

第43章 摩根博士(2 / 2)
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hoever, this does not mean that they have pletely exterminated all these monsters. After all, there are far feer people pared to them.

So, after successfully rescuing he Jiaan, the people of the Korean alliance started fighting and retreating, and finally gathered at the department store.

to members of the Korean Alliance are aiting at the store here. In fact, this store seems to have a spatial passageay that connects to the real orld.

\"Let's go!\" ith the adjutant's mand, he Jia'an safely evacuated from the other orld through the space passageay.

After returning to the real orld, I aited quietly for a hile. Gin matsumoto, ho looked like an evil spirit, also returned to the real orld, but most of the animals from the other orld ere standing in front of the passage, and only a fe ere chasing him. people jumped out, but the moment they exited the cosmic passageay, they seemed to have lost some kind of gift of life. Suddenly, their vision became dull and they appeared to bee real dummies, falling to the ground and falling to pieces.

members of the Korean Alliance activated some kind of scientific equipment that immediately closed a temporary space channel that they had apparently opened themselves by other means.

\"I'm sorry...there are still...to people left...\" Gin matsumoto stopped in front of the door to the spatial passageay and looked at everyone.

he Jian as a little surprised hen he heard this, but the other investigators remained silent. After that, the to investigators took the initiative and alked to Gin matsumoto.

In front of the surprised he Jian'an, matsumoto Yin sung his knife and cut off their heads.

233 origin of the curse

he remained silent in the car, but the Korean Alliance investigators inside the car acted as if nothing had happened. the driver as driving, talking to his teammates and sometimes playing. Some ere recording and reporting ork, hile others ere treating each other and their teammates' injuries.

matsumoto Yun sat across from he Jian. his face at this time as expressionless. he no longer has the relaxed, calm smile he used to have. he too remained silent for a long time. After sighing and breaking the silence beteen them, he said: “Li Jun, is there anything you ould like to ask me?”

``could you tell me the results of the investigation and the progress?'' Li Jian'an subconsciously tried to cross his arms, but the movement of his arms hurt the ound under the bandage, so he quickly loered his hands.

Gin matsumoto raised his eyebros and said, \"of course you can if you ant to ask.\"

``please also be aare that there is a disease called ``curse'' that has recently been prevalent in is spreading in the form of urban legends such as ``Unspoken Name'', ``baby Stealing Lady'', and ``bird''. ”. contains urban legends from momoki city that had a negative impact on victims, such as ``Slit Girl,'' mimiko's curse, and hanako's curse.

of course, I think you should also kno that mimiko's curse and hanako's curse haven't appeared recently. they appeared before the \"cursed plague\", but during this plague they manifested even more destructive poer.

According to inplete statistics, the number of people ho died due to mimiko's curse as over 20, most of them students of Kisaragi high School. the number of people ho have died or disappeared due to hanako's curse is not pletely knon, but if e consider that all of the people ho have mysteriously disappeared since the founding of Kisaragi high School have been affected by hanako's curse, the number reaches 50. ! “matsumoto Yin said to he Jian.

he Jian: \"hy don't you stop classes at Kisaragi high School sooner?\"

\"Unfortunately, if it eren't for mimiko's recent intensification and hanako's curse, hich caused an apparently normal observable death phenomenon, e ouldn't have really noticed ho strange this high school as.\" Gin matsumoto he said ith a bit of regret. ``After confirming the abnormality at Kisaragi high School, e requested the school's cooperation in immediately suspending classes.''

Gin matsumoto immediately continued as follos. \"As a result of data analysis by Korean Alliance researchers, it as found that hen Kisaragi high School as used as a radiation source, the closer the curse emitted by Kisaragi high School as, the stronger the curse effect ould be. the further aay the curse as, the stronger the curse ould be. , the effect of the curse ill be eakened.\"

``does that mean that people ho have fallen under the curse of mimiko or hanako ill be safe if they leave taom city as soon as possible, for example, if they flee directly to the interior of china?'' Li Jian'an asked. It's a bold and constructive idea.

