of them took turns going through the front and back doors of the chemistry lab. After trying to pull out the door panel, mr. he Jian found that the front door as locked, and said to Naomi miizaki at the back door: “this place is locked, dear…”

the back door as empty, and Naomi misaki as nohere to be seen. I could vaguely hear the sound of the door pull ring being pressed, as if the door had been opened.

thinking that Naomi misaki had entered the laboratory first, he Jian immediately folloed. hoever, hen he enters the classroom filled ith the smell of reagents, he suddenly realizes that Naomi misaki is not there.

Naomi misaki is missing!

``Uncle, the door is open. I entered first. please hurry.'' Naomi misaki as very surprised hen she realized that the back door as unlocked. hen he entered the classroom, he didn't forget to call he Jian'an outside the classroom, but he quickly turned back. hoever, he bees confused hen he notices that there is no door behind him. he looked around carefully, ondering hat kind of chemistry lab this as.

Everyhere here is filled ith the stench of formalin and various types of biological decay. Arrange the shelves neatly all the ay to the edge of the classroom. on each shelf is a transparent jar soaked ith pieces of meat from an unknon animal. the semi-cloudy liquid is green like rotten pork bone soup...this place is clearly a biological laboratory!

Naomi mitsusaki felt her head start buzzing and her breathing suddenly bee faster. he realized that this classroom environment as rong. this classroom as surrounded by alls, had no exits, and had incorrect lighting in the environment.

he anxiously ent to the indo and raised his eyes to the sky. he sa a big red moon close to the ground like a big naked eye, and its red light spilled through the classroom glass.

Naomi misaki stared at the red light, covered her mouth in fear, and screamed. the things soaked in the bottles lined up on the shelf ere not animal carcasses, but clearly various human tissues. ah!

``Uncle, here are you...'' At this moment, Naomi miizaki ished she could hug her sick uncle one more time, but she kne she couldn't just sit there and ait for him to die. he already kne he had to break don the scary rumors at school. In the \"biology classroom You can't Leave\".

Naomi misaki knos the legend of the ``biology classroom You can't Leave,'' but unfortunately, this terrifying legend is like that of a eunuch. there is no full text. only the scary part spreads out. As for ho to escape from here, did the person ho first spread the ord do it intentionally, or did someone ho came later intentionally eaken or cut out the \"ay to escape\" to make the story more interesting? I don't kno if I did it. No no one knos about it.

``If the rumors are true, the person ho first spread the ord about this place might be the first to escape from here. If they can escape, that means it's the right ay to go.'' Naomi mitsusaki thought to herself and remained calm. I tried to stay calm.

218 different dimensions

hen Naomi mitsusaki turned around, she sa an unfinished picture dran ith hite chalk on the biology classroom blackboard. It looked like a spiral indmill. the blank spaces appear to have been intentionally removed, as if the teacher ere asking a question during class and asking the students to look at the blank and anser.

the more I looked at this photo, the more familiar it became.

Suddenly, an electric arc flashed in his head. he clapped his hands and tugged at his chest. hen you look at the school emblem of Kisaragi high School from the back, it looks like a blackboard.

he tore off the school badge from his chest. It as attached to nylon so it as easy to remove.

Naomi misaki turned the picture over and took a step back until the school emblem in front of her lined up ith the picture on the blackboard. he became even more convinced that his guess as correct.

``does our school's emblem have any special meaning?'' Naomi misaki as surprised. hat happened at that moment as so strange and magical that his attitude toards school pletely changed.

At the very least, former high school principal Kisaragi is not a good person. he founded this school because he had another dark secret.

maybe the other scary rumors going around at school are true. Kisaragi high School as located in a truly dangerous place. hanako and mimiko of the toilet, and all those ho ere injured or killed because of these to legends, are under this dark secret. victim

Kana died for this and is trying to follo suit.

thinking of this, misaki Naomi suddenly felt like she as no longer needed. If he had died foolishly, he ould not have been able to die peacefully. And he soon became more determined to reveal the truth.

``If the picture on the board has a special mechanism and you ant me to fill it in, I'll fill it in.'' Naomi misaki told herself that she anted to take the initiative and get things done, using the message that spoke to her. think outside the box and focus less on the scary environment.

Naomi misaki found a broken piece of chalk in a space on the inside edge of the board and randomly picked up a thick piece of chalk. I pared the details on the back of the school emblem, draing and carving it over and over again ith chalk. the picture on the board is finally pleted.

Finally, Naomi mitsugi felt the ground beneath her feet begin to shake, and ith the shaking, the corpse specimens lined up on the shelf fell to the ground, and the entire floor broke. the fishy odor and the formalin odor that as difficult to rub off disappeared. No, gradually fill up the entire biology classroom.

\"Ahem\" misaki Naomi felt dizzy from the pungent smell and continued to cough. All he could do as raise his arms and cover his mouth and nose ith his top clothes to avoid inhaling the foul-smelling gas, staring blankly at the ords on the blackboard. variety.