\"that's not true. maybe I'm not expressing it clearly. the poer of a curse has no relation to distance in time or space. hoever, the birth of a curse has a relation to the distance from the place of birth. \"I'm just there.\" Kisaragi high School. It also has something to do ith the strength of the curse you ere born ith. the person ho curses a person and the effect that curse has on a person are only related to the manifestation of the curse at the time of birth. For example, those ho are cursed by mimiko cannot escape their bad luck, and even if they are cursed, they ill either die or bee if they run to the ends of the earth, there ill be no consequences. remains the same... Gin matsumoto shook his head.

hearing this, he Jian let out a long sigh. he also thought that if he could avoid the disaster in this ay, he could consider taking Zhimei back to china for the safety of the other party.

Gin matsumoto said in a lo voice, ``After investigating Kisaragi high School, I have finally bee convinced of one thing. that is, the recent spread of curses is closely related to the space passage. most of the curses in these urban legends are poers from the afterlife. No one knos hy there are so many cursed poers in the afterlife, but hat e do kno is that it happened multiple times in the land of Kisaragi high School. school. It can also be malicious.

more than a thousand years ago, the ancestors of this place orshiped sea monsters ho lived in the sea. the sea monster had a bald head, so hen someone looked at it, large human-like eyes appeared, like a human demon priest called \"Umibozu\". Villagers regularly prayed and orshiped Umibozu. Some people performed the necessary blessing ceremonies to receive Umibozu's blessings so that the fishermen could sail safely.

then the general just passed by this place. he and his generals became enraged hen they sa these brutal rituals and killed all the corrupt and depraved villagers. but before dying for the last time, this village magician hid a secret message and mystical poer in his last ords. Secret messages ere activated immediately. Since then, many phenomena have occurred in this country that are difficult for people to understand.

Although the Shogun did not kno this at first, he buried the mentally depraved villagers he had murdered under the soil of Kisaragi high School. the land near Kisaragi high School is knon locally as a dangerous place because of the most unusual phenomenon that has occurred.

From ancient times to the Shoa era, many dangerous incidents occurred in countries that suffered great damage. hoever, as modern people accepted scientific rationality, they gradually stopped taking the country of great evil seriously, and even the first students of Kisaragi high School remained malicious. the coach sa an opportunity. As a descendant of the survivors of a village massacred over a thousand years ago, he actually anted to imitate his ancestors and restart the ritual!

the first director learned from an old book that the Umibozu that his ancestors orshiped as actually the alter ego of a great being from another orld, and decided to use the poer of rituals to summon those living in another orld. other orld. divine ability thousand Fantasy moon, but this is not easy. It is difficult to achieve success even hen the generations are culminating, so the first generation of leaders persevered and made long-term plans. they anted to imitate Yu Gong Yishan and left the ceremony. I kept doing it one after the other, and I as lucky enough to think that I ould succeed sooner or later.

hoever, unknon to the first director, the ritual performed ith half a bucket of ater had an unexpected effect. Although they opened a spatial passage to another orld, the strange and frightening environment of the other orld instead attracted the poer of the curse, and they began to gather in the other orld and became part of the atmosphere of the other orld.

due to the evil influence of humans, the poer of the curse naturally gathered together and became knon to people as various urban legends. ”

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Li Ka'an understood hy the urban legend of Sakurajima had bee so idespread and thought about it deeply.

matsumoto Yin looked at he Jian, ho as deep in thought, and asked curiously, \"Aren't you satisfied that e used you?\"

“mutual.” hearing this, he Jia’an looked up and said quietly.

From the moment he escaped from the hospital ithout incident, he Jian clearly realized that the Korean Alliance agents behind matsumoto Yun had intentionally let him escape.

on the other hand, he anted to test he Jia'an's abilities and details. After all, it as clear to everyone that hat he Jia'an confessed in the hospital did not mean everything, and he definitely had doubts about the truth that as discovered.

on the other hand, I also ant to use he Jian to conduct a thorough investigation. the orld is too dangerous. Gin matsumoto cannot consider his on safety, but must consider the risks of organizing other investigators.

Finally, and most importantly, Li Jia'an himself is also a very uncertain risk factor. You must kno that the Lord of Yello Sand has spiritually contaminated he Jia'an. Gin matsumoto doesn't kno ho the other person got off psychotropic drugs and psychiatric treatment. In the end, he still remained outardly calm and as able to travel across the ocean to Sakurajima, but all he kne as that he Jian as a ticking time bomb and could be estranged at any time. Yes, and then it asn't. they should be left out in the dust. the huan family, servants of the Lord, are monsters that cannot be solved by human poer.

matsumoto Yun, ho dared to disobey his on organization's prohibitions and ent on the run, kne that he Jian'an as a \"volit\" ho as not bound by anything.

In this case, it is better to simply take advantage of the other person than to orry about provoking them by conflicting ith them.

hoever, matsumoto Yin alays underestimated he Jian's \"boldness\". he had just escaped from another orld and ran to another orld again.

Although disappointed, matsumoto Ying still has to ensure the opponent's safety, at least before the opponent sees him as a person and before he can still use he Jian. You can only follo.

Although he Jia'an could not pletely guess matsumoto Yin's thoughts, he could guess that the other party ould not just ignore him silently, so he ould act more recklessly than usual.

matsumoto Ying looked at he Jian’s eyes a little sarcastically. After being stunned for a hile, he probably understood the meaning behind he Jia'an's smile and couldn't help but smile.

\"don't you ant to hear anything about my knife?\" Gin matsumoto asked again, this time acting more calmly.

\"It must be a prohibited eapon in your chosen alliance. I've never seen it ith my on eyes before you use it, but I can't see you using it.\" If so, you can guess its abilities and effects.'' Li Jian'an took it out of his pocket. he took out a rinkled cigarette, put it to his mouth, and said quietly, ``this must be the Aman Konggyun sord, the magic sord mentioned in the legend of Sakurajima.''

“Your Excellency also knos about tiancong Yunjian.” matsumoto Ying sa he Jia’an smoking a rotten cigarette like that. hile saying this, he and his fello smokers asked for good quality cigarettes and a lighter, but he Jia'an refused.

\"thank you. I don't smoke. I'm just used to having something in my mouth hen I'm thinking. besides, I prefer the smell of cigarettes and don't like other cigarettes. I'm not used to it.'' Li Jia'an raised his hand and continued, ``tian chongyun Sord is the teacher ho introduced me to this industry hen I as a beginner. ``this is because e use this as an example.'' e study the eapons that are prohibited during certain operations. ”

``that's it.'' matsumoto Gin sighed ith emotion, looked at the old sord in his no nondescript hand, and said, ``It's certainly typical of a forbidden eapon. the decision to use force is determined by the price, and the cost is the lives of abnormal animals and people.”

\"If you can't use it, then don't use it. I heard that the oner of this magic knife ill eventually die and cause a lot of trouble to the people around him,\" Li Jian'an gently reminded the other party.

Gin matsumoto laughed and said kindly. \"I have a reason to use this knife, and I have a backup plan in case I lose control.\"

“Go back?” Li Jiaan raised his eyebros, but the other party only smiled as before and did not explain again, and he as too lazy to pursue it.

\"Yes, your question has been ansered. No it's our turn to ask you a question.\" Gin matsumoto smiled and asked seriously, \"has the curse of Kisaragi high School been lifted?\"

Li Jian scratched his head. \"I'm not going to take him seriously. In fact, he's just one person. Everyone else is a coincidence.\"

the original purpose as to break hanako's curse, but since the \"Unbreakable biology classroom\" had the same origin as hanako's curse, they succeeded in breaking it all at once.

hearing this, everyone in the car looked shocked and alarmed.

they came to another orld and ent to Kisaragi high School in another orld to search for he Jian. then they also discovered some hidden clues. Folloing clues, they discover the school's biology classroom, hich as supposed to be inaccessible. they couldn't believe it at the time. After confirming that the spatial passageay that as supposed to exist in the biology classroom had indeed disappeared for unknon reasons, e immediately deduced that this as the ork of he Jian'an.

No, ith he Jia'an's generous confession, everyone started paying attention to this S-class investigator from china. the other person's slightly cynical and calm demeanor deepens his mystery just a little.

\"can you tell me ho you did it?\" Gin matsumoto asked seriously. As he spoke, the hand gripping his fur tightened, as if ready to force the question by violent means.

Not just Gin matsumoto, but everyone in the car as ell.

damn, these dressed up animals are cute. Li Jiaan caught a glimpse of all those unpleasant and revealing small movements. I asn't trying to hide it no, I just said: \"Actually, it's nothing else. You have the tengu cloud Sord, and I have a magical secret eapon. ith this, he's good at cursing.\"

``could you please take it and sho it to us?'' asked Gin matsumoto.