I could see that the board began to shake violently due to the earthquake. cracks began to appear in the center of the chalk-carved picture, and the cracks gradually spread out from small gaps around the periphery, dense like a spider's eb. purple magic light emanates from every crack. mimi hispered from an unknon place behind the crack.

Just hearing the sound and catching a glimpse of the demonic light made Naomi misaki feel like she sa a terrifying, hopeless being craling out from beyond the cracks.


Suddenly, Naomi misaki heard the sound of the door opening. A door that didn't exist appeared and it seemed like it as finally opened, but it felt like my hole body as filled ith lead, making it difficult to move. his eyes gradually lost blood and he could no longer blink or move. , As the light behind the board became stronger and stronger, he could only look hopeless, and despair gradually salloed his reason, but he couldn't even cry out.

\"Let's go!\" At that moment, a figure appeared in front of him, and ithout saying a ord, he took him and ran toards the door of the classroom, hich as narroed due to the space in the all.


Just hen this devastating roar as about to blo aay everything in the biology classroom, to close friends jumped out of the rapidly shrinking space, and the terrifying roar as also trapped in time and space just in the nick of time. It came to an abrupt end.

\"Are you sick?\" Li Jian'an didn't care even though her back hurt from hitting a concrete pillar and she could barely stand. he got up and ent to check on Naomi misaki.

the girl's eyes ere filled ith fear, her hole body as cold and stiff, and only her eyes could move. Seeing he Jia'an's sickly face and ig on his head tilted to the side, he as finally able to cry out loud.

\"hy did you e here!\"

Li Jian'an smiled bitterly and alloed the girl to push him don in his arms and hit him.

Just as a girl could not have predicted that she ould accidentally alk into a legendary biology classroom ith no exit, he Jia'an also had no idea ho to find the door.

Fortunately, both of us ere persistent and searched for the outside door of our respective spaces. hen Naomi misaki filled in a mysterious pattern and the pattern summoned a mysterious monster, Li Jiang finally suddenly appeared. hen he opens the classroom door, he finds Naomi mizaki aiting to die. hen her life as in danger, he immediately saved her.

After crying for a hile, Naomi mitsuaki calmed don, looked at he Jian, and exclaimed, \"Are you really an uncle?\"

``It's hot to be alive.'' Li Jia'an took the other person's hand and placed it on her chest, letting the other person feel it carefully.

through his clothes, she could feel his arm skin and the steady rise and fall of his heart beneath his chest. Naomi misaki finally felt at ease. he looked around suspiciously, and suddenly realized that the scenery here as still strange. It as dark, but there as also a layer of darkness. Red light filled the campus. I took a deep breath as I looked out the hallay indo at the sky.

``It seems like e...have not returned to the real are e...?'' misaki Naomi stared at her surroundings in fear. It as strange and yet nostalgic. Although the scenery as similar, it as pletely unfamiliar to him. Kisaragi high School as old, damaged, scarred, and in disrepair. Its decoration style is full of the aesthetics of the Shoa era of the last century.

Li Jian'an groaned, stood up ith his hands on his hips, looked around ith sharp eyes like an eagle's, and said, \"this is really not Kisaragi high School. to be more precise, it is not the current Kisaragi high School. .but the past Kisaragi high School.”

\"Is it possible for time and space to bee parallel...\" Naomi mitsuzaki never dreamed that she could time travel.

\"It's not accurate to say this. this is supposed to be a normal dimension that reflects some point in reality.\" Li Jia'an said, \"I've been in a place similar to this, but better than here. \"It's much more dangerous. this is the home of the planet's normal race. this normal race is cunning, hateful, and likes to capture children.\" ...I mean, I don't kno ho e got here, but there's got to be a chance to get out.\"

In fact, no matter hat he Jian said, misaki Naomi only felt that as long as the other person as there, she had a safe haven and could feel fortable enough.

Episode 219 hanako in the toilet

the blood moon shines high in the sky, and the school is full of ghosts. maybe it's a psychological problem. Naomi misaki feels like her dark face is rithing in a dark place ith no light. they are like people ho have gone through hell and are starving. In this ordinary orld, the devil is drooling over just to people.

Naomi miizaki prayed in her heart that she ould find an exit at the end of this hallay or somehere around the corner. but every time he alked through that quiet and deep old school building and prayed in his heart, he as filled ith fear and couldn't help but think about it. At the ends and corners of these corridors, there may indeed be some kind of hideous monster, silently aiting for the animals to e...

he is an ordinary high school student. he is an ordinary person ho hesitates even to touch a stray cat lying on the street. his courage is not parable to that of a professional, and he cracks don on anyone ho alks in front of him. An-An as born ith an aspiration. Gradually, I as dran to the other person's steady, steady pace and seemingly fearless calm expression, and I couldn't help but fantasize about the other person's past.

As an investigator, he has encountered many dire and hopeless situations, hich have alloed him to forge a heart of steel that has been forged thousands of times.

Uncle, you're beautiful even ithout hair!

he Jian's inhuman face observed his surroundings ith keen eyes, constantly checking to see if there as still a red Ne Year's gift. there must be something hidden in this ordinary dimension that is parable to the ``ghost orld.'' there are countless monsters.

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