Li Jian'an heard the meaning of matsumoto Yun's ords, or guessed the other party's intentions for further developments, and said ith a smile: I'm attracted to you no. Surrounded, I on't resist as there is no ay to retreat here. If you ant to dig me, you ill definitely find this.

but don't blame me for not remembering. If you ant this taken from me, you may have to pay a price orse and more painful than the curse. believe me, the cost is... death is not the end. ”

Yu matsumoto froned slightly, his eyes uncertain. he thought not about the possibility that he Jian as deceiving him, but about hether he should give up on finding out these things.

but other investigators at the scene didn't think so. the short-haired investigator crossed his arms and said in a lo voice. \"You're lying to us and you ant to intimidate us into taking aay prohibited eapons, right?\"

Li Jian'an smiled mischievously. Seeing that slightly cruel expression, the others suddenly froned in displeasure. Some of the investigators even got don from their chairs and grabbed each other by the chest.

“please understand your situation, you are in our hands no!”

\"please e quickly and pick up your things.\"

Some people didn't say anything and started looking for he Jia'an, moving their hands up and don.

Li Jian'an smiled and said, \"Actually, there's no need to do that at all. mine is better in my hands than in yours. Listen to me first. If you still think it's reasonable, then feel free to grab it. ”

matsumoto Yun thought for a hile, but still had no intention of agreeing to he Jian's teammate's research. After saying a fe ords, everyone ho came returned to their seats and said to he Jia'an: “Li Jun, let me listen to you. does hat you say make sense next?”

Li Jian'an leaned back in his chair and explained hile adjusting his clothes. \"You and I have the same goal. I ant to solve the problem of curses, and you ant to solve the problem of curses. At least that's essentially it.\" the interests are aligned. right? ”

``of course, please continue talking.'' Gin matsumoto shook his head.

“then hat I just said is true.” Li Jian took out a Ne Year's red envelope, half burnt, as if half submerged in ater, and said, “this is the secret magic eapon I said, and no I didn't lie.'' this red envelope recognizes its oner, in turn it recognizes me as its oner. I think everyone knos that some taboo things have the ability to recognize their oners. You can take it aay from the oner ithout leaving. the thief ill pay a price, it's the same thing.

I kno some people don't believe me, but think about it. If that's true, I don't ant anyone to die because of me.

besides, lying is still taboo. there is a fee to use them. If it falls into my hands, I ill pay the price and it has nothing to do ith you. No need to take any risks.

So, since e have the same goal and neither you nor I ant to suffer the consequences of bad actions, ould you like to ork together? Leave it to me, I ill use it. It can not only ensure your safety but also plete your mission. Isn't it the best of both orlds?

think about it, even if someone like me ith a grudge takes the initiative to put you in danger, I can easily die at any time. Even if I die, ill this magical eapon still be yours? ”

After hearing mr. he Jia'an's eloquent explanation, everyone looked at each other ith expressions of surprise. Finally, everyone turned to Kage matsumoto and decided that they ould make the final decision themselves.

matsumoto Ning looked deeply at he Jian and said, “I have to say that your eloquence persuades me.”

“So… hy don’t you cooperate?” Li Jian’an stretched out his hand and held out the invitation.

matsumoto Ning stretched out his hand and grabbed it, looked aay from the red envelope in he Jian's hand, took a deep breath, and said: \"So, partner, hat do you ant to do next?\"

Li Jian put the red Ne Year's envelope back into his pocket, handed it over, and said ith a somehat relieved expression: \"next…\"

don don don...

\"hello, I'm home. please ait a moment.\"

the door opened and a middle-aged oman ith an ordinary appearance appeared in front of everyone.

hen the middle-aged oman sa he Jia'an, she froned at first, but hen she sa that there as an elegant hite man near he Jia'an, she as surprised and said: ``oh, hy are you here, mr. Lee? ho many people are there?'' ho many days have you been here? No, hy are you... um, ho is this?'' In fact, he as a little confused. I as there. After meeting he Jia'an, ho had not seen him for several days, he noticed that he had bandages all over his body. the body looked like an injured patient ho had just escaped from the hospital.

\"It's been a hile, Utarako-san. I'm sorry again.\" Li Jian'an smiled slightly.

``hello, I'm a la enforcement officer. my name is Jin matsumoto.'' Gin matsumoto brought out a fake document he had prepared in advance and shoed his identity to the other party.

hen Utarako sa the certificate that Gin matsumoto shoed her, she actually didn't kno if the other person as real or not, but she immediately believed him after seeing Gin matsumoto's calm and relaxed demeanor.

Karako felt that the people ho came here ere cruel and thought that there as something rong ith her heart. he asked, a little unfortable. \"Excuse me, are you to here to give me advice?\"

\"No, I just ant to ask you a question,\" Gin matsumoto said quietly, looking around.

Faced ith the gaze of to groups of adult men, Uta Ryoko endures great mental pressure and remains silent for a hile. All he could do as shake his head and let them in.

hen they entered the house, Uta Ryoko made tea for the to of them as they sat in the living room.


I as sitting in the living room hen some movement in the house probably attracted the attention of the dog outside. Shibajiro, ho hadn't seen him for a hile, seemed to finally catch a hiff of his friend. he immediately ran in, smoking, and jumped in a ide circle. on he Jian's lap.

\"oh, Shibajiro is still doing ell.\" Li Jian'an as very impressed by this cute and clingy dog and liked it so much that he started petting the stray dog on his lap.

Gin matsumoto as a little surprised hen he sa this scene and murmured, ``this dog...do you both kno each other?''

\"No, this is the second meeting.\" Li Jian'an said ith a smile.

\"Yes, this is the second time he has e here.\" Karako checked Gin matsumoto as she brought him tea. \"but I don't kno if there is such a thing as eye contact, mr. Shibajiro. hen e met, I really liked him, like an old friend, and he as happy too.''I took the initiative to approach him. ”

``Is this hat it feels like?'' Gin matsumoto as a little surprised. probably because he thought the dog as cute, he reached out and tried to touch the other dog's head.


hoever, before matsumoto Gin's hand touched other parts, chai Jiro suddenly changed from a beautiful and handsome figure to he Jia'an's arm. ith a grim expression on his face, he opened his big mouth and bit into Gin matsumoto's hand. Fortunately, matsumoto Gin as able to avoid that. If you don't hurry, you'll get bitten.

\"Shibajiro!\" Utarako scolded Gouji, shocked. After Gin matsumoto stopped, Shiba Jiro, ho sa this, pretended nothing had happened and played a prank on he Jia'an's lap. he couldn't help but say to Gin matsumoto, ``Sorry, mr. La Enforcement officer, Shibajiro is a bit like a dog.''

Gin matsumoto “…”

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Is this a perception of life? It's clear he recognizes someone.

the pletely opposite attitudes toards Gouzi and he Jia'an made matsumoto Yun a little irritated. Although he acted humbly, he had his on arrogance in his heart.

both he and he Jia'an are orld-famous S-class investigators, and they pride themselves on being as good as he Jia'an in both appearance and ability, but no it seems that they have lost their true chemistry. . And the animals.

``So...hat do you both ant to advise about today?'' Utarako looked at them ith longing eyes. he as clearly home, but seemed more reserved than the to guests.

Li Ken stroked Shibajiro's hair, hich as resting on his calf, and gave Gin matsumoto a look, indicating that the other person ould ask a question first.

Gin matsumoto understood and said, ``Actually, our police recently restarted the investigation into Rumi Kaakami's plastic surgery reason is that ``mimiko's curse'' has recently bee popular in taom city...''

hen Utarako heard this, she as so nervous that she immediately asked, \"Is it true?\"

Li Ka'an also mentioned ``mimiko's curse.'' After that, I researched various routes and found that everyone in taom city, at least among young people in their teens to early 20s, knos about the existence of such a \"curse\", and some believe that this curse is real. Some people said that. they sa and heard people around them die because of it.

At the time, a beautiful girl at school as unable to ithstand the high pressure of school bullying and collapsed and mitted suicide. he as resurrected as a ghost. those targeted ill be found ithin seven days.

If a person responds to mimiko's request to be her friend, that person ill be taken by mimiko and disappear from this orld.

If you choose to reject mimiko, an angry mimiko ill cause the cursed person to die, cutting off their entire face hile they are still alive, causing them to die from blood loss hile still alive.

Uta Ryoko felt uneasy after hearing that terrifying sound. today, hen he sa he Jian'an and matsumoto Yin, ho claimed to be la enforcement officers, came to the door, he couldn't help but think even more, as if his orst suspicions ere confirmed.

``please calm don.'' hen Utako accidentally drops her teacup in her excitement, Gin matsumoto responds, ``Although not everything has been confirmed, recently there as someone ho died in the same ay as Rumi Kaakami. ” he forted her.

hen Uta Ryoko heard this, she as almost convinced, and as she collapsed, she grabbed her hair and said, ``I onder ho this could happen...''

Gin matsumoto observed Uta Ryoko's strong reaction, continued to arn her calmly, and said quietly: Since there are only a fe itnesses, I ould like to ask a fe questions on behalf of the la. ”

Karako as a little absent-minded and didn't seem to be listening to Gin matsumoto's story.

Gin matsumoto naturally noticed her, but ignored her and asked, \"Uta Ryoko-san, do you kno anything about Rumi Kaakami at that time?\"

Utarako looked orried and let her eyes ander.


Utako is shocked hen she akes up to Gin matsumoto's screams. then he came to his senses, stared blankly at Gin matsumoto, and heard Gin matsumoto repeat the question he had just asked.

Utarako then said ith a smile, ``Actually, I didn't have much contact ith Rumi Kaakami.''

``Your anser has nothing to do ith my question.'' Gin matsumoto's eyes stared straight at the other to children. contrary to his modest appearance, there as a sharp poer in his eyes, and Utaro said, ``I haven't heard from 's not like I don't kno 've been researching things from that time in detail, and it as beyond hat most people could see.'' I felt a little disappointed. he's a normal person, he's a stranger, and he as a little too persistent.''

Karako avoided looking at Gin matsumoto. ”

\"hat you said really makes sense.\" Gin matsumoto nodded and smiled a little.

Uta Ryoko as speechless, her lips trembled, and she loered her head. . In every ay. She is the center of attention herever she goes. classmates admire her, elders pay attention to her... She seems like a perfect beauty and alays lives near my house. It's school, I'm alays at home, and everyhere I go I hear people's good ments about mr. Kaakami. ”

``Are you jealous of him too?'' matsumoto Yin bent don slightly to observe the change in the other person's eyes.

Is there anyone ho doesn't envy her as a girl back then? Karako smiled bitterly, but her eyes held mixed emotions. ithin those feelings, Gin matsumoto harbored traces of hatred.

Gin matsumoto holds the teacup in both hands, feeling the armth of the cup's alls as he searches for the coldness, saying, ``You're jealous, you're jealous, you even hate him, right?''

hen Utarako heard this, she felt like a cat being alked by its tail. he suddenly trembled ith anxiety, his eyes ide and he hurried to defend himself. \"that's not true!\"

\"As the old saying goes, a good and perfect person's time must be someone else's child. If the only girl of the same age ho lived in this area at the time as pared to her, you ould definitely feel disgusted. You'll be angry and angry. Yes, it's not difficult to understand even the hatred toards Rumi Kaakami,\" Gin matsumoto said.

It seems that matsumoto Gin's ords encouraged Uta Ryoko. For a moment, Utarako seemed to remember a lot of scenes that gave her a headache. he couldn't control his expression, and his expression became a little grim. he clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and said:

hy should I pare myself to someone so unique and perfect? It is clear that they cannot be pared at first glance. Everyone ill enjoy it. the omen around me ho talk to malicious old men...they all do it on purpose. hen you pare me, you're obviously trying to pliment each other, but in reality you're treating me as a joke. ”

``So, if one day Rumi Kaakami suddenly falls on the altar, you ill laugh ith joy and even remember to alk on the altar several times.'' Gin matsumoto took a sip and looked straight at his dark opponent. continued. ``of course, you'd be happier if you kicked it alone, right?'' he said, poking her heart ith every ord.

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once again, Gin matsumoto sa through his thoughts. Utarako felt like a bird hose ings had been ripped off. he looked ugly ithout ings.

Karako stopped pretending and said, ``Yes, yes, I intentionally folloed his report. I as the one ho kept making an issue of Kaakami studying in the United States in the campus media, and the school all teachers and students.\" \"I couldn't stand it. I'll turn my attention to the other person so that everyone can notice ho ugly the other person is even at this point! In this ay,

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